Today Apple released macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69) to the public.
MacOS Big Sur 11.1 was released on December 14th, 2020. The 11.1 update is the first major update for Big Sur. The release comes a few days after Big Sur 11.1 beta RC and is the same build number. Big Sur 11.1 also brings support for AirPods Max, Apple’s new over-ear headphones. New Features added to the following apps Apple TV, Apple News, App Store, iPhone Apps on M1 Macs, Photos and Safari.
UPDATE: 12/15 – 11:30AM
- This version is the same BuildVersion as 11.1 Beta RC = (20C69)
- softareupdate –fetch-full-installer is fixed! (Was broke in 11.0.1)
- 2013 & 2014 MacBook Pro 13″ Bricking issue looks to be fixed in 11.1! The BoardID for this model was added back to the full installer.
- HP Printer Drivers 5.1 package updated for Big Sur – https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1888
- macOS Server app updated to 5.11 – https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209069
^ Mr. Macintosh YouTube video on everything you need to know about the macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update!
Softwareupdate –fetch-full-insaller fixed!
One of the big fixes that we have been waiting for is that softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer
now works! @grahampugh also found a new option that we can use to see all of the full installers available for download.
softwareupdate --list-full-installers
will show
Finding available software
Software Update found the following full installers:
* Title: macOS Big Sur Beta, Version: 11.1, Size: 12177576868K
* Title: macOS Big Sur, Version: 11.0.1, Size: 12183951241K
* Title: macOS Big Sur Beta, Version: 11.0, Size: 12166349469K
* Title: macOS Catalina, Version: 10.15.7, Size: 8248985973K
* Title: macOS Catalina, Version: 10.15.7, Size: 8248854894K
* Title: macOS Catalina, Version: 10.15.6, Size: 8248781171K
* Title: macOS Mojave, Version: 10.14.6, Size: 6038419486K
* Title: macOS High Sierra, Version: 10.13.6, Size: 5221689433K
2013 & 2014 MacBook Pro 13-inch Bricking Issue Update.
Looks like Apple HAS fixed the issue with the final release of 11.1! The new full installer added the Mac-189A3D4F975D5FFC boardID back to the supported list!
If you need to rebuild your Apple Silicon Mac, be sure to check out both of my new Apple Silicon articles.
How to reinstall macOS on your Apple Silicon Mac
How to reinstall macOS with Apple Configurator 2 and IPSW Files.
For Apple Silicon IPSW Files
If you are having issues getting macOS Big Sur Beta 11.1 to show up in Software Update, take a look at my Big Sur Beta troubleshooting article. – mrmacintosh.com/big-sur-11-beta-not-showing-up-in-software-update-troubleshooting/
NEW! My Mac Transition to Apple Silicon “Everything you need to know” Article – mrmacintosh.com/mac-transition-to-apple-silicon-everything-you-need-to-know-updated/
Keep an eye on my Big Sur Need to Know changes article. I will be constantly updating it as new info comes in. mrmacintosh.com/macos-big-sur-11-0-updated-index-of-need-to-know-changes-links/
macOS Big Sur 11.1 Patch Notes Summary
- 12 – New Features
- 5 – Resolved Issues
- 0 – New Known Issues
- 0 – Standing Known Issue
- 3 – AppleSeed Changes
AppleSeed Notes Link = appleseed.apple.com/
Developer Public Link = developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes
Direct Link to macOS Big Sur 11.1 Patch Notes – https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-big-sur-11_1-release-notes
Apple DTK Mac Mini Notes = developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-big-sur-11-universal-apps-beta-release-notes
MacAdmin Patch Notes of Interest
- AppleSeed = 3 notes – appleseed.apple.com
macOS Deployment References Changes
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta and Final Releases
- 18. Big Sur 11.1 Final (20C69) – 12/14/20 – Current Release
- 17. Big Sur 11.1 RC (20C69) – 12/10/20 – My Release Notes
- 16. Big Sur 11.1 Beta 2 (20C5048k) – 12/03/20 – My Release Notes
- 15. Big Sur 11.0.1 Final (20B50) – 11/19/20 – My Release Notes
- 14. Big Sur 11.1 Beta (20C5048k) – 11/17/20 – My Release Notes
- 13. Big Sur 11.0.1 Final (20B29) – 11/12/20 – My Release Notes
- 12. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5022a) Beta 2 RC – 11/05/20 My Release Notes
- 11. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5012d) Beta 1 – 10/28/20 – My Release Notes
- 10. Big Sur 11 Beta 10 (20A5395g) – 10/14/20 – My Release Notes
- 9. Big Sur 11 Beta 9 (20A5384c) – 09/29/20 – My Release Notes
- 8. Big Sur 11 Beta 8 (20A5374i) – 09/22/20 – My Release Notes
- 7. Big Sur 11 Beta 7 (20A5374g) – 09/17/20 – My Release Notes
- 6. Big Sur 11 Beta 6 (20A5364e) – 09/03/20 – My Release Notes
- 5. Big Sur 11 Beta 5 (20A5354i) – 08/19/20 – My Release Notes
- 4. Big Sur 11 Beta 4 (20A5343i) – 08/04/20 – Not Available
- 3. Big Sur 11 Beta 3 (20A5323l) – 07/22/20 – Not Available
- 2. Big Sur 11 Beta 2 (20A4300b) – 07/07/20 – My Release Notes
- 1. Big Sur 11 Beta 1 (20A4299v) – 06/22/20 – My Release Notes
macOS Big Sur 11 Installer Info
Note: Combo and Delta updates are not available as standalone downloads.
