Did a macOS Update Brick your T2 Mac? I will Show you how to Boot your Mac into DFU Mode so you can Restore BridgeOS.
This article will go over how to restore BridgeOS on your T2 Mac. This is not something that you will ever normally have to do. Restoring or reinstalling BridgeOS firmware would only be needed in the following situations.
- 1. Failed macOS Upgrade
- 2. Failed macOS Combo or Delta Update
- 3. Failed macOS Security Update
- 4. Failed macOS Reinstall
- 5. Failed BridgeOS or Failed Firmware Update
- 6. “Command Option R” fails to boot your T2 Mac to the newest version of macOS Internet Recovery. (Example: 10.14 is out but the Mac boots to 10.13)
This link shows the different ways you can boot to the Recovery Partition or Internet Recovery support.apple.com/en-us/HT204904
Typical symptoms that you might see that would indicate a failed or bricked update.
- Mac Seems dead
- Will not turn on
- Black Screen
- No Fan Noise
- Power on LED Light does not turn on (Mac Mini or 2020 iMac)
If you find yourself in one of these situations you can follow the instructions below.
Table of Contents
- 1. Updates
- 2. Warning!
- 3. List of T2 Compatible Macs
- 4. How do I find my T2 Mac BridgeOS Version?
- 5. Setup and Cable Requirements before you begin
- 6. Download Apple Configurator 2 app
- 7. How to Boot your T2 Mac into DFU Mode
- 8. Instructions for the MacBook Pro & Air (2018-2020)
- 9. Instructions for the iMac & iMac Pro (2017 & 2020)
- 10. Instructions for the Mac Mini (2018-2020)
- 11. Instructions for the Mac Pro (2019)
- 12. You made it! Apple Configurator 2 Steps
- 13. Begin BridgeOS Revive / Restore
- 14. Finishing Up
- 15. Can I Downgrade from a Beta Version of BridgeOS to a Production version?
- 16. Troubleshooting DFU Mode & BridgeOS Update Problems
1. Updates
2. Warning about “Restore” Full Erase! Please Read
The new version of Apple Configurator 2 (2.12.1+) and newer has different options!
- Actions > Advanced > Revive Device = Reinstall BridgeOS Only – Revive should be the first option to try. If a Revive does not work, move to the second option Restore.
- Actions > Restore = Reinstall BridgeOS & ERASE OS AND USER DATA! – This option will reinstall BridgeOS and erase the SSD. This option is for more serious issues where the Mac does not respond after installing an update.
3. List of T2 Compatible Macs
This is a list of T2 Mac that you can can have BridgeOS restored.
- 2019-2020 16″ MacBook Pro
- 2018-2019 13″ & 15″ Macbook Pro
- 2018-2020 MacBook Air
- 2018 Mac Mini
- 2020 iMac
- 2017 iMac Pro
- 2019 Mac Pro
4. How do I find the BridgeOS Version on my T2 Mac?
From support.apple.com/en-us/HT203001 – “Choose Apple menu > About This Mac. This opens an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, serial number, and version of macOS. To see the greater detail provided by the System Information app, click the System Report button.”
5. Setup and Cable Requirements before you begin.
You will need to meet the following requirements –
(The Host Mac will do the work and the Target Mac is the Mac you need to Restore)
- 1. USB-C Mac as the Host Machine.
- 2. The Host Mac must have at least macOS 10.13.5 and Apple Configurator 2.6 or newer installed. (Version 2.12.1 is the latest)
- 3. The Host Mac Must be on the same OS version as the Target Mac that you want to Restore. (Example – If the Target Mac is on 10.15 you will need the Host Mac to be on 10.15. If the Host Mac is on 10.14 you will get an error 10)
- 3. Internet access on the Host Mac – “You may need to configure your web proxy or firewall ports to allow all network traffic from Apple”
- 4. USB-C to USB-C Cable – The white Apple USB-C Charge will work fine.(USB-C Cable MUST Support Power & Data). Apple notes that a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 3 cable is not supported but I’ve tested it and it works fine.
