Multiple reports are coming in from users who are starting to have major problems after installing the latest Mojave 2020-005 Security Update.
UPDATE #8 – 10/01 10:00PM – Apple has just released a fix and I’ve just finished an article going over all the details. I tried to test and figure out every scenario that you might be in, so you know exactly what will happen.
UPDATE #7 – 9/30 1:30PM – Apple just pulled both problematic updates!
- Pulled from the update catalog
- 1. Safari 14.0 – Released 9/16 – 001-50026
- 2. Mojave 2020-005 Security Update – Released 9/24 – 001-50026
- Added to the update catalog
- 1. Safari 13.1.2 – Released Today – 061-98246
This is Apple’s acknowledgment of the issue.
Anyone who has not installed the updates will now be safe. This also means that we should be getting an official fix!!!
Stay tuned!
UPDATE #6 – 9/29 2:00PM – I’ve expanded the softwareupate --ignore
UPDATE #5 – 9/28 7:30PM – I have added 3 new sections below. The first one shows you how to ignore the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update. The second will show you a very quick way to find out if your Mac is affected by this issue. In the 3rd, I will show you 4 different install scenarios. We now know the issue only happens if you install Safari 14.0 first, then install the 2020-005 update after. An example of a Mac that would unaffected by this issue would be if you installed the 2020-005 Security Update first, then the Safari 14.0 update after.
UPDATE #4 – 9/28 12:30PM – I have reproduced the install problem flow Please read section #5 below for more info. You can install the Mojave 2020-005 Security update WITHOUT Safari 14.0 and not have any issues. You can even Install Safari 14.0 after and not have any issues. It’s only when you install Safari 14.0 first then install 2020-005 after when the problems start! I will continue to test this and post updates.
UPDATE #3 – 9/28 11:30AM – After running some more tests, Safari 14.0 could be one of the problems. The next test performed was to build a fresh 10.14.6 Mac and install only the 2020-005 Security Update = No problems. I then installed Safari 14.0 = No problems. Then I reinstalled 2020-005 again = All Problems are back!!! I am going to check the order, maybe if Safari 14.0 is being installed first with softwareupdate this could be part of the problem. I am going to continue to test to find out more.
UPDATE #2 – 9/27 5:00PM – I am keeping an eye on Apple’s Software Update Server to see if they pull the update. I will update if they do.
UPDATE #1 – 9/27 3:30PM – A few users have asked if they can install the 2020-004 update over the 2020-005 update. They mentioned being able to do this in the past. Usually you can’t go backwards using Apple’s .pkg installers. I tested this out and sure enough, the installer says that a newer version of this update is installed. Apple didn’t design the installers to undo newer security updates. This is unlike the full .app installer which can replace all OS level files.
This article will include will be continually updated with the latest information on this issue.
I have some workarounds and fixes that could help you if you already installed the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update.
Past macOS Security Update Issues
This is not the first time that I’ve reported on update issues. Below you can read a few of the major issues that I’ve written about.
- 1. Security Update 2020-002 for Mojave & High Sierra causes Hardware accelerated video freezing = mrmacintosh.com/2020-002-update-causes-some-macs-to-freeze-when-using-hw-accelerated-video/
- 2. Security Update 2019-004 pulled after causing kernel panics = mrmacintosh.com/apple-pulls-2019-004-high-sierra-and-sierra-security-updates-after-kernel-panics/
- 3. Security Update 2019-001 update causing data loss on some T2 Macs = mrmacintosh.com/mojave-2019-001-security-update-causing-data-loss-if-interrupted/
Table of Contents
- 1. Mojave 2020-005 Security Update Problems
- 2. Affected macOS Build Versions
- 2. Affected Mac Hardware & Intel GPU Versions
- 3. How can I tell if my mac is affected by this issue?
- 4. How can I ignore this update in software update?
- 5. How to Reproduce – Install Order
- 5. User Reports
- 6. This time around the issue can be reproduced
- 7. Fix! Rolling back with Automatic Update Snapshots. (within 24 hours of install)
- 8. Workarounds
- 9. If you are seeing this issue, please let Apple know.
- 10. Mojave 2020-005 Security Update Issue Links
- 11. Hat Tip/Credits
1. Mojave 2020-005 Security Update Problems
What are the reported problems with this update?
- 1. Memory issues – Reports of large increases of memory usage = no free memory and a large amount of compressed memory.
- 2. Slow boot & High fan speed
- 3. System slowness / stalling in finder
- 4. New local user can not be created through Users & Groups.
- 5. Migration assistant crashes to login window when started.
- 6. Large amounts of system.log entries –
Class asn1SetToken is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StoreServices.framework/Versions/A/StoreServices
- 7. Errors when using
tmutil localsnapshot /
- 8. Error when running
softwareupdate -l
(not sure if it causes any issues with the softwareupdate binary) - 9. System locks up in Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver when trying to select a picture type screen saver.
- 10. WindowServer Process using 4 times amount of memory. Should be anywhere between 40-125MB after the update it jumps to 400MB
- 11. cDock 4 – Dock customization app becomes unusable.
- 12. Menu bar sometimes does not change after switching from applications back to the finder.
1. Affected Safari & macOS Build Versions
This issue affects the following Safari & macOS Build Versions.
- Safari 14.0 – September 16th, 2020
- Mojave 10.14.6 Security Update 2020-005 (18G6032) – September 24th, 2020
- No reports so far of this happening on macOS High Sierra 10.13.
2. Affected Mac Hardware
Past problems would only happen with certain hardware models. Not this time, if you installed the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update on a compatible Mac you might have problems.
3. How can I tell if my Mac is affected by this issue?
Very simple, just open up the terminal.app and run softwareupdate -l
If you get this error your Mac is affected.
Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EmbeddedOSInstall.framework/Versions/A/EmbeddedOSInstall (0x1130cec58) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSPersonalization.framework/Versions/A/OSPersonalization (0x112f31358). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4. How can I ignore this update in software update?
