What’s New in Xcode 11 GM Seed 1 (11A419c)

Mr Macintosh.com - What's New in Xcode 11 GM (Gold Master) (11A419c)
What’s New in Xcode 11 GM (Gold Master) (11A419c)

UPDATE: 9/27/19Apple Just released Xcode 11.1 GM Seed (11A1027) to developers. – mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-xcode-11-1-gm-seed-11a1027/

UPDATE: 9/20/19Xcode 11 is now available in the Mac App Store. What’s new ? Updated article here > mrmacintosh.com/xcode-11-11a420a-is-now-available-in-the-mac-app-store-whats-new/

UPDATE: 9/17/19Apple has released the 2nd seed of Xcode 11. You can find the change notes here > mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-xcode-11-gm-seed-2-11a420a/

Today Apple released Xcode 11 GM to Developers.

The Xcode 11 Gold Master version of Xcode is ready! Usually GM or Gold Master means that this Build Version is the final shipping version. Apple still may release another update so don’t bank on this being the final version.

This article is meant to save you time going through the notes to find what is new and what is still leftover from the last beta. I went through both Beta 7 and the new New Xcode 11 GM (11A419c) release notes to find all the changes. I also included the entire patch notes list as an archive. When Apple releases new patch notes the previous patch notes are overwritten and taken down.

Summary of New Xcode 11 GM Seed 1 Patch Notes

  • 26 New Features
  • 25 New Resolved issues
  • 15 New Known Issues
  • 2 New Deprecations

A Full List of changes is listed below, along with the full patch notes list.

Link to Apple’s Xcode 11 Developer Documentation


Xcode 11 Beta 7 Patch Notes Changes – mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-xcode-11-beta-7-11m392r/

How to Download Xcode 11 Beta

Xcode 11 GM Seed 2 Patch Notes Changes

The new Xcode 11 is available in the Mac App Store and includes SDKs for iOS 13, macOS Catalina 10.15, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13. Xcode 11 supports development for devices running iOS 13.1. Xcode 11 supports on-device debugging for iOS 8 and later, tvOS 9 and later, and watchOS 2 and later. Note that Xcode 11 requires a Mac running macOS Mojave 10.14.4 or later.

1. New Features in Xcode 11 GM

Asset Catalog – Xcode can find assets in your workspace/project using the Find navigator. The Asset Catalog Editor also supports Find and Replace, and you can rename assets using Replace. (14279237)

Build System – Xcode uses response files by default to pass input files to the Swift compiler. To turn this behavior off, set USE_SWIFT_RESPONSE_FILE to NO. (50852028)

Build System – Projects may now use custom build rules by setting the ‘Process Header Files’ (APPLY_RULES_IN_COPY_HEADERS) build setting to YES. (48185100)

Build System – An XCFramework makes it possible to bundle a binary framework or library for multiple platforms —including iOS devices, iOS simulators, and Mac Catalyst — into a single distributable .xcframework bundle that your developers can use within their own applications. An .xcframework bundle can be added to an Xcode target’s Link Libraries phase and Xcode uses the right platform’s version of the included framework or library at build time. Creation of frameworks is supported from the command line using xcodebuild -create-xcframework. Frameworks or libraries bundled in an XCFramework should be built with the Build Libraries for Distribution build setting set to YES. (49948269)

Create ML – A Tabular Regressor template is now available, joining Image Classification, Sound Classification, Activity Classification, Tabular Classification, Word Tagger and Text Classification. (54005628)

Debugging – Override system settings like appearance, dynamic type, and accessibility options for the debugged process using Environment Overrides, accessible from the debug bar. (45848655)

Debugging – Xcode can prefer using Wi-Fi to connect to a Watch when installing or debugging an app. (50313856)NoteThe iPhone-Watch pair must be on the same 2.4 GHz network. Networks that block peer-to-peer connections cannot be used.

Debugging – LLDB’s Python scripting is now based on Python 3. If you are using Python extensions that aren’t compatible with Python 3, they will break. To help with the transition, you can run in Python 2 mode by setting a default:defaults write com.apple.dt.lldb DefaultPythonVersion 2 Python 2 support will be removed in the future. (47806994)

Debugging – Swift Decimal values have a data formatter in LLDB, making them display in a readable way. (38983073)

Localization – The manual page for genstrings documents its behavior in more detail. (19709369)

Organizer – The new Metrics organizer shows battery life and performance analytics for your app to help you drive optimizations. Metrics are reported for your app when distributed on the App Store and after sufficient field use. The available metrics are battery drain, launch time, hang rate, memory, and disk writes. You can filter data by device and usage characteristics. (43028903)

Playgrounds – SwiftUI live views and inline results in playgrounds are supported. (42226387)

Server – Xcode Server now supports Mac Catalyst apps. (50602873)

Simulator – Metal is available in iOS 13 and tvOS 13 simulators when running on macOS 10.15. Metal code is executed on the host Mac GPU, and is significantly faster than simulated OpenGL code. (System APIs in watchOS 6.0 simulators are also GPU accelerated.)The APIs in SceneKit, CoreAnimation, and other system frameworks abstract many differences between GPUs, reducing the need for device-specific code. When running on earlier versions of macOS or in an environment where Metal is not available, simulators continue to use software rendered OpenGL. If your Mac has multiple GPUs, use the File menu in Simulator to select which GPU to use. If the GPU in use becomes unavailable, any simulators using it automatically shut down. (18430676)

Simulator – Xcode no longer creates every available iOS simulator device by default. Instead a set of the most commonly used devices are created. To create other devices — or multiple instances of a device — open the Devices window, select Simulators, click the + button, enter a name, and select the relevant device type and OS version. In Terminal, execute the xcrun simctl create command, for example xcrun simctl create “My iPhone 7” “iPhone 7” iOS13.0. (49428617)

Simulator – iOS 13, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13 simulators now have a dyld shared cache. This improves simulator launch times and reduces the number of open file handles used by simulator processes. If you report an issue you believe is related to the shared cache, include a simctl diagnose and the output of launching your program with DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1. (13632739)NoteA missing symbol crash may now mention the shared cache but this is not a shared cache bug. The message is merely informing you that the shared cache was consulted when searching for the symbol.

