On Friday October 23rd, HP printer owners started reporting that they couldn’t print. The error message = HPDeviceMonitoring.framework will damage your computer.
UPDATE: 10/28/20 – I just finished my new video that goes over the issue. I also give a live demo of how to uninstall the bad HP drivers. In the second part, I go over 5 different ways to reinstall new HP drivers. (Video is below this paragraph)
UPDATE: 10/28/20 – I’ve added multiple new instructions to #8 Workarounds / Fixes section.
UPDATE: 10/27/20 – HP has posted a new community knowledge article on the issue with full install instructions. I posted the link in section 8 (Workarounds/ Fixes).
An issue like this is normally something that I would be immediately reporting on, but I was away from my Mac until late Saturday. I started to investigate the issue as soon as I returned. One thing I noticed right away was that the signature was valid! Howard Oakley covered this issue extensively since Friday. I asked Howard to check the signature again and sure enough he confirmed it was good. I figured it was case closed, and shelved the article.
Many users are still reporting printing problems. This time around though, it seems like a different cert issue. Plus users are reporting errors from other frameworks and services like scanning.
Below are a few of Howard’s articles covering this issue.
- eclecticlight.co/2020/10/23/why-have-my-hp-printers-stopped-working-how-to-check-their-software-signature/
- eclecticlight.co/2020/10/26/what-happened-with-security-updates-and-hp-printer-software/
Table of Contents
- 1. HP Printer Driver Certificate Problem Error Messages
- 2. Affected macOS Build Versions
- 3. Affected Mac Hardware
- 4. What is the error message “X will damage your computer” means.
- 5. User Reports
- 6. HP & Apple Response?
- 7. Replicate the issue.
- 8. Investigation
- 9. Workarounds / Fixes
- 10. If you are seeing this issue, please let Apple know.
- 11. HP Printer Driver Certificate Problem links
- 12. Hat Tip/Credits
1. HP Printer Driver Certificate Problem Error Messages
If you are having the issue, you might get one of the error messages below.
- 1. “HPDeviceMonitoring.framework” will damage your computer.
- 2. “hpPostProcessing.bundle” will damage your computer.
- 3. “HPDM.framework” will damage your computer.
- 4. “Matterhorn.framework” will damage your computer.
- 5. “Productimprovementstudy.hptask” will damage your computer.
- 6. “HP Scanner 3” will damage your computer.
- 7. “inkjet1.driver” will damage your computer.
- 8. “HP Utility” will damage your computer.
- 9. “PDE.plugin will damage your computer.
- 10. “ScanEventHandler.app” will damage your computer.
- 11. “FaxArchive.task” will damage your computer.
- 12. “inkjet3.driver” will damage your computer.
- 13. “commandtohp.filter” will damage your computer.
2. Affected macOS Build Versions
This issue affects the following macOS Build Versions.
- macOS Catalina
- macOS Mojave
- No reports so far of this happening on macOS High Sierra 10.13.
If you are on macOS High Sierra 10.13 and are having this issue, let me know in the comments.
3. Affected Mac Hardware
Past problems would only happen with certain hardware models. Not this time, if you running Catalina or Mojave with an HP Printer, you might be having problems.
4. What is the error message “X will damage your computer” means.
From Apple
Safely open apps on your Mac macOS includes a technology called Gatekeeper, that’s designed to ensure that only trusted software runs on your Mac.
For this particular error the article says this.

If Gatekeeper detects a problem with an application, it will give you this warning.
5. User Reports
The first reports came in on Friday October 23rd 2020.
I spent a while with Apple Support, Something this morning (10/23/20) broke the HP printing drivers framework on Catalina OS 10.15.7. They have received many calls with different items related to HP informing it will damage your computer, My printer does not print. I have a Laserjet 4200 with all kinds of options (envelop feeder, etc.) It is a vicious circle – Apple says to call HP as they need to provide the drivers, I have not been able to speak to anyone at HP that can help.
MacRumors Forum User likegadgets
More reports started to roll in on the Apple Discussion Forums.
I’m getting the exact same popup, I know its not malware. because it’s part of my printer software downloaded from Apple Mac store but apple not updated my software a few OS’s ago and have Malwarebytes Premium installed for a few years now. I have not downloaded anything in past 24-48 hours. somehow I think its a MacOs compatibility issue apple will need to address
Apple Discussions Forum User alistairmck
After over a year with having two HP printers in use, this morning, 10/23/2020 after startup of my Mac, I started getting this same pop-up. In searching for a cause, I saw where to look in the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder and indeed this file was put there yesterday, 10/22/2020, at 10:00 AM: com.hp.devicemonitor.plist I deleted this file from the ~/Library/LaunchAgents folder, which resolved the pop-up box from coming up, however now my HP Envy 7640 printer will not work. Our other HP printer does continue to work. Hoping Apple will come up with suggestions on this.
