Security Updates 2020-004 for macOS Mojave 10.14 (18G6020) & High Sierra 10.13 (17G14019) are now Available.
Today, Apple released macOS Mojave Security Update 2020-004 and High Sierra Security Update 2020-004. Below you will find Build Versions, Download Links, Update Sizes and previous Security Update Links. MacOS Sierra is no longer supported by Apple for Security Updates.
Apple listened to us! The 2020-004 Update reverts the 2020-003 changes made to the –ignore flag. After installing the update, you can now ignore major upgrades again.
After installing 2020-004 on 10.14 & 10.13 you can once again block major upgrades (Catalina). I mentioned this change in my Catalina 10.15.6 Patch Notes Article.
NOTE: This change is ONLY for UAMDM (User Approved Mobile Device Management) and Supervised Macs. If your Mac is not Supervised or part of an UAMDM you will not be able to ignore major updates.
In macOS Big Sur softwareupdate --ignore
is deprecated and no longer works. You will only be able to block minor and major updates for 90 days using MDM. Please file feedback NOW, if you need the ability to block minor & major updates in macOS Big Sur! Thanks for the clarification @mboylan!
I previously wrote about the situation here – mrmacintosh.com/10-15-5-2020-003-updates-changes-to-softwareupdate-ignore/
You can read up more on what happened below.
How do I keep track of all the macOS Build Versions?
I document all of the macOS Build Versions like the latest Mojave 2020-004 High Sierra 2020-004 along with most Apple Applications, XProtect, Gatekeeper and MRT updates in one database. You can check out the link below.
MacOS Mojave Security Update 2020-004 (18G6020)
- macOS Mojave Security Update 2020-004
- Size = 1.67 GB
- Package Download and Information Link
- https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2045
Information on the Security fixes included in the 2020-004 Mojave Security Update
MacOS High Sierra Security Update 2020-004 (17G14019)
- 10.13.6 High Sierra Security Update 2020-004
- Size = 2.1 GB
- Package Download and Information Link
- https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2046
Information on the Security fixes included in the 2020-004 High Sierra Security Update
Safari Update
Safari was updated to version 13.1.2
Download Size for High Sierra = 66.2mb
Downloads Size for Mojave = 70.6mb
T2 BridgeOS Update
Both the 2020-004 and 2020-004 Security Updates upgrade BridgeOS to version – 17.16.16065
Previous version = 17.16.15290
Security Content for Safari 13.1.2
Previous Releases
- 1. Security Updates 07/15/20 10.14.6 Mojave (18G6020) & 10.13 (2020-004)
- 2. Security Updates 05/26/20 10.14.6 Mojave (18G5033) & 10.13 (2020-003)
- 3. Security Updates 03/24/20 10.14.6 Mojave (18G4032) & 10.13 (2020-002)
- 4. Security Updates 01/28/20 10.14.6 Mojave (18G3020) & 10.13 (2020-001)
- 5. Security Updates 12/10/19 10.14.6 Mojave (2019-002) & 10.13 (2019-007)
- 6. Security Updates 10/31/19 10.14.6 Mojave (2019-001) & 10.13 (2019-006)
- 7. Security Updates 9/26/19 10.14.6 Mojave (18G103) 10.13 & 10.12 (2019-005)
- 8. Security Updates 7/22/19 10.14.6 Mojave (18G84) 10.13 & 10.12 (2019-004)
- 9. Security Updates 5/13/19 10.14.5 Mojave (18F132) 10.13. & 10.12 (2019-003)
- 10. Security Updates 3/25/19 10.14.4 Mojave (18E226) 10.13 & 10.12 (2019-002)
Security Related Content for 2020-004
This security update has only 2 “Public” fixes. (some fixes are released later)
Available for: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Impact: A buffer overflow may result in arbitrary code execution
Description: A buffer overflow was addressed with improved bounds checking.
CVE-2020-9866: Yu Zhou of 小鸡帮 and Jundong Xie of Ant-financial Light-Year Security Lab
Available for: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to cause arbitrary code execution
Description: This issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2019-20807: Guilherme de Almeida Suckevicz
Security Updates 2020-004 Mojave
On my Mac Mini 2018, with Mojave 10.14.6 that I own since March 2020, I get this Kernel Crash Report only after using Safari and doing a shutdown and a cold-boot. The newest Security update 2020-004 did not help, as the Security update 2020-003 did not fix this behaviour. I have sent a lot of crash reports to Apple – but they seem not able to fix this. Therefore I stopped using Safari and use Firefox or Chrome in stead. My mainboard was replaced in April after this behaviour appeared the first time, after the Security update 2020-002 – without success.
I am running high Sierra. since this update my Mac gets warmer and it drains the battery quicker. I lost at least 2 hours run time. it also drains battery when it is in sleep mode what I never noticed with the previous update. It was still on the same charge percentage overnight when I started the laptop in the morning and now it drops it a lot even after few hours.
did anyone else notice similar issues?