Source Editor – Xcode 11’s source editor introduces a mini-map of the file. The mini-map includes legible text for Mark:, highlighted lines with errors and warnings, source control changes, breakpoints, and highlighted Find results. The mini-map is enabled by default and can be turned off per editor. (35939517, 46064742, 46064809, 46064921, 46064981, 47127500, 47208960, 47516881)

Source Editor – Added options to control the indentation of case labels inside switch statements. This can be controlled separately for Swift and C-family languages under Preferences -> Text Editing -> Indentation. (9441571)

Source Editor – Added an option for controlling indentation inside the C++ namespace and external C blocks in Preferences > Text Editing > Indentation. (20700010)

Source Editor – Pasted text is no longer re-indented by default, though the initial whitespace is adjusted to match the surrounding text. This can be controlled with Preferences > Text Editing > Indentation. (16047992)

Source Editor – Added support for syntax coloring YAML files. (19942196)

Swift – The @frozen attribute for structures and enumerations is now available. (SE-0260, 36597490)

Swift – More thorough checking has been implemented for restrictions around escaping closures capturing in-out parameters or values of noescape type. While most code isn’t affected, there are edge cases where the Swift 5.0 compiler accepted code that violated these restrictions. (SR-8546, SR-9043, 43355341)An example of invalid code which was incorrectly accepted by the Swift 5.0 compiler is an @escaping closure that calls a local function that references an in-out parameter from an outer scope:struct BadCaptureExample { var escapingClosure: () -> () mutating func takesInOut(_ x: inout Int) { func localFunction() { x += 1 } escapingClosure = { localFunction() } } } The compiler now correctly diagnoses the above code by pointing out that the capture of x by localFunction() is invalid, since localFunction() is referenced from an @escaping closure.This also addresses certain cases where the compiler incorrectly diagnosed certain code as invalid, when in fact no violation of restrictions had taken place. For example:func takesNoEscape(_ fn: () -> ()) { func localFunction() { fn() } { localFunction() }() }

Swift Packages – Xcode now supports creating and working with Swift packages, as well as adding, removing, and managing package dependencies. The package management support in Xcode is built on top of the open source Swift Package Manager project. (22427200)

Testing – XCTest includes augmented performance testing capabilities with the new measure(metrics:options:block:) method and related methods. The metrics argument requires a list of objects conforming to the XCTMetric protocol. You can either implement your own custom metrics or use XCTClockMetric, XCTOSSignpostMetric, XCTCPUMetric, XCTMemoryMetric, or XCTStorageMetric. (49430032)The following shows an example performance test that measures the CPU and Memory impact of sorting a list:func testExample() { // Measures the CPU and memory impact of sorting the input list. measure(metrics: [XCTCPUMetric(), XCTMemoryMetric()]) { sortedList = qsort(list: self.fiftyNumbersFrom0to100) } }

Testing – When running tests using a test plan, it is now possible to configure which targets to include in code coverage results via the test plan’s code coverage setting. (53504451)

2. New Resolved Issues in Xcode 11 GM

General – Fixed an issue where issue text may appear light when using a light theme with a dark system appearance. (48230278)

Create ML – Non-ASCII characters can be used as training labels for Image Classification and Sound Classification. (53594243)

Debugging– Breakpoints support the VoiceOver command to open the shortcut menu. (44940944)

Debugging – Redeclaring self in Swift code works properly with LLDB. (39611934)

Debugging – The Swift REPL and LLDB’s python scripting work properly when the python binary in PATHisn’t the system one. (40961425)

Interface Builder – Fixed an issue where system colors in XIB files set to deploy before iOS 13.0 wouldn’t adapt to the system appearance at runtime. (54362252)

Debugging – Resolved an issue that prevented running a Watch App that has the ‘Supports Running Without iOS App Installation’ setting on a pre-watchOS 6.0 device or simulator. (54104164)

Simulator – Fixed an issue that could cause Simulator to crash or become unresponsive following clipboard-related actions in other applications if automatic pasteboard synchronization is enabled. (54011137)

Simulator – Changing the audio in a simulated device while a video is playing in Safari won’t mute the audio of the video. (51207286)

Source Editor – Fixed an issue where double clicking on a C++ destructor name would also select the tilde (~). (6368356)

Source Editor – Makefiles are now correctly recognized, and are always indented using tab characters. (16975247)

Source Editor – Fixed an issue where changing a file’s tab width would not update the display. (52026893)

Source Editor – When full lines are selected, typing a delimiter now places the delimiters on separate lines, shifting the selection to the right. (52077437)

Source Editor – Fixed a problem where double-clicking text containing words separated by periods in comments would select too much. (11541526)

Source Editor – Double-clicking the quotes of a Swift string containing interpolations now selects the whole string. (24470374)

Source Editor – Improved the recognition of functions in shell script files. (52478049)

Source Editor – Improved performance and correctness when parsing XML and HTML files. (50672550)

Source Editor – Improved the syntax coloring for man page files. (52035097)

Swift – Static libraries are now always force-loaded in their entirety during linking, fixing most “unable to demangle” runtime errors. (47598583)

Swift – If a type has the same name as its containing module, importing that module from a module interface works properly. (19481048, 48445154)

SwiftUI – The #if/#endif compiler conditionals surrounding PreviewProvider types have been removed from SwiftUI templates. PreviewProviders aren’t properly removed from built products when archived. (51539802)

SwiftUI – Xcode Previews work when your built products (derived data) are on a separate volume from your home directory. (54327360)

SwiftUI – Switching run destinations will show the correct device in Xcode Previews. (54006837)

SwiftUI – Fixed an issue preventing Xcode Previews from working for macOS apps with App Sandbox enabled. (51088926)

Testing – The unit test discovery mechanism is more efficient for large projects. The test navigator gets populated faster after reopening a project. (32567980)

3. New Known Issues in Xcode 11 GM

General – When building an Objective-C iOS File Provider application extension that implements the URLForItemWithPersistentIdentifier method, Xcode emits a warning saying that this callback method is deprecated and won’t be called. This warning is incorrect; the method isn’t deprecated, and is called at the appropriate times. (54487300)

Asset Catalog – Named colors in the asset catalog won’t be found at runtime when running on iOS 11. (54325712)

Command Line Tools – When using the Command Line Tools as the active Developer directory, some users may experience random crashes in the Swift compiler. (53582696)Workaround: Execute the command sudo rm -f /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/macosx/libswift*.dylib in Terminal.

Create ML – Apps importing the Create ML framework may not launch if they are compiled by Xcode 11. This doesn’t impact existing apps. (53795065) Workaround: Add the file libswiftCreateML.tbd in the ‘Link Library with Libraries’ section.

Reality Composer – The Rename menu item isn’t enabled when scene, object, or behavior is selected. (54274819)Workaround: You can rename scenes and objects using the Name field in the Properties inspector. You can rename behaviors by right-clicking the behavior and selecting Rename from the contextual menu.

Simulator – iCould Drive isn’t supported in iOS 13.0 and earlier simulator runtimes when running on macOS Catalina 10.15. Logging into iCloud on impacted simulators will result in birdterminating and relaunching in a cycle. (51392951)Workaround: Log out of iCloud in impacted simulators to halt the crash cycle.

Simulator – Simulated devices running iOS 13 may fail to enable an external display or CarPlay display, instead displaying a black window. (53966664)Workaround: Close the window and try again. If that fails restart the affected simulator.

Simulator – When running UI tests in a simulated device on a macOS host with slow hardware the test runner process may get killed by the CPU watchdog. (54136015)Workaround: Free up resources so the simulated device has faster I/O. You can also extend the watchdog timeouts by setting a user default in the relevant simulator. Boot the simulator, then run:xcrun simctl spawn defaults write com.apple.springboard FBLaunchWatchdogScale 2 This must be set on each simulator. Erasing a simulator will reset this setting.

Simulator – Attempting to create an MIDINetworkSession in a simulated device running iOS 13 won’t succeed. (54484923)

SwiftUI – The attribute inspector doesn’t allow specifying flexible frames. (51310989)Workaround: Use the source editor to work with the frame inspector when specifying flexible size information.