Apple Discussions Forum User REW1027
Thomas Reed started to see a bunch of support tickets due to this problem.
6. HP & Apple Response?
HP has sent a response to The Register.
We unintentionally revoked credentials on some older versions of Mac drivers. This caused a temporary disruption for those customers and we are working with Apple to restore the drivers. In the meantime, we recommend users experiencing this problem to uninstall the HP driver and use the native AirPrint driver to print to their printer.
A HP Inc spokesperson to the Register.
Link – theregister.com/2020/10/23/hp_printer_macos/
No response from Apple at this time.
7. Replicating the issue.
When issues like this have come up in the past, I always attempt to replicate the issue. When I got back late Saturday night, it seemed like the issue was resolved. I checked the certificate/signing and it looked good! The cert was showing as invalid earlier in the day. After this, nothing I could do could reproduce the issue on my home HP printer. This might mean that new users might not have the issue. It’s still unknown at this time.
I was able to get the error on a network printer using a spooler driver. I would get the same error. After clicking OK, the print que would stop with an error.
It looks like this issue can no longer be reproduced. From what we know so far, you would have needed to have your Mac online from October 23-24th and already have the printer drivers installed. If you try the same thing now, printing will be fine.
8. Investigation.
Let’s try to figure out what happened here.
1st Issue – (Friday – Late Saturday)
Howard was able to check the HP Utility.app using is home built free app ArchiChect. This is what the application reported.

The application signature check has FAILED! The check reports that the certificate was REVOKED!
2nd Issue – Late Saturday, I ran the same check and this is what it reported.

Looks good right? I thought that HP had reissued the cert and everything was good to go!
I started to receive more and more reports saying that the issue was still NOT fixed.
Let’s take a closer look.
If we run the same check on one of the frameworks we get this

The same thing happens if we run the command manually on the HP Utility.app
- –
spctl --assess --type install --context context:primary-signature -v /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app
/Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app: rejected
Source=Unnotarized Developer ID
2. – spctl --assess --type open --context context:primary-signature -v /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app
/Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app: rejected
Source=Unnotarized Developer ID
3. – spctl --assess --type execute --context context:primary-signature -v /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app
/Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HP\ Utility.app: accepted
Source=Developer ID
9. Workarounds / Fixes
- 1. Use AirPrint – AirPrint is the future of printing on macOS. (NO DRIVERS NEEDED!) If your printer supports AirPrint use it. For more info check out this link >
2. Let macOS install the correct driver for you! After deleting the hp folder and removing the printer. Plug in your printer in via USB. You will get a popup like this

Click “Install” to let macOS attempt to find and install the HP printer driver.

When the install is complete the printer will show up in System Preferences > Printers & Scanners! Simple as pie right ?
- 3. Uninstall and then reinstall HP drivers. This is also is a proven workaround.
1. Delete the /Library/Printers/hp
2. Delete Printer from System Preferences > Printers and Scanners
3. Install HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg from Apple (Link below)
4. Add printer back in System Preferences > Printers and Scanners by hitting the + button. You should see your printer listed under USB
5. Test print!
Depending on your printer model, you should only need to install the Apple HP Printer Drivers 5.1.pkg. (HP printers from October 2017 and below)
- 4. HP Easy Start – If your HP printer was released after October of 2017 you will need to install drivers direct from HP.
- 5. HP Easy Admin – If HP Easy Start does not have your driver you can download it manually with HP Easy Admin.
- 6. HP Community Knowledge Article –
10. If you are seeing this issue, please let HP know!
The only way to let HP know that this is a big issue is to file a ticket.
11. HP Printer Certificate Problem on macOS Catalina & Mojave Links
This is a list of all the reports of issues with HP Printer Certificate Problems on macOS Catalina & Mojave.