- 5. The Host Mac can have the cable plugged in anywhere.
- 6. The Target Mac MUST have the USB-C Cable Plugged in to the Left Hand side USB-C port. This is First port in line (Port closest to the front of the Mac or trackpad) If you are still confused look at the picture below.
- If you don’t meet all the prerequisites booting to DFU Mode or BridgeOS Upgrade might fail.
6. Download Apple Configurator 2
If you do not have Apple Configurator 2, you can download it now from the Mac App Store with this link.
7. How to Boot your T2 Mac into DFU Mode
With all the startup keyboard commands you can issue a Mac, booting into DFU Mode should be pretty simple right?
You have to follow a very particular sequence to get this to work. I have attempted to find the exact way to get this to work every time. Even then sometimes the system will refuse to Boot into DFU mode.
Apple’s Instructions
You can find Apple’s instructions for booting into DFU mode here.
UPDATE 4/13/20: New Apple Support Document
8. My Instructions for the MacBook Pro & Air
Bottom line, it’s hard to get your T2 Mac into DFU mode. You could try Apple’s instructions 10 times and STILL not get into DFU mode.
Once you have meet all of the pre requisites above, follow the instructions below to get into DFU Mode every time.
- 1. The Target Mac must be OFF to begin.
- 2. Press the Power button and hold for 1 second.
- 3. While STILL holding power immediately hold down Right Shift, Left Control and Left Option.
- Hold down all 4 keys for 8 Seconds (count 1 one thousand) then let go of all keys.
- You will not see anything on the Target Mac screen.
- Keep an eye on the Host Mac’s Apple Configurator 2 Application. The App should say “Connect Devices”
- When the Target Mac is booted into DFU mode correctly, the host will show a big DFU icon in Apple Configurator 2.
- After you see the DFU picture pop up on the Host Mac you can let go of the keys.
9. Instructions for the iMac (2020) & iMac Pro (2017)
The iMac 2020 & iMac Pro 2017 are a little different yet are super simple to get into DFU Mode.
- 1. Disconnect the power cord from the iMac Pro or Mac Mini.
- 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port next to the Ethernet Port.
- 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
- 4. While holding down the power button, connect the iMac Pro or Mac Mini to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds
- 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.
10. Instructions for the Mac Mini (2018)
The Mac Mini 2018 instructions are close to the iMac Pro but the USB-C port that you need is next to the HDMI port instead of the Ethernet port like the iMac Pro.
- 1. Disconnect the power cord from the Mac Mini.
- 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port next to the HDMI Port.
- 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
- 4. While holding down the power button, connect the Mac Mini to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds
- 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.
11. Instructions for the Mac Pro (2019)
The Mac Pro 2019 instructions were just added to the DFU instruction guide.
- 1. Disconnect the power cord from the Mac Pro.
- 2. Plug USB-C/Thunderbolt cable into the USB-C port farthest from the power button.
- 3. Plug the other end into the Host Mac.
- 4. While holding down the power button, connect the Mac Pro to power and continue to hold the power button for about 3-5 seconds.
- 5. You should now see the DFU logo on the Host Mac.
12. You made it! Apple Configurator 2 Steps
The hard part is now over. Now we can restore BridgeOS on the Target Mac. When you first open Apple Configurator 2 the screen will look like this.
Once your Mac is booted to DFU mode, you will see this screen on Apple Configurator 2. You are now ready for the next step.
13. Begin BridgeOS Revive
You are now ready to restore BridgeOS on the Target Mac. Click Actions > Advanced > Revive Device.
(DO NOT CLICK RESTORE YET) Only run Restore if Revive does not work. (Restore Erases your Hard drive!!!!!!!)
You will now see a warning message. Do you want update “iBridge” to the latest firmware version? You cannot undo this action. This means that once you update BridgeOS/iBridge you cannot go back to the previous version.
An updated Apple support document shows that we now have 2 different options.
- Actions > Advanced > Revive Device = Reinstall BridgeOS Only
- Actions > Restore = Reinstall BridgeOS & ERASE OS AND USER DATA!
