have more than 20,000 files your upgrade could fail.
In some situations users have reported 500,000 – 2,000,000 files!!!
This is the reason why the problem could never be reproduced.
If you build a fresh system the file counts for spotlight will be very low. You might have 20-400 entries. This would allow the upgrad to finish properly.
Table of contents
Different situations. The macOS stuck progress bar issue has many different situations.
How can I check how many mdworker files my system has before an upgrade.
I have more than 20,000 files. How do I clear them out before the upgrade?
The files have been deleted! Now what?
What if you booted your failed Mac into safe mode after having the issue?
Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B50) Released to block install for 2013-2014 13-inch MacBook Pro Users.
Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B50) was released to block 2013 & 2014 13″ MBPro’s from installing the OS. This move looks to be related to the Big Sur install problems with these models.
UPDATE 12/14/20 – Apple has added the Mac-189A3D4F975D5FFC BoardID back to the newly released macOS Big Sur 11.1 Full installer! It looks like Apple has found and fixed the issue with the installer that was causing problems! This means that you can now download, install and reinstall Big Sur 11.1 on your 2013-14 13″ MacBook Pro again.
UPDATE 11/25/20 – If you attempt to install Big Sur on your 13″ 2013-2014 MBPro, you might get this error.
Installation of macOS could not continue. installation requires downloading important content. That content can’t be downloaded at this time. Try again later.
If you are wondering about the Big Sur Installer issue for the 2013 & 2014 13″ MacBook Pro users, I wrote about the situation earlier this week.
To review, if you have a 2013 or 2014 13″ MacBook Pro and attempted to install macOS Big Sur, it was possible that the installer could brick your Mac.
When I say “brick” I mean that it boots to a black screen and is 100% non responsive. You can’t boot to recovery, USB installers, reset the pram or SMC.
The only option for users is to bring it in for repair. The reports say that Apple is saying that the logic board needs to be replaced at a price over 500$. Even worse some are being told it’s a vintage product and they can’t parts. This is FALSE, Apple will keep stock of parts up to 7 years.
Vintage products are those that have not been sold for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago. Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple TV vintage products continue to receive hardware service from Apple service providers, including Apple Retail Stores, subject to availability of inventory, or as required by law.Apple.com – https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201624
Hopefully Apple will cover the cost of the repair for free.
The solution for now? Release a new macOS Big Sur Installer that removes both models from the Big Sur compatibility list.
The link below shows the list of Big Sur compatible Macs
If you can’t install macOS Big Sur on certain 13-inch MacBook Pro computers from 2013 and 2014. Follow these steps if you can’t install macOS Big Sur on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013) or MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014). When you install macOS Big Sur on these Mac models, the installer might say that the update cannot be installed on this computer, or your Mac might start up to a blank screen or circle with a line through it.
The most important part of this article is this line
“or your Mac might start up to a blank screen“
This is exactly what will happen to some users if they install macOS Big Sur on their 2013 or 2014 13″ MacBook Pro.
Let’s look at the other parts of the note.
“the installer might say that the update cannot be installed on this computer“
This is because both models have been removed from the new Big Sur installer compatibility list.
“or your Mac might start up to a blank screen or circle with a line through it“
This might happen if you make a new USB installer of Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B50) and attempt to boot to it.
Removed from the Big Sur Compatible List?
The macOS installer has a file inside called the distribution file. For this release it’s called 001-83532.English.dist.
Compatible Macs for install are listed in this file as BoardID for older devices and DeviceIDs for newer models. The boardID we are looking for is
This BoardID is for the MacBookPro11,1 or the 2013 & 2014 13″ MacBook Pro.
I keep a database of all Mac BoardID and DevicesIDs here
You can see the list of supportedBoardIDs – Mac-189A3D4F975D5FFC was removed from 11.0.1 (20B50)
This means that (for now anyway) you will not be able to install macOS Big Sur on your 2013 or 2014 13″ MacBook Pro.
Will Apple fix this issue and add them back later?
Unknown at this time. It’s possible that Apple will fix issue the Big Sur installer is causing to these models. They could then add the models back to the compatibility list later.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 – Installation failed An error occurred while installing the selected updates.
macOS Big Sur was launched at 12:00PM CST. A few hours later, users started to report download problems.