- Ececticlight.co – Howard Oakley – eclecticlight.co/2020/10/23/why-have-my-hp-printers-stopped-working-how-to-check-their-software-signature/
- The Register – theregister.com/2020/10/23/hp_printer_macos/
- TidBits.com – tidbits.com/2020/10/26/code-signing-snafu-breaks-many-hp-printers/
HP.com – Official Forum
- h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Setup-Software-Drivers/HP-Utility-fails-with-Code-Signature-Invalid-MacOS-10-15-7/td-p/7823883
- /h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Setup-Software-Drivers/HPDeviceMonitoring-framework-will-damage-your-computer-popup/td-p/7827539
- h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Setup-Software-Drivers/Deskjet-3050-J610a-won-t-print-after-Mac-OS-10-15-7-upgrade/td-p/7825596
- h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Setup-Software-Drivers/HPDM-Framework-will-damage-your-computer/td-p/7824131
- appleinsider.com/articles/20/10/23/some-mac-users-being-warned-that-amazon-music-app-and-hp-drivers-are-malware
- forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/218411
- reddit.com/r/macsysadmin/comments/jh21j2/if_you_suddenly_cant_print_to_your_hp_printer/
- reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/jgmui1/cant_print_to_any_of_my_hp_printers_from_a_mac/
Apple Discussion Forums
MacRumors.com Forum
12. Hat Tip!
- Howard Oakley – @howardnoakley
- Thomas Reed – @thomasareed
I know this is a year old article but I only recently updated to Mojave and have been printing fine for several months. I have a brand new HP 7740 that I’ve been using with no issues. Until today. getting the private/var/……. issue. I thought I traced it to a background .ai file, then to a background image in that file… then to a specific layer that file was on. Printed several times then I get this error again after changing nothing in the file. I seem to be able to print other files no problem. I cant print from Acrobat or Indesign but I can print from Photoshop (so far).
My other question is that can this HP issue spread to Epson? Or is there a similar problem with Epson drivers because this same file wont print on my Epson either now. It’s so odd. Printed 3 times and then kaput.
The Printers are an essentials part when it comes to managing the entire workplace. It doesn’t matter what is the age to use the printer, we all at a set point of time have to use the HP printer. The hp printers have established a global scale and it is also used by many people across the globe. However, over the past few years, the device might face some uncertain and unexpected glitches or what we call the HP printer error that may affect the performance of the machine. One of the most common errors that we are going to discuss here is the HP ghosting error. Furthermore, we will discuss how to fix the HP ghosting error. So, let us get started!
I deleted the /Library/Printers/hp but still get the same frameworks mesaage after reboot
Any ideas?
Oh my goodness, this issue has been driving me crazy for months! As soon as I upgraded to Big Sur I could no longer scan.
Thank you for posting a solution that worked!
I tried all the fixes to this, and nothing worked until I reset my printer to its factory settings. Most people probably won’t need to do this. but for me it was an essential step. The way you do this is different for each printer model, so you will need to go to HP support to find out how to do this on your computer.
Thanks you for the info.
New install was successful but now I cannot print black and white/greyscale only like I used to be able to. HP says tough luck.
Any workaround? Using HP Office Jet 5610 All-in-one.
I got the warning and I was able to get rid of it by removing the printer, but my system kept freezing for a few seconds randomly and I was looking through the syslog. I found com.hp.devicemonitor and one more service, I can’t remember which, spamming my syslog with can’t start and failing messages. I tried to remove com.hp.devicemonitor. I used launchctl remove and it kept coming back after a reboot. Not a plug but I ended up buying CleanMyMac and they had a 30-day return so I said why not. It actually fixed my problem. If anybody else is having problem removing this malicious hp software might want to try it out as a last resort. Also if you look up com.hp.devicemonitor it seems to be causing a lot of problems in the past. I think I had issues with com.hp because I restored from a really old macbook air to a new macbook air.
I can not express enough gratitude for this quick fix! I am not computer savvy and have always had issues with understanding the how to’s on my iMac. It was hours of frustration. I came across this video late last night after several searches, which I had no clue what they were even talking about. Decided to give it a whirl this morning. It was so simple to follow along, deleting the drivers and adding the Air Drop. Seriously, thank you!!!
So I have made several posts and thanks to Mr Macintosh for the help in getting my “OLD” printers working with my newer Mac’s. Nothing new to report and I have looked over the comments. Some work arounds do work as they did for me, the AirPrint one will work for printers that use AirPrint. My old printers, a HP 3600n first made Oct-05 and a HP P2055dn also around Oct-05 they do a great job & are perfectly useable, but are not AirPrint compatible. Eventually these printers will cease to function due to the driver problem. What a great way for HP to make us move to newer printers. I for one will in the future avoid HP products because of this problem. Hopefully HP will prove me wrong and come up with the drivers or the fix needed.
I wonder did this happen because of an oversight or by design?