The message below is what you will see on at least AC2 version 2.10 and below. OR if you click Revive instead of restore.
Click the Restore Button to begin. Step one will download the latest BridgeOS update from Apple.
Step 2. Unzipping BridgeOS
Step 3. Installing BridgeOS Update.
14. Finishing Up
If you would like to see more information you can click View and see a new activity window.
The entire process will only take about 4-10 Minutes. Most of the time is spent downloading the 400-600MB BridgeOS Update. The Unzip and Install parts only take about 1 minute each. When complete the Mac will automatically Boot up.
NOTE: with version 2.12.1, the entire process may never finish correctly and get stuck at the final part (probably a bug). Once your Target Mac is at the login window the restore is complete. The error that you might see is 0xFA5 (4005)
15. Can I Downgrade from a Beta Version of BridgeOS to a Production version? i.e Bug Sur BridgeOS to Catalina Version?
Let’s say that you installed Big Sur Beta 6, and are now having a ton of problems. You probably want to downgrade to Catalina so you can work again. The only problem is, you are still on Big Sur Beta 6 BridgeOS version 18.16.12370. Keep in mind, your Mac SHOULD still work fine with this version. An example of this is if you have Catalina 10.15.6 installed on your Mac, your BridgeOS version is 17.16.16610. Let’s say that you need to test something on version 10.15.3. After installing Catalina 10.15.3, your BridgeOS version will NOT be downgraded to the period correct version of 17.16.13050. It will run just fine on the 10.15.6 version of 17.16.16610 BridgeOS. The same is the case if you have a Big Sur Beta version of BridgeOS and you downgrade to Catalina.
The answer is YES, follow the link below for an explanation.
16. Troubleshooting DFU Mode & BridgeOS Update Problems
- I can’t get my Mac to boot into DFU mode. This is the toughest part of the whole process as I mentioned above. Keep trying the steps I listed above. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to get his to work.
- You can use System Information to see if the USB-C port lists your Mac in DFU Mode.
- BridgeOS Restore Error 79- The OS Cannot be restored on this device. The Operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 79 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x4F (79)] – If you get this error it means that the BridgeOS update has failed and is unable to complete. The system will be unable to boot. When powered on the screen will be black. The Mac will have to be brought to an Apple Store for Service.
BridgeOS Restore Error 10 – The BridgeOS Restore failed! This is most likely because the host Mac was 1 or 2 OS Versions behind the Target Mac. The Host and Target Mac need to be on the same OS Version.
If your Target Mac is on 10.15, then your Host Mac needs to be on 10.15.
The OS Cannot be restored on this device.
The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)]
Host Mac and Target Mac Disconnected during restore. – Error 4005
The OS Cannot be restored on this device.
Gave up waiting for device to transition from RestoreOS state to BootedOS State. [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFA5 (4005)]
This error will come up when the restore process has been interrupted.
Or, you might get this using Apple Configurator 2 version 2.12.1, as the process never seems to complete properly. If the Target Mac awakes to the login window the process is complete even though the progress bar is at 100%. After unplugging the USB-C cable you will get the error above.
Apple Configurator 2 Reports RECOVERY instead of DFU Status.
- If you see RECOVERY this means that BridgeOS is unable to boot and is the default status when you power on the Mac.
- Failed BridgeOS Restore due to OS Version Mismatch! The Target Mac is a previous OS i.e 10.14 trying to restore a 10.15 Mac, the update will fail with an Error 10
- If the Mac already failed the Upgrade, it could already be in this status. If so, you can attempt a BridgeOS restore.
Configurator could not perform the requested action. Apple Controller devices do not support this action.
This means that you selected Actions > Update, which is not supported. You need to select Actions > Advanced > Revive Device
Apple Configurator 2 BridgeOS Firmware Download Location.
Thanks MrMacintosh Reader Max C for letting me know the location of the BridgeOS Firmware files.
~/Library/Group Containers/Group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Caches/Firmware
Apple Configurator 2 Log Location
~/Library/Group Containers/xxxxxxx.group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Logs
Note that for version 2.12.1 the log does not seem to be working.