UPDATE 02/20/21 – I’m still getting a bunch of people reaching out saying that they are still getting the error even after Apple fixed the issue! You can download the full macOS Big Sur installer directly from Apple’s servers via Safari.
What this will do is download the entire InstallAssistant.pkg file. Install this package and it will put macOS Big Sur into your /Applications folder!
UPDATE 11/12 7:30PM CST – The download is working in the Software Update pane now. LET THE BIG SUR DOWNLOADING COMMENCE!!!
UPDATE 11/12 7:00PM CST – Some users are reporting that the download is starting to work. installinstallmacos.py is working for me but I’m still getting the error in the Software Update pane.
If you were able to download the full Big Sur installer before this issue happened, then you are one of the only people with a full installer right now! Maybe you can burn it to a Dual Layer DVD and sell it on ebay haha! (will have to be a blu-ray disc as a DL dvd is only 8.5GB and the Big Sur Installer is 12.2GB LOL)
This is the error you will get on Big Sur when trying to download macOS Big Sur.
My videos explaining the issue is below.
Mr. Macintosh video explaining the macOS Big Sur download issue Update #1
Mr. Macintosh video explaining the macOS Big Sur download issue.
Apple Server issues.
Apple did report a server side issue for macOS Software Updates.
That section was marked as resolved though at 3:30 CST. The problem is, the download is still not working.
The issue is with one file
After digging in, the issue is with one file installassistant.pkg
If you use installinstallmacos.py to attempt to download macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B29)
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden
Could not replicate http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/50/49/001-79699-A_93OMDU5KFG/dkjnjkq9eax1n2wpf8rik5agns2z43ikqu/InstallAssistant.pkg: Command '[u'/usr/bin/curl', u'-fL', u'--create-dirs', u'-o', u'./content/downloads/50/49/001-79699-A_93OMDU5KFG/dkjnjkq9eax1n2wpf8rik5agns2z43ikqu/InstallAssistant.pkg', u'--compressed', 'http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/50/49/001-79699-A_93OMDU5KFG/dkjnjkq9eax1n2wpf8rik5agns2z43ikqu/InstallAssistant.pkg']' returned non-zero exit status 22
We do not have access to download InstallAssistant.pkg and get a 403 Forbidden Error.
Once this issue is fixed, I will will let everyone know.
Once access to this file is restored, we should be able to download Big Sur again. I will keep you updated.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 RC2 Full Installer.app error = “An Error occurred installing macOS”
When you attempt to install or upgrade on a T2 Mac, you will get the error “The bridgeOS update doesn’t satisfy the given minimum version requirement.”
UPDATE 11/12/20 – This article is for yesterday’s Big Sur BETA install problem. If you are having problems downloading the new Big Sur update or full installer I have a new article on the issue. It’s for the Installation failed an error occurred while installing the selected updates error.
Almost immediately after macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B28) was released, I started to see reports of install issues. This was only happening on T2 Macs that need a BridgeOS update. A BridgeOS update is included and required with almost every combo, delta and full installer upgrade or install. Below is the 11.0.1 RC2 Install error.
The error message that you will get if you try to upgrade a T2 Catalina or Big Sur Mac to 11.0.1 RC2
An error occurred installing macOS. You can try again to complete the installation.
Mr. Macintosh video that goes over the issue.
The problem is the new production Software Update Catalog URL does not have the needed BridgeOS update yet.
The problem comes down to the installer looking to the new production SUS url. Apple just made the production SUS catalog available. The new URL is
The production URL does NOT include the required BridgeOS update needed for the Big Sur RC2 installer to continue.
The BridgeOS error from install.log
This is the error that you will get.
bridgeOS update prepare complete
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 osinstallersetupd[5967]: bridgeOS update prepare failed: Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-11-10.15-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 osinstallersetupd[5967]: Operation queue failed with error: Error Domain=com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=602 "An error occurred installing macOS." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred installing macOS., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fde25b85770 {Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-11-10.15-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}}}
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 InstallAssistant[5928]: Stopped operation queue with Error Domain=com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=602 "An error occurred installing macOS." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd70cf90da0 {Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-11-10.15-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred installing macOS.}
Notice this line
“The bridgeOS update doesn’t satisfy the given minimum version requirement.” UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-11-10.15-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog“
You can use sudo nvram -p to view all the nvram settings.
NOTE! When you are done with the upgrade, don’t forget to remove the value!
sudo nvram -d IASUCatalogURL
MacAdmins at work!
