UPDATE: 9/27/19 – Apple just released Xcode 11.1 GM Seed (11A1027) to Developers mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-xcode-11-1-gm-seed-11a1027/
UPDATE: 9/20/19 – Xcode 11 is now available in the Mac App Store! Check out what’s new here – mrmacintosh.com/xcode-11-11a420a-is-now-available-in-the-mac-app-store-whats-new/
UPDATE: 9/18/19 – Apple released both Xcode 11 Seed 1 and 2.
Yesterday Apple released Xcode 11 Beta 7 to Developers.
I report mainly on macOS, but maybe I could expand a bit. Michael Tsai –@mjtsai (Follow him) took a look at my latest article “What’s new in macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 7” and said this.

I am going to try documenting Xcode patch change notes, maybe this will end up being useful to Developers. As Michael said if Apple would organize the patch notes with every new build version, I wouldn’t have to do this.
This article is meant to save you time going through the notes to find what is new and what is still leftover from the last beta. I went through both Beta 6 and the new New Xcode 11 Beta 7 (11M392r) release notes to find all the changes. I also included the entire patch notes list as an archive. When Apple releases the Beta 8 patch notes the previous patch notes are overwritten and taken down.
Summary of New Xcode 11 Beta 7 Patch Notes
- 1 New Warning
- 8 New Features
- 7 New Resolved issues
- 7 New Known Issues
- 0 New Deprecations
A Full List of changes is listed below, along with the full patch notes list.
Link to Apple’s Xcode 11 Developer Documentation
How to Download Xcode 11 Beta
- Sign up as an Apple Developer (Yearly $100)
- Contact your Apple SE to join AppleSeed for IT
Xcode 11 Beta 7 Patch Notes Changes
Xcode General – Known Issues Xcode 11 beta 7 incorrectly reports as beta 6 on the welcome screen. (54795525)
1. New Warnings in Xcode 11 Beta 7
Xcode Previews in Xcode 11 beta 7 have a known incompatibility with macOS Catalina beta 6. Upgrade to macOS Catalina beta 7 or later. (54621598)
2. New Features in Xcode 11 Beta 7
General – Xcode 11 beta 7 and later supports development for devices running iOS 13.1.
Build System – Custom build rules can now specify additional, static input files that are used during execution. These resolved input file paths are supplied to rule scripts using the SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_# environment variables. (49645853)
Instruments – NSView and UIView have a layout mode option in the Size inspector to explicitly opt into “translates autoresizing mask into constraints”. The default setting is “Automatic”, which is the existing behavior. “Automatic” implies that “translate autoresizing mask into constraints” is off when a view affect by constraints in the storyboard or .xib file, but on if unconstrained. (37352354)
Swift – You can now use the Self expression to refer to the innermost nominal type inside structure, enumeration and class declarations. For example, the two method declarations inside this structure are equivalent:struct Box { func transform1() -> Self { return self } func transform2() -> Box { return self } } In classes, Self is the dynamic type of the self value, as before. Existing restrictions on Self in declaration types still apply; that is, Self can only appear as the return type of a method. However, Self can now be used inside the body of a method without limitation. (SE-0068, 17892696)
Swift – More thorough checking has been implemented for restrictions around escaping closures capturing in-out parameters or values of noescape type. While most code isn’t affected, there are edge cases where the Swift 5.0 compiler accepted code that violated these restrictions. (SR-8546, SR-9043, 43355341)An example of invalid code which was incorrectly accepted by the Swift 5.0 compiler is an @escaping closure that calls a local function that references an in-out parameter from an outer scope:struct BadCaptureExample { var escapingClosure: () -> () mutating func takesInOut(_ x: inout Int) { func localFunction() { x += 1 } escapingClosure = { localFunction() } } } The compiler now correctly diagnoses the above code by pointing out that the capture of x by localFunction() is invalid, since localFunction() is referenced from an @escaping closure.This also addresses certain cases where the compiler incorrectly diagnosed certain code as invalid, when in fact no violation of restrictions had taken place. For example:func takesNoEscape(_ fn: () -> ()) { func localFunction() { fn() } { localFunction() }() }
Testing – xccov now supports being passed result bundles directly, in addition to raw report and archive files. For example, to view the coverage report within a result bundle, invoke xccovas follows: xccov view –report /path/to/result_bundle.xcresult. (50500789)
Testing – The format of result bundles changed in Xcode 11. A result bundle is an asset produced by Xcode 11 with the xcresult file extension that contains information about the build, tests, code coverage, and more. Any xcresult files produced with Xcode 10 or earlier cannot be read by Xcode 11. A result bundle can be produced by passing -resultBundlePath ./Example.xcresult to an xcodebuild invocation and the Example.xcresult can then be opened in Xcode. Xcode also creates result bundles in Derived Data. The current result bundle version number is 3, which can be specified by passing the xcodebuild flag -resultBundleVersion 3. Version 3 is the default in Xcode 11, but it is still recommended for automation to explicitly pass the flag, so that any potential future versions that become the default do not cause issues to existing tools. Result bundles can be inspected using xcresulttool. A JSON representation of the root object of the result bundle can be exported using xcrun xcresulttool get –format json –path ./Example.xcresult and any nested object, identified by its reference found in the JSON output, can be exported by adding the flag –id REF. xcresulttool also provides the description of its format using xcrun xcresulttool formatDescription. (41633595)
Testing – xcodebuild is enhanced with new options supporting Test Plans. Use the new -showTestPlans option to list all test plans associated with a scheme. Use the new -testPlan option to specify which test plans associated with a scheme to use for testing or building tests. If -testPlan is not specified, xcodebuild test will use the scheme’s default test plan. (46346197)
3. New Resolved Issues in Xcode 11 Beta 7
Build System – By default, Xcode’s new build system doesn’t detect changes in directories declared as inputs to shell script build phases. Enabling the build setting ALLOW_RECURSIVE_SCRIPT_INPUTS causes it to do so. However, if any of the files inside such a directory are generated by a task that depends on the output of the script phase, then a dependency cycle error is emitted and must be resolved by restructuring the target. (41126633)
Library – The Swift REPL and LLDB’s python scripting work properly when the python binary in PATH isn’t the system one. (40961425)
Library – Multiple issues that prevented LLDB from accessing variables while debugging XCTesttests are resolved. (41471338)
Source Control – Source control status in the file navigator will reflect the same information as git status from the terminal. (14986450)
Source Editor – Added dedicated syntax coloring for // MARK: comments and #pragma markdirectives, which you can customize in Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Mark. (22114159)
Swift – weak and unowned stored properties no longer inhibit the automatic synthesis of Equatable or Hashable conformance. (SR-9827, 50566123)
Swift Packages – Adding a new file in a C-family target of a Swift package doesn’t create the file with the .swift extension. (31395814)
4. New Known Issues in Xcode 11 Beta 7
General – Xcode 11 beta 7 incorrectly reports as beta 6 on the welcome screen. (54795525)
Build System – Incremental builds to may fail to codesign properly for non-source related changes to your project, such as resource file modifications, which can result in the app failing to launch. (41254808)Workaround: Change a source file within the same target to trigger the codesignprocess, or perform a clean build.
Source Control – When using xcodebuild, resolving packages may fail to verify SSH fingerprints unless that fingerprint is already in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. (50686014)Workaround: SSH into the host and verify the fingerprint from the command line before using xcodebuild, or manually add the host fingerprint to the ~/.ssh/known_hostsfile.
SwiftUI – Drag and drop operations that result in insertions of containers around an existing view and a new sibling in the container don’t work if the existing view is at the top level of a conditional statement in a view builder. For example, you can’t drop an HStack or VStackaround the Text. (50300406):var body: some View { VStack { if true { Text(“Hello World”) } } } Workaround: Embed the existing view into a container — either in the canvas or the source editor — then drop the new view into that container.
SwiftUI – Dragging a Text modifier onto text in the canvas that already has a View modifier such as frame(width:height:alignment:) results in a compilation error. (50712235)Workaround: Reorder the modifiers so that modifiers specific to Text appear before any View modifiers.
SwiftUI Tutorials – The scheme that’s autogenerated for a Swift package isn’t automatically updated when the package adds or removes targets. (50586754)Workaround: Delete the scheme from the swiftpm/xcode/xcshareddata/xcschemes directory inside the package directory, then reopen the package to automatically generate a new scheme.
Swift Packages – The scheme that’s autogenerated for a Swift package isn’t automatically updated when the package adds or removes targets. (50586754)Workaround: Delete the scheme from the swiftpm/xcode/xcshareddata/xcschemes directory inside the package directory, then reopen the package to automatically generate a new scheme.
5. New Deprecations in Xcode 11 Beta 7
New Features
- Xcode 11 beta 7 and later supports development for devices running iOS 13.1.
- Xcode 11 beta supports development with SwiftUI.NoteTools for SwiftUI development are only available when running on macOS Catalina 10.15 beta.