SwiftUI – Text view doesn’t display properly in tvOS playgrounds. (54148259)

SwiftUI – SwiftUI has an API that lets you change the value type of Binding to AnyHashable:let someBinding: Binding = … let typeErasedBinding = Binding(someBinding) Attempting to use this API fails at compile time with a linker error on watchOS 6. (53769896)

SwiftUI – Apps containing SwiftUI inside a Swift package crash on launch on devices running iOS versions earlier than iOS 13. (53706729)Workaround: When back-deploying to an OS that doesn’t contain the SwiftUI framework, add -weak_framework SwiftUI to the Other Linker Flags setting in the Build Settings tab. See Frameworks and Weak Linking for more information on weak linking a framework. Note that this workaround doesn’t apply when using dynamically-linked Swift packages which import SwiftUI.

SwiftUI – Xcode Previews fast turnaround may not work in some files. (48091832)Workaround: If you encounter issues using Xcode Previews, you can try disabling hot-swapping per file using the Editor > Previews menu. You will still be able to use previews, but without the faster turnaround that hot-swapping provides.

Swift Compiler – Applying multiple property wrappers to a property could cause the compiler to synthesize accessors with the wrong ABI. This feature has been disabled to prevent incompatible ABI changes from occurring in the future. (53428736)

4. New Deprecations in Xcode 11 GM

Command Line Tools – Command line support for Subversion will be removed in a future release. (50195246, 50231958, 50266910, 51740851, 52528748)

Debugging – Starting in macOS 10.15, the Quartz Composer framework is marked as deprecated, but remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to frameworks such as Core Image, SceneKit, or Metal if your app is using Quartz Composer. (50911608)

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FileVault 2 Target Disk Mode Unlock Using the Personal Recovery Key

MrMacintosh.com - FileVault 2 Target Disk Mode Unlock Using the Personal Recovery Key.
Recover User Data when you don’t have the user’s FileVault Password

Do you need to recover user data with Target Disk Mode, but you don’t have the user’s FileVault 2 password?

I will show you how to unlock FileVault 2 after you connect the Mac using Target Disk Mode. This can be very helpful for IT Departments that need to access user data when an employee is let go and you don’t have the user’s password.

How to boot a Mac into Target Disk Mode (TDM)

Think of Target Disk Mode as if you are turning your Mac into an External Hard Drive. Once you plug the Target Mac into the host Mac using a USB/Thunderbolt Cable you can access all of the Target Mac’s files on the Host Mac. It’s really a great tool for moving data, especially useful for fast file backup, transfers or data recovery.

MrMacintosh.com - Apple's instructions for how to Boot your Mac to Target Disk Mode.
Apple’s instructions for how to Boot your Mac to Target Disk Mode.


Mounting the and unlocking the drive.

Once you have booted your Mac into Target Disk Mode and it’s pluged into the host Mac you will be see a GUI message after a few moments.

MrMacintosh.com - This is a Target Disk Mode unlock message above is for a T2 Mac. You will get this if you are encrypted or not encrypted with a password.
The unlock message above is what you will see with a T2 Mac. You will get this message if you are encrypted or not encrypted with a password. The users listed will be securetoken enabled users.
MrMacintosh.com - FileVault 2 Target Disk Mode GUI unlock pop-up.
FileVault 2 Target Disk Mode GUI unlock pop-up for a non T2 Mac.

If the Mac is not encrypted and doesn’t have a T2 the drive will just mount as Macintosh HD on the Desktop.

If you know the user’s password, type it in and the drive will mount.

Attempting to unlock FileVault 2 TDM “diskutil apfs unlockVolume -passphrase”

You may have used this command in the past if you needed to unlock FileVault in the Recovery Partition.

diskutil apfs unlockVolume /dev/apfs_volume_id_goes_here -passphrase personal_recovery_key_goes_here

Rich Trouton wrote a great article on how to unlock FileVault 2 in the Recovery Partition. You can find that article here.


You would think we could use the same command to mount the drive with TDM. Let’s try it.

MrMacintosh.com - Attempting to unlock Macintosh HD in TDM mode using diskutil apfs unlockVolume /dev/disk3s5 -passphrase
Attempting to unlock Macintosh HD in TDM mode using diskutil apfs unlockVolume /dev/disk3s5

Trying to use the following command.

diskutil apfs unlockVolume /dev/disk3s5 -passphrase _recovey_key_here

Will give the error

Error unlocking APFS Volume: APFS Volume Target Disk Mode Unlock requires that you supply a specific user (-69486)

The GUI unlock pop-up only has the option to unlock with user’s password.

Gathering the information that you need to unlock the drive using the Personal Recovery Key.

Let’s get started. You will only need 3 things.

  • APFS Volume ID
  • UUID of the Personal Recovery User
  • FV2 Personal Recovery Key

First let’s get the APFS Volume ID of the Target Mac. On the host Mac run this command in the Terminal.

diskutil apfs list

Look all the way at the bottom for Name: Macintosh HD You will also see Mount Point: Not Mounted and FileVault: Yes (Locked)

MrMacintosh.com - The Volume ID section you are looking for that shows the APFS Volume Disk (Role)
The Volume ID section you are looking for that shows the APFS Volume Disk (Role)

You will need to grab disk4s5 from APFS Volume Disk (Role) This is the Target Mac’s Volume ID.

2. Get the Personal Recovery User UUID

Run this command to get the UUID of the Personal Recovery User. Don’t forget to put the Volume ID that you grabbed above in apfs_volume_id_here

diskutil apfs listUsers /dev/apfs_volume_id_here

MrMacintosh.com - Getting the UUID of the Personal Recovery User.
Getting the UUID of the Personal Recovery User.

3. Personal Recovery Key

Now that you have the all 3 things we can now unlock the drive.

Unlocking the Drive using the Personal Recovery User and Personal Recovery Key.

Let’s unlock the drive! The command is

diskutil apfs unlockVolume /dev/disk_volume_ID_here -user personal_recovery_user_UUID_here

MrMacintosh.com - Unlocking the drive with the PRK and Personal Recovery User.
Unlocking the drive with the PRK and Personal Recovery User.

After typing in the command you will have a prompt that says Passphrase. Paste or type the Mac’s Recovery Key in and hit enter.

NOTE: for the PRK you have to include all the dashes and use all CAPS.

If you don’t you will get this error

Passphrase incorrect or user does not exist

Once you type in the correct PRK you will be see this message.

Unlocked and mounted APFS Volume attached via Target Disk Mode

Copying Files

One last note if you need to copy files from the user’s folder. If you navigate to the user’s folder and see that you do not have permission to view Desktop, Documents or Downloads. This is not a problem.

MrMacintosh.com - Permission to view is denied. No problem just copy the entire user folder over.
Permission to view is denied. No problem just copy the entire user folder over.

All you need to do is copy the entire user folder over to the Host Mac. You will be prompted to enter in an admin password. This is the admin password on the Host Mac not the Target Mac. Once the User folder is copied over you will have access to all files.


I wanted to thank someone who clarified this procedure and also helped test to make sure it worked.

