Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3/M4 macOS IPSW Firmware Restore Files Database

Apple Silicon macOS Big Sur IPSW Firmware Restore File Database

How to download Apple Silicon M1 macOS IPSW Restore Files. You can use them with Apple Configurator 2 and a 2nd Mac for quick restores.

UPDATED: 3/11/25

With the introduction of the new Apple Silicon M1 Mac, you can now reinstall macOS with Apple Configurator 2 and IPSW files just like iOS! This page is a database of all macOS IPSW Files. The macOS ISPW firmware files database will be updated when new updates are released.

Table of Contents

  • 1. macOS Sequoia Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 2. macOS Sonoma Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 3. macOS Ventura Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 4. macOS Monterey Final IPSW Firmware Files
  • 5. macOS Big Sur Final IPSW Firmware Files
  • 6. macOS Sequoia Beta IPSW Firmware files
  • 7. macOS Sonoma Beta IPSW Firmware files
  • 8. macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Firmware Files
  • 9. macOS Monterey Beta IPSW Firmware Files
  • 10. macOS Big Sur Beta IPSW Firmware Files

All download links are directly from Apple’s SUS Server.

For more information on how to reinstall macOS on your Apple Silicon Mac, I’ve written an article that goes over everything you need to know!

Follow me on twitter for updates @ClassicII_MrMac

NOTE! You may need to copy the link and paste it into a new tab if the download link does not work when you click on it.

1. Sequoia Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sequoia Public Download Links Version Date
UniversalMac_15.3.2_24D81_Restore.ipsw 15.3.2 3/11
UniversalMac_15.3.2_24D2082_Restore.ipsw New M4 ONLY 3/11
UniversalMac_15.3.1_24D70_Restore.ipsw 15.3.1 2/10
UniversalMac_15.3_24D60_Restore.ipsw 15.3 1/27
UniversalMac_15.2_24c101_Restore.ipsw 15.2 12/11
UniversalMac_15.1.1_24B91_Restore.ipsw 15.1.1 11/19
UniversalMac_15.1.1_24B2091_Restore.ipsw 15.1.1 M4 ONLY 11/19
UniversalMac_15.1_24B83_Restore.ipsw 15.1 10/28
UniversalMac_15.1_24B2083_Restore.ipsw 15.1 M4 ONLY 10/30
UniversalMac_15.0.1_24A348_Restore.ipsw 15.0.1 10/04
UniversalMac_15.0_24A335_Restore.ipsw 15.0 9/16

2. Sonoma Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sonoma Final IPSW Download Links Version Release
Sonoma 14.6.1 is the Final IPSW released by Apple    
UniversalMac_14.6.1_23G93_Restore.ipsw 14.6.1 8/07/24
UniversalMac_14.6_23G80_Restore.ipsw 14.6 7/29/24
UniversalMac_14.5_23F79_Restore.ipsw 14.5 5/13/24
UniversalMac_14.4.1_23E224_Restore.ipsw 14.4.1 3/25/24
UniversalMac_14.4_23E214_Restore.ipsw 14.4 3/07/24
UniversalMac_14.3.1_23D60_Restore.ipsw 14.3.1 2/08/24
UniversalMac_14.3_23D56_Restore.ipsw 14.3 1/22/24
UniversalMac_14.2.1_23C71_Restore.ipsw 14.2.1 12/19/23
UniversalMac_14.2_23C64_Restore.ipsw 14.2 12/11/23
UniversalMac_14.1.2_23B92_Restore.ipsw 14.1.2 11/30/23
UniversalMac_14.1.2_23B2091_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/30/23
UniversalMac_14.1.1_23B81_Restore.ipsw 14.1.1 11/07/23
UniversalMac_14.1.1_23B2082_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/07/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B74_Restore.ipsw 14.1 10/25/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B2077_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/03/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A344_Restore.ipsw 14.0 9/21/23