- You can now change the appearance of Xcode independently of the system appearance setting. (41165587)
- Xcode supports uploading apps from the Organizer window or from the command line with
orxcrun altool
. Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode. (29008875) - LaunchServices on macOS now respects the selected Xcode when launching Instruments, Simulator, and other developer tools embedded within Xcode. For example, when you double-click an Instruments trace in Finder, the version of Instruments for the selected Xcode launches. Change which Xcode is used with
from the command line. (6757601) - Editors can be added to any window without needing the Assistant Editor. Editors are added using the “Add Editor” button in the jump bar or the File > New > Editor command. Each editor can now be in one of three modes: “Editor Only”, “Editor and Assistant” or “Editor and Canvas”. The latter two modes automatically show relevant content when available. When using multiple editors, the View > Editor > Focus command can be used to temporarily expand the active editor to fill the entire window, hiding other editors. For source control support, the Code Review button in the Toolbar replaces the Comparison Editor. The “Show Authors” command is now available from the Source Editor’s Editor menu. The SCM Log is now in the Inspector Area. (43806898)
Known Issues
- Xcode 11 beta 7 incorrectly reports as beta 6 on the welcome screen. (54795525)
- Xcode 11 doesn’t support working with SwiftUI in a Mac Catalyst app. (41416222, 51201699)
Resolved Issues
- The required packages installer no longer unnecessarily appears on macOS 10.15. (51080815)
- The Foundation integration for the Combine framework is now available. The following Foundation and Grand Central Dispatch integrations with Combine are available:
, and the@
property wrapper. (51241500) - Issue text is no longer light when using a light theme with a dark system appearance. (48230278)
Apple Clang Compiler
New Features
- Clang now provides a mechanism for controlling exit-time destructor registration. You can disable these globally with the flag
, or apply the attribute[[clang::no_destroy]]
to disable the destructors of specific variables. The attribute[[clang::always_destroy]]
was also added to enable destructors of specific variables when-fno-c++-static-destructors
is used. (21734598) - As an extension, C++11 enums with fixed underlying types are now supported in all language modes. (43831380)
- Deprecation warnings will be issued when standard library facilities that were deprecated in the active Standard version are used. (46881474)
- Stack checking is on by default on all platforms to prevent memory corruptions. (25859140)
- The machine code outliner is on by default under
. It reduces code size by identifying identical code sequences across functions. Such sequences are encapsulated (“outlined”) in a single compiler generated function. Each original code sequence is replaced with a call to that outlined function. (46385499) - In order to improve performance and security the static linker (
) now moves globals that are marked as constant into a new segment:__DATA_CONST
. These globals may consist of compiler generated pointers that the dynamic linker (dyld
) needs to fix up during load, but are otherwise constant such as vtables and explicitly declared constant pointers. Oncedyld
has finished loading the image it makes__DATA_CONST
readonly. This change doesn’t impact well behaved code, but may break code that depends on undefined behavior such as using a type pun to write to a pointer that’s declared asconst
. (50898833)static int value1 = 0; // Stored in __DATA static int value2 = 0; // Stored in __DATA const int * const valuePtr = &value1; // Stored in __DATA_CONST // ERROR: Attempting to store a value to a constant pointer (int *)valuePtr = &value2;
- Clang now supports the C++17
library for iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13. (50988273)
Resolved Issues
- When using manual retain-release, exceptions thrown from the following methods or any functions or methods they transitively call will properly be caught:
, orallocWithZone
. (50253394) - An
if (@available( … ))
check works properly when linked by Xcode into an app or framework that’s running on iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, or tvOS 13. (51109405) - The
headers are removed. Use<optional>
from C++17 instead. (50175894) - Resolved a long compile-time issue in the loop-invariant code motion pass of the optimizer. (39648918)
Asset Catalog
New Features
- Assets can now be cut, copied, pasted, and duplicated using the menu or keyboard shortcuts. (27107912)
Known Issues
- Localized assets in an asset catalog aren’t matched to the user-preferred languages and locales. (49565973)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed crash that could occur when loading recent colors. (53027898)
- Xcode no longer crashes if you press Command-U or select an asset catalog in the navigator area. (52211868)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using Interface Builder’s image inspector if the asset catalog contained a symbol and bitmap image assets with the same name. (51279661)
- New user-defined images added to the asset catalog show up in the image view image combo box. (51090225, 51120715)
- Corrected an issue that caused the
asset variation for Mac Catalyst to returnnil
at runtime. (50022757) - Resolved an issue that caused
asset lookup to return the wrong data when an asset had variants specified for iPad and Mac Catalyst. (49990047, 51278348, 51288447)
Build System
New Features
- If tests are run using a test plan, it’s now possible to configure which targets should be included in code coverage results using the test plan’s code coverage setting. (50502861)
- Xcode uses response files by default to pass input files to the Swift compiler. To turn this behavior off, set
. - You can use an unlimited number of Swift files in a target. (35879960)
- Run script phases and custom build rules may declare and emit a dependencies file, in the Makefile-style
format output used by some compilers and build tools. The build system checks the files listed for changes during subsequent builds when determining if the rule or phase should be executed. (49226986) - Projects may now use custom build rules to process header files (
). (48185100) - Custom build rules can now specify additional, static input files that are used during execution. These resolved input file paths are supplied to rule scripts using the
# environment variables. (49645853) - Xcode removes some entries from the
file of a product at build time if the entries are not appropriate for the platform being built for, which is useful for targets which are configured to build for multiple platforms. This behavior can be disabled by setting the build settingDISABLE_INFOPLIST_PLATFORM_PROCESSING
, in which case the target must assume the responsibility of managing these entries appropriately. (47797497) - Custom build rules can now declare that they should run once per architecture (the default), or run only once across all architectures. This is useful for custom rules which are architecture-neutral, for example, code generation tools that generate files that don’t differ per architecture. (47716990)
- XCFramework make it possible to bundle a binary framework or library for multiple platforms —including iOS devices, iOS simulators, and Mac Catalyst — into a single distributable
bundle that your developers can use within their own applications. An.xcframework
bundle can be added to an Xcode target’s Link Libraries phase and Xcode uses the right platform’s version of the included framework or library at build time. Creation of frameworks is supported from the command line usingxcodebuild -create-xcframework
. Frameworks or libraries bundled in an XCFramework should be built with the Build Libraries for Distribution build setting set toYES
. (49948269)
Known Issues
- Incremental builds to may fail to
properly for non-source related changes to your project, such as resource file modifications, which can result in the app failing to launch. (41254808)Workaround: Change a source file within the same target to trigger thecodesign
process, or perform a clean build. - Updating your iOS app for Mac Catalyst might show new error diagnostics stating that certain frameworks or functionality is not available on the Mac. If one of these diagnostics is shown erroneously, you can disable it by setting the
build setting toNO
. (50607174) - The new build system doesn’t evaluate a leading tilde (
) in paths in build settings to the user’s home directory. (41339901)Workaround: Use$(HOME)
instead. - If a target enables
, then single file processing commands — such as Compile, Preprocess, Show Assembly — won’t work correctly because they generate the static analyzer output file rather than the appropriate output. (43340227)Workaround: Disable RUN_CLANG_STATIC_ANALYZER in the target. - If the build of an app-hosted test target — where
is defined — fails, subsequent builds may fail when signing the app product because the test target is incomplete and unsigned when the initial signing of the app occurs. (43402096)Workaround: Perform a clean build. Or, manually delete the unsigned test bundle from inside the app target’s product and rebuild. - Targets which override the Architectures and Valid Architectures build settings for iOS may need to remove or conditionalize the overrides to build correctly for Mac Catalyst. (51074742)
- When using Xcode on macOS 10.15, some files — especially
files and storyboard files — might be copied rather than compiled, resulting in an incorrect build product. (49351105)Workaround: In the File Inspector for the file which is being copied, toggle the Type popup away from Default – <some type> then back to Default. This resets the file type in the project file to the correct type and enables the build system to match it to the correct tool to process it. - When building for the first time users may get a popup stating that SimulatorTrampoline would like access to Desktop Files because
running in simulator needs access to these files to compile storyboards. (51114450)Workaround: Allow access to the files in the prompt.
Resolved Issues
- When tests are run under multiple configurations using a test plan in Xcode Server, the integration report now properly displays the name of each configuration that a test ran under. (53402104)
- If changes are made to the active test plan document while the test navigator is visible — such as the addition or removal of a test target, or enabling or disabling an individual test or test class — the navigator now updates immediately in response to the changes instead of becoming out of sync with the test plan. (52065983)
- If the settings in the active test plan document are modified, and the Test Again action is subsequently invoked to rerun the tests that were last run, the modified settings will now take effect instead of the previous settings being used. (51145300)
- On-Demand Resources (ODR) are now supported on macOS. (50358184)
- Use of legacy build system features such as build rule or script phase discovered dependency files, input declarations for custom build rules, or the
build setting produces an error instead of silently being ignored. (51318274) - Overriding the Architectures build setting to just
in a Watch targets doesn’t prevent deployment to TestFlight or Xcode’s enterprise distribution workflow. (51104990) - The indexer doesn’t wait for a build to be performed before indexing Swift response files. (52110336)
- After closing and reopening a project, or when performing incremental builds using
, diagnostics from prior builds regarding incompatible frameworks, app extensions, and code signing settings now are displayed with a description in the Issue Navigator and Build Log. (51131884) - By default, Xcode’s new build system doesn’t detect changes in directories declared as inputs to shell script build phases. Enabling the build setting
causes it to do so. However, if any of the files inside such a directory are generated by a task that depends on the output of the script phase, then a dependency cycle error is emitted and must be resolved by restructuring the target. (41126633) - The build system no longer crashes when building some targets that use On Demand Resources. (49072702)
Command Line Tools
Resolved Issues
- The
commands no longer incorrectly fail with an error that claims they require Xcode when only the Command Line Tools are installed. (53284703) pip3
is available using the default shellPATH
when using macOS Catalina 10.15 beta 4. (50877974)- Python 3 is available in the Command Line Tools package. (51727440)