Thank you. I tried everything you suggested and none of it worked for me. Maybe my printer (Deskjet 3050) is too old? It was fine until I updated my MacOS to Big Sur a few days ago. My printer doesn’t have AirPrint, so that didn’t work. When I plugged it in with USB nothing happened. I’ve deleted the HP folder, deleted the printer etc. but when I look for drivers to upload I’m told there are none for my OS and printer. Same when I tried Easy Admin. I’m at the point of thinking about buying a new printer now as I can’t find any other way around it unless HP are going to provide the drivers I need.
Hi Lu – I am in the *exact* same situation as you: Big Sur; Deskjet 3050; have tried everything. Since posting this message, have you found a solution?
Same for me, Big Sur, Deskjet 3050, not any solution found so far, any ideas?
Likewise on Big Sur, but with Photosmart Premium C309g-m. None of the workarounds have had any effect on the error message claiming that HPSCanner.all will damage my computer.
Same here. I’ve been trying for months to solve the Big Sur problem. This really sucks. I’ll never buy another HP product.
Unfortunatelly I have the same problem with HP Photosmart C5580. Have followed all the steps suggested but still receive error messages and scanner does not work after having installed Big Sur… ;-(
Thanks for reporting on this and compiling the solutions. I have an HP OfficeJet 5610v. Option #1 doesn’t work – this printer doesn’t support AirPrint. Option #2 was just re-downloading the same bad drivers – didn’t work for me. Option #3 worked like a charm. It took the Mac ages to install the drivers downloaded from Apple, but after doing that and adding the printer back, it works just fine!
Previously I had a problem with a HP Color Laserjet 3600n & a HP Laserjet P2055dn, These were being used with a Late 2013 MacBook Pro & a 2019 Late MacBook Air. That combination was gotten running & printing with information off this website, both of those Mac ‘s were running Catalina at the time and now have successfully been update to Big Sur and both computer continue to print to both printers. MY son came over and has a 2019 Late MacBook Air that was already updated to OS X 11.0.1 Big Sur.
Problem is none of the fixes will work with his MacBook Air. Won’t accept Apple’s Hewlett Packard driver as the pkg won’t run in Big Sur.
Any ideas on this one – to run the fixes you need to run the older printers, you need to hold off on the upgrade to Big Sur and do the updating in Catalina and then upgrade to Big Sur.
Still looking for a way to get the son’s computer with Big Sur to print to the old printers.
Hello! I am late to this fix but I am pretty frustrated. I have deleted the driver, restarted my computer, reinstalled the driver from Mac ( my printer is too old to have the driver on the HP site-crooks) but when I click the Driver package to install, everything looks great but then I get the error ” This volume does not meet the requirements for this update”. Ughhhh! So close! I am not sure if it is because I recently installed Big Sur but any help would be appreciated so much.
I’m running Big Sur 11.0.1 and have HP an MFP M281 printer/scanner. When trying to download HP drivers for the scanner HP says 11.0.1is not supported. I’d like to find out if HP is going to support 11.0.1. How do I file a ticket for an unsupported OS?
Oh my gosh!! Thank you so much!
I almost went insane trying so many ways and couldn’t find the correct links on apple’s site.
It works again! (Catalina with HP F2180 series : not air print)
Deleting the HP folder and removing the printer from Sys Pref, then reinstalling worked. I’m running Big Sur 11.0.1. Hats off to you Sir!!!
WONDERFUL FIX!! No one could help me!
I’ve been trying to fix this for 2 days and have read so many articles on this problem. None of them fixed the issue… until this one! Very clear and complete description of the solution (and the problem) and conveniently placed links to other necessary resources.
Great work!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and abilities!
Option 3 didn’t work for me because I couldn’t install HP Printer Drivers 5.1. I always got an error “Volume does not meet requirements for this update”. What worked was to use Time Machine and restore a previous version of the HP printer folder.
You are amazing! Not only did you fix my problem, but I can now use air print, which I have not been able to do in such a long time.
Hi! The airprint worked to print my documents but I cannot scan because an error keeps popping up. How can I fix that?
Apple posted a KB article on this at the end of last week, which also references an HP KB posting https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211921.
Hello! Thanks for your advice! I followed the instructions and fixed the problem for the printer but the scanner is still not working. It’s an HP 1515. Any ideas how I can fix my scanner? I actually need it more than my printer! Thank you in advance!
Thank you so much for a thorough explanation and several easy to follow remedies!
(I had no idea I could AirPrint from my MAC….)