If you have any additional information or questions Contact Me!
Hello Mr Macintosh Luis from Mexico i had a problem with a macbook pro 2019 16 inches i try to restore and revive by DFU in configurator 2 and i try to downgrade the bridge always had the same error
Couldn’t complete the operation . (Error de AMRestoreErrorDomain 6 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg (Operation failed)) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x6 (6)]
is there a way to solve this ?
i apreciate your help i´m new in this methods to restore apple T2
Thank you
Hi, i have dead macbook air A1932. plugged in with imac m1 as host and got dfu..tried to revive or restore and failed.. now it stuck at recovery when connected with apple configurator 2. i tried to downgrade the T2 Bridge OS but failed. tried again drag and drop T2 Bridge OS 18p4759a and still failed.. always get error 9. everytime always using fast internet. does anyone have experience like me?
Awesome video but when I am restoring I am met with “Gave up waiting for device to transition from DFU state to DFU state. [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFA5 (4005)]”, what could be the problem? my Mac is a 2018 15′.
I want to do this restore process on a MacBook air 2020, but I have a MacBook pro mid 2012 Wich I want it to use as host. The only problem I see, is this old Mac does not have UBC – C. My question is. Can use this old Mac as host or I must have a Mac with UBC – C Port?
Yes, you can use a USB-C to USB-A cable. Just make sure the host Mac is running 10.15.6 or newer
Hello, Thank you for the detailed instructions to fix the Mac.
I have an intel macbook pro 13 inch 2020, in DFU Mode i m not able to revive or restore this thru DFU mode.. I get the following error. I had updated to MacOS 12 beta. Trying to downgrade it to catalina or bigsur.
“Apple Controller” that is not booted.
Not able to boot to recovery using any of the boot to recovery options provided by apple . they all stop at error 2002F.
Thomas, are you just trying to downgrade to macOS Big Sur ?
I am having exact same problem
I am having same problem but not downgrading
I got this error
any help ?
The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error -1 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg (Generic error)) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (-1) [sys = 0x3F, sub = 0xFFF, code = 0x3FFF (16383)]]
Is there a fix? I have the Same Problem…
same problem here too
Thanks for this guide! After restoring, I get a lock icon on Apple Configurator. When my target computer boots and downloads the OS, I get an error when trying to install that the computer can’t boot from another disk and I need to change the startup settings. I can’t get to the startup settings with any keyboard shortcuts. Thoughts?
It’s a 16 inch MBP that had a firmware password.
Did you ever find a solve for this issue?
what is “Apple Controller” is not booted.
click restore to update the device to the latest firmware version this cannot be undone.
this is what i get after im trying to restore or revive.
what i need to do?
I despair getting into DFU mode. Just to be sure, if the Macbook is still turning on, will it be able to start in DFU mode for sure?
I am trying every evening for few hours to get into DFU mode, but nothing happens. (Macbook Pro 2018 15″)
Why? I cannot install any OSX, Installer Log shows: “System doesn’t have bridgeOS and doesn’t support TRBX”. If I do Internet recovery it will try to install an old version. Installer fails with the typical Apple error screen and I have a blinking folder icon at boot.
I tried: 3 different macs (2012 MBP, 2015 MBP, 2019 MBP 13″ (from a friend)).
Several different USB cables in each scenarios, even bought a Thunderbolt 2 – Thunderbolt 3 Adapter.
So should I continue to try, or can it happen that the T2 Chip is dead at all?
First and foremost thank you very much for the super descriptive article. I have an edge case, that I would like to ask about – is it possible to boot a MacBook Pro (16″ 2019) into DFU mode with a Apple Magic keyboard connected via cable (Lighting to USB-C Apple Cable). Keyboard and trackpad are water damaged, but otherwise the machine boots (stuck in internet recovery after failed upgrade to Big Suhr)
Is anyone else having the issue where the DFU icon disappears from Apple Configurator 2? I keep holding the keys down and it’s intermittent, when it does come up it only shows for the second. Even if I let go of the keys right away, it always disappears right after it shows.