All you need to do is use the softwareupdate ignore option.
sudo softwareupdate --ignore "Security Update 2020-005"
After running this command you should see this
Ignored updates:
"Security Update 2020-005"
Now run softwareupdate -l
to confirm that you don’t see the update.
You can reset ignored updates by running this command
sudo softwareupdate --reset-ignored
Good thing we still can use this command. If you would like to read more about how Apple is taking this option away read the link below.
5. How to Reproduce – Install Order
I discovered last night that on my Mojave test Mac that I couldn’t reproduce the issue even though I could on my 2nd test Mac. I realized that I only installed the 2020-005 Security update and NOT the Safari 14.0 update. This is when I restored back to the previous snapshot and tried again. For the next test, I let software update install both updates. Safari 14.0 was first then 2020-005, after the reboot I had the problem. Let’s go over a few of the install scenarios below.
- Scenario #1 How to install both Updates and be affected by the issue.
- 1. 10.14.6 (18G103) Base Install
- 2. Use software update to install both Safari 14.0 and 2020-005 Updates
- 3. After the restart = You will have the problem.
- Scenario #2 You installed Safari 14.0 as soon as it came out on 9/16
- 1. 10.14.6 (18G103) Base Install
- 2. Install Security Update 2020-005 + Reboot = You will have the problem
- Scenario #3 How you can install both updates with NO PROBLEMS
- 1. 10.14.6 (18G103) Base Install
- 2. Install Security Update 2020-005 ONLY + Reboot = No Problem
- 3. Now Install Safari 14.0 = No Problem
- Scenario #4 How you can install both updates with in the correct order and still have the problem
- 1. 10.14.6 (18G103) Base Install
- 2. Install Security Update 2020-005 ONLY + Reboot = No Problem
- 3. Now Install Safari 14.0 = No Problem
- 4. Install Security Update 2020-005 AGAIN + Reboot = You will have the problem (NOTE: the same problem happens if you use the 2020-004 installer in this step)
3. User Reports.
The first report came in on Thursday, just 4 hours after Apple released the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update.
Is anyone getting really low free RAM after applying this update? Activity Monitor says I have 12GB of RAM used right after I launch it after logging in.
MacRumors User Earl Urley
More reports started to roll in on the Apple Discussion Forums.
On September 24th Sep, after performing the security update (2020-005), I immediately noticed ram problems. Has anyone had the same problem?
Apple Discussions Forum User DoctorAudioLinks
I applied the 2020-005 Security Update today to my MacBook Pro running Mojave (10.14.6) and after it restarted, I started experiencing problems. The first and most obvious is the Dock crashes repeatedly. I have also noticed that when running applications, the menu bar does not display the app’s menus, but stays showing Finder menus. I downloaded the .dmg file with the updater on it and applied it again, thinking perhaps something went amiss the first time, but it did not resolve the issue.
Apple Discussions Forum User RestonMacGuy
After doing this job for many years, I get an sense when things are starting to become an issue. Just to be sure, I always wait for more reports and attempt to reproduce the issues myself before reporting.
Additionally, boot time is slower, logging in is slower and when doing so I’m met with a blank desktop which needs 7-8 seconds before icons finally appear. Everything feels sluggish, and applications also take more than twice as long to start up.
MacRumors Forum User Minipudding
After reading multiple reports I felt that it was time me to take a closer look. Sure enough, more users have started to report the same issues.
4. This time around the issues can be reproduced
When issues like this have come up in the past, I might not be able to reproduce them. I have to go purely on user reports, which at times can be tough. I want to make sure the reporting is very accurate. Especially when I am recommending that users not install a security update. This time around is different, I have tested the update on multiple Macs and can reproduce most of the issues. I also found a few that have not been reported on the forums or twitter.
5. A Fix! Rolling back with Automatic Update Snapshots. (within 24 hours of install)
Do you have time machine backups?
If you do, just restore and you are good to go! Now would be a good time to start. If not keep reading.
Automatic Update Snapshots was introduced as a feature in macOS High Sierra. You can read about them below. This was one of the best features that Apple has ever added to macOS. Sadly they only work for 10.13 and 10.14 Security Updates and not 10.15 Catalina Combo Updates.
Automatic Update Snapshots could save you, if you installed the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update in the last 24 hours. That’s the problem with tmutil localsnapshots
they only last 24 hours!!! So if you installed the update you might still be able to roll back to the previous Mojave Security Update 2020-004 (18G6020).
Steps to restore from an Automatic Update Snapshot.
- Reboot to recovery. Hold down
Command R
- Once in recovery select “Restore from Time Machine Backup”
- On the next screen select “Macintosh HD”. If your Mac is filevault encrypted you will be asked for your password.
- On the next screen, if you have a snapshot available it will look like this.

5. Select it and hit continue! Your Mac will now restore back to the snapshot taken just before the 2020-005 Security Update was installed.
But what if 24 hours has past since you installed the update? Keep reading below.
6. Workarounds
If you don’t have an Automatic Update Snapshot available, hopefully one of the following options will help you.
- Upgrade to Catalina. This was recommended by Apple Support. If don’t want to upgrade to Catalina yet, scroll down to option #2.
2. Reinstall (Not Erase) macOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G103)
This workaround will reinstall macOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G103) and you will be able to keep all your files and applications. All you need to do is download the Mojave Full installer from the App Store and reinstall. To keep your Mac protected, you can install Security Update 2020-004 and not have any issues.
You can also perform an erase and install if you have all your files backed up.
Download Mojave Full Installer – mrmacintosh.com/how-to-download-macos-catalina-mojave-or-high-sierra-full-installers/
Download the Mojave 2020-004 Security Update – https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2045
7. If you are seeing this issue, please let Apple know.
The only way to let Apple know that this is a big issue is to file a FeedBack Report. AppleCare Call or an Apple Enterprise Support Ticket.
This will help Apple Prioritize the issue and get it resolved ASAP!