Thank for the detailed analysis, work around and fix. Excellent work!
Thanks so much! Followed exactly what you said. Had to use USB to upload new software but those messages are now gone. Great job!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I am usually very intuitive when it comes to some of these issues, but this one had me stumped. I truly appreciate the post and the step by step process. I have decided to us AirPrint and it is working amazingly!
Awesome Michael! I’m glad you were able to get your printer up and running again. I agree AirPrint is great!
Thanks so much. Sorted my printing/scanning – hallelujah!! Why o why do these big companies stress us poor computer users out so much?!
Thank you so much. I was able to set up both my printers, one via airdrop and the other USB following your directions and they both work again! Your time and effort in helping others with this issue is much appreciated!!!
You bet Kari! Thanks for the comments 🙂
Thank you Mr. Mac. I am not a tech person, but I have been using Apple computers since the 80’s and through the years I have picked up an instinct for what works. I was able to resolve the driver issue for both my computer and my husbands reading your blog and following your instructions for deleting and installing a new driver for our HP printer. I am grateful!
Thank you Kathleen!!!! I’m really glad that you got your printers up and going again!
Thank you !!!
Left a comment on 29Oct: October 29, 2020 at 7:01 pm
I’m running Catalina 10.15.7 and a HP 3600n color laser printer
Catalina 10.15.7 is running on a MacBook Air from Dec 2019 & A MacBook Pro from late 2013.
Solution to the problem was to delete the /Library/Printers/HP folder, delete the HP 3600n printer on both computers & download the “Install HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg” from Apple (Link) restart the computer – reinstall the HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg and I was up and running.
Will try setting up a HP LaserJet 2055 I have at another location next week to see if it still works.
The HP LaserJet 2055 worked without a problem when I went to my other location – didn’t even have to delete it in the printers preference area.
Also I have an old iMac (early 2008) running ElCapitan and nothing needed to be done to it as it printed to the 2005 without a problem.
Thanks so much for providing good, easy to follow info that solved the problem!
Thank you so much for this article! I am printing again with my old printer HPofficejet 7000!! You sir are worth your weight in gold!! Thank you thank you!!
Thank you fro the help. It worked!
I cant thank you enough! I thought maybe i got a malware gift from one of the FTP tools i downloaded from App Store and realised it was only the printing application which was impacted since the other applications were working just fine.
I did Step 3 on 9th Bullet Point and it worked like a charm for me on Catalina Macbook Pro ! You saved me a great deal of time which the folks at HP ensured to be wasted in the Holiday season.. Bunch of idiots !!
I have tried all options and I am still receiving the “HPDM.framework” will damage your computer. So frustrated!! I can print but I cannot scan.
Debbie, this means that the hp folder was not deleted in /Library/Printers/hp.
Once that folder is deleted you can reinstall the drivers.
Thank you very much! I greatly appreciate you!!
I need to backup the drivers of several printers!!
1. Use AirPrint –
In which location or folder “AirPrint” (NO DRIVERS NEEDED!)
download the printer information in macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina?
2. Let macOS install the correct driver for you! –
After deleting the hp Folder and Clicking “Install” to let macOS attempt
to find and install the HP printer driver, In which location or Folder I can
find, the download driver in macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina?
4. HP Easy Start –
In which location or folder “HP Easy Start” download the driver in macOS Mojave
and macOS Catalina?
5. HP Easy Admin –
In which location or folder “HP Easy Admin” installs the essential Software and
driver in macOS Mojave and macOS Catalina?
Hey Steve,
Excellent research work and a great article, well articulated. Thanks for doing all the leg work. something that Apple and HP should have done – they know we own these printers since we have the ink program with them but yet no email from them about it.
The re-installation and airprint worked and I can now print. What I can’t get rid of is the darn pop up message. It keeps complaining. I will see if there is anything else I can find on that.
This is great help. Appreciate it a lot. Thanks from Germany.
Just wanted to say thank you!! I would have had not idea why my printer just stopped working all of the sudden. Setting it back up with airprint was a breeze! Thanks again!
You’re welcome Riz! I appreciate the comments!
Thank you so much for this site. I used the method of installing HP easy start, completely uninstalling all HP software and then using HP easy start to reinstall all drivers and set up all devices (2 HP printers a MFD and a HP 401 laserjet) which worked great. I had to restart airprint manually but that was a small price. Thanks so much – now I can get back to my actual job and not this work that HP created for me. Thanks again!
Thank you for your advice on how to fix this problem. I have a HP LaserJet Pro 400 and used your Step No. 2 directions. It worked perfectly. Yes!!!!!