Thank you Mr. Anonymous!!!

I hope this article has helped you. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to Contact Me.

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What’s new in iOS 13.1 Beta 2 (17A5831c)

MrMacintosh.com - iOS 13.1 Beta 2 Summary of changes - 3 New Features, 0 New Resolved issues, 3 New Known Issues
& 0 New Deprecations.
iOS 13.1 Beta 2 Summary of changes – 3 New Features & 3 New Known Issues.

Today Apple released iOS 13.1 Beta 2 to Developers.

I report mainly on macOS, but maybe I could expand a bit. Michael Tsai@mjtsai (Follow him) took a look at my latest article “What’s new in macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 7” He asked if anyone was doing this for Xcode. I followed up with his request and posted mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-xcode-11-beta-7-11m392r

With that said, I am going to try documenting iOS patch change notes. Maybe this will end up being useful to iOS Developers. As Michael said if Apple would organize the patch notes with every new build version, I wouldn’t have to do this.

This article is meant to save you time going through the notes to find what is new and what is still leftover from the last beta. I went through both iOS 13.1 Beta 1 and the new iOS 13.1 Beta 2 (17A5831c) release notes to find all the changes. I also included the entire patch notes list as an archive. When Apple releases the Beta 3 patch notes the previous patch notes are overwritten and taken down.

Summary of New iOS 13.1 Beta 2 Patch Notes

  • 0 New Warnings
  • 3 New Features
  • 0 New Resolved issues
  • 3 New Known Issues
  • 0 New Deprecations

A Full List of changes is listed below, along with the full patch notes list.

Apple’s iOS Beta Developer Documentation


How to Download iOS 13.1 Beta

iOS 13.1 Beta 2 Patch Notes Changes

1. New Features in iOS 13.1 Beta 2

SwiftUI – NSManagedObject now conforms to ObservableObject. The new @FetchRequestproperty wrapper can drive views from the results of a fetch request, and managedObjectContext is now included in the environment. (50280673)

Swift UI – BindableObject is replaced by the ObservableObject protocol from the Combine framework. (50800624)You can manually conform to ObservableObject by defining an objectWillChangepublisher that emits before the object changes. However, by default, ObservableObjectautomatically synthesizes objectWillChange and emits before any @Publishedproperties change.// RoomStore.swift import Foundation class RoomStore: ObservableObject { @Published var rooms: [Room] = [] } struct Room: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String var capacity: Int var hasVideo: Bool } // ContentView.swift import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @ObservedObject var store: RoomStore var body: some View { NavigationView { List(store.rooms) { room in RoomCell(room: room) } .navigationBarTitle(“Rooms”) } } } @ObjectBinding is replaced by @ObservedObject.

SwiftUI – The RangeReplaceableCollection protocol is extended to include a remove(atOffsets:) method and the MutableCollection protocol is extended to include a move(fromOffsets:toOffset:) method. Each new method takes IndexSetinstances that you use with the onMove(perform:) and onDelete(perform:)modifiers on ForEach views. (51991601)

2. New Resolved issues in iOS 13.1 Beta 2


3. New Known Issues in iOS 13.1 Beta 2

iCloud – You might be unable to delete the Recovered Files folder in On My iPad/iPhone. (54785368)Workaround: Back up your device, erase it, restore from backup, then try again.

Sidecar – If you update to iPadOS 13.1 beta 2, you will be unable to use Sidecar until a future version of macOS Catalina beta is released. (54903543)

SwiftUI – Apps containing SwiftUI inside a Swift package might not run on versions of iOS earlier than iOS 13. (53706729)Workaround: When back-deploying to an OS which doesn’t contain the SwiftUI framework, add the -weak_framework SwiftUI flag to the Other Linker Flags setting in the Build Settings tab. See Frameworks and Weak Linking for more information on weak linking a framework. This workaround doesn’t apply when using dynamically linked Swift packages which import SwiftUI.

4. New Deprecations in iOS 13.1 Beta 2


Full Archive of iOS 13.1 Beta 2 Release Notes.


The iOS & iPadOS 13 SDK provides support for developing apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices running iOS & iPadOS 13. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 11 beta available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 11, see Xcode 11 Beta 7 Release Notes.


If your watch is running watchOS 6 beta, you must update it to watchOS 6 beta 2 or later before updating to iOS 13 beta 7 or later, otherwise your watch will no longer be able to connect to your phone. (52854192)


Known Issues

  • Snapshots for apps that use Metal might have an unexpected appearance in the App Switcher. (53121694)


  • The UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key is no longer supported in iOS & iPadOS 13. Update your apps to handle modern multitasking. (43958234)


New Features

  • Voice Processing mode can now be enabled on AVAudioEngine. (50906329)
  • New AVAudioNode types can be used to wrap a user-defined block for sending or receiving data in real time.
  • A new method is available for an AVAudioEngine-based app to retrieve a list of all nodes attached to an AVAudioEngine instance.
  • A new rendering mode in AVAudioEnvironmentNode selects the best spatial audio rendering algorithm automatically based on the output device.
  • A new AVAudioSession property allows system sounds and haptics to play while the session actively uses audio input.
  • A new enumeration, AVAudioSession.PromptStyle, informs apps which style of voice prompt they should play based on other audio activity in the system.
  • AVAudioSession.RouteSharingPolicy now permits apps to specify route-sharing policies so their audio and video routes to the same location as AirPlay.
  • Audio Unit Extensions now support user presets that are available across all host applications.


  • The OpenAL framework is deprecated and remains present for compatibility purposes. Transition to AVAudioEngine for spatial audio functionality.
  • AUGraph is deprecated in favor of AVAudioEngine.
  • Inter-App audio is deprecated. Use Audio Units for this functionality moving forward.
  • Carbon component-based Audio Units are deprecated and support will be removed in a future release.
  • Legacy Core Audio HAL audio hardware plug-ins are no longer supported. Use audio server plug-ins for audio drivers moving forward.

Audio Sharing

New Features

  • Audio sharing is compatible with AirPods (1st generation or later) and PowerBeats Pro. iPhone 8 or later, iPad Pro 12.9-inch (2nd generation or later), iPad Pro 11-inch, iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad (5th generation or later), iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad mini (5th generation), or iPod touch (7th generation or later) is required. (51331268)


New Features

  • AVFoundation now supports encoding video with alpha channels using HEVC. Videos encoded in this manner are broadly supported in AVFoundation APIs, and by Safari within web pages. Technical details of the format can be found in the Interoperability Profile specification. (8045917)

Core Haptics

Known Issues

Core Image

New Features

  • The init(imageURL:options:) and init(imageData:options:) initializers no longer support RAW version 5 and earlier. Version 6 and later remain supported. (50911303)
  • Added new APIs for instantiating and modifying the built-in Core Image filters.
  • The CICoreMLModel filter is enhanced to support models with an input or output of type MLFeatureType.multiArray.
  • Metal CIKernel instances support arguments with arbitrarily structured data.
  • Metal CIKernel instances support returning a group of 2 × 2 pixels.
  • The integer values of CIFormat symbols, such as ARGB8, have changed to a new set of values that are consistent across platforms. The former values remain supported for backward compatibility; however, you should avoid dependancies on specific numerical values.