Known Issues
- When using the Command Line Tools for beta 4 or later, some users may experience random crashes in the Swift compiler. (53582696)Workaround: In Terminal, execute the command
sudo rm -f /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/macosx/libswift*.dylib
- Xcode’s built-in
tool is deprecated and will be removed. Use the updated tool suite located under Resources in Augmented Reality. (52922369)
Core Data
New Features
- There is now a checkbox that makes it possible for you to distinguish whether the default value of a string attribute should be
or the empty string. When set, the default value is the empty string if no other default is specified. (26534406) - The Xcode 11 data model file format no longer writes out or preserves deprecated Sync Services information for entities or properties. (32524648)
- The Core Data data model editor has added support for derived attributes when using the Xcode 11 data model file format and an appropriate deployment target. (45567066)
- When creating an application using Core Data, there is a new checkbox to also enable CloudKit support for the data model’s default configuration. This can also be enabled for an existing data model using the new configuration inspector. When a data model configuration supports CloudKit, the data model editor performs additional validation to ensure the model conforms to the requirements for Core Data CloudKit support. (51126024)
Resolved Issues
- When used with CloudKit, an attribute in a Core Data model must either be optional or have a default value. Xcode 11 beta 3 and earlier incorrectly required that such an attribute be both optional and have a default value. (51593507)
- Using the UUID attribute type, the URI attribute type, or the persistent history feature properly generates an error when used with a data model file format prior to the format used in Xcode 9. (50188371)
Create ML
New Features
- Activity classification, tabular classification, tabular regressor, and word tagger templates are available in Create ML. (53405469)
- Object detection and text classification templates are available in Create ML, joining the image classification and sound classification templates. Use these templates starting with macOS 10.15 beta 3. (52009035)
- You can now classify sounds live directly from the microphone using Sound Classification preview. (52131594)
Known Issues
- Non-ASCII characters cannot be used as training labels for Image Classification and Sound Classification. (53594243)
- Apps importing the Create ML framework may not launch if they are compiled by Xcode 11. This doesn’t impact existing apps. (53795065)Workaround: Add the file
in the ‘Link Library with Libraries’ section.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved a crash that could occur when using Live listen devices without a microphone. (53472928)
- The progress graph in the sound classifier updates appropriately. (52911042)
New Features
- The view debugger now shows the names of
instances in the inspector. (35516797) - The graphical filter in the Size inspector for debugging view hierarchies identifies which attributes on the selected view are constrained. Selecting attributes in the filter narrows the displayed constraints to ones matching that attribute. Standard modifier keys such as Shift and Command can be used to expand the selection showing the union of constraints matching those attributes. (44864394)
- You can now debug the view hierarchies of watchOS apps. (45173634)
- You can now simulate network conditions and thermal states for a connected device from the Devices and Simulators window. (44608479)
- The view debugger shows
instances in the debug navigator and canvas. (45378799) - View debugging can be disabled in the scheme options. (45928299)
- The Size inspector for debugging view hierarchies has more details about constraints including a filter, hover highlighting in the editor, and better descriptions. (16153188)
- The view debugger supports debugging Mac Catalyst apps. (37507479)
- The view debugger inspector shows
. (49506123) - The view debugger now shows the names of iOS named and system colors. (45162028)
- The view debugger shows trait collection information. (45161975)
- The view debugger shows the names of
instances. (45327089) - The view debugger now shows symbol information, like baseline and midline. (49508874)
- The debug bar appearance switcher supports changing between dark and light modes on iOS. (45161907)
- The “Pause on issues” checkboxes in the Diagnostics tab of the Scheme Editor are replaced by regular breakpoints. You can use the Breakpoints Navigator to create a Runtime Issue Breakpoint. (31409112)
- Override system settings like appearance, dynamic type, and accessibility options for the debugged process using Environment overrides, accessible from the debug bar. (45848655)
- The debugger supports working with crash logs (
files). (48408310) - The debugger can debug tvOS Top Shelf extensions. (48869701)
- Xcode can prefer using Wi-Fi to connect to a Watch when installing or debugging an app. (50313856)
- The VoiceOver actions menu for breakpoints includes an action to jump to the corresponding line of code. (44941178)
- When debugging views with constraints, double clicking a constraint in the size inspector selects that constraint in the editor and show information for the constraint in the inspector. (18842905)
Known Issues
- When trying to run a Watch App from Xcode that has the ‘Supports Running Without iOS App Installation’ setting on a pre-watchOS 6.0 device or simulator the Watch App doesn’t launch. (54104164)Workaround: Build and Run the containing iOS App once to the paired iPhone device or simulator. Then you can switch back to the Watch App scheme and it will work normally.
- Console output for Previews is only shown when debugging Live Previews in the Simulator. (49891045)
- In watchOS 6, an
key is required in the APNs request header. Specifyalert
for the type of notification being sent. The template APNs files in Xcode don’t contain this header by default. (50709418) - Debugging symbols might be unavailable for Apple Watch. (26995636)Workaround: Verify that you have a working internet connection and that you’re signed into your Apple ID in Preferences > Accounts.
- Debugging a watch app in a watchOS simulator might fail the first time the simulator boots. (50263836)Workaround: Wait until the watch simulator finishes booting, then start debugging it again.
- App and thermal state tracks in the Energy Impact gauge might stop updating. (50968828)Workaround: Stop and rerun the app.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an Xcode crash on macOS 10.15 when dragging the process item in the Debug Navigator. (48453949)
- You can debug an interactive preview on a device. (51183159)
- When working with devices running the current beta operating system release, the Energy Report shows the thermal conditions of the device. (52349364)
- Debugging is available for on-device previews. (47668840, 51139546)
- The Environment Overrides button appears in the debug bar for watchOS and iOS app extension targets without you needing to pause the process first. (51203640)
- A preview debug session no longer ends when the preview isn’t visible. (50593619)
- Runtime issue breakpoints added to running processes behave correctly. (49433870)
- Items in the view debugger can be revealed in the Debug navigator from the context menu. (18598643)
- Improved the formatting of Swift class names when debugging the view hierarchy. (39679411)
- Fixed an issue where the debug console would display a page column guide. (49693398)
- Breakpoints support the VoiceOver command to open the shortcut menu. (44940944)
- The WatchKit framework is no longer included in the iOS SDK. If you’re using WatchKit APIs from iOS, you need to remove this use. The WatchKit framework remains available on watchOS. If you’re using WatchKit APIs from iOS to infer availability of features on the paired Apple Watch, include information about your use case when you submit feedback to Feedback Assistant. (49707950)
- Scripting language runtimes such as Python, Ruby, and Perl are included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. In future versions of macOS, scripting language runtimes won’t be available by default, and may require you to install an additional package. If your software depends on scripting languages, it’s recommended that you bundle the runtime within the app. (49764202)
- Use of Python 2.7 isn’t recommended. This version is included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS won’t include Python 2.7. Instead, it’s recommended that you run
in Terminal. (51097165) - The Quartz Composer framework is deprecated. Starting in macOS 10.15, the Quartz Composer framework will be marked as deprecated and remain present for compatibility purposes. Transition to frameworks such as Core Image, SceneKit, or Metal if your app is using Quartz Composer. (50911608)
- Command line tool support for Subversion — including
, and related commands — is no longer provided by Xcode. If you need Subversion or related command line tools, install the Command Line Tools package by runningxcode-select --install
. (50266910)
Known Issues
- Testing using
might cause a crash when running to multiple destinations concurrently. (52962341)Workaround: Disable concurrent destination testing by passing the-disable-concurrent-destination-testing
flag toxcodebuild
. - Specifying a run destination using a device or simulator name from
doesn’t resolve correctly. (52081230)Workaround: Specify the destination by platform and ID instead of the name. - Building and running a watchOS app on a device might show a system spinner indefinitely. (51726238)Workaround: Reboot the device.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue that prevented running a watch app built with the thread sanitizer enabled on older versions of watchOS. (49288795)
- Resolved an issue with half point frame differences caused by switching between Retina and non-Retina monitors. (20175879)
Resolved Issues
- DriverKit drivers build properly. (52858797)
New Features
- Tracks in Instruments can now be formed in hierarchies. They can now represent any engineering type and are created using Custom Instruments. (28615789)
- Instruments now allows for copying multiple rows from a table at one time. (39326522)
- Instruments allows for creating scopes for easier navigation within the trace document. (49022012)
is available in the Custom Instruments to match point events coming fromos_signpost(_:dso:log:name:signpostID:)
. (50586708)
Known Issues
- When profiling a standalone watchOS app, an iOS simulator is launched. (49788679)
Resolved Issues
- The selected track is rendered in the Touch Bar area of Instruments. (50186374)
- When profiling on a device running iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, or tvOS, Instruments uses the correct category for
messages received from it. Points of interest now receive events properly and custom instrument category matching behaves correctly. (52193505)
Interface Builder
New Features
- Interface Builder supports iOS 13
blur and vibrancy visual effects. (48023286) - Interface Builder supports iOS 13
styles. (48573772) - The iOS home indicator color now adapts to light and dark canvas appearances. (48610782)
- Interface Builder supports customizing
symbol configurations. (51323174) - Interface Builder supports the new layout
on Apple TV. (47598895) UIViewController
instances now default to the Automatic modal presentation mode. Modal presentation segues can override this setting. (48129590)- Interface Builder supports Dark Mode on iOS. (45314199)
- Interface Builder’s device bar lets you switch between the light and dark appearance for iOS apps. (45282451)
- You can add SwiftUI hosting controllers, such as
, to connect a storyboard controller flow to a hosting controller that manages a SwiftUI view hierarchy. You can populate the contents of a hosting controller in Interface Builder by providing a custom subclass that programmatically sets therootView
of the controller. (46039344)You can also set the root view of aUIHostingController
using a Segue Action. - The object library now matches the selected system-wide appearance. (50874168)
- The
inspector now allows configuring negative spacing. (49012055) NSSwitch
is available when running on macOS 10.15. (47566686)- Cells in a
can now self size with Auto Layout constrained views in the canvas. To opt into the behavior for existing table views, enable “Automatic” for the table view estimated item size, and “Automatic” for cell’s height in the Size inspector. (35735970) NSView