8. Mojave 2020-005 Security Update Issue Links
This is a list of all the reports of issues with the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update
- forums.macrumors.com/threads/security-update-2020-005.2256677/
- forums.macrumors.com/threads/problems-after-latest-security-update.2256875/
- forums.macrumors.com/threads/migration-assistant-stop-working-after-security-update-2020-005-for-mojave.2256992/
Apple Discussion Forums
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251849614
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251853119
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251852709
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251849672
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251852000
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251846167
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251851380
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251847308
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251851749
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251846939
- https://discussions.apple.com/thread/251854751
9. Hat Tip/Credits
Multiple Hat tips go out to my website and twitter followers for reporting the issue to me so I could take a closer look. Special thanks to Hyram Hakkenbecker for double-checking my articles for any grammar issues that sneak past!
Hopefully this article will help you.
Actually i wanted to do a re-install but i found i had a local snapshot of 8-2020, so i was able to restore it , 🙂
So please check if you have a still local snapshot and restore it, and
PS;I cannot remember why the local snapshot was saved for so long, but it’s not a 24-hours limit.
after safari & Mojave sec updated again / massive stalls & freezing.
Has anyone tried Security Update 2020-006 yet? I’m feeling a little gunshy now.
I’ve been holding off until I see something from Mr Mac.
Specifically are there problems with:
Security Update 2020-006
Safari 14.01
Mac OS Supplemental Update
I’ve read over on the Apple forums of people NOT being able to upload files using Safari 14.0.1.
I too am waiting to update both Safari and the Security Update until Mr. Mac takes a peak 🙂
I installed updates on October 9th, computer went crazy slow, all kinds of problems, pretty sure I have malware…I didn’t know what to do so I went into recovery and reinstalled mojave. It works pretty good now, but I do see a security systems update ready to install. I’m afraid. How do I know if I should do this update? I had somebody trying to start safari,( I use chrome), I also noticed something called Consumer Applications trying to start. My Mac is from 2015, not sure if it’s beyond screwed up now or not. I had to disable the SIR to change my permissions on almost everything. Is this all because of the bad update?
Thank you so much for posting this article! I followed your advice and did a reinstall of Mohave then downloaded the security update as you suggested. Everything is working perfectly now.
I didn’t see mention of this, but I have a Mac Mini with the latest security update installed for Mojave and I can reliably panic the machine by trying to mount an SMB share from my Synology. Prior to the update, this never caused a problem. Is anyone else seeing this as well?
I have a recent mojave and mouse bluetooth and the keyboard light is not working, does anyone know how to fix it?
l have a issue when install security upgrade 2020-005 and 2020-004, my screen is still white i can’t install security system i installed mojave these days please help me
Hi Olyrd
I had similar problems, see my post below. Despite repeated attempts (4) to reinstall Mojave, then security 2020.005 without Safari 14.0 I repeatedly had the problems you are experiencing. The only way I have succeeded in installing the latest update was to completely erase my hard drive (fortunately I have everything backed up). Then reinstalled as follows: reformat drive, install Mojave 10.14.6, search for updates and allow Mac to install both security updates. Restart. All appears to be OK now, I hope this helps
pode me passar os tutoriais?
I have 10.14.6 no working for me
I like many have problems with the 005 update. Sadly despite reinstalling Mojave as suggested I still cannot install update. After 2 days install still not fully installed, unable to use activity monitor or any other software, mouse movements when it can. So now reverted to Mojave with 004 update. All working fine.
Mr. Macintosh, you should change your name to Dr. Macintosh. You are to a computer what a doctor is to the human body! Thanks so much for your help. My computer was barely functioning after downloading both Safari & the 005 update. Just want to let you & your viewers know that I installed the new supplemental update & it entirely fixed the problem! I had some trepidations about taking the risk of installing it but after I saw your demonstration of the process, I felt more confident. Thanks so much again!
Thank you for the kind comments! I’ve worked in IT for over 20 years and I’m finally at a point in my life where I can give back. I started this website so I could share all of that knowledge with you. I am very happy that your Mac is all fixed up! Thanks again
Safari 14 possibly solution to one cause of the problems?.
Catalina was working fine on my 2012 Mac Mini, apart from HP’s failure to upgrade to fully featured 64 bit drivers for the legacy Samsung printers they still sell. Following the update to 15.6 and Safari 14 I was constantly getting messages showing available ram down in single % and warning messages that I was running out of RAM and memory. Memory Clean was running virtually continuously, but the machine was pretty well unusable. Eventually I removed Safari from the desktop and swopped to Firefox and occasionally Opera. Everything worked normally using DuckDuckgo. Looking again today for a solution I saw a recommendation to update to 15.7. Made no difference to Safari, but saw a mention of Activity Monitor. So long since I’ve had a problem I’d forgotten about it. Looking at A M I could see a huge amount of CPU and Memory occupied permanently by Safari and two website addresses, bookmarks for the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.es and a website for translators, neither of which had I been accessing. Removed the bookmarks and Safari is back working acceptably, if still rather more resource hungry than Firefox and Opera. Still lamentably missing TopSites of course. Looking at today’s Safari browsing history I was amazed to see a lot of Spanish sites I hadn’t accessed, a number of which I’d never heard of. Could part of Safari’s problem be the update weakening Adblocker extensions and allowing the CPU to be taken over by webpages? Safari was occupying about 38% CPU and the web pages about half as much each if I remember correctly. The two web pages are obviously gone and Safari now seems to be maxing out at about 14% but mainly well below that.
today, apple released a supplimental update with a new safari installation
the update deletes safari build .09, repair system and inatall safari build .10
the system buidl version will stay as same before
Thank you Mr.Macintosh, and thank you for you ALL, (included Apple) who helped to solve this problem fast. The supplemental update is works fine. Screen magnifier is solved, low ram usage…..etc, but i’ve not checked everything yet, but i glad. Fortunately i’ve not updated to Catalina, despite recommendation of Apple service. (i am musician, and the Catalina is not the best friend of musicians.) It was worth to wait.
Thanks Gabor! By all means stay on Mojave, it will be supported by Apple for one more year after Big Sur is released.
Just found my Mac sucking up all my (limited) network bandwidth, and, sure enough, it was grabbing a new update.
