If you try to reinstall macOS on your new M1 Apple Silicon Mac you will get an error. The issue requires a 2nd Mac to fix!
UPDATE 02/08/21 – If you are upgrading to macOS Big Sur on an Intel Mac and are getting the error message “An error occurred preparing the software update” and are now stuck in a boot loop – go here > https://mrmacintosh.com/big-sur-upgrade-not-enough-hd-space-serious-issue-possible-data-loss/
UPDATE 01/02/21 – This article is only for Apple Silicon M1 Macs
- Use a USB installer with Big Sur 11.2 to reinstall macOS
- Enter macOS recovery. If you have FileVault 2 enabled, click the Recovery Assistant menu and then select “Erase Mac”. If you don’t have FileVault 2 Enabled or have already erased the drive, click utilities from the top menu bar and then click Terminal. Enter in the command
This will bring you back to the Recovery Assistant menu. Click the Recovery Assistant menu bar item at the top and then select “Erase Mac”. - If the first two items don’t work, you can follow these instructions from Apple. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211983
UPDATE 11/19/20 – It looks like Apple has fixed the issue! I’ve just finished reinstalling macOS Big Sur from macOS Recovery and from a USB Installer drive. Everything works now!
UPDATE 11/18/20 – I originally reported that this error would happen on a factory build of Big Sur 11.0 (20A2411) but it also happens if you are running 11.0.1 (20B29). To review…
It doesn’t matter if you are using macOS Recovery or Big Sur USB Installer, you will be unable to reinstall Big Sur!!!
The only way to recover is by using a 2nd Mac with Apple Configurator 2!!
When the macOS is reinstalling the Mac will attempt to personalize the version that is being installed. You will get this error.
An error occurred preparing the update. failed to personalize the software update. Please try again.

Can this issue be fixed?
YES! The ONLY way to fix this issue is to use Apple Configurator 2 and reinstall macOS with a 2nd Mac.
I’ve documented the entire process here.
its crazy how this article is from November 17, 2020, and today i found it because i had the same problem on MacBook Pro from 2015 (Model A1398). Before complete SSD wipe out it had the latest Bir Sur as for beg. of August 2021. Funny.
Same issue via recovery mode and installation from scratch. Just 12 minutes before finish i got this error. I checked the logs and it all starts in this section:
Sep 27 09:07:53 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Retrieving 0 packages (0.000 GB)
Sep 27 09:07:53 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Retrieving 1 packages (12.429 GB)
Sep 27 09:07:53 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Started downloading package com.apple.pkg.InstallAssistant.macOSBigSur (http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/57/38/071-97382-A_OEKYSXCO6D/97vrhncortwd3i38zfogcscagmpwksdzce/InstallAssistant.pkg)
Sep 27 09:29:20 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Mounting disk image complete, results dict = {
“bla bla bla a few elements of code”
Sep 27 09:29:20 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Mount point /Volumes/Shared Support
Sep 27 09:29:20 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Mounted payload dmg at /Volumes/Shared Support
Sep 27 09:29:20 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: recoveryOS UpdateBrain path: /var/tmp/IARecoveryDisk/IAMSUProduct-427.wvWRLEa1/UpdateBrain
Sep 27 09:29:20 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Extracting /Volumes/Shared Support/UpdateBrain.zip -> /Volumes/MacBook Pro/macOS Install Data/UpdateBrain
Sep 27 09:29:55 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Finished extracting: succeeded
Sep 27 09:29:55 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Could not verify trust (5) using MobileSoftwareUpdate policy. Will try basic X509.
Sep 27 09:33:05 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Failed to hash /Volumes/MacBook Pro/macOS Install Data/UpdateBundle/AssetData/./payloadv2/payload.001
Sep 27 09:33:05 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Operation queue failed with error: Error Domain=com.apple.OSInstallerSetup.error Code=1004 “Při načítání aktualizace došlo k chybě.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Při načítání aktualizace došlo k chybě.}
It starts here “Sep 27 09:29:55 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[427]: Could not verify trust (5) using MobileSoftwareUpdate policy. Will try basic X509.”