have a layout mode option in the Size inspector to explicitly opt into “translates autoresizing mask into constraints”. The default setting is “Automatic”, which is the existing behavior. “Automatic” implies that “translate autoresizing mask into constraints” is off when a view affect by constraints in the storyboard or.xib
file, but on if unconstrained. (37352354)- Improved the reliability of Auto Layout constraint generation with “Add Missing Constraints”. (43694622)
- The contents of a
are scrollable within the canvas, once its subviews are fully constrained with Auto Layout constraints. (44727961) - Cells in a
can now self size with Auto Layout constrained views in the canvas. To opt into the behavior for existing collection views, enable “Automatic” for the collection view’s estimated size, and “Automatic” for cell’s size from the Size inspector. If deploying before iOS 13, you can activate self sizing collection view cells by callingperformBatchUpdates(_:completion:)
. (45617083) - In inspector font popovers, the Family popup now renders menu items as a preview of the applicable font. (31484154)
- Update Frames can now be performed document-wide for misplaced frames, without selecting a view. (22076710)
- Content and Frame Layout guides are supported for
and can be enabled in the Size inspector for more control over your scrollable content. (29711618) - Interface Builder supports the new Apple TV tab bar style. (47598643)
- The new
interface element is available for watchOS. (45754186) - The canvas supports customizing interfaces for Mac Catalyst apps. (37797710)
- SF Symbols are available in image inspector properties. (47532055)
- The
inspector includes support for configuring symbols. (47797500) - A view controller method annotated with the new
attribute can be used to create a segue’s destination view controller in code, using a custom initializer with any required values. This makes it possible to use view controllers with non-optional initialization requirements in storyboards. Create a connection from a segue to an@IBSegueAction
method on its source view controller. On new OS versions that support Segue Actions, that method will be called and the value it returns will be thedestinationViewController
of the segue object passed toprepare(for:sender:)
. Multiple@IBSegueAction
methods may be defined on a single source view controller, which can alleviate the need to check segue identifier strings inprepare(for:sender:)
. (47091566)AnIBSegueAction
method takes up to three parameters: a coder, the sender, and the segue’s identifier. The first parameter is required, and the other parameters can be omitted from your method’s signature if desired. TheNSCoder
must be passed through to the destination view controller’s initializer, to ensure it’s customized with values configured in storyboard. The method returns a view controller that matches the destination controller type defined in the storyboard, or nil to cause a destination controller to be initialized with the standard init(coder:) method. If you know you don’t need to returnnil
, the return type can be non-optional.In Swift, add the@IBSegueAction
attribute:@IBSegueAction func makeDogController(coder: NSCoder, sender: Any?, segueIdentifier: String?) -> ViewController? { PetController( coder: coder, petName: self.selectedPetName, type: .dog ) }
In Objective-C, addIBSegueAction
in front of the return type:- (IBSegueAction ViewController *)makeDogController:(NSCoder *)coder sender:(id)sender segueIdentifier:(NSString *)segueIdentifier { return [PetController initWithCoder:coder petName:self.selectedPetName type:@"dog"]; }
Known Issues
- A Segue Action on a relationship segue between a NSWindowController and a View Controller is currently not supported and ignored. (48252727)
- Older IB3 documents strings won’t be extracted during localization export, and won’t be included in the XLIFF. (47650747)
- When viewing an iPad storyboard with the Mac device selected in the device bar, custom fonts added by the project don’t render. (48528374)
- If a glyph has a light and dark mode representation, the dark mode representation won’t be picked up in the storyboard. (50354204)
- UIKit menus configured in Interface Builder are available at runtime on macOS, but not on iOS. (51077651)
- The iOS status bar is not displayed in the Interface Builder canvas. (48639919)
- Projects created with Xcode versions prior to Xcode 11 beta retain their default custom color when opened in Xcode 11 beta. (50828300)
Resolved Issues
- Connect-to-source popover fields support cut, copy, paste, and select all. (40899355)
- Fixed an issue that prevented connect-to-source from connecting actions to methods. (53441991)
- Device bar icons draw correctly with “Use Trait Variations” unchecked. (52848149)
- TVCardView’s background color inspector menu will list colors other than just Mac system colors. (53122711)
- Changing global tint color will show in canvas, without needing to reload the document. (53278707)
- View controller scenes that contain menu commands created with Xcode 11 no longer cause the app to crash when running on iOS 12. (50871098)
- ARView objects in Apple TV storyboards no longer crash Interface Builder rendering. (50971800)
- Fixed a compilation issue for storyboards that have a
flow layout item size of NSZeroSize. Xcode will reinterpret the value as the default item size. (53448850) - Storyboards and .xib files in iOS or tvOS template projects created with Xcode 11 can now be opened in previous Xcode versions. (51230799)
- Storyboards and .xib files created with Xcode 11 containing Quaternary System Fill Color, Secondary System Fill Color, Tertiary System Fill Color, or System Fill Color can be opened on older Xcode versions without causing a crash. (51233884, 51236844)
- Fixed collection view cell self-sizing layout issues coming from storyboards and
files when compiling and deploying to iOS 12.4 and later (49537998) - Resolved an issue that prevented the light or dark interface style group in the Interface Builder device bar from taking effect when viewing a storyboard for a Mac Catalyst app. (50929581)
- Corrected the alignment of
, andUITextView
instances with alignment set to “center” or “right” in Interface Builder when designing for or running on macOS. (50062524) - Xcode doesn’t crash when opening a
file or storyboard file with a custom view that’s marked asIBDesignable
if that project contains Swift packages. (50551974) - Dragging out a new iOS Main Menu no longer causes a crash if you drag across an existing menu in the canvas. (51237295)
- Resolved a performance regression associated with opening storyboards and
files. (51282755) - The inspector for
now shows only the properties applicable to the selected mode. (26726319) - The preview editor’s menu for adding iOS devices now matches the current canvas orientation. (48818470)
- Preview editor items now preserve the configured locale or pseudo-locale. (48303753)
objects configured as Count Down in Interface Builder now use the specified duration at runtime. (23426425)- The Embed In bar button is also visible in documents not using Auto Layout. (46855203)
- Subclasses of
now have unique icons in the library and document outline. (24231920)
Known Issues
- Fixed an issue where child view controllers had incorrect background colors when dragged from the library. (50388578)
- All UI controls from the library correctly switch to dark mode. (49830961)
Resolved Issues
- Targets containing Swift code with the Enable Bitcode build setting set to Yes link correctly when built with the Archive action. (52804818)
New Features
- LLDB’s Python scripting is now based on Python 3. If you are using Python extensions that aren’t compatible with Python 3, they will break. To help with the transition, you can run in Python 2 mode by setting a default:
defaults write com.apple.dt.lldb DefaultPythonVersion 2
Python 2 support will be removed in the future. (47806994) - Swift
values have a data formatter in LLDB, making them display in a readable way. (38983073) - LLDB now supports examining Swift types that are compiled with support for library evolution. (48018240)
Resolved Issues
- Redeclaring
in Swift code works properly with LLDB. (39611934) - The Swift REPL and LLDB’s python scripting work properly when the
binary inPATH
isn’t the system one. (40961425) - Multiple issues that prevented LLDB from accessing variables while debugging XCTesttests are resolved. (41471338)
New Features
- You can now localize assets in asset catalogs. Localization is enabled in the attribute inspector. (12948139)
- The settings bundle is now included in Xcode Localization Catalogs. (12495197)
- The manual page for
has documents its behavior in more detail. (19709369) - The
tool is enhanced and merged with theextractLocStrings
tool. The previous version is deprecated, has been renamed toogenstrings
, and must now be invoked withxcrun
. Any scripts that invokedxcrun extractLocStrings
should be changed to usegenstrings
, but a compatibility symbolic link is currently provided that invokesgenstrings
. (19709395) - The
tool now takes an-encoding
argument that allows specification of the file encoding for input files. (48224455) - The updated version of
has improved error reporting, and may report errors in scenarios that were previously silently accepted. As an example,genstrings MyApp/*
will fail if the MyApp directory contains a subdirectory, becausegenstrings
file arguments are required to be source files. (48304658) - The
tool can now take any number of-s
arguments to specify additional macros similar toNSLocalizedString
or functions from which to extract strings. For example,genstrings -s MyErrorSring -s MyUIString myfile.swift
treats bothMyErrorString
as equivalent toNSLocalizedString
. (48734596)NoteUsing-s
arguments doesn’t suppress support forNSLocalizedString
. - The Export for Localization command and
tool now support multiline Swift and Objective-C strings, and have relaxed whitespace requirements when recognizing arguments toNSLocalizedString
. (50516442) - The performance of the Export for Localization command is substantially improved. (40548416)
Resolved Issues
- The Export for Localization command and
tool no longer crash on escaped, high Unicode code points such as\U0001F603
. (18898240) - Importing a localized string that contains embedded newlines now produces strings files with escaped
sequences. (44649979) - XLIFF files produced by Xcode localization export now add
to<trans-unit />
elements to ensure that whitespace is preserved. (44928807)
Mac Catalyst
Known Issues
- The color asset variant for Mac Catalyst isn’t passed at runtime. (51113192)
- The
asset variation for Mac Catalyst returnsnil
at runtime. (50022757)
New Features
- The new Metrics organizer shows battery life and performance analytics for your app to help you drive optimizations.
- Metrics are reported for your app when distributed on the App Store and after sufficient field use.
- The available metrics are battery drain, launch time, hang rate, memory, and disk writes.
- You can filter data by device and usage characteristics. (43028903)
Known Issues
- Playgrounds don’t work on machines running macOS 10.14, and playgrounds that use SwiftUI may not work on machines running macOS earlier than 10.15 beta 5. (54054895)
- Playgrounds in a workspace can’t import targets from a Swift package. (47668990)
Resolved Issues
- SwiftUI live views and inline results in playgrounds are supported. (42226387)
- Quick looks and inline result previews of views in UIKit no longer display as blank rectangles. (50787870)
- The top few lines of a playground no longer become stuck under the top of the window. (47529397)
- Fixed a delay that could occur when running a playground on macOS 10.15 with a slow or unreliable internet connection. (48995467)
- Playgrounds no longer crash if your code references a view off of the main thread. (46579594)
Project Navigator
New Features
- Xcode can find assets in your workspace or project using the Find navigator. The Asset catalog Editor also supports find and replace, and you can rename assets using Replace. (14279237)
Reality Composer
New Features
- Added support for object anchors in AR scenes. (48774003)
Known Issues
- A new project that contains a USDz file and was never manually saved will have missing USDz objects when opened after an autosave. (53565602)Workaround: Manually save and re-open the project.
- Reality Files created by previously released beta versions of Reality Composer or Xcode are no longer supported. (53180175)Workaround: Re-export your Reality Files using the latest version of Reality Composer or Xcode.
- Objects added from the content library in Reality Composer on macOS are incompatible with build 1A68 of Reality Composer on iOS and iPadOS.