I interrupted the download to restart at a more opportune
time, but checked:
Software Update Tool
Finding available software
Software Update found the following new or updated software:
* Safari14.0MojaveAuto-10.14.6
macOS Supplemental Update (10.14.6), 67310K [recommended] [restart]
…67M doesn’t seem like much. I hadn’t tried any remediation
for the Mojave 2020-005 update, so looks like there’s just a
small patch for me. Hopefully they QAed it. 🙂
macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update is available in my Software Update. Anyone try it yet?
I’m on a 2010 Mac Pro
2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2 GB
I did on a 2013 imac, so far so good! Glad I didnt jump thru hoops, yet.
Just a fix Apple make a suplemental update for mojave 1/10/20
So, if I haven’t installed the OLD 2020-005 but did install Safari 14, what order should I install the 2 new updates that came out tonight? There is 2020-005 again (is it the same as before) and then a new supplemental update that says it includes Safari and some other fixes. Should I just install the supplemental now and then the new security update??
I see 2 new updates now, both a re-issue of 2020-005 and a new supplemental update.
Thanks for this article.
I installed this update and Safari 14 and have all the issues.
I made a Time machine back up just before and did not connect Time machine since.
What do you recommend In this case ?
1/ restore from time machine ?
2/ install again Mojave ?
3/ wait for a fix ?
I’m not familiar with time machine. When I restore from Time machine , will it re install everything including the applications ? Or only MacOS and my saved data and not my applications? Meaning I will have to install again my apps and software.
Thanks for your help and great work.
After seeing the posts from kc6uus and j-beda I realized I had been using Firefox to download. I launched Safari and tried the steps in Section 6, part 2 and got the download with no problems. I have reinstalled Mojave 10.14.6 and the Security update 04 and everything is fine so far (less than 24 hours). I did not think to blame my browser and had not tried Safari because I just don’t use it at all. I have not done the “ignore security update” thing because I just don’t understand how to do it. It sounds like something very tech savvy people can do and that is not me. I have come to realize that this space is aimed at people who are Admins for macs in bunches so I am thankful (again) that you were kind enough to reply to my earlier post since I am just a home user with one mac. I intend to check this site from now on if I get any update notices and wait for a couple of days after the notice to see if it will be okay to update. If I get updates and one of them is the Security 05, will I be able to “skip” that and do the newer ones? Thank you and all of your posters.
I think I’m right in saying that to reinstall / boot from a thumb drive (or other startup drive) on a recent Mac (eg with T2 chip) this has to be specifically enabled via the utilities after starting up in recovery mode. Default is that it is not possible.
How on earth the less tech-savvy user copes with this sort of problem I have no idea, this and previous update gotchas have surely severely damaged Apple’s reputation.
There is another issue which I *think* I understand but I’d welcome comments please. I have three machines all running Mojave and all three are victims of this snafu.
I’ve successfully corrected one, an iMac from late 2015 from the recovery partition.
I’m having problems with the second, a MBP 2019 which was originally supplied with Catalina. When I bought it I downgraded it to Mojave as I did not wish to grapple with the Catalina related issues. Now, if I try to use recovery to reinstall the OS it will only offer the option of Catalina. I have made Mojave install disk thumb drives using the three methods detailed in the post but attempting to use them on the MBP results in a) the install drive being recognised and then b) forcing internet recovery and thence Catalina. This *suggests* that a machine supplied with Catalina will refuse to start up from a Mojave installer.
I *think* I know how to get around this, although it’s a pain: I think I should be able to start up from complete installation of Mojave (eg a clone of the current disk) and use the Mojave installer in it possibly on a clean install, possibly not – I hope I can just re-install the OS.
Any thoughts will be welcome.
Hello Keith
Yes, External Boot Protection with the T2 Security Chip is preventing boot up to your USB stick.
You can disable this in Command R recovery, it will need to reboot but it will work.
For the compatibility part, Apple does not let you install a lower OS than was installed from the factory. So if it came with Catalina, Mojave can’t be installed on it.
Thank you for your reply but I’m afraid that is not the issue. I should perhaps have said I was posting the comment about the External Boot Protection with the T2 Security Chip for general information. I have disabled it, or is that enabled booting from an external drive, but the thumb drive still will not boot.
Sorry, I should have added in reply to your last comment:
I have already installed Mojave on the MBP and it runs fine. The rule for OSs seems to be that the base OS, the one you cannot go below, is determined by the date of machine introduction rather than the date of supply. The MBP as a model was released in the days of Mojave, later on the same model was supplied with Catalina. This means that it will run Mojave (and I have done it).
I can now confirm that the proposed approach, booting from a clone of a working Mojave installation and reinstalling Mojave from there onto the target 2019 MBP HD, works.
I still can’t figure out why the install thumb drive would not boot the machine, but this work-around worked.
A customer had similar problems today with a slightly different combination:
We’d installed Safari 14 in mid-September on macOS 10.14.6 Mojave but for some reason Security Update 2020-004 didn’t install, so I manually installed it last night. (I didn’t install 2020-005 because of what I read here.) Today he experienced severe slowness and running “softwareupdate -l” resulted in the error text above. This makes me think that Safari 14 is the root of the problem.
Restoring from yesterday’s Time Machine backup seems to have resolved it, so hopefully Apple’s next security update will do some magic.
I ran the Mojave Security Update 2020-005 a few days ago (9/25), having previously updated to Safari 14 on 9/17. And I got the problem (Mac became so slow that it was unusable). Fortunately, I had a Time Machine backup that I’d made just before running the Security Update on 9/25. This restored the Mac to about the same performance it had before the Security Update.
But note that this Mac is still running Safari 14. And if I try the “softwareupdate -l” command, it displays the same sort of error message you describe (2 copies of the “AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate” class).
This suggests that it’s just the Safari 14 updater (on Mojave) which creates the dual-class error condition. Then, the presence of this error condition causes the update to go badly awry when applying Security Update 2020-005.