Full Installer.app
A Full Installer of MacOS Big Sur 11.1 is now available from the Mac App Store.
Link – macOS Big Sur Mac App Store
Size = 12.21GB
Product ID = 001-86606
Requirements – macOS Big Sur 1.1 Requirements
macOS Big Sur full Installer via InstallAssistant.pkg
Big Sur Delta Update
This is the update is for updating from 11.0.1 > 11.1
Size = 3.27GB
Big Sur Combo Update
This is update should be for updating from 11.0 > 11.1
Size = 4.19GB
Apple Silicon Firmware Update
This update has a new firmware update.
Apple Silicon M1 Firmware Update =6723.61.3
Previous Firmware Updates
- 5. Big Sur 11.1 Final – 6723.61.3
- 4. Big Sur 11.1 Beta 2 – 6723.61.3
- 3. Big Sur 11.1 Beta 1 -6723.60.62
- 2. Big Sur 11.0.1 – 6723.50.2
- 1. Big Sur 11.0 – 6723.41.11
Apple Silicon IPSW Restore file Update
Apple has released the full IPSW restore file for Apple Silicon Macs. I keep track of all of them in my Apple Silicon Firmware Database
Build Version
- macOS Big Sur 11.1 = UniversalMac_11.1_20C69_Restore.ipsw
- macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 = UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B29_Restore.ipsw
T2 BridgeOS Update
The Version of BridgeOS for your T2 Security Chip was updated.
BridgeOS version = 18.16.13030.0.0 Build Version 11
Size = 442.8MB
Product ID = 001-86593
- 11. Previous 11.1 RC = 18.16.13030.0.0
- 10. Previous 11.1 Beta 2 = 18.16.13026.5.2
- 9. Previous 11.1 Beta = 18.16.13017.5.3
- 8. Previous Beta RC2 = 18.16.12560.5.1
- 7. Previous Beta 11 = 18.15.12551
- 6. Previous Beta 10 = 18.16.12402.5.2
- 5. Previous Beta 9 = 18.16.12390.5.1
- 4. Previous Beta 8 = 18.16.12380 BuildVersion 3
- 3. Previous Beta 7 = 18.16.12380
- 2. Previous Beta 6 = 18.16.12370.5.1
- 1. Previous Beta 5 = 18.16.10358.5.2
Security Content of macOS Big Sur 11.1
Security fixes included in the 11.1 Update
macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69) Release Notes
macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update — Restart Required
macOS Big Sur 11.1 introduces support for AirPods Max, TV app enhancements, Apple News widgets, and privacy information on the App Store. This release also includes bug fixes for your Mac.