It does not work.
After update 2020-004, still display as deprected, And also it will back to show the badge after checking update, so it does not work for ignoring Catalina.
What I did if the badge notif is on, I always doing this in terminal:
defaults delete com.apple.systempreferences AttentionPrefBundleIDs; killall Dock
It works for me after update 2020-004, still display as deprected, but no longer seeing notif badge anymore.
After I updated my Mac Mini (Mojave) it always hangs for 30 seconds shortly after I login. Then again everything works fine. Also after a restart or when I boot it always claims that the computer has been shut down due to a problem. Sounds like more bugs and not update.
Yes my Mac Mini (Mojave) have this issue too, already with the first update 003.
I’m very disappointed, but I’m glad I didn’t buy a new macpro! Now – It’s an apple business, not mine. They are losing customers and better deals. I didn’t find anything on the forums that would help with this issue.
Next security update? No, thank you very much!
Has anyone else noticed that Time Machine backups have significantly slowed down since this security update?
I am having problems with this update. After I downloaded the update, and have it installed, my IMAC never restarts, just with the HALT command. I’m using HIGH SIERRA 10.13.6 and what’s saving me is TIME MACHINE. does anyone know how to solve?
On 10.13.6 High Sierra the 2020-004 update caused severe performance loss, spinning beach ball and unresponsive apps and processes on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro i7 and on my 2013 iMac i5.
Restoring the entire system on the MacBook with TimeMachine to before the 15 July 2020 update got performance back to ‘normal’.
The iMac also was suffering sector failures in the 1 TB spinner in the Fusion Drive – all the forced restarts I did trying to diagnose the 2020-004 update performance issue made the disk failure much worse. A DriveDX scan finally revealed the disk failure so I’ll be replacing the spinner with a SATA SSD and then upgrading the iMac to Catalina. Currently booting it into Catalina from a USB 3.0 stick and it seems to be working fine.
2020-004 update to 10.13.6 seems to be broken, at least for my platforms… The old 2010 MacBook is likely to become a Pop!_OS Linux machine in the near future (after a storage upgrade too)!
Since I did this update, I have not been able to complete a time machine backup. The console is showing this message over and over again:
Jul 19 13:52:10 name-MacBook-Air-2 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.mdworker.shared.02000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[10652]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by mds[64]
Jul 19 13:52:20 name-MacBook-Air-2 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.powerchime): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
High Sierra 10.13.6
Anyone else?
Yes, same problem here. Still investigating. No solution yet.
“After installing 2020-004 on 10.14 & 10.13 you can once again block major upgrades (Catalina).
NOTE: This change is ONLY for UAMDM (User Approved Mobile Device Management) and Supervised Macs. If your Mac is not Supervised or part of an UAMDM you will not be able to ignore major updates.”
What does this mean? How can I set my Mac into this “Supervised Macs” state to ignore “macOS Catalina” on Mojave with 2020-004 ?
OMG, the 2020-002 bug persists!
anyone more?
You talk about this GPU restart bug? This sounds not good if this bug is still in there.
I also had this issue on my MBA with 2020-002 Mojave and thats why I’m still on 2020-001.
I tried 2020-003 for a too short time to see if there was still this GPU issue. I switched back mainly because I could not use the ignore flag for macOS Catalina any longer.
And when 2020-004 popped up I ignored it imminently to give it some days to look later at mrmacintosh what this update really changes.
I too. New MacMini Mojave. Is there any way to go back to update 001? I don’t have a backup.
Yes, Waitsnake, the same GPU issue that started after 2020-002 (mojave).
By the way, I just posted a new comment on the article about the 2020-002 bug here on the Mr Macintosh reporting the updates I got on my case, I’ll be really glad if some of you that experienced (or are still having) the bug go there and reply with your impressions, I’m freaking out with a computer that was working perfectly fine before the update and become a brick after 2020-002 because Apple is now charging me a huge money to “fix” the issue by changing the GPU.
I’ll be really glad and thankfull if you could help me in any way.
I noticed your comment that ignore Catalina was available again after macOS Mojave Security Update 2020-004. I installed the update and ran the command sudo softwareupdate –ignore “macOS Catalina” and it’s not working. It still says that is deprecated?
Hello Loren,
Correct the command is considered “Deprecated” because it will not function anymore on Big Sur. The command will still function fine on 10.13 and 10.14. In Big Sur Updates/Upgrades will only be able to be blocked via MDM for up to 90 days.
I’m running 10.14.6 Mojave. This is what I get when running sudo softwareupdate –ignore “macOS Catalina”
Ignored updates:
“macOS Catalina”
Ignoring software updates is deprecated.
The ability to ignore individual updates will be removed in a future release of macOS.