Currently on this Mac, I’ve restored performance by undoing Security Update 2020-005. But the dual-class error is still there, raising the possibility that things will go awry again when applying any future update, possibly even including a “fix” from Apple.
This raises the question: Do you think Apple will be able to provide a patch to “fix” a Mac in this state? Or would I be best advised to look for a Time Machine backup earlier than 9/17 (when I installed Safari 14) and restore from there?
Bob, that’s the big question. When apple releases the fixed versions… will they fix someone who is already in this state?
They might not and only work for someone who has not installed the bad updates. We will see though as I have archived the old installers and can test when the new ones come out.
Is your system running ok for now? If so maybe wait to see what happens here as you can always go back to the TM backup.
Apple has just released a Supplemental Update and re-released Security Update 2020-005. At this point, I decided to apply just the Supplemental Update, which is the one advertised as having bug fixes. It seems to have worked well. System is running well (better than before this Supplemental Update) and “softwareupdate -l” no longer displays the duplicate class error. I assume it’s safe now to apply the re-released Security Update 2020-005 but just haven’t done it yet.
That’s strange, because I restored from the automatic local snapshot made just before the install, so I still have Safari 14.0 but am not getting those “softwareupdate -l” errors any more. I was getting them before I restored.
I guess the fact that they pulled Safari 14.0 as well as 2020-005 does indicate something is wrong with it. They’ll surely have to account for that in any future update since there must be many people like me who still have it.
Thank you very much for your help! The problem is solved and I will wait for new updates!
“This also means that we should be getting an official fix!!!”
Thanx for all your Work and Help, sir… but I think you are being much too optimistic. Apple didn’t deal with this in any way shape or form for a friggin’ WEEK…
Sheeesh, I’m still pissed they messed-up my old G5, that was running awesome with Tiger… and then Leopard turned it into an Electric Fan… and not the kind that asks for your autograph at ComicCon.
I’m curious with Safari 13.1.2. It doesn’t show-up in the Updates… will it override 14? Should we do this?
Leesa, If you have Safari 14.0 installed 13.1.2 will not show up in softwareupdate for you. The installer will not let you downgrade versions of safari.
I have been thinking about trying to run a test to uninstall 14 then try to install 13.1.2 to see if that makes a difference.
I think I read it on Macrumors… Someone said they removed Safari 14 “By Hand” and then installed 13… and everything was hunky-dori…
Don’t get me wrong. Apple has had issues like this in the past and NOT pulled the update, making us wait 3 months until a fix. So, yes it took them a while and thousands of users installed this update and they got screwed. I’m hoping we have a proper fix.
If you have a laptop that does NOT have TM turned on, does the 24 hour thing still happen? Or is that only if you actually making TM backups and have that turned on. I know when you enter TimeMachine, I see the multipage windows pop up, but I don’t have it turned on officially (for other reasons).
Thank you.
I don’t use Time Machine (I use a different backup program) and I have “Back Up Automatically” turned off, it still created a local snapshot right before the update which I restored from.
THIS worked for me to fix Safari 14.0 – 2020-005 problem:
Use AppZapper to remove Safari 14.0 and all its harmful byproducts. Leave 2020-005 in place (now first position), and re-install Safari (now in second position, following 2020-005).. AppZapper seems able to ferret out all the Safari 14.0 junk (and there is a ton of it on the AppZapper list) and leave your OS ready for re-updating with Safari 14.0 as if it had never been installed.
This works also if you only installed Safari and realize your mistake. Just Zapp it, install 2020-005 and then install Safari. No problems.
Dale, this sounds like a great idea. I would like to try it but might want to wait to see how Apple deals with this. Not sure if I want to recommend this fix to everyone. If Apple can come out with a fix quick enough, maybe that will do the trick. Or it could take a while… Don’t get me wrong it’s a great fix! I just want to be careful. I might test that tonight.
Appears that Apple has pulled the “Download Security Update 2020-005 (Mojave)” webpage.
Original: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:GaHqU2HpLX0J:https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2054
Current: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2054?locale=en_US
(“The page you’re looking for can’t be found.”)
though “Download Security Update 2020-005 (High Sierra)” remains up: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2053?viewlocale=en_AL&locale=en_AL
It looks like Apple may have pulled “Mojave Security Update2020-005” from softwareupdate but NOT Safari 14.
Seems like Safari 14 is the problem though?
I installed the update about 3 hours ago and have a time machine backup from a couple of days ago. If I restore using the time machine option, will it overwrite any new files I created since the time machine backup?
Correct, when you restore back to time machine any new changes that you made to the OS or new files will be gone.
Thanks a lot for confirming.. however, I saw that I actually have a local tm snapshot from a couple of hours before I installed the update, and I think I know which files I was working on.. so now I just need to put those on a stick, and find the courage to restore it.. anything else I should watch out for?
I have the error, but performance is not awful. Maybe it helps that I have 48Gb. But the Mojave 10.14.6 reinstall won’t let it install on my 5,1 pci sata ssd, it wants it to be HFS+ not APFS.
Now what?
Pete, are you running the installer from macOS?
You should be able to reboot to recovery by holding down Command R
Then just select reinstall macos mojave after connecting wifi or ethernet.
Cmd-R. not working for me, I have OpenCore installed and it isn’t booting to that. Investigating.
If I do the Command + R approach while booting up, will I be able to reinstall 10.14.6? is there a choice or will it happen by default? Anything I should be aware of?
And, if do that, will my other data: emails, texts, pics, etc still be there?
Am so confused at this point. Computers are supposed to make our lives better.
Many thanks for this post! I should have read earlier though…
I had the ‘softwareupdate -l’ duplicate Class error reported at 3. My Mac was ‘our of order’ after the Mojave 2020-005 Security Update (mail.app most file sharing apps requiring passwords didn’t work anymore). Downloaded latest Mojave installer, and ran the Software update (security update 2020-04 and Safari 14.0). Had to wipe several caches and cookies to get my file sharing working again. It looks like it became operable again, 5hrs lost.
What a mess right? I’m glad you are back up and running again Rolf!