3. Ventura Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Ventura Final IPSW Download Links Signed Release
NOTE: 13.6 is the final Ventura IPSW release    
UniversalMac_13.6_22G120_Restore.ipsw YES 9/21/23
UniversalMac_13.5.2_22G91_Restore.ipsw YES 9/07/23
UniversalMac_13.5.1_22G90_Restore.ipsw YES 8/17/23
UniversalMac_13.5_22G74_Restore.ipsw YES 7/24/23
UniversalMac_13.4.1_22F82_Restore.ipsw YES 6/21/23
UniversalMac_13.4.1_22F2083_Restore.ipsw NOTE! 6/21/23
^ 22F2083 is ONLY for new WWDC M2 Macs    
UniversalMac_13.4_22F66_Restore.ipsw YES 5/18/23
UniversalMac_13.3.1_22E261_Restore.ipsw YES 4/07/23
UniversalMac_13.3_22E252_Restore.ipsw YES 3/27/23
UniversalMac_13.2.1_22D68_Restore.ipsw YES 2/13/23
UniversalMac_13.2_22D49_Restore.ipsw YES 1/23/23
UniversalMac_13.1_22C65_Restore.ipsw YES 12/13/22
UniversalMac_13.0.1_22A400_Restore.ipsw YES 11/09/22
UniversalMac_13.0_22A380_Restore.ipsw YES 10/24/22

4. Monterey Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Monterey Final IPSW Download Links Sign Release
NOTE: 12.6.1 is the final Monterey IPSW release.    
UniversalMac_12.6.1_21G217_Restore.ipsw YES 11/01/22
UniversalMac_12.6_21G115_Restore.ipsw YES 9/12/22
UniversalMac_12.5.1_21G83_Restore.ipsw YES 8/17/22
UniversalMac_12.5_21G72_Restore.ipsw YES 7/20/22
UniversalMac_12.4_21F79_Restore.ipsw YES 5/16/22
UniversalMac_12.4_21F2092_Restore.ipsw YES 6/16/22
^ (21F2092) is ONLY for 2022 M2 MB Air & 13″ Pro    
UniversalMac_12.4_21F2081_Restore.ipsw YES 6/14/22
^ (21F2081) 2022 M2 Air & 13″ Pro Shipping build     
UniversalMac_12.3.1_21E258_Restore.ipsw YES 03/31/22
UniversalMac_12.3_21E230_Restore.ipsw YES 03/14/22
UniversalMac_12.2.1_21D62_Restore.ipsw YES 02/10/22
UniversalMac_12.2_21D49_Restore.ipsw YES 1/26/22
UniversalMac_12.1_21C52_Restore.ipsw YES 12/13/21
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A559_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/21

5. Big Sur Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Big Sur Final IPSW Download Links Signed Release
NOTE: 11.6 is the final Big Sur IPSW release.    
UniversalMac_11.6_20G165_Restore.ipsw YES 9/17/21
UniversalMac_11.5.2_20G95_Restore.ipsw YES 8/11/21
UniversalMac_11.5.1_20G80_Restore.ipsw YES 7/26/21
UniversalMac_11.5_20G71_Restore.ipsw YES 7/19/21
UniversalMac_11.4_20F71_Restore.ipsw YES 5/26/21
UniversalMac_11.3.1_20E241_Restore.ipsw YES 5/03/21
UniversalMac_11.3_20E232_Restore.ipsw YES 4/26/21
UniversalMac_11.2.3_20D91_Restore.ipsw YES 3/08/21
UniversalMac_11.2.2_20D80_Restore.ipsw YES 2/25/21
UniversalMac_11.2.1_20D74_Restore.ipsw YES 2/09/21
UniversalMac_11.2_20D64_Restore.ipsw YES 2/01/21
UniversalMac_11.1_20C69_Restore.ipsw YES 12/14/20
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B29_Restore.ipsw YES 11/12/20
UniversalMac_11.0_20A2411_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A