It’s amazing to see MacAdmins working together to solve an issue. Yesterday afternoon a bunch of Admins including @golby, @eholtam, @owen, @dave.shepp, @macmule, @matt_h and @deets jumped in to help figure this out and pass on the information to others.
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 11.0.1 Beta 2 Release Candidate (20B5022a) to Developers
MacOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta 2 was released on November 5th, 2020. The release comes about one week after 11.0.1 Beta 1. We were expecting RC or GM seed, but not yet! It’s possible that we will see the public launch of 11.0.1 at the Apple Silicon Mac “One more thing” event on November 10th.
That’s all folks! I hope that you were able to get all your Big Sur bugs fixed! This version is most likely the release that we will see this Tuesday!
Mr. Macintosh Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate Deep Dive Video!
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
12. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5022a) Beta 2 RC – 11/05/20 Current Release
11. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5012d) Beta 1 – 10/28/20 – My Release Notes
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta 2 Release Candidate (20B5022a) Release Notes
The macOS 11 SDK provides support to develop apps for Macs running macOS Big Sur 11. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 12.2 RC, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 12.2, see Xcode 12.2 RC Release Notes.
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Known Issues
You might be unable to pair certain braille displays using Bluetooth. (69794099)Workaround: Connect these devices using USB instead.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Installer and Software Update
Known Issues
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This reveals the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6 or later.
Known Issues
Installing a new kernel extension requires signing in as an Admin user. You must also restart your Mac to load the extension. Kernel extensions using certain deprecated KPIs won’t be loaded. For more information, see Deprecated Kernel Extensions and System Extension Alternatives. (55068348)Workaround: During development, you can temporarily disable System Integrity Protection to allow these deprecated kernel extensions to load.
New in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate, the system ships with a built-in dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the cache. (62986286)
Use only absolute paths with the --volume-root option of kmutil, and don’t use a trailing /. (63773848)
Symbols exported by both xnu and Apple kernel extensions will change. Recompile your kernel extension with each update to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate to ensure compatibility. (64262563)
Mac Catalyst
Known Issues
WebGL content in WKWebView might experience reduced performance. (70587571)
A ToolbarItem with automatic placement isn’t placed in the window toolbar. (63690384)
Select UIKit controls, control customizations, and methods throw exceptions when used in the Mac idiom. Unsupported controls and behaviors on macOS Big Sur 11 throw exceptions as follows:
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate
Safari no longer quits unexpectedly if iCloud Tabs are enabled. (70625636)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabelgeneric parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but it causes apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
Third-Party Apps
Known Issues
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 legacy_script.pl
Known Issues
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
Apple has just released the macOS Mojave 10.14.6 “Supplemental Update” which is a fixed version of Safari 14.0
The macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update is Live! It includes a fixed version of Safari 14.0. The update also address the problems of the previous release. Security Update 2020-005 was also re-released.
Apple has just released a Mojave Supplemental Update that address all the problems that the previous Safari 14.0 and 2020-005 Security Updates! This news comes one day after Apple pulled both software updates from the software update catalog.
You can find a full summary of the issue in the link below.
UPDATE 10/08 11:30PM – Safari 14.0.1 Seed 2 was just released today. Mr. Macintosh reader Joe wrote in to let me know that after he installed Seed 2 over Seed 1 all of his problems went away! This will be a perfect fix for anyone who installed Safari 14.0.1 Seed 1 and were still having problems (since the Supplemental Update was not compatible with 14.0.1).
UPDATE 10/03 3:00PM– I’ve added a direct download link to the safari 14.0 package from the software update service in section 16 below. Apple has also added back the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update back to Apple.com downloads. The security update link is also in section 16 below.
UPDATE: 10/02 3:00PM – NOTE: Apple still has an old link to the Supplemental Update from 9/26/19 up on the the Apple downloads site. This is NOT the update you need. Apple has not released a stand alone download for this update yet. The update is only available from software update.
UPDATE: 20/02 10:30AM – I’ve added section 5 to make sure you know that the Supplemental Update will install Safar 14.0. This is important to understand in case you needed to remain on Safari 12 or 13. Some users are asking me what they should so if they installed Safari 14.0.1 Beta. I’m looking into that now.
You can also check out my new update deep dive video below.