Also funny is that if i tried to install the original Yosemite version it fails as well 🙁 But different log errors. But i am pretty sure its all the same issue.
Hey so I’ve just finished watching your video and doing all the steps and everything seems to be going along smoothly. It is currently reinstalling and I am PRAYING TO GOD that it works. I will leave a reply to this comment to let you know if it works. Just wanted to say thank you for this video as it was a godsend for me. There were no other videos or sources that were any bit useful or related to this. Keep up the good work!
does following this video erase all your files on your mac?
I’ve had this problem with my new M1 MacBook air after resetting to factory settings, and it was just a few days old when I had to return it. I tried everything over the phone with apple support to reinstall MacOs, nothing worked so I took it to get repaired. It has now been 4.5 weeks and I Still don’t have the computer back as reinstallation never worked even with a second Mac. They say they are waiting for parts now which I don’t understand given the issue. Doesn’t this mean there is a hardware issue? And how is it not covered under warranty? The Mac certified retailer (Harvey Norman) will not refund me or replace it, even after speaking to management of the company, because I tried to fix the problem through apple’s instructions initially rather than sending it to them directly, though apple are the manufacturer so it doesn’t make sense. Apple will also not refund or replace. I have just been left without a computer after having one for only 3 days and not even having the chance to use it.
Wow that’s UGLY!
I’ve been through this twice now. Once when attempting to sell my Intel iMac which was on 11.0 and running into the same jazz. Wound up bringing to Apple Genius (170 mile round trip) and they were able to reload fresh at the store, within 2 hours. First they told me I’d have to leave it, then I explained how far away I was and if they could possibly get to it today, I’d be most grateful. Always being polite and respectful. Apparently I charmed them and they put me ahead of some other work and got’r done.
Now I’m selling my M1 because I’m opting for a higher-end model. Just tried to restore it and run into the same crap that’s been going on since the beginning. Apple chat support clueless and no help. Found this article and was able to hook it up to my new M1 MBA and miraculously, the restore actually worked. What a convoluted, non-at-all intuitive process! The fact that the target machine stays completely dark during the procedure also doesn’t help. But I got through it.
Apple REALLY needs to fix this and fire anyone responsible for putting them in this position. It’s a real clusterfarkle for customers as evidenced by the comments here and elsewhere.
Is Apple likely to issue some sort of fix for this?
A lot of people looking at what you need to do to make it right will not have the skills. In any case it should not be necessary to do all this when you’ve just bought a brand-new product.
Come on Apple get your act together it is not good enough.
Apple are strangely quiet on this. My MacBook Air is a brilliant computer apart from this.
My worry is that further down the line if I want to sell it I have a £1,000 brick.
So come on Apple. You’ve got billions of dollars floating around.
Are you going to fix it? If so, WHEN?
HI ron, Thank you for raising this concern
my MacBook is just a month old and I have been having the same issue its really frustrating.
do you get any help?
I had the same issue on my Mac Mini. It’s an activation lock issue. I was on the phone with Apple support yesterday on this. The first thing to do is go to iCloud.com and remove your device from your account. I had removed it on my MacBook Pro, but it didn’t take. She had me go into iCloud and do it there. Then we were able to delete the disks as normal, and reinstall Big Sur on the Mini.
I had tried. EVERYTHING across all the forums. Once I did that, it worked.
HI sam, care to elaborate more on how you did it?
I was just given the steps below to follow by an Apple chat tech that oddly worked.
1. Boot to recovery
2. Launch Terminal
3. Run terminal command: resetpassword. (Ignore errors about users if it comes up)
4. Click on the background to the side of Reset Password window , then choose Recovery Assistant in the menu bar then select Erase Mac.
5. Click Erase Mac in the window that opens, then click Erase Mac again to confirm. When done, your Mac restarts automatically.