- The RealityKit
class isn’t found at runtime when loading a storyboard if its module isn’t specified in Interface Builder. The following error message displays in the Xcode console: “Unknown class ARView in Interface Builder file.” (50840767)Workaround:ARView
is a Swift view class, and requires both its class name (ARView
) and module (RealityKit) to be specified in the Interface Builder inspector. - RealityKit’s
class is not found at runtime when loading a storyboard if RealityKit isn’t otherwise used within the Xcode project. The following error message displays in the Xcode console: “Unknown class _TtC10RealityKit6ARView in Interface Builder file.” (50900969)Workaround: This issue occurs if you import RealityKit and define an@IBOutlet
with a type ofARView
, but don’t otherwise use RealityKit symbols in your project. To ensure that RealityKit is loaded at runtime with this configuration, manually add RealityKit to your target’s Link Binary with Libraries build phase.
Resolved Issues
- Improved support for imported USDZ files. (49630946)
- Improved support for manipulating objects. (50036512)
- Notification triggers and notify actions from other scenes no longer appear in scenes in which they weren’t authored. (51008577)
- The
file generated automatically by Xcode from a Reality Composer project contains all scenes in the project. (51048599, 51868814) - RealityKit is available in iOS simulators. (48603396)
Known Issues
- When editing bots for a project that authenticates with SSH, Xcode Server may disable some project-specific settings. (51009722)Workaround: Either replace repositories in the Repositories tab when editing the bot or use HTTPS-based authentication with your Xcode Server integrations.
- Xcode Server can cause a crash when a bot is created from the context menu of any integration. (51082255)Workaround: Create bots from the context menu of the server or from the Product menu in Xcode.
- Build issues occurring in a source file built by multiple targets may be marked resolved and reintroduced on every integration. (46523551)
Resolved Issues
- Xcode Server now supports Mac Catalyst apps. (50602873)
- Swift packages consistently appear in the Xcode Server bot configuration Repositories pane. (50058808)
- Resolved an issue where Xcode Server failed to automatically sign projects that use the iCloud, Application Groups, Apple Pay, or Wallet capabilities. (41008156, 44704694)
Signing and Distribution
New Features
- Xcode 11 beta 4 supports the new
bundle identifier prefix. As a result, provisioning profiles used by Mac Catalyst apps must be regenerated to reflect the new prefix. If you’re using automatic signing, a new provisioning profile is generated automatically. If you’re using manual signing, log into your developer account and regenerate the provisioning profiles used by your Mac Catalyst apps. (52535178)If you’re using a previous Xcode 11 beta and already have a provisioning profile for your app, it continues to work until you update to Xcode 11 beta 4. If you don’t already have a provisioning profile for your app, you need to update to Xcode 11 beta 4 in order to generate one with the correct app ID prefix.If your code contains references to your bundle identifier, you will need to update those references. - Signing and capabilities settings are now combined within a new Signing & Capabilities tab in the Project Editor. The new tab enables using different app capabilities across multiple build configurations. The new capabilities library makes it possible to search for available capabilities. (35254597)
- Xcode 11 supports the new Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificate types. These certificates support building, running, and distributing apps on any Apple platform. Preexisting iOS and macOS development and distribution certificates continue to work, however, new certificates you create in Xcode 11 use the new types. Previous versions of Xcode don’t support these certificates. (45527608)
Known Issues
- If your iPad app uses private entitlements, those entitlements may not be available for use in your Mac Catalyst app. (51599125)Workaround: Generate a new entitlements file for your Mac Catalyst app and exclude the unavailable entitlements by following these steps:1. Select your entitlements file in the project navigator then select File > Duplicate.2. Give your Mac Catalyst entitlements file a unique name and save it.3. Remove any unavailable private entitlements from your new Mac Catalyst entitlements file.4. Navigate to your Mac Catalyst app’s build settings in the project editor and locate the Code Signing Entitlements build setting.5. Expand the build setting so that you can view its value for all build configurations. For each of your build configurations, click the plus (+) button to add a conditional setting.6. From the popup button in each conditional setting, select Any macOS, then edit the conditional setting’s value to refer to the name of your new Mac Catalyst entitlements file.
- Automatic signing may fail with the error “This request is forbidden for security reasons” when creating a development certificate. (50964225)Workaround: You may have hit a certificate limit for your account. View your Apple Developer account in Safari and revoke any development certificates that you aren’t using, then try again in Xcode.
- The archive action does not code sign command-line executable products from Swift packages. (48717735)Workaround: Manually sign archived executables using the
tool before distributing them. - Mac provisioning profiles that you have manually installed using the bot editor’s Signing tab will be installed using the wrong file extension, causing integrations to fail. (47636041)Workaround: Sign into your bot user’s account and rename the affected profiles in the
~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Resolved Issues
- Fixed a code signing issue that caused In-App purchase content bundles to fail to build. (50736776)
- Resolved an issue where Xcode threw an error when creating new signing certificates for members of the iOS Developer University Program. (50640287)
- Resolved an issue where Xcode incorrectly reported: “No iTunes Connect access for the team” when uploading to the App Store. (39292849)
New Features
- Simulator can automatically select the macOS GPU based on the current power source. When your Mac is connected to AC power the discrete GPU is used. When your Mac is running on battery power the integrated GPU is used. You can change the policy in Simulator by navigating to File > GPU Selection. (53032365)
can now override status bar values for iOS devices. For example, to set the time and battery, use:xcrun simctl status_bar <device> override --time "9:41" --batteryState charged --batteryLevel 100
Seexcrun simctl help status_bar
for the full range of options. (51697821)- Metal is available in iOS 13 and tvOS 13 simulators when running on macOS 10.15. Metal code is executed on the host Mac GPU, and is significantly faster than simulated OpenGL code. The APIs in SceneKit, CoreAnimation, and other system frameworks abstract many differences between GPUs, reducing the need for device-specific code. When running on earlier versions of macOS or in an environment where Metal is not available, simulators continue to use software rendered OpenGL. If your Mac has multiple GPUs, use the File menu in Simulator to select which GPU to use. If the GPU in use becomes unavailable, any simulators using it automatically shut down. (18430676)
- Xcode no longer creates every available iOS simulator device by default. Instead a set of the most commonly used devices are created. To create other devices — or multiple instances of a device — open the Devices window, select Simulators, click the + button, enter a name, and select the relevant device type and OS version. (49428617)
is available in iOS 13 and tvOS 13 simulators. (45101325)- iOS 13, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13 simulators now have a
shared cache. This improves simulator launch times and reduces the number of open file handles used by simulator processes. If you report an issue you believe is related to the shared cache, include asimctl diagnose
and the output of launching your program withDYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1
. (13632739) simctl
now accepts short aliases for runtime names. This means you can create a new iPhone X simulator with a command likesimctl create 'iPhone X' iOS13
. (41089607)- For headless and continuous integration scenarios, you can configure CoreSimulator to skip compositing operations in the virtual frame buffer by setting
defaults write com.apple.CoreSimulator FramebufferServerRendererPolicy
. In this mode simulators can’t be viewed andsimctl io
is unable to take screenshots or record videos. (48264341) - Bundles without a
are invalid and can’t be properly installed on devices or simulators. CoreSimulator now checks and rejects such bundles earlier in the process with a clearer error message. (49892531) - The Simulator dock icon now includes a menu to quickly boot a simulator. (43067512)
- Simulator’s File menu now includes a GPU selection menu to control which GPU is used by Metal support in simulators and for compositing by Simulator’s virtual frame buffer. If the Use External GPU When Available item is checked, any simulators booted after an external GPU is connected use the external GPU. If the external GPU is disconnected, any simulators using it automatically shut down. Changes to these settings only take effect when a simulator is booted. Simulators already booted when this setting is changed continue using the previously selected GPU until they’re restarted. (46134036)
- Game controller input is available in iOS simulators. (50082777)
Known Issues
- Some clipboard-related actions in other applications may occasionally cause Simulator to crash or become unresponsive when automatic pasteboard synchronization is enabled. (54011137)Workaround: Disable “Automatically Sync Pasteboard” in Simulator’s Edit menu. Restart Simulator to recover from an unresponsive state.
- Changing the audio in a simulated device while a video is playing in Safari will mute the audio of the video. (51207286)
- Simulator doesn’t distribute the load if multiple GPUs in a system match the chosen GPU policy. Only the first matching GPU, as returned by
, is used. (50608554)Workaround: You may see higher performance by locating the simulator window on the display directly connected to the GPU the simulator is using, which avoids copying across GPUs.NoteAs with any app that leverages the GPU, the performance behavior for an externally connected display varies depending on workload. - Video recording of the iOS 13, tvOS 13, and watchOS 6 simulator through
xcrun simctl io
returns an error instead of recording video. (50625716) - watchOS simulators don’t honor a breakpoint on a cold boot. (51148192)Workaround: Completely boot the simulator before launching the app you’re debugging.