Mojave Supplemental Update (Safari 14) Mr. Macintosh Video
Table of Contents
1. Name of the Update?
2. Details of the macOS Mojave Supplemental Update
3. I’ve tested this update and confirmed that it fixes most issues!
5. The Supplemental update will install Safari 14.0!
6. Inside the macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update
7. Which update does your Mac need?
8. Did you ONLY install – Safari 14.0?
9. Did you ONLY install – 2020-005 Security Update?
10. Did you install BOTH Safari 14.0 & Security Update 2020-005?
11. Did you not install either of the updates?
12. Not seeing the 2020-005 Security Update?
13. I ran softwareupdate --ignore "Security Update xx" now what?
14. Did you install Safari Beta 14.0.1 ?
15. Did I cover all the situations that you could be in?
16. 10.14.6 Supplemental Update Links
17. Security Content of macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update
18. Final Thoughts
19. Thank You
1. Name of the Update?
Apple calls this update “macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update” Which is a bit confusing. In this particular case, the naming might make sense. Even though the update only includes a fixed Safari pkg, it also includes fixes that repair previous install OS level issues.
softwareupdate -l shows the name. It’s technically called Safari14.0MojaveAuto-10.14.6
NOTE!!! The update also includes a required restart. (Normal Safari Updates do not require a restart.)
2. Details of the macOS Mojave Supplemental Update
Along with the new Supplemental Safari Update, the Mojave 2020-005 Security update was re-released back into the software update catalog.
5. The Supplemental update will install Safari 14.0!
I need to make this clear, If you do not want Safari 14.0 don’t install the new macOS Supplemental update! I’ve heard from a few users who need to remain on the old version. Only update when you are ready to make the jump to Safari 14.0
6. Inside the macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update
So if this is not a normal supplemental update, what is it?
This is what’s inside of the macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update (FIxed Safari 14.0)
As you can see, this update only has the fixed version of Safari 14.0 inside! NOTE: this update has a REQUIRED RESTART!
What does a normal supplemental update look like?
This is what’s included in a full Supplemental Update. This is the 10.14.6 Supplemental Update #2
As you can see a normal “Supplemental Update” includes a bunch of stuff. I just wanted to clear up any confusion that you might have. (I was confused when I first saw the update.)
7. Which update does your Mac need?
We have multiple scenarios to work with here. I have used a test Mac to go over the many situations that a user might be in so you are not left wondering what to do!
1. Did you install ONLY install – Safari 14.0?
2. Did you install ONLY install – 2020-005 Security Update?
3. Did you install BOTH Safari 14.0 & Security Update 2020-005?
4. Did you not install either of the updates?
Below is a screenshot of what About This Mac > System Report > Installations will look like.
System Report – This is what it would look like after installing both problematic updates then installing both fixed updates.
8. Did you only install – Safari 14.0?
Let’s say that you installed Safari 14.0 a few days ago but heard the news about all the problems that the 2020-005 security update was causing.
Your Safari Version is = 14.0 (14610.
You will see the following in Software update.
This is what you will see if you only installed the old version of Safari 14.0
The following will happen in this scenario.
Fixed version of Safari Supplemental Update + fixes update will be installed
The Re-Released version of Mojave 2020-005 Security Update will install
You are now fully up to date with no issues!
Mojave will be on the same Build Version 10.14.6 (18G6032)
Safari version is UPDATED – 14.0 (14610.
You are good to go!
9. Did you only install – 2020-005 Security Update?
Let’s say you need flash and you didn’t want to install Safari 14.0. But you did see the Security Update 2020-005 and installed it. In this situation, you would still be fine (maybe) even if you installed the old version of Safari 14.0. The problem would only happen if you installed Safari 14.0 first then the 2020-005 update.
What would you see in software update?
You only need to install the Supplemental Update (Safari 14.0 Fixed) and will be good to go!
In this case you would only see the fixed Safari 14.0 Supplemental Update.
Once installed you are good to go!
10. Did you install BOTH Safari 14.0 & Security Update 2020-005?
Let’s say that you had automatic updates set and you got both updates. Your system is in a broken state.
What would you see in software update?
What you would see in SU if you previously installed both problematic updates.
The following will happen in this scenario.
Fixed version of Safari Supplemental Update + fixes update will be installed
You are now fully up to date with no issues!