6. If they are on 11.0.1 it will automatically reboot after the erase is complete. After the reboot select wifi appears, and prompts the customer for activation. When activation completes, they need to choose the option of [Exit to Recovery Utilities] which brings us back to the main recovery screen.
7. If the activation fails, make sure they are connected to the internet via their Wifi icon. (Some ethernet dongles are not detected in recovery, use Wifi)
8. Once activation is completed. You will see the normal restore options. Choose reinstall macOS Big Sur.
He also gave me this article that I ended up not needing: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211983
very nice, runing into the same problem
THANK YOU! I hit so many walls trying to reinstall Big Sur. Using “Erase Mac” in Recovery Asst. made all the difference.
Worked for me. Quicker than Apple Configurator 2, although that works, too.
This worked. Have been stuck with this all day on my new Mac-Mini (M1).
wooooooow~~ thank you sooooooooooooooo much !! i’m korean
Hi, when you did this, did it erase everything on your macbook completely? or are these steps meant to just help get past the Big Sur issue? and help install but still keep your macbook information?
Thank you for the precise and clear instructions!! Tried it in June 2021 with a new MacBook Air M1.
Lifesaver! Thx!
If I go to an apple store would they be able to use another Mac to fix mine?
Yep! This can be done during a Genius Bar appointment.
My M1 Macbook Air has been bricked in recovery mode for 3 days now, I am a student and I cant even use it for school. I was just resetting to clear my HD, i then tried to re-install BigSur and that error appears around 50-30 minutes left. “An error occurred. Failed to personalize the software update. Please try again”. lol ive tried the terminal method, resetting the password too but it says there are no volumes, something like that. I do not have another mac to fix it, I have no idea what to do now, I’d return it but I bought from Bestbuy and I dont know if they’d give me a new one. Help?
Daisy, this is a huge bummer. Let me see if I can figure out a way around the no users thing. You might be stuck without a 2nd mac. Keep in mind the 2nd mac can be ANY Mac? do you have a friend or family member that could help out?
If not your Mac is covered under a 1 year warranty. Any apple store will be able to help you. They will most likely just swap it out with a new one for you.
“lol ive tried the terminal method, resetting the password too but it says there are no volumes, something like that” Daisy!!!
1. follow these steps from “Prepare your Mac” and just before step 4. terminal connect to Internet – WIFI at the top right or cable – https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211983
2. on step 5. click on top bar to Erase Mac – this will format drive, create new partition and allow you to activate your mac again
4. You should be able to Install and see your drive now. I used USB installation. It took 20 minutes and my Mac Mini works again.
5. If you fail, it’s likely that you missed something or didn’t understand the steps, start over! It happened to me.
Same. If you get something please let me know.
For me
1. External bootable USB drive method didn’t work.
2. Terminal method – In the Recovery assistant page, click on the Recovery assistant tab and click “Erase mac”. Shutdown, start again in recovery mode. It worked. (Spent like 3 hours in this).
3. Apple configurator 2 method – Heard that it works, but a bit tedious.
Good afternoon, can you please tell me it you only did that, resetpassword erase mac then reboot and then you use the terminal commands that are on the documentation? That is? Thanks in advance for your replay
I struggled with getting a MacBook Pro into DFU mode, no matter what I did it never booted into DFU but instead gave me the lock-icon in Apple Configurator.
Well, turns out the USB-C cable Apple refers to in this support article did actually not work.
https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/apple-configurator-2/apdd5f3c75ad/mac (under requirements)
Switched to one of those that comes with the computer and that worked right away.
Thank you Apple…
Can I just return the Mac?
Under consumer law if something is faulty – as this is – you can return it up to 30 days after you bought it. I am about to do the same with my new MacBook Air. Really disappointed.
I have used Apple product for years and always remember the slogan – ‘it just works’.
Sorry Apple this one doesn’t!
The method at this URL worked for me…
Michael! You saved me. No need for the crazy setup with the Configurator software and another Mac (which I did not have).