Resolved Issues
- Automatic pasteboard synchronization now functions correctly for all Simulators running iOS 11.1 and newer. (53231481)
- Invoking Send Pasteboard immediately after Get Pasteboard in Simulator no longer causes devices to become unusable. (52866417)
- Fixed the ability to override cellular bars with
. (51698044) - The Rotate Device Automatically option in Simulator works with iOS 13 simulators. (51147050)
- Simulator delivers game controller events to simulated devices when Simulator isn’t the foreground app on macOS Catalina 10.15. (51759699)
- Fixed an issue that caused simulators to stop presenting frame updates to the screen. (51993678)
- Simulator correctly displays the checkmark for Touch ID > Enrolled when it’s enrolled. (50553667)
- Automatic synchronization of pasteboards between a host and simulated devices behaves correctly. (46686100)
- Safari’s Share to Simulator behaves correctly. (49331693, 49416352)
- Resolved a leak of
instances in processes in Simulator on macOS 10.14.5 and earlier. (50880827) - iCloud sync is available in iOS simulators. (50924245)
- iOS 13 simulators don’t have a simulated display connected when TVOut is configured as “disconnected”. (50829453)
- iOS simulators color match Metal content to the display’s color space. (50625671)
- Resolved an issue that caused Core Image shaders using Metal to fail to run on iOS 13 simulators, with the error “Metal DAG compiler disabled.” (51521248)
- Game controllers work properly with iPad simulators. (51034639)
- Resolved an issue that prevented simulator devices running versions of iOS prior to iOS 13 from rendering the display correctly. (50963987)
is now functional in iOS 13, watchOS 6, and tvOS 13 simulators. (11051639)- Apps in a simulator that plays audio no longer automatically also open the microphone for input. (32406954)
- The previously deprecated
field insimctl
list’s JSON output is removed. Use theisAvailable
Boolean field to determine availability. (45142676) - ATSC texture formats are supported by transparently decompressing them on the CPU prior to uploading them to the macOS GPU. (51347811)
Source Control
New Features
- You can now cherry-pick changes from one branch to another. (18285039)
- When cloning a new repository, you can now select the branch to check out from the list of available branches. (41122122)
- Using the new source control file inspector, you can browse the full history of a file for the current branch. The log inspector is available for all file types, including Interface Builder documents. (45109443)
- You can now stash changes and manage stashes from the source control navigator. Additionally, Xcode offers to automatically stash and restore changes for source control operations like pulling from a repository. (8797804)
- Source control authors are now available on a per-editor basis. (45108927)
Known Issues
- When performing a Pull in Xcode on a branch that’s already up to date when rebase is enabled, the sheet doesn’t dismiss automatically. (50377240)
- Viewing the changes for a revision of a file from the source control log inspector may fail if that file has since been renamed. (49673170)
- Filtering packages in the Add Package assistant isn’t supported for Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server hosted accounts. (47290085)
- Filtering packages in the Add Package assistant isn’t supported for GitLab or GitLab Self-Managed hosted accounts. (47290125)
- When using
, resolving packages may fail to verify SSH fingerprints unless that fingerprint is already in the~/.ssh/known_hosts
file. (50686014)Workaround: SSH into the host and verify the fingerprint from the command line before usingxcodebuild
, or manually add the host fingerprint to the~/.ssh/known_hosts
Resolved Issues
- Source control status in the file navigator will reflect the same information as
git status
from the terminal. (14986450) - Improved the display of source control information when the
file is selected in the project navigator. (50696823) - Pulling with rebase no longer fails if author information isn’t yet configured for Git in Preferences > Source Control. (48680076)
- Resolved issues where hosted account providers like GitHub and BitBucket were unavailable in the add account sheet, and previously added accounts would be disabled. (47645098)
- Addresses an issue where source control operations in Xcode presented a “Couldn’t communicate with helper application” dialog. (47227781)
- Fixes a performance issue where Personal, organizational and Starred repositories took a long time to load. (48620126)
- Addresses an issue where user avatars from GitHub didn’t always load after adding a GitHub account. (48698029)
- Fixes a bug where some source editor menu options were unavailable in the Code Review Editor. (48774008)
Source Editor
New Features
- Semantic highlighting, code completion, live issues, symbol search, and jump-to-definition are now supported for the Metal shading language. (45144204)
- Introduces the ability to view inline code diffs for changes in the Source Editor by clicking on the Source Control Change Bar and choosing Show or Hide Change. (49073551)
- Added new High Contrast (Dark) theme and High Contrast (Light) theme. Also added new settings for Marks, Type Declarations and Other Declarations. (50036007)
- Added dedicated syntax coloring for declarations in Swift files, which can be customized in Preferences > Fonts & Colors under Type Declarations and Other Declarations. Declaration coloring for C-family languages isn’t supported. (10342935)
- Xcode’s source editor now supports spell checking. (32062963)
- Xcode 11’s source editor introduces a mini map of the file. The mini map includes legible text for
, highlighted lines with errors and warnings, source control changes, breakpoints, and highlighted Find results. The mini map is enabled by default and can be turned off per editor. (35939517) - Added syntax highlighting for markup in documentation comments and playground markup. You can customize the prose font in Preferences > Fonts & Colors under Documentation Markup, and customize delimiter appearance in Preferences > Text Editing > Display. (42941263)
- Toggle Comments supports multiple cursors. (44319433)
- When dragging and dropping text, space is opened up between lines to make it easier to see where text will be dropped. When dragging full lines, Xcode only allows drops to occur between other lines. (44735912)
- The editor allows hierarchical code folding. (47502128)
- Code folding supports square brackets, and parentheses. (50460404)
// MARK:
comments and#pragma mark
directives now draw a separator line in the editor. The preference for showing mark separators is in Preferences > Text Editing > Display > Show Mark Separators. (7299224)
Resolved Issues
objects now preserve the current value configured in the inspector when built and run. (43257511)- C++ operator overloads are shown in the Jump Bar. (50841460)
- Resolved an issue where Xcode erroneously opened an assistant editor when you ran Fix All Issues using a keyboard shortcut. (37995114)
- Added dedicated syntax coloring for
// MARK:
comments and#pragma mark
directives, which you can customize in Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Mark. (22114159) - You can command-click on Swift operators to use Quick Help and Jump to Definition. (32695862)
- Resolved an issue that could occur when editing an unclosed block in Objective-C. (48201424)
- Resolved an issue where code completion sorted deprecated symbols ahead of their nondeprecated counterparts. (38422586)
- Resolved an issue where code completion rows appeared empty when deleting text. (48621410)
- Resolved an issue where C++ functions weren’t parsed correctly when using
clauses. (37682611) - Accessibility Zoom focus now follows the insertion point in the source editor while typing. (32775118)
- VoiceOver doesn’t repeat the previous line when moving by line in the source editor. (34334763)
- VoiceOver has rotors in the source editor for methods, errors, warnings, breakpoints, and marks which makes it easy to search for and move to the line of code corresponding to an error or other rotor item. (34493080)
- VoiceOver text attributes now include the number of spaces, number of tabs, indent level and line number for a line of code in the source editor. (34607795)
- VoiceOver no longer speaks extra characters around placeholder tokens when reading in the source editor, and says that they are placeholders. (44941610)
- Resolved an issue where C++ raw strings didn’t highlight correctly. (10770485)
- Resolved an issue of issues where C++ class declarations didn’t parse correctly when using qualified names, templates, or multiple inheritance. (11286215)
- Resolved an issue where local classes nested inside functions or methods weren’t shown in the jump bar. (13337638)
- Resolved an issue where C++11 trailing return types weren’t properly recognized. (13634062)
- Resolved an issue where C++ typed enums were not parsed correctly. (13693443)
- Improved the parsing of declarations that use availability macros and attributes. (14569168)
- Resolved an issue where C++ numeric literals with single quotes were not recognized. (18121031)
- Resolved an issue where struct member functions were not parsed correctly. (27946356)
- Resolved an issue where enum declarations were not displayed in the Jump Bar correctly. (32518576)
- Improved the recognition of classes and functions in JavaScript. (42537831)
- Resolved an issue where functions returning enum types were not parsed correctly. (46164630)
- Resolved an issue where unsigned and long integer literals were not syntax colored correctly. (47138177)
- Updated JavaScript syntax highlighting to include ECMAScript 6 keywords. (47354463)
- Fixed an issue where double clicking on a C++ destructor name would also select the tilde (
). (6368356)
Static Analyzer
New Features
- The static analyzer checks for violations of the MIG calling convention in mach server routines. These violations can lead to use-after-free vulnerabilities. (35380337)
- The static analyzer checks for violations of IOKit and libkern reference counting rules with respect to out-parameters. (46357478)
- The static analyzer checks for violations of DriverKit reference counting rules. These violations can lead to leaks and use-after-free issues. (50349513)
New Features
- The
attribute for structures and enumerations is now available. (36597490) - The memberwise initializer for structures now provides default values for variables that hold default expressions. (SE-0242, 47130624)
struct Dog { var name = "Generic dog name" var age = 0 // The synthesized memberwise initializer init(name: String = "Generic dog name", age: Int = 0) } let sparky = Dog(name: "Sparky") // Dog(name: "Sparky", age: 0)
- An
parameter can now be declared using a type alias. (SR-2688, 50560849)class Foo { typealias FooClosure = () -> String func fooFunction(closure: @autoclosure FooClosure) {} }
- Methods declared using the
attribute inside a class can now returnSelf
. (SR-7601, 50560991)class MyClass: NSObject { @objc func clone() -> Self { return self } }
- Key path expressions can now include references to tuple elements. (50562288)
- Single-parameter functions that accept values of type
are no longer preferred over other functions. (50562333) - Conversions between tuple types are now fully implemented. Previously, the following would diagnose an error. (SR-2672, 12340004)
let values: (Int, Int) = (10, 15) let converted: (Int?, Any) = values
- You can now declare and use type subscripts, just like type properties and type methods. Declare one by applying the
or, in classes,class
modifier to the subscript declaration. (SE-0254, 16555559)// Declare a type with a static subscript: enum ProcessEnvironment { static subscript(name: String) -> String? { get { getenv(name) } set { setenv(name, to: newValue) } } } // Use it with any of these syntaxes: ProcessEnvironment["PATH"]! += ":/usr/local/bin" ProcessEnvironment["PATH"]! += ":/usr/local/bin" someVarOfProcessEnvironmentDotType["PATH"]! += ":/usr/local/bin"
Type subscripts can also be used with dynamic member lookup to create dynamic type properties.// Declare a type with a static subscript: @dynamicMemberLookup enum ProcessEnvironment { // …As above… static subscript(dynamicMember name: String) -> String? { get { self[name] } set { self[name] = newValue } } } // Now you can use property syntax with ProcessEnvironment: ProcessEnvironment.PATH! += ":/usr/local/bin" ProcessEnvironment.self.PATH! += ":/usr/local/bin" someVarOfProcessEnvironmentDotType.PATH! += ":/usr/local/bin"
- Assigning
to an enumeration that also has anone
case, or comparing such an enumeration withOptional.none
now produces a warning. Such expressions create an ambiguity because the compiler choosesOptional.none
over thenone
case defined by your own enumeration. (SR-2176, 26126801)enum Foo { case none } // Assigned Optional.none instead of Foo.none. let foo: Foo? = .none // Comparing with Optional.none instead of Foo.none. let isEqual = foo == .none
The compiler provides a warning along with a fix-it to replace.none
to resolve the ambiguity. - Functions can now hide their concrete return type by declaring what protocols it conforms to, instead of specifying the exact return type:
func makeACollection() -> some Collection { return [1, 2, 3] }
Code that calls the function can use the interface of the protocol, but doesn’t have visibility into the underlying type. (SE-0244, 40538331) - Enum cases can now be matched against an optional enum without requiring a ‘?’ at the end of the pattern. (SR-7799, 41494702)
enum Foo { case zero, one } let foo: Foo? = .zero switch foo { case .zero: break case .one: break case .none: break }
- The existing
attribute now supports typed key path implementations. (SE-0252, 49069813)struct Point { var x, y: Int } @dynamicMemberLookup struct Box<T> { var v: T init(_ v: T) { self.v = v } subscript<U>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<T, U>) -> U { get { return v[keyPath: member] } } } var box = Box(Point(x: 0, y: 0)) _ = box.x
- You can now use the
expression to refer to the innermost nominal type inside structure, enumeration and class declarations. For example, the two method declarations inside this structure are equivalent:struct Box<Value> { func transform1() -> Self { return self } func transform2() -> Box<Value> { return self } }
In classes,Self
is the dynamic type of theself
value, as before. Existing restrictions onSelf
in declaration types still apply; that is,Self
can only appear as the return type of a method. However,Self
can now be used inside the body of a method without limitation. (SE-0068, 17892696) Array
now have theinit(unsafeUninitializedCapacity:initializingWith:)
initializer, which provides access to the array’s uninitialized storage. (21880692)- More thorough checking has been implemented for restrictions around escaping closures capturing in-out parameters or values of
type. While most code isn’t affected, there are edge cases where the Swift 5.0 compiler accepted code that violated these restrictions. (SR-8546, SR-9043, 43355341)An example of invalid code which was incorrectly accepted by the Swift 5.0 compiler is an@escaping
closure that calls a local function that references an in-out parameter from an outer scope:struct BadCaptureExample { var escapingClosure: () -> () mutating func takesInOut(_ x: inout Int) { func localFunction() { x += 1 } escapingClosure = { localFunction() } } }
The compiler now correctly diagnoses the above code by pointing out that the capture of x bylocalFunction()
is invalid, sincelocalFunction()
is referenced from an@escaping
closure.This also addresses certain cases where the compiler incorrectly diagnosed certain code as invalid, when in fact no violation of restrictions had taken place. For example:func takesNoEscape(_ fn: () -> ()) { func localFunction() { fn() } { localFunction() }() }
Known Issues
- If a type has the same name as its containing module, importing that module from a module interface might fail. (19481048, 48445154)Workaround: Rename the type so it no longer conflicts with the module name.