I mean to include this in previous post:
Couldn’t I just do the action in Section 4 as a workaround in lieu of reinstalling the mojave, and the 2020-004? —– would that have an impact in any future updates that apple rolls out?
4. How can I ignore this update in software update?
All you need to do is use the softwareupdate ignore option.
sudo softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
After running this command you should see this
Ignored updates:
“Security Update 2020-005”
I’m totally confused. When I try to download mojave to reinstall it, it says that I have to go thru itunes…when i try to get that, it says that it’s either no longer available or that I need 10.6.6 and item no longer available in US store. I have 10.14.6 and i’m in the US. What is it that I’m not following? All I want to do is keep what I already have.
If I go back prior to the installation date of the update via Command + R, won’t I lose emails, pics, etc., after that date?
sorry to be a pain….I ask because I really don’t foresee an update coming from Apple to fix this.
I had the same problem saying “not available in US”. I generally use Firefox for my browser. I went out and found that using Safari to download the 10.4.6 WORKED.
There are some complications with the web links for macOS software installations as information gets handed between the web browser, the App Store.app, and the Software Update System Preference. I have had issues in the past using Firefox and experiencing errors in the App Store.app. I have had more success using Safari.
Alternatively, using the “Mojave Patch Tool” you can directly do the download from Apple without using the Software Update System Preference – http://dosdude1.com/mojave/
Hello mister!
Im concerned as well by those problems after installing the latest security update (system boot extremely slow, all apps woking poorly, impossible to open Google Chrome or Safari).
I tried using the –ignore command line, but that didn’t seem to work.
I correctly see the Ignored updates:
“Security Update 2020-005”
but when I type softwareupdate -l in my terminal, I still get the same error message.
Am I doing something wrong?
Hello Gio, when you get the error message that means that you have already installed the update and will unfortunately have to reinstall macOS over your current install 🙁
Once that’s done you can run
sudo softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005” and will not get that update again.
Thanks for your answer.
I did as you suggested and now we’re back on track 🙂
Mr Mac, did you test a reboot after Safari 14 update? On Howard Oakley‘s site a person complained about these symptoms right after Safari 14 update on 09/16 with 15 min. boot into Finder. I was very surprised about it; why should such an app mess up macOS boot. I didn’t think of colliding frameworks.
I did the Safari update too but did not reboot. Only after 005 sec.upd. I recognized this erroneous behavior. So, it might be a fallacy to expect a sole Safari 14 update w/o 005 would be OK.
Can you check this on your test machine, please. Just to be sure.
Kevin, yes a safari update to version 14.0 would not cause the problem as it came out on the 16th reports did not start to come in until the 25th a day after the 2020-005 security update. Should have mentioned in the article that i did test only safari 14 and did not get any of the issues after a reboot. thanks for the info!
By running the command “softwareupdate -l” I can see I’m affected.
I reverted to a backup prior to installing 2020-005 but I had already installed Safari v14.
By any chance getting just safari.app from a previous time machine backup would fix the issue?
I have tried 5 times to down load Mojave 10.14.6 via Sub-item 2 of your Item 6 above. Every time the download fails. I don’t get any message as to why it failed. Please, do you have any suggestions to overcome this download failure? (For someone who is scared of messing things up even worse!)
I have a Mac Mini (Late 2014). I have never encountered a problem with a Mac update before and was feeling crazy until I found your site. Thank you very much! I have had a Mac since the late 1980s. I am 70 years old and have become dependent on Macs being for “techno dummies” like me. Thank you again.
The app store was having a bunch of issues yesterday. Maybe try again now?
If not you can use Mac Deploy Stick App to download Mojave 10.14.6
Just click on the left hand side option to download macos!
I solved the problem, of SU 2020-005 and Safari 14, by downloading and installing again OS Mojave10.14.6. Now everything works fine! Clearly I avoided doing the Security update and Safari update, until Apple fixes it … What still happens to me is that when I start the computer, I still get the same message that my 2018 Mac Mini has restarted due to an issue, even though I shut it down normally! Not sure if anyone else has the same problem?
If Apple at least would release an updated Mojave combo updater package (which they did not for the last security updates)… Would most probably solve this for the rest of us which have to deal either with a fleet of Macs and/or do not want to hazzle with people lining up at the help desk.
Good work!
Thank you. What a mess. The update slowed my mid-2017 iMac to a crawl; I couldn’t open Word or Excel documents; my User disappeared; Safari didn’t respond; etc. It would not restart with Command+R, so I reinstalled Mojave 10.14.6 with the 2020.004 update. It took hours to figure to resolve. THANK YOU — so glad I found your site. Tweeted @AppleSupport. (Why doesn’t Apple stop this clearly bad update?)
Thanks Susan! I’m glad you got your Mac up and running again.
I have a mid-2012 mbp with hdd and 4gb ram, so after 2020-005 update every action took around 5 min and rebooting took around 20-30 min every time. Your guidelines are the most comprehensive information on this issue! Reinstalling the os + 2020-004 update (section 6.2) solved the problem for me. Thank you so much for your work!
Sadly i’ve updated security update 2020-005(Mojave). I got many of bugs, but the most annoying for me, that i’ve lost the screen magnify with mouse. (gesture zoom in-out.) Unfortunately my eyes not so good. It’s always worked well. ………Is it possible to get this function at least?
I’m going to check on this bug Gabor, thanks for the tip.
Hey everyone I was having the same problem – reinstalled Mojave via the appstore and then the 004 security update and then blocked the 005 update with the command somebody left
sudo softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
and it works perfect again and all apps are still in the OS
Thanks for this blog post.
Got it fixed via Section 6. ?
Thank you so much! I thought my MacBook was bricked! Luckily I had a snapshot. Thanks again.
You indicated above: softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
Does that really work? so, if I input that into terminal mode, all will be ok? How is this used? What will the OS do if another update comes, or a fix is released?
Bruce, when I looked back at the command WordPress knocked off the extra dash! The command should be
sudo softwareupdate -–ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
After running the command you will see it formatted like this
Ignored updates:
“Security Update 2020-005”
With 2 dashes, I fixed the line on the page.