AirPods Max
- Support for AirPods Max, new over-ear headphones
- High fidelity audio for rich sound
- Adaptive EQ adapts sound in real time to the personal fit of ear cushions
- Active Noise Cancellation to block out environmental noise
- Transparency mode to hear the environment around you
- Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking for a theater-like listening experience
Apple TV
- An all-new Apple TV+ tab makes it easy to discover and watch Apple Original shows and movies
- Enhanced search so you can browse by category such as genre and see recent searches and suggestions as you type
- Top search results shown with the most relevant matches across movies, TV shows, cast, channels, and sports
Apple News
- Apple News widgets are now available in Notification Center
App Store
- New privacy information section on App Store pages that includes a developer-reported summary of the app’s privacy practices
- In-game dashboard within Arcade games recommends new Arcade games to play
iPhone and iPad apps on Macs with M1
- New window options for iPhone and iPad apps let you switch between landscape and portrait orientations or expand a window to fill the entire screen
- Apple ProRAW photos can be edited in the Photos app
- Ecosia search engine option in Safari
Air Quality
- Available in Maps and Siri for locations in China mainland
- Health recommendations are provided in Siri for the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India, and Mexico at certain air quality levels
This release also addresses the following issues:
- QuickTime Player might quit when opening a movie with a timecode track after upgrading from macOS Catalina
- Bluetooth connection status was not displayed in Control Center
- Reliability of unlocking your Mac automatically with your Apple Watch
- Trackpad scrolling speed may be faster than expected on MacBook Pro models
- LG UltraFine 5K Display may incorrectly display at 4K resolution on Macs with M1
Some features may not be available for all regions, or on all Apple devices.
For more detailed information about this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT211896
For detailed information about the security content of this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201222
Is Mac trying to go for a wireless first? With issues on 802.1x wired authentication, but no problems with wifi is leading me to believe Apple wants mac users to use wifi over trying to go wired.
Hi – really needing BigSur 11.1 pkg file – as link to Apple repository is not working anymore.
I saw on your website that you provide ipsw files – can someone extract pkg from them? I dont have an extra Mac – so having pkg would be terrific.
Little progress but still Mail problems after latest Update.
After an update yesterday, 14.2.2021, the greyed out Find in EDIT has disappeared so I can sort of click on Find and even see the shortcuts suggested BUT nothing happens. What should happen? Should a search box open? I can´t tell. I certainly do not know how to search in my FROM column for names like Peter or Maggy or Smith or whatever. Any idea? If yours works, let me know what I should expect so I can look in the right place.
After MacOS 11.1 was automatically installed yesterday, I started having problems with Apple Mail. Had to find inboxes for my various email accounts, had to put the inboxes under “Favorites,” had to restructure windows for viewing messages and some attached photos did not appear. Anyone else having issues with Apple Mail?
How do I search for message FROM? There seems to be no menu item.
Also the menu items seem to have diminished in size and to start a new email you have to go to FILE and then down the menu. The message FROM bothers me the most as I get lots of emails and from different people. I know I can sort according to alphabetical order but this is very cumbersome and time-consuming.
If you do a Find in Mail, and then type in an email address, the options are to search by From, To or entire message.
Thank you Ed for your answer but when I go to EDIT Find, Find is greyed out and there is no shortcut given for Find. I tried cmd F, alt F, ctrl F to no useful effect.
If I use the greyed-out Find in EDIT no search box opens, of course.
Now let´s assume I get soon an update and Find lets me look for an email address as you say. That is the last thing I can remember and therfore not much good. I need a simple name search in FROM like Peggy or Sarah or John or the surname. You could do that before.
Many thanks for your first and prompt answer. The shortcoming described above came as quite a shock at a time when the charity work I do was at its busiest.
Otherwise I am very happy with my MacBook Air and tell people how satisfied I am with the machine.
Thank you, Ed, for your charity work!
Hmm. I have no idea why the edit should be greyed out. How about clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to open a find text box?
During installation of Big Sur on my MBP mid 2012 with the guidance of Mr Macintosh, btw excellent video, the SIP was turned off but now I would like to enable SIP.
So, I booted into recovery mode and used Terminal ‘csrutil enable’ but Terminal returned ‘Command not found’. I got lost here. I tried ‘/usr/bin/csrutil clear’ with the same result.
It is clear that the command does not exist. Could anyone please help me out?
I cannot boot in the Recovery Disk in Big Sur, only into Network Recovery.
I tried to reinstall the SIP by booting into the Recovery mode and use: ‘csrutil enable’ to reset the SIP
But terminal returned ‘Command not found’
With the command ‘diskutil apfs list’ I saw that the recovery disk was present
The ID of the recovery disk is “disc 1s4 recover”
But the recovery disk is not seen in DiskUtily.
When I boot with ‘power option+r” it always goes into internet recovery
Could anyone please advise how to boot into the recovery disk and enable SIP?
many thanks and best regards,
BigSur 11.1 finally installed today from 11.0.1 — for the last week+ the update would perepetually download and then issue error message about failure with download. Oddly when I now run – softwareupdate –history from the terminal there is no mention that the 11.0.1 was previously installed!!!