Resolved Issues
- The Swift compiler properly accepts an optional stored property with a property wrapper and no initializer expression. (53504653)
- Duplicate tuple element labels are no longer allowed, because it leads to incorrect behavior. (SR-8974, 45218256)The following is now diagnosed as an error:
let dupLabels: (foo: Int, foo: Int) = (foo: 1, foo: 2) enum Foo { case bar(x: Int, x: Int) } let f: Foo = .bar(x: 0, x: 1)
You can still use duplicate labels when declaring functions and subscripts, as long as the internal labels are different. For example:func foo(bar x: Int, bar y: Int) {} subscript(a x: Int, a y: Int) -> Int {}
- Declarations with opaque return types that require the Swift 5.1 runtime in iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, or tvOS 13 are enforced by the Swift compiler. (50731151)
- APIs deprecated before macOS 10.9 show up properly as unavailable when compiling with Require Only App-Extension-Safe API build setting. (51417764)
- The Swift REPL works properly when launched from Terminal. (51374106)
- The compiler no longer crashes if a type uses an opaque return type to satisfy an associated type requirement of a protocol and that associated type is referred to by name inside another generic declaration. (50509030)
- Static libraries are now always force-loaded in their entirety during linking, fixing runtime errors related to demangling failures. (47598583)
stored properties no longer inhibit the automatic synthesis ofEquatable
conformance. (SR-9827, 50566123)- If symbols in a crash log aren’t properly demangled, run the
command and pass in the content of the crash log. (34920390)
Known Issues
- Switching the run destination when using Xcode previews will continue to show the old device in the canvas until another preview update is made. (54006837)Workaround: After switching the run destination, make a simple change to your code to refresh the preview with the newly selected device.
- Deploying SwiftUI previews to a device in a project with a deployment prior to iOS 10 will fail, even if the device is running iOS 13. SwiftUI previews can only be deployed to devices when the deployment target of the project is iOS 10+, and the device is running iOS 13. (52121546)
- Opening the same file in a new window and then closing that window causes previews in the first window to error. (47619828)Workaround: Click “Try Again” in the first window when the error appears.
- Preview providers that are defined in projects which don’t have
and wrapped in#if DEBUG
don’t display in the canvas. That happens, for example, in Objective-C apps which that never had occasion to specifyOTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS
. (51138834)Workaround: Remove the#if DEBUG
from around thePreviewProvider
declaration. - With Xcode 11 beta 6, previews are only available on macOS Catalina 10.15 beta 5 or later. (52059562)
- The software keyboard doesn’t appear in previews. (35615536)
- Code changes you make while running an on-device preview might display the Home screen briefly while the app relaunches. (48208765)
- Pinching to zoom is unavailable in live previews. (51183125)Workaround: Exit live mode or use the zoom controls in the canvas or editor menu.
- Static previews for iOS, tvOS, and watchOS don’t support SceneKit, MapKit, and Metal views, and experience a delay when rendering updates. (50965310)
- Drag and drop operations that result in insertions of containers around an existing view and a new sibling in the container don’t work if the existing view is at the top level of a conditional statement in a view builder. For example, you can’t drop an
around theText
. (50300406):var body: some View { VStack { if true { Text("Hello World") } } }
Workaround: Embed the existing view into a container — either in the canvas or the source editor — then drop the new view into that container. - Previews in packages always perform a full build of the active scheme. (51030302)
- Dragging a
modifier onto text in the canvas that already has aView
modifier such asframe(width:height:alignment:)
results in a compilation error. (50712235)Workaround: Reorder the modifiers so that modifiers specific toText
appear before anyView
modifiers. HStack
inspectors don’t support custom layout guides. (49710501)Workaround: Use the source editor for custom layout guides.- The attribute inspector doesn’t allow specifying flexible frames. (51310989)
- Entering live preview mode in the canvas might take several seconds the first time. (46505269)
- Previews may fail or update incorrectly when switching between files. (50841287)Workaround: Add a newline to the end of the active file, then click Resume in the banner that appears.
- The attributes inspector stays visible after the canvas closes, gets stuck on the last selected item, and doesn’t function. (50958316)Workaround: Reopen the canvas or switch to a different file.
- Previews don’t work for macOS apps with App Sandbox enabled. (51088926)
- Previews don’t appear in the canvas for
structures that conform toPreviewProvider
. (47011316)Workaround: Remove theprivate
access control from your conforming type. - Previews might take several seconds to update when switching devices in the run destination selector the first time. (47562171)
- Previews might temporarily show the incorrect device chrome when switching devices using the run destination from the Scheme pop-up menu. (49496647)
- The canvas doesn’t support focus. (50275735)
- Undo is unavailable in the canvas. (49651153)Workaround: Bring the source editor into focus and perform the undo there.
Resolved Issues
- Previews now automatically stay pinned when debugging a preview and switching files. (53464810, 53206649)
- Previews can now be used when the custom view is defined in a watchOS framework. (51683662)
- Fixed an issue where default
text colors weren’t migrated to “Label Color”. (52262491) - Improved handling of types with the same name as a system type. (51531683)
- Preview inspectors render with the system font. (52473187)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to show a preview on-device with multiple devices plugged into your Mac. (52545102)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when inspecting a view hierarchy containing SwiftUI views. (52857304)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling or disabling a live preview. (52083572)
- Resolved an issue where Apple Watch previews displayed black text on a black background. (51676439)
- Previews continue working after changing filenames without needing to switch to a different file and switch back. (51708183)
- Previews respect conditional compilation blocks surrounding imports. For example, you can conditionally
import UIKit
guarded on#if canImport(UIKit)
. (51545182) - The availability attributes that you apply to types and methods are respected by previews. When the deployment target doesn’t include SwiftUI — that is, the deployment target is before iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, or tvOS 13 — you can now view previews for views and view controllers using
instances andUIViewControllerRepresentable
instances. To do so, add the appropriate availability attributes to your view representable types andPreviewProvider
conformances, such as@available(iOS 13.0, *)
. (51493428) - Named colors are editable in the Attributes inspector. (51287606)
- Using
to change state in a root view displays properly in live previews. (51164838) - Animations stay in their context in live previews, and live previews match on-device previews. (50708417)
- Resolved an issue that prevented watchOS previews from working if a device paired with Apple Watch was selected in the run destination chooser. (50861269)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting and then re-selecting a named color in the Color inspector. (51304163)
- When running on Apple Watch Series 3, apps built using SwiftUI no longer behave as if they are running on Apple Watch Series 4. (50678109)
SwiftUI Tutorials
Known Issues
- Using the
structure may cause your app to crash if you’re using the SDKs included in Xcode 11 beta 5. As a result, you may be unable to successfully follow the steps in the Drawing Paths and Shapes tutorial. (53523206)
Swift Packages
Known Issues
- There is no explicit command-line option to build a Swift Package using
. (45575820)Workaround: Runxcodebuild -workspace .
in the directory containing thePackage.swift
file. - Previews aren’t supported for standalone packages. (51072409)
- Swift packages don’t support adding resource files — such as images, storyboards, or audio — in a target. (SR-2866, 33389529)
- Swift packages don’t support processing localized strings files. (48190792)
- Moving a local package in a project will convert it into a folder reference. (50320585)
- A package product that is linked into both app and its test target results in duplicated symbols. (50348625)Workaround: Link a package product only in the app or test target.