6. Sequoia Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sequoia Beta Download Links Version Date
UniversalMac_15.2_24C98_Restore.ipsw 15.2 RC 12/5
UniversalMac_15.1_24B83_Restore.ipsw 15.1 RC2 10/24
UniversalMac_15.2_24C5057p_Restore.ipsw 15.2 Beta 1 M1+ 10/23
UniversalMac_15.1_24B82_Restore.ipsw 15.1 RC 10/22
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5055e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 5 9/23
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5046f_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 4 9/16
UniversalMac_15.0_24A335_Restore.ipsw 15.0 RC 9/9
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5331b_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 8 8/28
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5035e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 3 M1+ 8/28
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5327a_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 7 8/20
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5320a_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 6 8/12
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5024e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 2 M1+ 8/12
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5309e_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 5 8/05
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5009l_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 1 M1+ 7/29
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5298h_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 4 7/23
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5289h_Restore.ipsw Beta 3 Public 1 7/15
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5289g_Restore.ipsw Beta 3 7/10
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5279h_Restore.ipsw Beta 2 7/01
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5264n_Restore.ipsw Beta 1 6/10

7. Sonoma Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sonoma Beta IPSW Download Links Version Release
UniversalMac_14.1_23B73_Restore.ipsw 14.1 RC 10/17/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B5056e_Restore.ipsw 14.1 Beta 2 10/03/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B5046f_Restore.ipsw 14.1 Beta 1 9/28/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A344_Restore.ipsw RC2 9/21/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A339_Restore.ipsw RC 9/12/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5337a_Restore.ipsw Dev 7 Pub 4 8/30/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5328b_Restore.ipsw Dev 6 Pub 3 8/22/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5312d_Restore.ipsw Dev 5 8/08/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5301h_Restore.ipsw Dev 4 Pub 2 7/31/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5286i_Restore.ipsw Public 1 7/11/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5286g_Restore.ipsw Dev 3 7/5/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5276g_Restore.ipsw Dev 2 6/21/23
Beta 1 available on only Dev 1  

8. macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Download Links Sign Release Ver
UniversalMac_13.5_22G74_Restore.ipsw YES 7/18/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.4_22F63_Restore.ipsw YES 5/11/23 RC 2
UniversalMac_13.4_22F62_Restore.ipsw YES 5/09/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5246b_Restore.ipsw YES 3/16/23 Beta 4
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5236f_Restore.ipsw YES 3/06/23 Beta 3
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5230e_Restore.ipsw YES 02/28/23 Beta 2
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5219e_Restore.ipsw YES 02/16/23 Beta 1
UniversalMac_13.2_22D49_Restore.ipsw YES 01/18/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.2_22D5038i_Restore.ipsw YES 01/11/23 B2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A380_Restore.ipsw YES 10/20/22 RC 2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A379_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/22 RC
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5373b_Restore.ipsw YES 10/11/22 Beta 11
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5365d_Restore.ipsw YES 10/4/22 Beta 10
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5358e_Restore.ipsw YES 9/27/22 Beta 9
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5352e_Restore.ipsw YES 9/20/22 Beta 8
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5342f_Restore.ipsw YES 9/09/22 Beta 7
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5331f_Restore.ipsw YES 8/25/22 Beta 6
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5321d_Restore.ipsw YES 8/08/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5311f_Restore.ipsw YES 7/27/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5295i_Restore.ipsw YES 7/11/22 Public
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5295h_Restore.ipsw YES 7/06/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5286j_Restore.ipsw YES 6/22/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5266r_Restore.ipsw YES 6/06/22 Beta 1