Find My

Known Issues

  • When performing an action in Find My that generates an email, you might see references to the Find My Friends and Find My iPhone apps. (51123613)
  • While iOS & iPadOS 13 remains in beta, offline-finding capability is limited.


Known Issues

  • You might be unable to delete the Recovered Files folder in On My iPad/iPhone. (54785368)Workaround: Back up your device, erase it, restore from backup, then try again.
  • After updating to iOS 13 beta 6 or later, iCloud Drive might synchronize for an extended period of time. If you notice any missing files, they can be found in a Recovered Files folder under On My iPhone/iPad within the Files app. (53772753)
  • When creating a new Pages, Numbers, or Keynote document in a shared folder, you might see the message: “Couldn’t connect to iCloud.” (50827963)Workaround: Close and reopen the document.


New Features

  • Ignore Blocked Senders can now be enabled in Settings > Mail. The blocked contacts list is shared with Messages, FaceTime, and Phone. (50775961)


New Features


  • Removed support for FTP and File URL schemes for Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC). HTTP and HTTPS are the only supported URL schemes for PAC. This affects all PAC configurations including, but not limited to, configurations set using Settings, System Preferences, Profiles, and URLSession APIs such as connectionProxyDictionaryand CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL(_:_:_:_:). (28578280)
  • The URLSession and NSURLConnection APIs no longer support SPDY. Servers should use HTTP 2 or HTTP 1.1. (43391641)


Known Issues

  • The camera feed will remain visible at the base of objects loaded from a Reality File when ARView.Environment.Background is set to ARView.Environment.Background.skybox(_:) (53715030)Workaround: Turn off grounding shadows when setting the background to ARView.Environment.Background.skybox(_:) by setting ARView.RenderOptions to disableGroundingShadows.

Screen Time

Known Issues

  • If you enable Share Across Devices, Screen Time settings don’t sync with iCloud until your iOS device is restarted. Any edits you make to your Screen Time settings on that device before restarting are lost. (50194586)


Known Issues

  • If you update to iPadOS 13.1 beta 2, you will be unable to use Sidecar until a future version of macOS Catalina beta is released. (54903543)


Known Issues

  • The supportsOnDeviceRecognition property always returns false the first time it’s accessed. After a few seconds, accessing it again returns the correct value. (47822242)
  • Shortcuts opened on iOS & iPadOS 13 beta are automatically upgraded and can no longer be opened on iOS 12. If a device with iOS 12 and a device with iOS 13 share an iCloud account, shortcuts might become unusable on the device running iOS 12. (50873839)Workaround: Disable iCloud Sync between devices running iOS & iPadOS 13 beta and devices running iOS 12.
  • Currently, the only supported response for INSearchForMediaIntent is INSearchForMediaIntentResponseCode.continueInApp. (51010311)


New Features

Known Issues

  • Apps containing SwiftUI inside a Swift package might not run on versions of iOS earlier than iOS 13. (53706729)Workaround: When back-deploying to an OS which doesn’t contain the SwiftUI framework, add the -weak_framework SwiftUI flag to the Other Linker Flags setting in the Build Settings tab. See Frameworks and Weak Linking for more information on weak linking a framework. This workaround doesn’t apply when using dynamically linked Swift packages which import SwiftUI.


  • SwiftUI APIs deprecated in previous versions of iOS 13 beta have been removed. (53310683)
  • NavigationDestinationLink and DynamicNavigationDestinationLink are deprecated; their functionality is now included in NavigationLink. (50630794)
  • The Length type is replaced by CGFloat. (50654095)
  • TabbedView is now named TabView. (51012120)
  • HAlignment and VAlignment are now deprecated, use the more flexible HorizontalAlignment or VerticalAlignment types instead and use TextAlignment for text. (51190531)
  • The SelectionManager protocol is removed, use Optional and Set instances directly for selection. (51557694)
  • The isPresented environment value is deprecated and replaced with the more general presentationMode value. (51641238)
  • The StaticMember protocol is deprecated. Use protocol-conforming types directly instead. For example, use an instance of WheelPickerStyle directly rather than the wheel static member.(52911961)
  • Complex overloads for the background(_:alignment:) and border(_:width:)modifiers are deprecated. Use shapes in a background(_:alignment:) or overlay(_:alignment:) to draw these instead. (53067530)
  • SwiftUI APIs deprecated in previous betas are now removed. (52587863)
  • The identified(by:) method on the Collection protocol is deprecated in favor of dedicated init(_:id:selection:rowContent:) and init(_:id:content:)initializers. (52976883, 52029393)The retroactive conformance of Int to the Identifiable protocol is removed. Change any code that relies on this conformance to pass \.self to the id parameter of the relevant initializer. Constant ranges of Int continue to be accepted:List(0..<5) { Text("Rooms") } However, you shouldn’t pass a range that changes at runtime. If you use a variable that changes at runtime to define the range, the list displays views according to the initial range and ignores any subsequent updates to the range.
  • Several extensions to the Binding structure are removed. (51624798)If you have code such as the following:struct LandmarkList: View { var landmark: [Landmark] @Binding var favorites: Set<Landmark> var body: some View { List(landmarks) { landmark in Toggle(landmark.name, isOn: self.$favorites.contains(landmarkID)) } } } Define the following subscript on the Set structure:extension Set { subscript(member: Element) -> Bool { get { contains(member) } set { if newValue { insert(member) } else { remove(member) } } } } Then, change self.$favorites.contains(landmarkID) to self.$favorites[landmarkID].
  • The Binding structure’s conditional conformance to the Collection protocol is removed. (51624798)If you have code such as the following:struct LandmarkList: View { @Binding var landmark: [Landmark] var body: some View { List(landmarks) { landmark in Toggle(landmark.value.name, isOn: landmark[\.isFavorite]) } } } Define the following collection type:struct IndexedCollection<Base: RandomAccessCollection>: RandomAccessCollection { typealias Index = Base.Index typealias Element = (index: Index, element: Base.Element) let base: Base var startIndex: Index { base.startIndex } var endIndex: Index { base.startIndex } func index(after i: Index) -> Index { base.index(after: i) } func index(before i: Index) -> Index { base.index(before: i) } func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy distance: Int) -> Index { base.index(i, offsetBy: distance) } subscript(position: Index) -> Element { (index: position, element: base[position]) } } extension RandomAccessCollection { func indexed() -> IndexedCollection<Self> { IndexedCollection(base: self) } } Then, update your code to:struct LandmarkList: View { @Binding var landmarks: [Landmark] var body: some View { List(landmarks.indexed(), id: \.1.id) { (index, landmark) in Toggle(landmark.name, isOn: self.$landmarks[index].isFavorite) } } }
  • The relativeWidth(_:)relativeHeight(_:), and relativeSize(width:height:) modifiers are deprecated. Use other modifiers like frame(minWidth:idealWidth:maxWidth:minHeight:idealHeight:maxHeight:alignment:) instead. (51494692)

Third-Party Apps

Known Issues

  • You might be unable to stream to a Chromecast device. (51334673)