- The scheme that’s autogenerated for a Swift package isn’t automatically updated when the package adds or removes targets. (50586754)Workaround: Delete the scheme from the
directory inside the package directory, then reopen the package to automatically generate a new scheme. - Targets of a Swift package build with debug-conditional settings if the build configuration selected in the scheme is not named Debug or Release. (50696202)
- Removing a local package reference from a workspace removes its package products from all Xcode targets in the workspace, even when other references to that local package remain in the workspace. (50706448)Workaround: Add package product references back to the relevant targets.
- Previewing code in Swift packages which are not referenced by the active scheme and not being linked into an app target is not supported and shows an incorrect error message. (50909384)
- Test targets of newly-created Swift packages fail to build for watchOS because XCTest is unavailable on watchOS. (51054894)Workaround: Surround any code in watchOS test targets which references the XCTest framework or its APIs with conditional compilation statements. For example:
#if !os(watchOS) // XCTest code #endif
- WatchOS apps which are embedded in an iOS app will not build successfully if they depend on any system library targets from Swift packages. (54579347)Workaround: Add the watchOS app explicitly to the scheme being built, clean the build folder and build again.
Resolved Issues
- Searching for package repositories in the Add Package Dependency sheet complete when there are no search results. (51223367)
- Code completion works for Swift package targets regardless if the name of the target declared in the
manifest file differs in casing with the directory name for that target. (49648458) - Adding a new file in a C-family target of a Swift package doesn’t create the file with the
extension. (31395814) - Swift packages that use
build settings can’t be used as a dependency. (50354068) - The
API is available when building Swift package tests using the Swift Package Manager. (51115369) - Xcode no longer crashes if a local package overrides a remote package in a project and the local package has an unsatisfiable package dependency. (51183216)
Known Issues
- The code in the iOS File Provider application extension template that is included in Xcode 11 beta 6 is incompatible with the APIs in the SDK. This causes newly created File Provider application extension targets to fail to build. (53715509)Workaround: Use Xcode 10.3 to create new File Provider application extensions.
New Features
- The test plan editor now supports selecting a target to use when expanding build setting variables in command-line arguments and environment variable entries. (51841050)
- Support for writing XCTest UI tests that interact with SwiftUI views. (35224680)
- Test Plans are a new way to manage which tests run, and how those tests run. Schemes can reference multiple test plans, and define a default test plan for automation. A new Test Plan editor supports defining test configurations, which can inherit shared settings from the plan itself. Running tests in Xcode now runs tests across all test configurations. The Source Editor test diamonds are updated to support running a test in a single configuration, and the Test Navigator is updated to allow choosing the active test plan. Test reports are updated to support displaying results generated by a test plan. (16138582)
- XCTest includes augmented performance testing capabilities with the new
method and related methods. The metrics argument requires a list of objects conforming to theXCTMetric
protocol. You can either implement your own custom metrics or useXCTClockMetric
, orXCTStorageMetric
. (49430032) The following shows an example performance test that measures the CPU and Memory impact of sorting a list:func testExample() { // Measures the CPU and memory impact of sorting the input list. measure(metrics: [XCTCPUMetric(), XCTMemoryMetric()]) { sortedList = qsort(list: self.fiftyNumbersFrom0to100) } }
- Added an assertion function,
, for use in Swift tests.XCTUnwrap
asserts that an Optional variable’s value is notnil
, returning its value if the assertion succeeds. This removes the need to combineXCTAssertNotNil(_:_:file:line:)
with either unwrapping the value or dealing with conditional chaining for the rest of the test. For example:func testFirstNameNotEmpty() throws { let forenames: [String] = customer.forenames let firstName = try XCTUnwrap(forenames.first) XCTAssertFalse(firstName.isEmpty) }
is a throwing assertion, and is best used in a throwing test method as in the above example. (30667432) xccov
now supports being passed result bundles directly, in addition to raw report and archive files. For example, to view the coverage report within a result bundle, invokexccov
as follows:xccov view --report /path/to/result_bundle.xcresult
. (50500789)- The format of result bundles changed in Xcode 11. A result bundle is an asset produced by Xcode 11 with the
file extension that contains information about the build, tests, code coverage, and more. Anyxcresult
files produced with Xcode 10 or earlier cannot be read by Xcode 11. A result bundle can be produced by passing-resultBundlePath ./Example.xcresult
to anxcodebuild
invocation and theExample.xcresult
can then be opened in Xcode. Xcode also creates result bundles in Derived Data. The current result bundle version number is 3, which can be specified by passing thexcodebuild
flag-resultBundleVersion 3
. Version 3 is the default in Xcode 11, but it is still recommended for automation to explicitly pass the flag, so that any potential future versions that become the default do not cause issues to existing tools. Result bundles can be inspected usingxcresulttool
. A JSON representation of the root object of the result bundle can be exported usingxcrun xcresulttool get --format json --path ./Example.xcresult
and any nested object, identified by its reference found in the JSON output, can be exported by adding the flag--id REF
also provides the description of its format usingxcrun xcresulttool formatDescription
. (41633595) - If a test runs on multiple destinations and fails on some but not others, the test report displays a summary describing the destinations on which the test failed, e.g. “Failed on iPad destinations running iOS 12.0”. (49164968)
- When running a test or test class via a source editor test diamond, option-clicking the diamond presents a popover that allows the test to be run under a specific configuration in the active test plan (if the test plan has multiple configurations). (46348663)
- When viewing a test report for tests that ran on multiple destinations (such as an Xcode Server integration, or a result bundle generated by an
invocation with multiple destination specifiers), it’s now possible to filter the displayed results by destination. Clicking on the devices button in the scope bar will present a list of the destinations on which the tests ran, including the ability to hide or show only the destinations of interest. In addition, it’s now possible to filter to only those tests that failed on one destination but succeeded on another, via the “Mixed” button in the scope bar. (48981032) - Result bundles produced by
can now be shared, double-clicked, and opened in Xcode directly. (38620469) - Introduces support for writing XCTest-based tests for Mac Catalyst apps. (41530313)
- Code Coverage is now enabled by default for newly created test plans. (48749597)
- In UI testing on macOS, mouse moves, including calls to the hover API as well as calls to click, scroll, and other APIs will move the cursor progressively across the screen, just as a user would in real interactions, rather than instantly moving the cursor to the final location. This may cause problems for tests involving UI that is heavily dependent on mouseover behavior. (49430331)
- The
file format is modified for Test Plans to include information about how to perform each test configuration in the plan. When runningxcodebuild build-for-testing
for a scheme that uses test plans, the generated.xctestrun
files useFormatVersion 2
and have a revised property list structure..xctestrun
files generated for schemes which don’t use test plans continue to useFormatVersion 1
, andxcodebuild test-without-building
accepts either version. (46346053) - The Code Coverage setting in the test plan editor doesn’t support selecting individual targets to gather code coverage for. If the test plan was created by converting a scheme to use test plans, and that scheme had individual code coverage targets selected at the time of conversion, those targets are preserved in the resulting test plan but aren’t editable within the plan. (50502861)
is enhanced with new options supporting Test Plans. Use the new-showTestPlans
option to list all test plans associated with a scheme. Use the new-testPlan <name>
option to specify which test plans associated with a scheme to use for testing or building tests. If-testPlan <name>
is not specified,xcodebuild
test will use the scheme’s default test plan. (46346197)- Xcode 11 introduces the option to automatically include screenshots from XCTest in Xcode Localization Catalogs. Enable Localization Screenshots in your test plan or in the scheme editor, then check “include screenshots” when exporting for localization. (28656175)
Known Issues
- The
API is only available in primary test bundle targets and not in other libraries or frameworks. (51117167)Workaround: Move any library code that makes use ofXCTUnwrap
to your primary test bundle target or manually modify the following build settings in affected targets:SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) $(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/Library/Frameworks" LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = "$(inherited) $(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/usr/lib" SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS = "$(inherited) $(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/usr/lib"
- The test plan editor allows enabling certain combinations of sanitizers and memory diagnostics which are incompatible and should not be simultaneously enabled. For example, Address Sanitizer and Guard Malloc, or Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer. (49739613)Workaround: Don’t configure a test plan with a combination of sanitizers and memory diagnostic settings which are incompatible. If an incompatible setting is inherited in a test configuration by the test plan’s Shared Settings, manually override the setting to disable it for the affected test configuration.
Resolved Issues
- Schemes which have been converted to use test plans – and have test plan entries in the Build action enabled for actions other than Test (such as Run) – no longer crash with versions of Xcode before 11.0. (53645359)
- The structured build log in Xcode, and in standalone Result Bundles, shows durations for each step again. (48126238)
- Fixed an issue that prevented UI test runners from making arbitrary network requests. (52856418)
- Fixed an issue that prevented launching UI test targets with a name that contained a hyphen directly followed by a digit. (51857798)
- Editing a test plan that references test targets in a different project than the project that contains the active scheme no longer causes those test targets to be labeled as missing. (50148373)
- You can run tests in a workspace that contains Swift packages during package resolution. (48719922)
- Running tests with code coverage enabled correctly produces a coverage report for iOS apps in the simulator and on a Mac. (51091751)
- Fixed an issue with UI tests for iPad apps on Mac where attempting to interact with elements inside of a table view cell could fail with an error about hit testing. (50745246)
- The Execute in Parallel checkbox in the test action of a scheme is now enabled for test targets of a Swift package. (47564543)
- Resolved a crash that could occur while checking for device availability when starting a testing operation. (51245770)
- Resolved an issue that prevented code coverage reports from being generated for Mac Catalyst apps or iOS apps in Simulator. (51241460)
- The
property onXCUIElement
now produces test failures in situations where XCTest is unable to inspect the application’s UI — for example, due to the app’s main thread being unresponsive — instead of returningfalse
in those situations. (37359653) - The unit test discovery mechanism is more efficient for large projects. The test navigator gets populated faster after reopening a project. (32567980)
Known Issues
- TestFlight app distribution to Apple TV 4K running tvOS 12.3 or earlier works properly for tvOS apps with a deployment target earlier than tvOS 13. (53017497)