I just used the Apple support link Michael provided and used the “Reset Password” method and selecting “Erase Mac”. It’s the second method after the first Configurator method. Make sure you also follow the activate setup to re-activate the mac (you need an internet connection).
I just followed the steps outlined and then reinstalled using an external USB installer as per normal. I needed to reformat the Untitled partition that was created after the erase and then I installed from the USB per normal procedure.
Thank You Michael!
It seems this issue is still present after updating to 11.0.1. Fixed using Apple Configurator, thanks for documenting the process so well.
I got this error message as well. I called Apple support and they said to just exchange the computer, so I did that. Seemed easier!
I was told that I would have to process a return and then purchase a new one from the store. So basically I would need to spend another $1300 and then be out of a total of $2600 until the return was processed and the money was back in my account. I’ve never been treated like this by them and I’m not only a little shocked by it but very disappointed.
I seem to have managed to fix this wihtout any additional tools etc.
I ran in to the described issue on my new macbook Air M1. I’ve decided to take it back (great laptop, but i need windows for some of my work), which is why i erased the harddrive and began a fresh install of big sur until i encountered the issue.
What fixed it for me:
I’ve removed the activation lock on the mac via icloud: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201441
I then restarted the mac and proceeded to install big sur as you would expect it to work.
Hi Kristian, I am trying this method now. Removed the activation lock from Icloud after erasing the machbook air data again and removing the device…
I was all prepped up also to use iMac with the USB A to C cable (bought the cable just for this purpose) and try the configurator2 method….
Spent 3 hours with apple this morning also! they wanted me to pick a new MacBook from another city (an hour drive away) tomorrow…
Fingers crossed….
Hi …I have followed Kristian’s guidance and my issue fixed too!!
No additional tool needed…
Many thx for the tip…it has saved me a 2 hour round trip to an apple shop….
Can you help me to? I’ve deleted my mac from my apple account, i still have issue after 20 minutes of installation process ” failed to personalize…”, i’ve no acces to a second mac.. Thanks..
Have you erased your Mac through icloud-find my phone and then removed the device from your iCloud? Do as if you’ve lost the machine.
To be clear. I removed the activation lock by erasing the Mac via Icloud, I removed the device from my Icloud and and restarted the Mac. At this point it still asked for Apple ID – I typed it in and it started the process of “erasing” as initiated from Icloud. After a 1 min or so, the screen transitioned to the “pick a country a screen”. At this point I restarted by holding down the power button. I booted the device, choose a country and selected reinstall big Sur (no apple Id needed) and proceeded installing big Sur without any errors!
I did the same sequence yesterday and was successful also.
All working fine now.
This worked for me too. Thanks everyone!
Hi Kristian,
Great advice! Going to iCloud / Find my iPhone, Erasing the new M1 mac, Removing it from devices, worked like a charm after the 1st Big Sur restore (after 3 unsuccessful attempts). Thanks much and worked like a charm!
Hi, I have the same issue. I had updated the Mac OS on the new MAC air few days ago. Now attempting to reinstall the OS, and error message.
I have another iMAC, would ur resolution work with that pls?
Very cross with apple. My first MacBookAir experience terrible.
Thanks so much for this article. I was having the same problem on my new M1 MacBook Pro last night. Fortunately, I found this article and was able to follow the steps using Configurator to restore the OS.
I just ran into this issue. Your update says Apple has fixed the issue, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. I got my MacBook Air M1 on Tuesday and I did not upgrade to the latest version of Big Sur. I just erased the hard drive using Disk Utility in recovery mode. When I try to reinstall, I get the error you mention. Unfortunately I don’t have another Mac running OS version 10.15.6 or newer, so will probably have to go to the Apple Store 🙁
I’m literally having this problem now. Been on the phone with apple for 2hours. I just want to hang up and return the MacBook and just get a new one at this point.
i am also stuck; is there any update on this?
I had this problem after installing the 11.0.1 update. Fixed it with Apple Configurator 2 and reinstall macOS with a second Mac as suggested.