New Features

  • The UITableViewCell class no longer changes the backgroundColor or isOpaqueproperties of the contentView and any of its subviews when cells become highlighted or selected. If you are setting an opaque backgroundColor on any subviews of the cell inside (and including) the contentView, the appearance when the cell becomes highlighted or selected might be affected. The simplest way to resolve any issues with your subviews is to ensure their backgroundColor is set to nil or clear, and their opaqueproperty is false. However, if needed you can override the setHighlighted(_:animated:) and setSelected(_:animated:) methods to manually change these properties on your subviews when moving to or from the highlighted and selected states. (13955336)
  • Since iOS 8, using UISearchController with UINavigationController has required setting the definesPresentationContext property of the top view controller to true. Failure to do so leads to subtle bugs that can be hard to detect and debug. Starting in iOS & iPadOS 13 beta, if a view controller’s navigationItem has a non-nilsearchController, when the view controller is shown in a navigation controller, UINavigationController automatically sets that view controller’s definesPresentationContext property to true. If you are targeting earlier versions of iOS, set this property before your search controller becomes active. (31338934)
  • The UIRefreshControl class no longer directly modifies the contentInset of its scroll view. Instead, its adjustments to the content inset will be incorporated into the scroll view’s adjustedContentInset. The only exception is when the scroll view’s contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior is set to UIScrollView.ContentInsetAdjustmentBehavior.never, in which case the UIRefreshControl instance will modify the contentInset directly as it did in previous releases. (35866834)
  • If you implement self-sizing cells in a UITableView by overriding sizeThatFits(_:)without using Auto Layout, the height you return is interpreted as the desired height for the contentView of the cell, and UITableViewCell automatically adds any additional height needed to allow room for the cell separator. If you implement manual self-sizing this way, the cell’s contentView width is guaranteed to be accurate for you to use in manual layout calculations when sizeThatFits(_:) is called on the UITableViewCell. (39742612)
  • Trait environments, such as views and view controllers, now have their traitCollectionproperty populated with traits during initialization. These initial traits represent a prediction of the ultimate traits that the trait environment will receive when it gets added to the hierarchy. Because the traits that are populated during initialization are just a prediction, they might differ from the traits that are received once actually in the hierarchy. Therefore, when possible you should wait to perform work that uses the traitCollection until the view, or view controller’s view, has moved into the hierarchy — meaning window returns a non-nil value — so that you don’t have to throw away any work done using the predicted traits if the actual traits are different. The best time to use the traitCollection is during layout, such as inside layoutSubviews()viewWillLayoutSubviews(), or viewDidLayoutSubviews().
  • The traitCollectionDidChange(_:) method is only called when the value of a trait changes. Importantly, because the trait collection is now initialized to a prediction of the ultimate traits in the destination hierarchy, when the initial predicted traits match the ultimate traits in the hierarchy, traitCollectionDidChange(_:) will not be called when the trait environment is added to the hierarchy. Because traitCollectionDidChange(_:) is intended to be an invalidation callback to notify you that one or more traits changed, audit your existing implementations of this method, as well as the UIContentContainer method willTransition(to:with:), for places where you might have been relying on it to trigger initial setup. The best place to lazily perform work that uses the traitCollection is inside one of the layoutSubviews methods discussed above, but remember that these layout methods are called any time layout occurs so be sure to avoid repeating work when you don’t need to. (46818941)
  • You can now enable debug logging to easily see when traitCollectionDidChange(_:) or willTransition(to:with:) is called on your own classes. Turn on the logging by using the following launch argument: -UITraitCollectionChangeLoggingEnabled YES. You might want to temporarily disable the Main Thread Checker while using this launch argument and running your app from Xcode to avoid extra log messages for unrelated classes. (47858564)
  • The UITableViewCell class’s contentView property is always laid out edge-to-edge with adjacent accessories, both on the leading and the trailing side. This streamlines the layout code so developers who want the correct default offset no longer have to align their content with the content view border or the layout margin depending on whether there is an accessory on the trailing side or not. You should now always lay out their code on the layout margins of the cell’s content view to get the default system insets. These insets will be adjusted automatically based on the accessories visible in the cell to match the system’s default spacing. (48214114)
  • You can now invoke a custom initializer from a creation block that’s passed through instantiateInitialViewController(creator:) or instantiateViewController(identifier:creator:). This makes it possible for you to initialize view controllers with additional context and arguments, while taking advantage of defining them in a storyboard through Interface Builder. A custom controller initializer must call its super.init(coder:) method and pass the coder argument that it receives through the creation block. (48313869)

Known Issues

  • Specifying UIWindowScene.DestructionRequestOptions in Swift is currently unavailable. (51036709)

Voice Analytics

Known Issues

  • Voice Analytics is currently available only when using server based speech recognition. (53604093)


Known Issues

  • Complications might disappear from Apple Watch after updating to iOS 13 beta if your watch isn’t running watchOS 6 beta. (50507942)


New Features

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How to Restore BridgeOS on a T2 Mac + Boot a Mac to DFU Mode

MrMacintosh.com - How to Restore BridgeOS on a 2018+ T2 Mac using Apple Configurator 2. How to Boot your Mac into DFU Mode
How to Restore BridgeOS on a 2018+ T2 Mac using Apple Configurator 2. How to Boot your Mac into DFU Mode

Did a macOS Update Brick your T2 Mac? I will Show you how to Boot your Mac into DFU Mode so you can Restore BridgeOS.

This article will go over how to restore BridgeOS on your T2 Mac. This is not something that you will ever normally have to do. Restoring or reinstalling BridgeOS firmware would only be needed in the following situations.

  • 1. Failed macOS Upgrade
  • 2. Failed macOS Combo or Delta Update
  • 3. Failed macOS Security Update
  • 4. Failed macOS Reinstall
  • 5. Failed BridgeOS or Failed Firmware Update
  • 6. “Command Option R” fails to boot your T2 Mac to the newest version of macOS Internet Recovery. (Example: 10.14 is out but the Mac boots to 10.13)

This link shows the different ways you can boot to the Recovery Partition or Internet Recovery support.apple.com/en-us/HT204904

Typical symptoms that you might see that would indicate a failed or bricked update.

  • Mac Seems dead
  • Will not turn on
  • Black Screen
  • No Fan Noise
  • Power on LED Light does not turn on (Mac Mini or 2020 iMac)

If you find yourself in one of these situations you can follow the instructions below.

My quick 4 min video on how to boot your into DFU mode + restore / revive BridgeOS.
Deep Dive explanation on how to boot your Mac into DFU Mode + How to Reinstall BridgeOS with Apple Configurator 2 – Mr. Macintosh YouTube live demo.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Updates
  • 2. Warning!
  • 3. List of T2 Compatible Macs
  • 4. How do I find my T2 Mac BridgeOS Version?
  • 5. Setup and Cable Requirements before you begin
  • 6. Download Apple Configurator 2 app
  • 7. How to Boot your T2 Mac into DFU Mode
  • 8. Instructions for the MacBook Pro & Air (2018-2020)
  • 9. Instructions for the iMac & iMac Pro (2017 & 2020)
  • 10. Instructions for the Mac Mini (2018-2020)
  • 11. Instructions for the Mac Pro (2019)
  • 12. You made it! Apple Configurator 2 Steps
  • 13. Begin BridgeOS Revive / Restore
  • 14. Finishing Up
  • 15. Can I Downgrade from a Beta Version of BridgeOS to a Production version?
  • 16. Troubleshooting DFU Mode & BridgeOS Update Problems

1. Updates

2. Warning about “Restore” Full Erase! Please Read

The new version of Apple Configurator 2 (2.12.1+) and newer has different options!