9. Monterey Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Monterey Beta Download Links Sign Release Ver
UniversalMac_12.5_21G72_Restore.ipsw YES 7/18/22 RC2
UniversalMac_12.5_21G69_Restore.ipsw YES 7/12/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5063a_Restore.ipsw YES 7/5/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5056b_Restore.ipsw YES 6/24/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5046c_Restore.ipsw YES 6/14/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac _12.5_21G5037d_Restore.ipsw YES 5/31/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.5_12G5027d_Restore.ipsw YES 5/18/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.4_21F79_Restore.ipsw YES 5/12/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5071b_Restore.ipsw YES 5/3/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5063e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/26/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5058e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/19/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.3_21F5048e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/05/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.3_21E230_Restore.ipsw YES 3/08/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5227a_Restore.ipsw YES 3/01/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5222a_Restore.ipsw YES 2/22/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5212f_Restore.ipsw YES 2/15/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5206e_Restore.ipsw YES 2/09/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5196i_Restore.ipsw YES 1/27/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.2_21D48_Restore.ipsw YES 1/20/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.2_21D5039d_Restore.ipsw YES 01/11/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.2_21D5025f_Restore.ipsw YES 12/16/21 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.1_21C52_Restore.ipsw YES 12/10/21 RC2
UniversalMac_12.1_21C51_Restore.ipsw YES 12/07/21 RC
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5045a_Restore.ipsw YES 12/02/21 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5039b_Restore.ipsw YES 11/17/21 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5031d_Restore.ipsw YES 11/09/21 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5021h_Restore.ipsw YES 10/28/21 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A559_Restore.ipsw YES 10/21/21 RC2
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A558_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/21 RC
UniversalMac_12.0_21a5552a_Restore.ipsw YES 10/13/21 Beta10
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5543b_Restore.ipsw YES 10/06/21 Beta 9
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5534d_Restore.ipsw YES 9/28/21 Beta 8
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5522h_Restore.ipsw YES 9/21/21 Beta 7
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5506j_Restore.ipsw YES 8/30/21 Beta 6
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5304g_Restore.ipsw YES 8/11/21 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5294g_Restore.ipsw YES 7/27/21 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5284e_Restore.ipsw YES 7/14/21 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5268h_Restore.ipsw YES 6/28/21 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5248p_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A Beta 1

10. Big Sur Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Big Sur 11 Beta Download Links Signed Release GB Size
UniversalMac_11.5_RC_20G70_Restore.ipsw YES 7/13/21 13.0
UniversalMac_11.4_20F5046g_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.3_20E217a_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.3_20E5172i_Restore.ipsw YES 2/02/21 13.87
UniversalMac_11.2_20D62_Restore.ipsw RC2 N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.2_20D53_Restore.ipsw RC N/A 1/21/21 12.8
UniversalMac_11.2_20D5042d_Restore.ipsw YES 1/13/21 12.8
UniversalMac_11.2_20D5029f_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.1_20C5061b_Restore.ipsw YES 12/03/20 12.7
UniversalMac_11.1_20C5048k_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B28_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/10/20 N/A
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B5022a_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/05/20 13.48
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B5012d_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/28/20 13.67
UniversalMac_11.0_20A5395g_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/14/20 13.9
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67 thoughts on “Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3/M4 macOS IPSW Firmware Restore Files Database”

  1. I am going to attempt to restore (for purposes of sale) my Mac mini (8GB) to Big Sur, recovery partition and elsewhere. I have a 16GB mini on the way, as of yet I have found no instructional on how to use one M1 mini to restore another, so when it comes time to plug the old mini in, is it simply a case of press/hold the power button while inserting the power cable until my iPad* says DFU, then drag/drop the IPSW into that square?

    *I’ll be using my iPad as a sidecar to the new mini on my TV’s HDMI-1, the old mini HDMI-2. I set the iPad up to mirror the TV so I can still see what’s going on while I switch over with my remote to HDMI-2, and it works with my Windows install that’s plugged in there now.

    1. Yup, that’s about it.

      Boot 8GB into DFU mode.
      Start AC2 on 16GB and Download IPSW (wr just let apple configurator 2 download it)
      Click the Restore Button. This will erase the drive and reinstall macOS Big Sur. Leave it at the setup assistant for the new user.

  2. Love what you do man. We’re a business and using your IPSW files, we can restore and reinstall M1 model very fast and conveniently. Saving us tons of time.

    Keep it up!

    1. Correct, each IPSW for big sur is compatible for all Macs in most situation. Over time you will find that certain old versions will not work. For example the new 2021 iMac came with 11.3. You will not be able to use the 11.2.3 and lower IPSW to restore.

  3. Hi,
    thank you for all the informations. I just need to downgrade from BigSur to HighSierra and I ended up with this Problem of restore/reviving the mac mini. Do you have IPSW files for HighSierra or does that make any sense?
    Thank you

  4. So will the IPSW just update (restore) my MacOS, retaining existing installed applications, etc, or will it completely erase and set up as a new machine again if I run it? Confused, was expecting an M1 beta update, not an IPSW.