Thank you for your guidance. One question before going to do the uninstall… my pro 8600 is being shared through ethernet cable by me and my spouse. She’s on an old version of Osx and wasn’t influenced, but I am. Is going to erase the existing drivers from my computer and install new ones will damage her ability to print and scan?
Thank you for your advice–helped tremendously!!!
Thank you so much! I had surfed around looking for a solution – HP was totally unhelpful. Great info and service…my printer and scanner is up and running and the annoying popup is finally gone!
Thank you so much for helping me fix this issue!! Had tried a number of things and this did it!
Thanks for the great video! I showed there was a new download in software update, so I thought it was a fix, but after downloading I tried to print and it kept giving me warnings. So I went to Macintosh HD/ libraries/ printers/ and deleted the HP file. Then to system preferences printer and deleted the printer. Then added the printer because it was still hooked up via usb, then I had a message I needed the HP software and pushed the download prompt and it loaded the software. Went to print and it work like it should. I hope Apple and HP can get their act together because I know there will be a lot of people not able to locate your fixes and will spend a lot of time on the phone to Apple and HP.
Thanks for the suggestions. I was still getting the error tonight (10/29), so I downloaded HP EasyStart. Here are my results.
The printer is a ColorLaserjet MFP M476nw, but I have used it wirelessly for years.
Reinstall Driver over the old driver – Still got the error.
Cleaned out the HP Drivers and EasyScan. Removed the printer from the System Preferences. Setup Secure AirPrint just to see how much trouble it might be. AirPrint worked straight away but did not scan.
Installed the HP drivers and EasyScan fresh. Now it prints without the error. SUCCESS!!!!
I had to reinstall the Secure AirPrint because, during the install, I switched it over to the HP drivers. Now the AirPrint scan is working. Seems I needed to install the scanner drivers from HP to get the scanner to work.
Thanks again for the link to the HP EasyStart download. That saved me about an hour of going through HP’s website which can be a real pain in the arse. 😀
You bet Curt! I’m glad that you got your printer and scanner up running again!
Following your instructions in the video regarding deletion and then using ‘airprint’ got my HP 8600 working. Thank you!
But scanner did not work 🙁
Fix as another mentioned was to download the HP drivers, then reinstall the printer not using airprint but the HP option now in the list.
Then reinstalled HP Easy Scan and it all works again‼️??
Thank you, appreciate the post and vid a lot. Sending you a ‘coffee’ from Au 🙂
You bet! Thanks for the comment DJ!!!
I was getting these error messages on Wednesday after returning from out of town. I went to a computer services business and he was able to get rid of the messages but didn’t have a fix for me. I watched your video and re-added the printer as you instructed. Thank you so VERY much. The gentleman I was working with at the store was not able to help me with adding a “new” printer. So glad this is resolved. You’re my hero!!
M Korpela,
I’m glad that your printer is working again. Thanks for the comment!
I’m running Catalina 10.15.7 and a HP 3600n color laser printer
Catalina 10.15.7 is running on a MacBook Air from Dec 2019 & A MacBook Pro from late 2013.
Solution to the problem was to delete the /Library/Printers/HP folder, delete the HP 3600n printer on both computers & download the “Install HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg” from Apple (Link) restart the computer – reinstall the HewlettPackardPrinterDrivers.dmg and I was up and running.
Will try setting up a HP LaserJet 2055 I have at another location next week to see if it still works.
Glad to see that you got your 3600 back up and running Lawrence. Fingers crossed for the 2055!
Thank you SO much!!! This video was a lifesaver. I haven’t been able to fix the printer situation at our daycare center since we returned from the weekend and it’s been a nightmare. I truly appreciate your helpfulness!
Maureen, I’m glad that you were able to fix the daycare printer with my instructions! That’s why I’m here, thanks for the comments!
None of these solutions worked for me. My hp is not compatible with Airprint, but I tried the applicable solutions here, ie. 2 and 3, and it made no difference, I still get the ‘will damage your computer’ messages. My wife also has an hp but better than mine, and she has not had this problem. My printer is five years old and quite cheap, so I have a feeling I will have to get a new, better one that is compatible with Airprint. Mind you, when it comes to tech I’m not just a dummy, I’m an idiot, so it is possible I did something wrong when trying to follow the instructions above.
Brian, the one critical step is to make sure that you delete the /Library/Printers/hp folder and then empty the trash.
Multiple users have missed this step and received the same error because the bad files are still there.