  • Actions > Advanced > Revive Device = Reinstall BridgeOS Only – Revive should be the first option to try. If a Revive does not work, move to the second option Restore.
  • Actions > Restore = Reinstall BridgeOS & ERASE OS AND USER DATA! – This option will reinstall BridgeOS and erase the SSD. This option is for more serious issues where the Mac does not respond after installing an update.

3. List of T2 Compatible Macs

This is a list of T2 Mac that you can can have BridgeOS restored.

  • 2019-2020 16″ MacBook Pro
  • 2018-2019 13″ & 15″ Macbook Pro
  • 2018-2020 MacBook Air
  • 2018 Mac Mini
  • 2020 iMac
  • 2017 iMac Pro
  • 2019 Mac Pro

4. How do I find the BridgeOS Version on my T2 Mac?

From support.apple.com/en-us/HT203001 – “Choose Apple menu  > About This Mac. This opens an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, serial number, and version of macOS. To see the greater detail provided by the System Information app, click the System Report button.”

MrMacintosh.com - About my Mac > System Report > BridgeOS version = 17.16.10525
About my Mac > System Report > BridgeOS version = 17.16.10525

5. Setup and Cable Requirements before you begin.

You will need to meet the following requirements –

(The Host Mac will do the work and the Target Mac is the Mac you need to Restore)

  • 1. USB-C Mac as the Host Machine.
  • 2. The Host Mac must have at least macOS 10.13.5 and Apple Configurator 2.6 or newer installed. (Version 2.12.1 is the latest)
  • 3. The Host Mac Must be on the same OS version as the Target Mac that you want to Restore. (Example – If the Target Mac is on 10.15 you will need the Host Mac to be on 10.15. If the Host Mac is on 10.14 you will get an error 10)
  • 3. Internet access on the Host Mac“You may need to configure your web proxy or firewall ports to allow all network traffic from Apple”
  • 4. USB-C to USB-C Cable – The white Apple USB-C Charge will work fine.(USB-C Cable MUST Support Power & Data). Apple notes that a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 3 cable is not supported but I’ve tested it and it works fine.
  • 5. The Host Mac can have the cable plugged in anywhere.
  • 6. The Target Mac MUST have the USB-C Cable Plugged in to the Left Hand side USB-C port. This is First port in line (Port closest to the front of the Mac or trackpad) If you are still confused look at the picture below.
  • If you don’t meet all the prerequisites booting to DFU Mode or BridgeOS Upgrade might fail.

6. Download Apple Configurator 2

MrMacintosh.com - Download Apple Configurator 2 app from the Mac App Store. Version 2.6 or higher is required.
Download Apple Configurator 2 app. Version 2.6 or higher is required.

If you do not have Apple Configurator 2, you can download it now from the Mac App Store with this link.


7. How to Boot your T2 Mac into DFU Mode

With all the startup keyboard commands you can issue a Mac, booting into DFU Mode should be pretty simple right?


You have to follow a very particular sequence to get this to work. I have attempted to find the exact way to get this to work every time. Even then sometimes the system will refuse to Boot into DFU mode.

MrMacintosh.com - Me trying to get my T2 Mac into DFU mode without turning it off or booting into macOS.
Me trying to get my T2 Mac into DFU mode without turning it off or booting into macOS.

Apple’s Instructions

You can find Apple’s instructions for booting into DFU mode here.


UPDATE 4/13/20: New Apple Support Document


MrMacintosh.com - Apple's instructions for booting your T2 MacBook Pro into DFU mode.
Apple’s instructions for booting your T2 MacBook Pro into DFU mode. Image: Apple Inc

8. My Instructions for the MacBook Pro & Air

Bottom line, it’s hard to get your T2 Mac into DFU mode. You could try Apple’s instructions 10 times and STILL not get into DFU mode.

Once you have meet all of the pre requisites above, follow the instructions below to get into DFU Mode every time.

  • 1. The Target Mac must be OFF to begin.
  • 2. Press the Power button and hold for 1 second.
  • 3. While STILL holding power immediately hold down Right Shift, Left Control and Left Option.
  • Hold down all 4 keys for 8 Seconds (count 1 one thousand) then let go of all keys.
  • You will not see anything on the Target Mac screen.
  • Keep an eye on the Host Mac’s Apple Configurator 2 Application. The App should say “Connect Devices”
  • When the Target Mac is booted into DFU mode correctly, the host will show a big DFU icon in Apple Configurator 2.
  • After you see the DFU picture pop up on the Host Mac you can let go of the keys.
MrMacintosh.com - DFU T2 Booting Instructions - Make sure the Mac is OFF. Hold down power for 1 second then also hold Right Shift, Left Control and Left Option for 8 total seconds then let go.
DFU T2 Booting Instructions – Make sure the Mac is OFF. Hold down power for 1 second then also hold Right Shift, Left Control and Left Option for 8 total seconds then let go.

9. Instructions for the iMac (2020) & iMac Pro (2017)

The iMac 2020 & iMac Pro 2017 are a little different yet are super simple to get into DFU Mode.

  • 1. Disconnect the power cord from the iMac Pro or Mac Mini.
  • 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port next to the Ethernet Port.
  • 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
  • 4. While holding down the power button, connect the iMac Pro or Mac Mini to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds
  • 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.

10. Instructions for the Mac Mini (2018)

The Mac Mini 2018 instructions are close to the iMac Pro but the USB-C port that you need is next to the HDMI port instead of the Ethernet port like the iMac Pro.

MrMacintosh.com - How to boot a Mac Mini 2018 into DFU mode to restore BridgeOS - Image: Apple Inc
How to boot a Mac Mini 2018 into DFU mode to restore BridgeOS – Image: Apple Inc
  • 1. Disconnect the power cord from the Mac Mini.
  • 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port next to the HDMI Port.
  • 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
  • 4. While holding down the power button, connect the Mac Mini to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds
  • 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.

11. Instructions for the Mac Pro (2019)

The Mac Pro 2019 instructions were just added to the DFU instruction guide.

MrMacintosh.com - How to boot a Mac Pro 2019 into DFU mode to restore BridgeOS - Image: Apple Inc
How to boot a Mac Pro 2019 into DFU mode to restore BridgeOS – Image: Apple Inc
  • 1. Disconnect the power cord from the Mac Pro.
  • 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port farthest from the power button.
  • 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
  • 4. While holding down the power button, connect the Mac Pro to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds.
  • 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.

12. You made it! Apple Configurator 2 Steps

The hard part is now over. Now we can restore BridgeOS on the Target Mac. When you first open Apple Configurator 2 the screen will look like this.