Mojave will be on the same Build Version 10.14.6 (18G6032)
Safari version is UPDATED – 14.0 (14610.
You should be fixed!!!
11. Did you not install either of the updates?
Let’s say that you heard of the news of the problematic updates and were able to save your Mac.
What would you see in software update?
This is what you would see on a mac with 10.14.6 (18G6020) and Below.
You would see both updates
The following will happen in this scenario.
Fixed version of Safari Supplemental Update + fixes update will be installed
The Re-Released version of Mojave 2020-005 Security Update will install
You are now fully up to date with no issues!
Mojave will be Build Version 10.14.6 (18G6032)
Safari version now – 14.0 (14610.
You are good to go!
12. Not seeing the 2020-005 Security Update?
You might have either installed the update or ignored it by running
If you would like to install the re-released version of the 2020-005 Security Update, all you need to do is run this command.
sudo softwareupdate --reset-ignored
The security update will now show up in software update for you to install.
14. Did you install Safari Beta 14.0.1 ?
I am testing this situation out now.
Yikes, looks like the Supplemental Update does not show up if you have installed Safari Beta 14.0.1. The installer will let you install the Supplemental Update over the top of the 14.0.1 Beta, but does not actually install.
15. Did I cover all the situations that you could be in?
Did you have an install scenario that I missed. I attempted to cover and test them all. Let me know!
16. 10.14.6 Supplemental Update Links
Apple has not released a standalone installer or pkg for the supplemental Update. I’ve included direct links from the Software Update Service below. Apple has added the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update back to the Apple.com downloads page.
It was really cool to see this little blog mentioned. 🙂
With that said, I think Apple handled this pretty good. They might have taken a bit to pull the update, but they came out with a fix only one day later!
Hopefully we can get a closer eye on update quality moving forward.
19. Thank You
I wanted to thank all of my Mr. Macintosh readers, Twitter followers, YouTube Subscribers and those who emailed me. You have shared so many of your thank-you notes, comments, tips and fix stories. I really appreciated reading them all, I created this blog for you! I am finally at a point in my life where I can take all of the knowledge that I’ve learned along the way and share it with you.
The 10.15.5 Update Erases Auto Proxy Setting + Proxy URL
Does your organization use a corporate proxy? Do you set the Automatic Proxy Configuration & URL via script? If so, you better check your proxy settings after installing the 10.15.5 update. On MacAdmins we have our own sad channel called #proxylife. It’s more of a support group for proxy issues.
10.15.1-10.15.5 Update Problems
This is my 10th article on Catalina Update issues. Take a look at the links below if you are interested.
Let Apple know. Hopefully this can still be fixed in 10.15.6, we are quickly running out of time.
Until then, you will probably want your proxy configuration to still be set after the update. You could do the following as a workaround.
MDM Policy that will set the Proxy Settings again after the Update.
Install a LaunchDaemon that will run after the update to set the proxy setting again.
Install Proxy settings as a PROFILE. Note: I have not tested this to see if the settings still remain after the update. My guess the profile settings will remain. Please let me know if you have tested this.
Feedback Assistant Request #
I am having mixed success getting some of these issues fixed. I think we need a flag lead us. From now on, I will submit a FeedBack Assistant Request for each issue that I post about. You can reference this number when submitting your request. NOTE: My request will not be enough, to get issues fixed we need to submit multiple requests to get proper visibility inside Apple Care.
FB7830358 – 10.15.5 Update Resets Automatic Proxy Configuration to OFF + Deletes Proxy Configuration File URL
Software Updates
Now is a good time to mention that we still need the ability to –ignore minor software updates.
Listed below are a few articles to help you understand the current situation.
Big changes coming to softwareupage –ignore command after installing the 2020-003 update.
The Catalina 10.15.5 Update & 2020-003 Security Updates remove the software update –ignore ability for Major Updates. The –ignore flag for Minor Updates is now deprecated.
UPDATE 7/16/20 – Apple just released Catalina 10.15.6 and Security Updates 2020-004. Apple listened to us and reverted the changes made in 10.15.5 and 2020-003 (with a caveat). After installing 10.15.6 or the 2020-004 updates, you can once again use softwareupdate --ignore to block minor and major updates. As long as the Mac is enrolled in Apple School Manager, Apple Business Manager or a User Approved MDM.