Here are the last few entries.
macOS 10.14.6 Update 08/25/2019, 12:17:10
macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update 09/07/2019, 14:24:40
Safari 13.0 09/22/2019, 12:43:38
Safari 13.0.1 09/25/2019, 16:50:19
Safari 13.0.2 10/08/2019, 22:03:36
macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update 2 10/09/2019, 02:10:08
Safari 14.0 09/18/2020, 18:05:46
Safari 14.0.1 11/12/2020, 18:57:50
macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update 11.1 12/29/2020, 00:04:43
After the update to 11.1 (20c69), several issue on my iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), so plex media server can’t be reached from all my device (MacBook Pro-iPhone-Kodi on Raspberry-(Kodi-Vlc-Plex App on Nvidia Shield Tv), is very frustrating, because before the updating all ran well.
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot
This update really pissed me off!
I’m trying upgrade for 3 days.
I tried everything: Restart, Install on safe mode, Install beta version, downloaded the full version via App Store, reset the PRAM and NVRAM, tried via software update… I’m aways receiving the same error at the end of installation process.
I think something is broken on my current Mac OS version (11.0), perhaps python packages or wherever framework the Mac OS uses in the installation process.
With 11.0.1 beta’s and releases (it had been an issue with at least a couple of 11.0 betas as well) I’d had issues with it not caching AD credentials (which may not be an issue for most people – our network uses certificates and 802.1x authentication to allow access – so the computer can’t talk to the DC’s until the user is logged in with macOS). I was having to use a convoluted work around of getting in as local admin, then providing credentials to get it on the right VLAN, to then finally log in as the user.
This is now fixed in this macOS 11.1 update.
Hi Brian,
we’re currently experiencing issues with 802.1x wired machine authentication with Big Sur. Previous macOS versions were working just fine and the 802.1x connection was up as soon as the system was ready.
On Big Sur, the client is not starting a 802.1x connection as soon as the system is up, and after logging in, the user must click on the “Connect to 802.1x” button under the Network profile.
If the user logs out, the connection drops immediately.
Also, the Network profile is not remembering which private certificate should use during the authentication process, so auto-connect fails. The user must select the proper certificate each time it’s requested by the authenticator.
We suspect there’s something wrong with the Keychain and/or with the Network profile.
after booting into the usb installer and macOS recovery, I was prompted for my admin password but the password is not recognized. please help.
Installed the 11.1 update on M1 MacBook Air.
Bluetooth was working perfectly with 11.0.1 is now laggy and freezes for several seconds every few seconds – so unusable (using Logitech MX Keys and MX Master 3). Fortunately my USB-C dock should arrive today so can switch to Logitech Unifying receiver…
On the plus side startup chime started working again…
I also get a kernel panic if I want to run the installer for 11.1 just like Ralph Martin. Running on a 15″ Retina MBP mid 2015…
There are reports that Google Meet is not working in macOS 11.1 (https://support.google.com/meet/thread/88764205?hl=en). Unclear what changes have caused this issue.
I am so glad that I haven’t upgraded my MacBook Pro laptop 13″ to the Big Sur, yet. I would have been devastated if my screen would have gone black/blank! Thank you for the review and I will be following your feed from now on.
“Combo and Delta updates are not available as standalone downloads.”
Does this mean that updaters on support.apple.com/downloads are no more?
my 16″ MBP has been installing macOS 11.1 for 4 hours now
Console: 535,345 message
-com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.UpdateBrainService; nw_socket_handle_socket_event [C7.1:1] Socket received READ_CLOSE event
Any solutions?
Mr Macintosh, I was quite happy to install BS 11.0.1 on my MBP mid 2012 with your instructions. And it works well.
Will you also issue guidance and instructions to install BS 11.1 ?
It is already difficult to have it downloaded bc Apple prohibits machines older than 2013 to download the software.
So, I really want it but obviously I need professional help.
[email protected]
I just had a kernel panic while the 11.1 update was being installed on a MacBook Pro. How can this even be possible when the OS is read-only? Surely the update is being installed under standardised conditions identical to the one the Apple Developers are using?
it’s off-topic, but maybe you have some infos about these issues?: https://www.reddit.com/r/mac/comments/k7pkrp/your_help_is_needed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3