You Saved Me DAYS…
My machine is iMac 2013 late, core-i5 27 inches. It had Catalina 10.15.some, 2 days ago i received update notification for 10.15.7 or something. i installed these updates which took more than 30 minutes. after shutting down 1,2 times my iMac was not showing any signal to be shown as alive. Nothing happened by pressing the Power On button. After some hours i tried again & it got started. I thought i could be cable problem or something. I used it few hours but slept without shutdown in night. In the morning when i tried to switch it on it didn’t take any power. i tried different outlets, cables but this time it didn’t power on at all. Now it’s not reacting, no power, no fan, no sound, no logo, i tried different couple of keys combos but it’s not powering on. There’s no Type C in my iMac for configurator 2 attempt. Also i’m not sure if it’s a T2 chip because i never tried to bother to see what is in ‘Controller’ section from About this Apple. Can you please suggest me what should i do? is my iMac dead now just because of Catalina Update?
I recived error 69624 in Disk Utility when erase it to APFS and so i cant install Big Sur again. After your video it works. Looked three days for a solution.
Host: Early 2015 MacBook Pro
Target: Mid 2018 Macbook Pro
OS: Both running 10.14.6
Method: Apple Configurator 2.12.1 – host USB-A to target USB-C
(AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg)
[AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)]
Have tried reviving/restoring several dozen times. Device now stuck in Recovery/DFU mode. Am I screwed?
My Target Mac isn’t bricked, but I lost the 2FA security key used for login and wanted to restore the device.
Host Mac: 10.14.6 Early-2015 Macbook Pro
Target Mac: 10.14.6 Mid-2018 Macbook Pro
AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)
Would appreciate any help.
i get 2 errors on my 16″ dead mac.
1. AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x23 (35)
2.com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFB1 (4017)
any idea?
Yeah, there’s a DEP restriction disallowing you to wipe it from you company admin team.
hello, i have dead macbook and im able to enter to DFU but i get error 35 at DFU mode ant at RESTORE mode i getting error 4017.
what is the problem? i dont know what version is the dead mac was…
I’m trying to recover a 2018 MB Pro. I can put it in DFU but when I try to restore, it try to install the OS but gives me the error AMRestoreErrorDomain 0xA(10). I tried 2 different cables .I’m trying USB-A -> C.
Could be the cable?
It worked, OMGGGGG. Thank you so much!!!!
How did you do that? Pls share your experience
For those who are seeking info, Mac App Store version didn’t work for me. I had to download the 2.10 and use a host mac with 15.10 -> 14.16 with USB-C -> USB-C (Not apple cert.)
Where did you get Configurator 2.10?
Thank you.
I just installed from Apple Store, actually it required me to update to Catalina 10.15.6 because I was on 10.15.5. Is that correct? or maybe i need to install apple configurator from other place?
Sorry, I tought you were asking me, but I want to know also where to download version 2.10 because with Appstore version Im getting an error 9 every time.
I get the same error, did you manage to fix it ?
So your host mac had to be On catalina, an your target mac was on mojave?
hey there….
i have the same issue ?? how it’s work for you ??
Hi, I’d like to know if it is normal or if there is any next step to take.
I applied Apple Universal App Program and got DTK(ARM device, installed Big Sur Beta 1).
I tried to update it to beta 10, but continuously failed, so decided to restore DTK.
For a Host PC, I used iMac(Late 2015) installed Big Sur Beta 10 (20A5395g) and tried to restore DTK following the instructions
also experienced Apple Configurator 2 failure.
Already I prepared DTK to be in “DFU” mode (checked LED turned orange).
After I connect DTK with USB-to-C Cable (iMac – DTK Mac mini),
Apple Configurator 2 does not show any device(supposed to be the DTK device) but show ‘Apple Controller’ (State Booted, I guess, it is the cable)…
So, although I put ‘UniversalMac11.020A5395g_Restore.ipsw’ file to Apple controller and push ‘restore’ button, it fails withe the message.
The System cannot be restored on this device.