To test to make sure its working just run softwareupdate -l if you don’t see it the command worked!
I’ve updated the post with this new info.
I upgraded to Safari 14 and then 2 days later did the security update. Didn’t notice a problem on my Mac (no slowdowns or other weird behavior). I checked memory usage and saw that 3/4 of my 16gb RAM was being used.
Then I tried the software updater -l test and it gave me the bad message.
So, I ran the Mojave 10.4.6 updater like you suggested and then the earlier security update.
No memory usage is about half of my 16gb and I don’t get the software update message.
Thanks for figuring this out.
If I set my mac to ignore the latest security update (softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”) and Apple release a new version, what do I need to do to “unignore” that version (I’d hope for Apple to give the new version a new name, but who knows?).
Dennis, I am glad you are all fixed up and running again!
I just updated the softwareupdate –ignore to explain it a little better.
After running sudo softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005” that update will be ignored forever.
Only if apple comes out with a new one “Security Update 2020-006” will you see a security again.
It’s also possible to reset updates with “softwareupdate –reset-ignored”. This may be useful, for example, if Apple decides to release a fixed version of the update without bumping the revision number.
I saw this when I was googling the security update prior to installing it. And I decided against installing it, but I had not yet ignored the update.
I shut my computer down for something unrelated, and Mojave prompted me to install the security update. My choices were “Shut down” or “Update and shut down”. I chose to just shut down.
Mojave installed the update ANYWAY. And your Terminal test above shows that I was affected. I was able to roll back immediately to my latest Time Machine backup, but beware: Apple will try to install this on you regardless of what options you choose in the GUI. I highly recommend ignoring the update per the instructions above.
I installed Safari 14 before news of this issue hit, but fortunately I had held off on the security update.
Is there any way to downgrade Safari, so that I can then apply the security update and then re-update Safari 14 update, in order to avoid the issue?
Or am I stuck having to re-install Mojave?
Adam, sadly no. Once any security update is installed after Safari 14 you are stuck having the issue.
Did you check to see if you have an automatic update snapshot in recovery time machine? That would be a quick way to revert back but it only lasts for 24 hours!
A huge thank you!
After I experienced a huge memory usage after installing the Safari update and a few days later the Security Update 2020-005, I used time machine to go back before the Security update…it made no difference, the memory was eaten up within 30 minutes…(macbook pro 2018 16GB Ram) so today I went back with time machine again to pre Safari update…so far it looks all back to normal. I also ignored the Security update now via Terminal…but what about being bugged to update Safari again to 14.0? Can I stop this too? I am not very knowledgable techno wise, but hugely appreciate the good work you have done here! It seemed to have fixed my problem… without having to re install Mojave…with my internet speed, this would take 2 days?
Hello Margarete!
I agree this is pretty frustrating. For now I would wait and not install Safari 14.0 right now until we figure out what the deal is.
I’m glad you are back up and running again!
Unfortunately I missed the deadline for using a prior snapshot. I will just use the terminal command to ignore the update and hope for a “supplemental update” fix in the coming weeks.
THANK-YOU for all of your expert hard work. I had the problems as others and reinstalled Mojave 10.4.6, Security Update 2020-004 update with the current Safari being at 12.1.2….. Do you still NOT recommend that either the 2020-005 OR Safari 14 be installed at this point in time, no matter what order is used ?
As of now, I’m not really sure until we see what Apple does with this. It’s possible that we will have to wait a while before new updates come out. I would wait until we have more info, I will keep updating the article as new information comes in.
Thanx for your reporting, sir.
My Time Machine is messed up so I can’t restore… My Computer is slow right now but not as bad as it was… and I don’t wanna reboot it again because it took 15 minutes yesterday to reboot.
I was planning on waiting for another Patch from Apple, but honestly, they might not even give a crap. I’m afraid of doing a reinstall over my existing 10.14 because of the scary reboot problems. Do you recommend waiting or..?
Leesa, I agree this is very frustrating. It’s a tough call, I’m not sure if Apple will pull the patch or release a new one anytime soon. If the Mac is workable right now you could just wait. I would probably backup my files to a USB stick just in case. If the issue comes back where you can’t work any more you could try some of the other fixes to see if they help you. Let me know how it goes!
Thank you so much! The first thing I noticed on my late 2013 MacBook Pro with macOS 10.14.6, apart from other bugs, was that Messages.app could not be launched anymore! I now recall that I also experienced other issues lately, if I remember correctly, right after Security update 2020-004, although these were not a big deal: my screensaver settings were reset to default macOS screensaver, and my user was logged in automatically. I had fixed this manually through System Preferences. Anyway, I can’t state for sure these issues were related to software update. Today, after Security update 2020-005, I rolled back to a previous snapshot, issued the command for ignoring the update, and now everything is fine… so far.
Glad that you did not get caught up by this issue Brainserker! I was hoping that some users might see it before updating preventing them from having a bunch of problems!
I installed it on my late 2013 iMac with Safari 12.1.2 and my system became slow to the point of unusable – even safe boot was effected. Opensource Stats (which took forever like everything else) reported 60% CPU usage with 65% of the 8 GM of RAM being used. I had to use time machine to undo the update so it appears the 2020-005-security-update doesn’t have problems with just Safari 14 but other configurations as well.
Maximara, glad that you were able to revert the snapshot back! Hopefully apple will fix this update soon!
Thank you so much! I installed the security update yesterday and just had all of those horrendous issues. After a couple of re-starts, I had no clue what to do and looked around on the internet for any issues surround problems with a mac after installing a security update. Your article came up right away, and I immediately rebooted, held command-R and was able to get to my last Time Machine back-up (which had backed up right before I tried the security update). It took a few hours to get that all sorted out, but it worked, and now my iMac is working the way it’s supposed to work.
App store updates also seem to break on 10.14.6 after 005 gets installed.