Managing macOS in Enterprise or Education is a tough job no matter how you look at it. One of the toughest things that we have to deal with is 3rd party software. On top of that macOS updates & upgrades can cause additional problems. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know what I’m talking about. 3rd party software is mission critical, and needs to run without issues. We need the ability to test new macOS Software Updates and Upgrades. Any of which could break that critical software, and cause major problems. A few points >
If we find a problem with 3rd party after installing an update, we would need to reach out the vendor. The fix might take longer than 90 days.
A macOS Update causes a big problem, so bad that we immediately need to block it. Sometimes it takes 2-5 months for Apple implement the fix to the next point release update.
Your Mac needs to be Supervised / Enrolled in an MDM, or you won’t be able to hide the Major Update (10.15.4+) update.
7. How can we ignore Updates and Upgrades in the future? (10.15.4+)
8. System Preferences Icon Red Dot Notification (How To get rid of it)
9. Don’t like this change? What can you do?
UPDATE 6/9/20 – 10.15.6 Beta 2 (19G46c) was released today. The softwareupdate --ignore flag was changed to include some changes that we asked for! Be sure to check the AppleSeed Beta notes for all the details. I am still checking to see if the change will make it to Mojave 10.14.
UPDATE5/28/20 – I ran a quick test on a 10.14.6 (2020-002) Mojave Mac. First I used the command softwareupdate --ignore "macOS Catalina" to ignore the macOS Catalina Upgrade. The Upgrade disappeared from System Preferences > Software Update. I then installed a configuration profile that used the restrictions payload that deferred updates for 90 days. I installed the 2020-003 security update. Catalina showed up in System Preferences > Software Update. This can only mean one of two things…
1. A Mojave Mac with 2020-003 installed can now understand the new MDM Profile “Major Update” deferral. The Upgrade shows up because we are more than 90 days away from when Catalina was released.
2. We are taking this sentence literally “Starting with macOS 10.15.4, major releases of macOS can be deferred for up to 90 days using MDM.” Meaning the change was not backported to 10.14 and we will be unable to ignore 10.16 on Mojave.
I have reached out to Apple for clarification on this.
2. 10.15.5 & 2020-003 Update Changes.
Lets jump right in and look at the new changes.
Before I do, I need to do a quick shout out to @bp Balmes Pavlov
Balmes first called this out on April 16th, and really took a deep dive into this upcoming change.
The changes are here now, so let’s take a look at the 10.15.5 patch notes.
10.15.5 Softwareupdate –ignore changes
“Major Releases of macOS are no longer hidden when using the softwareupdate command with the –ignore flag”.
Updates are considered 10.15.4 > 10.15.5.
Major Releases or Upgrades are considered 10.14 > 10.15.
Notice how at the bottom of the note it says, “This change also affects macOS Mojave and macOS High Sierra after installing Security Update 2020-003”.
3. Right now, this only affects macOS Mojave
The direct impact of this update is to macOS Mojave. If you are running 10.14.6 and have the 2020-002 Security update installed, you can block macOS Catalina with softwareupdate --ignore "macOS Catalina"
After running the above command, macOS Catalina will not show up in System Preferences > Software Update.
This is what the Software Update Pane will look like in 10.14.6 before installing 2020-003.
Looks great! This is after running softwareupdate –ignore “macOS Catalina” on 2020-002
After installing 2020-003, this is what the Software Update pane will look like.
10.15.5 2020-003 softwareupdate –ignore. this is what Software Update looks like after 2020-003.
This leaves macOS 10.14.6 with very few options if you want to block users from upgrading to macOS Catalina.
Turn Off Automatic Updates (manually deploy updates)
Hide/Block the Software Update Preference Pane
Software Restrictions on “Install macOS Catalina.app”
4. What about High Sierra 10.13?
The 10.15.5 patch notes specifically mention High Sierra. For Software Updates, 10.13 still uses the App Store Preference Pane. When you click on it, you go right to the App store updates tab. macOS Catalina is NOT listed anywhere in the “updates” Section.
High Sierra and Sierra used notification banners.
10.13 and 10.14 macOSInstallerNotification_GM notification dialog.
If you wanted to block the banners on High Sierra and Sierra, you would run the following command.
You will now run into another problem after installing the 2020-003 Update.
Ignoring software updates is deprecated.