      1. Hi Mr Macintosh, Failed to unzip the restore bundle [ – 0xFB5 (4021)], the message I had when I try to restore MBP.

              1. the mac i want to restore is an M1 MBP, i try to do it via a 2013 MBP and give me the message i sent you. I have used a USB-A to USB-C.

                1. Did you resolve this issue. I’m having same issues trying to dfu Restore Big Sur over Monterey beta.

  5. Hi Mr Macintosh, thanks for your video. i encountered an error of the ipsw file can’t be read.. when i tried to drag and drop it on the apple configurator 2.. i downloaded the macos 11.5.1 ipsw file.. how do i solve this issue.

    the exact error message is “”there was a problem reading the UniversalMac_11.5.1_20G80_Restore.ipsw. the operation couldn’t be completed. operation timed out”.

      1. Yes I am.

        Well I figured out the issue. I redownloaded the ipsw file, and tried again. it worked this time but failed to revive my m1 MacBook Pro. …
        Error message: The System cannot be restored on this device. The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 26 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x1A (26)]

        I then went ahead to try restoring the MacBook via the same process and it worked. but I lost all user data on the MacBook

  6. Hi

    can we do an update ? not a restore with Apple Configurator 2 and file IPSW
    thank you in advance

      1. I did a clean installation with the 11.5 RC 20G70 IPSW on my Mac mini , I would like to install over the 11.5 RC 20G71 in update with configurator 2 without erasing my data
        it’s possible ?

  7. Hello guys!

    I follow all the instructions not only here but also with apple and still having the same problem when try to restore my Macbook Pro

    The OS cannot be restored on this device.
    Failed to restore device in recovery mode, libusbrestore error:21 [ – 0x15 (21)]

    Any Idea how I can fix this would be very helpfull

  8. When I try to restore with the 12.0 21A5268h ipsw, it’ll take about a minute then Configurator 2 will error out: “The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg (Protocol error)) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)]”

      1. ah thank you. i must have missed this pre-requisite. do you have a feeling this requirement is going to apply to the release ipsw?

  9. Do you have an official Apple source for these installers rather than downloading them every time you restore a computer?

    1. Hello Mark, the links that I provide are directly from Apple’s severs. If you want, you could let Apple Configurator 2 download the latest version every time. Once a new update like 11.5 goes live AC2 would download that version and replace 11.4 that is stored on the host Mac.

  10. Do these ipsw files include restoration of all Apple Apps that came in the original build of the computer such as iMovie, Pages, Keynote, & Numbers? If not, is there a way to get a restoration installer that does truly return the computer to it’s original factory included software state?

  11. Is there any chance of getting a working link to UniversalMac_11.0_20A2411_Restore.ipsw? I’d like to install it for software testing.


  12. 11.3 version working perfectly outstanding using the DFU mode on 28.04.2021. I have downloaded the IPSW format MacOS installation file from here and put over the DFU window, It runs immediately. Few minutes later on My M1 Macbook Pro completes its installation process and boot as normally with the latest OS. This method helps me well to overcome from the M1 macbook pro’s restore Bricked issue. Thank you Mrmacintosh.

  13. 11.2.3 not working…Could you please check your link ?

    Also, this ipsw can be used on mac mini M1 or macbook pro (or air) M1. There is no specific version for macmini or macbook right ?

    i asked because on some websites, they make a difference

  14. HI!
    I am trying to revive a bricked T2 Chip on a A2141 model. It is recognized by Configurator 2 in recovery mode, but it won’t start or show any sign of life. I am able to put it into DFU using the key-combo, but it won’t let me install/revive/repair the T2 Chip. It will always stop @ step 4 – installation – bar fully loaded, quoting: “Failed to handle message type StatusMsg” – “AmRestoreErrorDomain – 0x23 (35)”.

    Do you have any idea, how to solve that? I already tried it with 2nd Mac with Catalina, did not work, then upgrading to Big Sur, did not work either. Mac still won’t start or show any sign of life. 🙁

    Thank you!!

  15. I downloaded ipsw file from the Configurator 2, in the last step installing the system, I saw a loading bar on my mac and after that Configurator 2 show an error, and my MacBook pro restarted and the alert shows again.
    I can’t understand how my MacBook comes to this situation, I just go out and leave my MacBook on the desk, when I came back I realized that it’s turned off and the alert logo shows on the screen.