Thank you so much for this incredibly helpful post and video! My old printer does not support air print but the second solution worked for me (once I remembered to empty the bin with the old hp drives).
Thank you so much for your help – easy to understand instructions – so helpful! Kind man 🙂
Same issue
Very informative and thorough article and video as well. I used the AirPrint – worked great! Thank you!
I have Catalina 10.15.7 and a HP inkjet 6960. I was able to get the printer up and running, but the pop-up with “HPDM.framework will damage your computer” is the first thing that appears on my desktop and I cannot delete it. I have been moving it to the side with just the tip sticking out. How do I make that alert box go away?
Still waiting for a solution.
Thanks so much for both the explanation as to the cause of this issue, and also the clear direction on how to fix it. What a contrast to the “help” supply if you look at support from Apple and HP. Left a donation. Keep yo the great work.
Thank you so much for your clear instructions. Using Airprint, I was able to get my printer at least printing. The scanner is still not recognized. I wish it were, but I am so very thankful the pop-up malware warning is gone, and I can print again!
Thank you! I was getting the message ‘“HPDM.framework” will damage your computer.’
Your “Uninstall and then reinstall HP drivers.” steps helped me fix my HP Printer/Scanner issue on macOS 10.15.6. I can now print and scan on my HP Officjet Pro 8620 !
I am on MacBook Air Catalina 10.15.7 with an HP Officejet 4500 wireless. The error I received was backend folder software malicious and will damage my computer. I deleted the backend folder, however then I restored it back. I have followed all the instructions for uninstalling/reinstalling printer & drivers to no avail. I can add my HP Officejet 4500 to my printer list, however when I go to print I receive an error stating that the software has been installed incorrectly; would I permission for repair. Once I click ok, it totally disappears from the screen. Did I screw something up by putting the backend folder in the trash and then restoring it or is there still a problem out there with the software?
Suzie, something is missing here. How did you reinstall the driver? Did you use Apple’s installer or HP’s installer? Both should be supported.
I used HP’s installer. I have tried multiple times and followed your directions as well as HP’s.
Do you think it has something to do with the “backend” folder that I initially moved to trash?
After spending hours using different MacBooks, printers, cables, any variable I could think of, I uninstalled then re-installed printer drivers for my HP Laserjet 1200 (which I love but HP appears to no longer support with updated drivers).
Problem returned today. When I get the “HPDM.framework will damage your computer’ message, I am just clicking through it and the job prints.
Will “HPDM.framework” actually damage my computer?
Mary, no it will not. But you still have one of the older drivers on your Mac. The 1200 is pretty old and could be still having issues with the certs. If clicking through works for nowk,at the very least you are able to print! Keep in mind, just because it’s old does not mean it should not continue to work for a long time!
Was getting the pop-up – HPDM.framework” will damage your computer. I followed the instructions in number 9 and it worked perfectly. Problem solved and I am happy again!!! Thank you.
I had same issue last few days and now my iMac and iPhone are bricked. Stuck in update, I figured that may be why acting like this. Best part about this was I was told to leave the Apple store today in the Woodlands after showing up with my 11 month old son because their updates bricked my iMac and my phone. I was told to make an apt, I said I can’t look at my phone then asked the, if they can make an apt….. I am beyond livid and have never experienced such horrific behavior. If they only see customers by apt only, and they do not have any apts available for the next 3 weeks for 100 miles outside of Houston… and the store is empty of customers… I’d think maybe they may be able to help …NOPE. I was asked to leave when I asked the actual Apple employees if they take walk ins… I have apple care + but why should I be on the hook for FULL retail of the phone (plus tax) so around $1,500 because their updates and software has been horrible lately. I don’t know if my iMacs issue is related to this printer issue, but it’s odd how I woke up to this today and that had been happening last few days. I’m beyond words right now….
Forgot to mention I have a macOS Catalina Version 10.15.6 and my printer is HP Deskjet F4180.
I have tried them all out. After installing and uninstalling different programs, watching youtube videos nothing hast worked.
I am getting the ALERT: PDE.plugin will damage your computer.
Can anyone help, please.
Thank you.
Melisa, did you make sure that you deleted the /Library/Printers/hp folder? Then be sure to empty the trash.
Let me know as this has fixed every instance that I’ve run into. But if you skip this step you can still have the issue.
Great article. Thanks for all your good work.
My fix was to simply install HP’s software from their website. I did not bother trying to uninstall the old drivers, and when I was done, the printer worked as expected.