MrMacintosh.com - This is what you will see if the Mac is NOT booted to DFU mode.
This is what you will see if the Mac is NOT booted to DFU mode.

Once your Mac is booted to DFU mode, you will see this screen on Apple Configurator 2. You are now ready for the next step.

MrMacintosh.com - When you see a big DFU icon when your Mac is properly booted into DFU Mode.
When you see a big DFU icon when your Mac is properly booted into DFU Mode.

13. Begin BridgeOS Revive

You are now ready to restore BridgeOS on the Target Mac. Click Actions > Advanced > Revive Device.

(DO NOT CLICK RESTORE YET) Only run Restore if Revive does not work. (Restore Erases your Hard drive!!!!!!!)

MrMacintosh.com - Apple Configurator 2. Actions > Restore.
OLD PICTURE – Select Actions > Advanced > Revive Device (NOT Restore) 1st

You will now see a warning message. Do you want update “iBridge” to the latest firmware version? You cannot undo this action. This means that once you update BridgeOS/iBridge you cannot go back to the previous version.

An updated Apple support document shows that we now have 2 different options.

  • Actions > Advanced > Revive Device = Reinstall BridgeOS Only
  • Actions > Restore = Reinstall BridgeOS & ERASE OS AND USER DATA!
MrMacintosh.com - Apple Configurator 2 version 2.12.1 - New Message that warns that the BridgeOS Restore will ERASE ALL OS AND USER DATA!
AC2 version 2.11 – 2.12.1 ??? New Message that warns that the BridgeOS Restore will ERASE ALL OS AND USER DATA!

The message below is what you will see on at least AC2 version 2.10 and below. OR if you click Revive instead of restore.

AC2 Version 2.10 and below – Do you want to restore and update “iBridge” to the latest firmware version?

Click the Restore Button to begin. Step one will download the latest BridgeOS update from Apple.

MrMacintosh.com - Step 1. Downloading the latest BridgeOS from Apple.
Step 1. Downloading the latest BridgeOS from Apple.

Step 2. Unzipping BridgeOS

MrMacintosh.com - Step 2. Unzipping the BridgeOS Update.
Step 2. Unzipping the BridgeOS Update.

Step 3. Installing BridgeOS Update.

MrMacintosh.com - Step 3. Installing BridgeOS
Step 3. Installing BridgeOS

14. Finishing Up

If you would like to see more information you can click View and see a new activity window.

MrMacintosh.com - Apple Configurator 2 Activity window.
Apple Configurator 2 Activity window.

The entire process will only take about 4-10 Minutes. Most of the time is spent downloading the 400-600MB BridgeOS Update. The Unzip and Install parts only take about 1 minute each. When complete the Mac will automatically Boot up.

NOTE: with version 2.12.1, the entire process may never finish correctly and get stuck at the final part (probably a bug). Once your Target Mac is at the login window the restore is complete. The error that you might see is 0xFA5 (4005)

15. Can I Downgrade from a Beta Version of BridgeOS to a Production version? i.e Bug Sur BridgeOS to Catalina Version?

Let’s say that you installed Big Sur Beta 6, and are now having a ton of problems. You probably want to downgrade to Catalina so you can work again. The only problem is, you are still on Big Sur Beta 6 BridgeOS version 18.16.12370. Keep in mind, your Mac SHOULD still work fine with this version. An example of this is if you have Catalina 10.15.6 installed on your Mac, your BridgeOS version is 17.16.16610. Let’s say that you need to test something on version 10.15.3. After installing Catalina 10.15.3, your BridgeOS version will NOT be downgraded to the period correct version of 17.16.13050. It will run just fine on the 10.15.6 version of 17.16.16610 BridgeOS. The same is the case if you have a Big Sur Beta version of BridgeOS and you downgrade to Catalina.

The answer is YES, follow the link below for an explanation.


16. Troubleshooting DFU Mode & BridgeOS Update Problems

  • I can’t get my Mac to boot into DFU mode. This is the toughest part of the whole process as I mentioned above. Keep trying the steps I listed above. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to get his to work.
  • You can use System Information to see if the USB-C port lists your Mac in DFU Mode.
MrMacintosh.com - System Information showing a Mac plugged in booted to DFU Mode.
System Information showing a Mac plugged in booted to DFU Mode.
  • BridgeOS Restore Error 79- The OS Cannot be restored on this device. The Operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 79 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x4F (79)] – If you get this error it means that the BridgeOS update has failed and is unable to complete. The system will be unable to boot. When powered on the screen will be black. The Mac will have to be brought to an Apple Store for Service.
MrMacintosh.com - BridgeOS Restore Error - The OS Cannot be restored on this device. The Operation couldn't be completed.
BridgeOS Restore Error – The OS Cannot be restored on this device. The Operation couldn’t be completed.

BridgeOS Restore Error 10 – The BridgeOS Restore failed! This is most likely because the host Mac was 1 or 2 OS Versions behind the Target Mac. The Host and Target Mac need to be on the same OS Version.

If your Target Mac is on 10.15, then your Host Mac needs to be on 10.15.

The OS Cannot be restored on this device.

The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)]

MrMacintosh.com - BridgeOS Restore Error 10 - The Host and Target Mac need to be on the same OS Version.
BridgeOS Restore Error 10 – The Host and Target Mac need to be on the same OS Version.

Host Mac and Target Mac Disconnected during restore. – Error 4005

The OS Cannot be restored on this device.

Gave up waiting for device to transition from RestoreOS state to BootedOS State. [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFA5 (4005)]

MrMacintosh.com - BridgeOS Restore Error 4005
BridgeOS Restore Error 0xFA5 (4005)

This error will come up when the restore process has been interrupted.

Or, you might get this using Apple Configurator 2 version 2.12.1, as the process never seems to complete properly. If the Target Mac awakes to the login window the process is complete even though the progress bar is at 100%. After unplugging the USB-C cable you will get the error above.

Apple Configurator 2 Reports RECOVERY instead of DFU Status.

MrMacintosh.com - Apple Configurator 2 Reports RECOVERY instead of DFU Status.
Apple Configurator 2 Reports RECOVERY instead of DFU Status.
  • If you see RECOVERY this means that BridgeOS is unable to boot and is the default status when you power on the Mac.
  • Failed BridgeOS Restore due to OS Version Mismatch! The Target Mac is a previous OS i.e 10.14 trying to restore a 10.15 Mac, the update will fail with an Error 10
  • If the Mac already failed the Upgrade, it could already be in this status. If so, you can attempt a BridgeOS restore.

Configurator could not perform the requested action. Apple Controller devices do not support this action.

This means that you selected Actions > Update, which is not supported. You need to select Actions > Advanced > Revive Device

Apple Configurator 2 BridgeOS Firmware Download Location.

Thanks MrMacintosh Reader Max C for letting me know the location of the BridgeOS Firmware files.

~/Library/Group Containers/Group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Caches/Firmware

Apple Configurator 2 Log Location

~/Library/Group Containers/xxxxxxx.group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Logs

Note that for version 2.12.1 the log does not seem to be working.

If you have any additional information or questions Contact Me!

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