  16. Hello Mr. Macintosh,
    I have bought MacBook Pro M1 and after migrating everything from my previous MacBook Pro (2015), it created 2 user profiles. I checked online and it was advised just to remove the other profile so I did that. Recently the new Big Sur 11.1 firmware update was released and my MacBook is unable to install it after downloading, which I tried several times. Then I thought of installing through startup menu using a USB drive but I ended up having a screen showing my a circle with “!” and below a web url to restore. Now I am following your guide to revive the firmware using the Apple Configurator 2 on my old MacBook, USB-A to C cable and MacOS 11.1 IPSW file that you so kindly provided here on the page. But I get this error message(below) once I start to revive my Mac in DFU mode, which isn’t listed anywhere on the internet. Could you please help me with understanding how I can fix this. I feel upset that the new MacBook Pro already has some issue from the 2nd day 🙁
    Best wishes!

    Error message: The System cannot be restored on this device. The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 26 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x1A (26)]

    Old MacBook Pro (2015) is running latest 11.1 firmware and New MacBook Pro M1 is running one previous version.

  17. Also just to let you know, (and it could be just my Mac) but I can’t even use DFU mode to reinstall 11.1 on this particular M1 MBA.

  18. I’m really stuck, failing to go back from 11.1 (production) to 11.0.1 (production) and perhaps because I’m using Configurator Version 2.13.3 (5B55), not 2.12 ?

    The process fails after DFU mode, about 3 minutes pass and then I get a restarted Mac with a (!) in a circle. This has happened now twice.

    Do you have a .dmg of 2.12 I can try? Thank you so much, your help is incredibly valuable.
    Perhaps 11.1 is a truly massive firmware update that just can’t be reversed.

  19. I am trying to revive a MacBook Air (M1) using Apple Configurator 2 on another MacBook Air (M1) but keep running into this : AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x35 (53). Do you have any idea how to resolve this problem ( I have been in contact with Apple Support but they were unable to suggest any thing other than returning the machine to the shop).

  20. Hello!

    I own a Mac mini M1 baseline and installed 11.1 Beta then had a change of heart and wanted to go back to 11.0.1 and take things from there.

    I have tried everything to restore the original (I created a USB stick of 11.0.1 before applying the Beta) BUT the mini is coming back with an error stating “This OS is too old…” or something like that. I do not have access to a second Mac and have to rely on erasing etc – even with this method the downloaded Sur is the Beta!!

    Any thoughts? Many thanks!

      1. DFU is not always working for Mac Mini. I tried several times but I kept getting the same problem with “Create a computer account”. The best option is returning the Mac Mini since Apple has a special holiday return policy until January 8, and wait until the second generation of M1 version.

  21. i tried the restore using the methods, but landed with this error

    The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 53 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x35 (53)]

  22. Hi there,
    Thank you for sharing your insights on how to get around this issue!
    Can you please tell me how the IPSW downloadable files that you have listed here are safe, unaltered and free from any nasties?
    How can I know for sure that your Big Sur IPSW 11.0.1 20B29 restore file is legitimate and directly from Apple?
    Kind Regards,

    1. Hello Ryan,

      No problem, the address that I’m providing is a direct link to Apple’s CDN server. All you need to do is right click on the link then “Copy Link Address”

      Paste the address somewhere to read it, and it will show

      notice how this link is an domain. If any other site offered the same download and it was not coming directly from Apple, I wouldn’t touch it.

      1. im sorry to say, but u may be using a counterfeit malware ridden version of macos.
        That one is clearly not an apple domain,…. its an Apple corp owned domain. I know cause myself are being part of a targeted attack for some time now.

          1. I’m with Santiago. “” has a bit of a smell to it. Plus Apple NOT using https. Weird.

            I’m the first to admit I am NOT the person to even be chiming in here, but just EXACTLY how did you go about looking it up?

            I can do the following and the results *seem* reasonable.

            Same here.

            But this? You do not even get an IP address

            Just saying, don’t like it.

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