Can anyone tell me what the full title of the update is? I want to set my fleet to ignore it before I start getting calls, my one Mojave workstation (that I can only remote into now) automatically installed it, 14GB of used memory at a fresh boot. Funnily I can get softwareupdate -l to run fine, but I get:
” Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EmbeddedOSInstall.framework/Versions/A/EmbeddedOSInstall (0x1130cec58) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSPersonalization.framework/Versions/A/OSPersonalization (0x112f31358). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.”
before it completes.
Sigh, I suppose I’ll finally have to upgrade this thing to Catalina, I need a functional Mac I can access on the intranet. If my tinfoil hat were on, I’d claim Apple released this crummy update on purpose to get people to upgrade.
Will, as soon as you see that error when running softwareupdate -l you know you have the issue on that Mac.
If you would like to block the update on your fleet, all you need to do is run this command.
softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
Just a quick correction: the flags for the softwareupdate binary are TWO dashes, not one. So it should be:
sudo softwareupdate –ignore “Security Update 2020-005”
I have pushed this to my entire fleet and it’s working as designed. God help us when Apple finally fully deprecates the ignore flag and we have to clean up after poorly-vetted security update for Catalina or Big Sur and lose this option.
Thanks for the note Damien! Dang wordpress formatting issues, I just fixed the —
I’m just glad you were able to ignore the update before it affected your fleet!
Well, after reading this, I’ve installed Safari 14.0 when it came out, but will be holding off on 2020-005 until either it or a Safari 14.0.1 is released or revised SU comes out.
Thank you again for this resource.
Did the Mojave in the order that you indicated caused problems on my MacBook Pro 2017. Did not notice performance problems but was not longer able to use Safari to log into certain sites. The Brave and Chrome browsers are not affected so this appears to be directly related to the update to Safari. In addition I can not longer get updates for applications that I purchased from the App Store. That may also be an issue with Safari if Apple uses components from Safari to access the App Store. I have a 2017 iMac that I did not update and will certainly hold off updating until Apple release fixes for these issues.
I was able to fix it by simply dragging the Safari preferences folder in user preferences to the trash (saving the bookmarks file to the desktop). Then re-opened Safari and then quit. Put bookmarks file back in the newly created Safari preferences folder and re-launch… anyone try this?
Had this exact issue. Fixed it also with following the instructions for a Mojave 10.14.6 reinstall, section 6 .
Same thing happening with 2020-2006
Thanks for the amazing Informacion.
Unfortunately, I also have the same issue with this update.
I tried to re-install Mojave and I couldn’t. I tried to install the 2020-004 and it did not let me do it.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Hello! How are you trying to reinstall?
You can reinstall from the recovery partition or you can download the full installer from the app store. Are you getting an error.
I was doing it from the App store. It seemed everything was going well, but there was an error and it did not continue to download.
Then I tried the 2020-004. I download it and when I try to install it. It said something with the hard disk.
I am trying the first option you mention about downloading Catalina, still one hour to go 😉 hopefully that will work.
As I was sending you this answer… it said there was an error, it said someting like the Hostname could not be found 🙁 with the download of Catalina.
I had to increase memory to 32GB to make my Mac Mini work without crash, even just for Web surfing. Ridiculous.
Thanks, you saved my sanity! Managed to undo in 24 hours. Now I just have to make sure it’s not installed again.
Thank you again, and thank you for updating, it’s great that you can provide useful info for us!
I did the reinstall on top of the OS. It fixed everuything except the ability to create a new user. I’ll have to do a restore from Time Machine.
If I recall correctly 2020-005 was released at the same time as Safari 14 which means I’ll have to go back to September 16 on my Time Machine.
I installed it on a late 2013 iMac, sadly more than 24 hours ago, immediately had issues including application not responding to anything I did including the the finder, a launch daemon for Boom2 prevented a complete startup until I quit it in activity monitor, removed all startup items and any unnecessary usb connections, safe boot no change disk first aid showed no issues once it was able to load, eventually things would settle after a few hours of rainbow and blue pinwheels and I thought I fixed it until I restarted. It appears after a few hours things settle and the OS becomes usable again. Its like it was choking on a keystroke or a temp file, I will be leaving it on for the moment or expecting ridiculously LONG startup times. I do hope they push a fix.
Well, you just saved me! I woke my computer up a few hours ago and it went right into doing the software update for Mojave…. and then HUGE problems. I found your post, and immediately did the restore to an earlier time nacibe snapshot and now my computer is working again. iNFINITE GRATUTUDE!
Did Apple pull it or not?
Apple has not pulled the 2020-005 Security Updates. Early this morning for about 30 min I thought they did, only to find out that I was looking at the BETA version of 2020-005 that was pulled! I am keeping an eye one the SUS catalog, so if they do pull it I will let everyone know.
Thanks for counsel – 2020-05 made my Mac effectively useless. Followed your snapshot suggestions and totally fixed. You seem to be the only person to have embraced this. Very grateful thanks. Nick
Thank you for this post, this seems to be the only formal reporting of this issue.
Clicks are taking a full five minutes to respond. Is there anyway I can do a reinstall (6.2) completely from the command line? Commandline seems to still be responsive.
I did notice that the update touched sandbox and the sandbox daemon is ‘stuck’ when I run ‘top’. ‘crsutil disable’ (which I was hoping would disable it) didn’t do anything.
Thanks Greg.
You will probably have to upgrade to Catalina or reinstall 10.14.6 over your current install (which saves your apps and files) to fix the issue.
Unfortunately, I updated to Catalina and still have issues. I’m not seeing memory problems (as far as I can tell). Terminal is fairly responsive and running “top” is showing a lot of processes going in and out of “stuck”. I’m no expert on this backend area, so I can’t go much deeper than that.
However, as I’m updated, I can now grab the Mojave installer and follow the steps on the other page. Thanks.
The latest Catalina update makes accountsd, commerce et al. act like crazy. 10.15.7
I was about to install the Security Update 2020-005 when I received your notification. Glad I hold back
Thanks for your great work!
Fixed my 2020 005 Mojave issue security upgrade after I’d tried numerous, unsuccessful work arounds myself (section 6, reload). Nice one, good work!