The ability to ignore individual updates will be removed in a future release of macOS
Reading that deprecation note, it looks like we will not only lose the ability to use the --ignore for Major updates (Right Now on 10.15.5 & 10.14) but also point updates in the future (10.16).
5. Blocking the 2020-003 Security Update
If you would like to block the 2020-003 Security update, run the following command below.
Please let Apple know NOW, not later (10.16 is coming in one month!).
Apple Enterprise Ticket
Apple FeedBack Assistant
If you have an Apple SE assigned to your company, talk to them.
AppleSeed for IT: macOS Deployment & Management Survey (this survey is available for AppleSeed for IT participants and can only be taken in the FeedBack Assistant.app)
The Catalina 10.15.4 Update is causing kernel panics in some 16″ 2019 MacBook Pros.
Did you Install the 10.15.4/10.15.5 Update on your 16 Inch MacBook Pro 2019, only to get a Kernel Panic after you Wake it from Sleep? You are not alone.
UPDATE 7/09/20 – I have received word that the wake from sleep kernel panic issue is resolved in 10.15.6 Beta 4 GM (19G71a). If still have the issue and can test, please let me know.
UPDATE 6/25/20 – I have a few reports that Big Sur Beta 1 fixed the issue, but for others they can still reproduce the problem. I would not recommend installing Big Sur as your main OS. You can install it in a 2nd container or external hard drive for testing. If Big Sur fixes the wake from sleep crashing issue, comment below or let me know!
UPDATE 6/8/20 – I am looking further into the 10.15.5 reports. Looks like this is the common error “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
UPDATE 6/03/20 – I am seeing new reports that the 10.15.5 Update has not fixed the issue for some users. Others are saying that after installing the 10.15.5 Update that they are no longer seeing Kernel Panics after waking from sleep. Additional reports are saying that the issue is worse after installing the 10.15.5 Supplemental Update.
UPDATE: 5/18/20 – It looks like 10.15.5 Beta 4 fixes the wake from sleep kernel panic issue. I have received multiple emails, tweets and article replies confirming that Beta 4 has fixed the issue for them. I would like to take the time to thank you for all of your individual reports. When I can’t reproduce the issue, I rely on you to provide critical feedback. THANK YOU!
UPDATE: 5/15/20 – I am starting to get some reports that the 10.15.5 Beta 3 & 4 fix the issue. Did you try the latest beta and find that it fixes the issue? Let me know!
UPDATE: 5/7/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 4 (19F83c) was released today.I have not received any reports that Beta 3 fixed this issue. If it has please let me know. Apple did not mentioned this issue in any of the 10.15.5 Beta Patch Notes.
UPDATE: 4/29/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 3 was released today.I am getting word that Beta 3 includes a possible fix for the wake from sleep issue. If you install Beta 3 and it fixes your issue, please let me know!
UPDATE: 4/16/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 2 was released today. Did this update fix the issue for you? I am also looking for users who reverted back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3 to see if that fixed the issue?
Main Article
As soon as the 10.15.4 Update hit, reports started to pop up of wake from Sleep Kernel Panics on the 16″ MacBook Pro. Does this situation sound familiar to you? If so you have a great memory! I tracked a very similar issue that was caused by the 2019-004 Mojave and High Sierra Security update back in July of 2019.
I am seeing reports from users that this issue is happening again. This time around it is affecting macOS Catalina, specifically the 10.15.4 Update on the 2019 16-Inch MacBook Pro.
Table of Contents
1. Affected Mac Models
2. Affected OS Versions
3. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep.
4. Panic Reports
5. Workarounds?
6. Reverting back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3?
7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
8. Does Apple Know about this issue and are they working on a fix?
9. Links
10. Credit & Hat Tips
1. Affected Mac Models
Usually we have multiple different Models that are affected, but this time the issue looks to happen only one model.
So far I have not seen any reports. If you have reverted back and that fixed the issue for you, please let me know. Also let me know if you reverted back and you still have the issue.
7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
This is not the first time Apple has pulled an update. They pulled High Sierra and Sierra 2019-002 Security Update this past March. It’s a good idea to wait at least a few days before you update.
8. Does Apple Know about this issue? Are they working on a fix?
Apple does know about the problem. Engineering is currently investigating the issue. This information comes from MacAdmins who have a Enterprise Support Ticket in with Apple.
Hopefully we get a 2nd Supplemental Update that fixes the issue soon.