I thought everything was going to be fixed after I installed the update released today to fix the HP printer issues. Yes, the printer re-installed without an issue and re-connected to my wireless printer without having to reconfigure the settings. [HP OfficeJet 6500 E709n].
But when I tried to open the scanner utility (the primary use of the OfficeJet), another malware warning popped up: “HPScanner.app” will damage your computer.
I have a MacPro5,1 with boot drives for Snow Leopard, Sierra, High Sierra, and Mojave. Sierra is my working OS.
My HP Laserjet 1320nw would not work under Mojave. Using some guidance from others I selected the Generic Postscript option rather than the 1320 option and things worked again.
Rebooted back into Sierra and the printer no longer worked — it had been working fine just a few minutes earlier. Using the same method as above (Generic) failed. Checking system logs showed that the error under Sierra was the same as Mojave. The printer worked fine in Snow Leopard and High Sierra.
E [23/Oct/2020:11:09:42 -0700] [cups-deviced] PID 798 (hpfax) crashed on signal 9!
E [23/Oct/2020:11:09:57 -0700] [cups-deviced] PID 813 (hpfax) crashed on signal 9!
E [23/Oct/2020:11:10:57 -0700] Scheduler shutting down due to program error.
E [23/Oct/2020:11:11:05 -0700] [Job 2] Unable to use legacy USB class driver.
I tried the HP Printer Drivers v5.1 for OS X but it didn’t help. I also tried some other links to HP software shown over at Eclectic Light Company but that software did not have drivers for my printer.
I rebooted into my Sierra backup (SuperDuper) with network connections disabled. The backup was a few days old. The printer worked. I then did a restore from the clone back to my boot drive. Rebooted with network disabled. And the printer worked. Turned the network back on and it still worked.
This, unfortunately, is not definitive because about the same time I was doing the restore the certificate had been un-revoked so it is not possible to determine which was responsible for the printer working again.
I have masOS Catalina version 10.15.7. I am having the above issue, I have a HP Officejet Pro 8600! I have switched to the generic printer, but it has altered my file names in my Numbers program! I do have the original HP printer disks, is there a way to use these disks to fix the issue or some other way to correct this?
Joseph, did remove the /Library/Printers/hp folder? After that remove the printer in system preferences > printers and scanners.
Then try to install Apple HP driver package 5.1, then re add the printer.
My HP Smart app quit working. Now I can’t scan. The printer is printing , for now. How is this going to be fixed? Who is going to take this on, is it an Apple issue or HP issue? We all are being abandoned.
It’s an HP issue, and is incredibly easy to fix.
1. Delete the HP folder here: /Library/Printers/hp
2. Open System Preferences → Printers & Scanners
3. Delete your HP device. (It may appear more than once; delete all instances.)
3. Download and reinstall the HP drivers from here: https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/printers
Reinstalling the HP drivers didn’t work for a family member. The malware error pop-up just returned. Only Apple’s AirPrint driver is working at the moment.
Did the family member follow steps 1-3? Or just skip to step 4?
(If your family member isn’t mac-savvy, s/he might not understand step #1.)
One more thought: If the device in question is just a printer, then skip the HP drivers and just use AirPrint.
I have an MFP, and I don’t think AirPrint can make the scanner work.
Hi Steve,
thank you for charing the information with us.
I downloaded and reinstalled my printer, but it is not working and still showing me the same alert.
Can you please help me? Thank you
I have a version mac0S Catalina Version 10.15.6 and my printer is HP Deskjet F4180
Melissa, you mentioned downloading and reinstalling, but you didn’t say if did steps 1-3?
Or just skip to step 4?
The thing you should be downloading from HP is HP Easy Start with a file modification date of May 5, 2020 at 12:02 PM
HP doesn’t have drivers for Catalina, now what? FYI, I have a HP Laserjet CM3530.
Scott, the CM3530 is a 12-year-old model, so I’m not surprised HP no longer updates the driver for that printer.
Sometimes upgrading to a new OS makes it impossible to use old software or hardware.
If that old color laser MFP is still working, I know it seems a shame to be unable to keep using it, but keep in mind that you can probably replace it for a fraction of the original price.
That printer was $3,199 when it was new. Today you can get an HP Color LaserJet Pro Multifunction M479fdw for just $599, and it’s equal to or better than your antique CM3530 in many ways. Take a look: https://amzn.to/3kPLoRU
THANK YOU FOR THE HELP FIXING THE ISSUE!!! The advice from other forums didn’t help me. This was such an annoying issue – so glad it’s fixed!