Can’t restore device in this state – please reboot into Recovery orDFU..
I think the problem is ‘Apple Configurator 2’ cannot acknowledge the DTK device even though it turned to DFU…
How can I checked if the DTK device in DFU mode?
I checked with the LED color (orange : DFU mode), right?
or Is this issue originated from the cable??
I hope to know….
Hi, I’d like to know if it is normal or if there is any next step to take.
I applied Apple Universal App Program and got DTK(ARM device, installed Big Sur Beta 1).
I tried to update it to beta 10, but continuously failed, so decided to restore DTK.
For a Host PC, I used iMac(Late 2015) installed Big Sur Beta 10 (20A5395g) and tried to restore DTK following Apple’s restore guide (https://download.developer.apple.com/Documentation/Universal_App_Quick_Start_Program_Resources/Restoring_Developer_Transition_Kit.pdf)
After I turned DTK to DFU mode (I’ve checked LED turned orange, is it telling DFU mode right? )
and connect 2 devices(Mac mini, which is DTK, and iMac, which is a Host) with USB C – USB A cable, and launch AC 2(2.13.1) …
However, AC 2 does not show any device(supposed to be the DTK device) .
First of all, How can I checked if the DTK device in DFU mode?
I checked with the LED color (orange : DFU mode), right?
or Is this issue originated from the cable??
I’d like to know what can I do check the next?
Hi, I had successfully completed the process once and everything worked fine for a day, but my laptop was again not waking up, so when I repeated the process again, it just exists in the installing process when I try to revive without any error. I am using a Macbook-13 2019 Two Thunderbolt version. I did a recent update to 10.15.7 which seems to have started all the issue.
The App Store now requirs Catalina to download and install Configurator2.
Hi, I tried the exact same steps on my MBP 15″ 2018. But instead of seeing “iBridge” at the bottom, I see “Apple Controller”. Am I doing this wrong? Or is this the new name for iBridge?
Hello Mr. Macintosh
i was trying to revive Macbook Air Retina 13 (2019) thru Apple configuration 2 version 2.13.1,
i got the error msg of this:
AMRestoreErrorDomain error 1
the error popup when the installation was almost finish.
Jon, does the MacBook error ever come back to life even with the error or is it still all black? On the HOST Mac are you using the same version OS?
Thank you for the reply
the Macbook still all black. the host OS is 10.15.7 and im not sure if the target Mac is the same as mine.
after using Apple Configuration 2, the Apple logo came along with the loading bar and after the error its stuck on logo with 90% of the loading bar.
Same happened with me, any updates??
Hi, I can get my host machine into dfu mode easily. However all my options are greyed out & I can’t go any further than “advanced” when I select “actions”. Please Help please. ?
you have to select the giant DFU icon on the screen and they become available options
Hello Mr.Mac!
Thank you for the wonderfully detailed document! I’ve been trying to get my 2018 MacBook Pro into DFU mode and I’m struggling.
I’ve tried several USB-C to USB-C cables (white apple charger cable, my Samsung usb c, and a USB C I got on amazon) and each time my host PC tells me “cannot use thunderbolt accessory”. I’ve tried this on a host iMac, and I’ve also tried it on my 2016 MacBook Pro (with a USB-C to USB-A)….same error on the host each time.
Is this normal? I feel like it could be why I’m having issues getting into DFU mode?
Thanks in advance!!
Yes that might be it. When I was testing this, if you don’t get it into DFU mode that’s the error message that you will get.
Try this get AC2 open on the host. Plug in the white charge cable, then plug the other end of the charge cable to the left side front USB-C Port.
Hold down power for 1 second (Keep holding power) then immediately press right shift + left option + left control. Hold them all down until you see DFU in AC2. If the mac powers on you did it wrong and will need to try again. Once you see DFU you can let go of all the keys.
Thanks for the feedback!
I’ll try the USBC-USBC soon, I was using a friends iMaC. I tried it on my USB-C to A (with 2016 MacBook as host) and no luck still.
The thunderbolt accessory error comes up so fast! I’ve tried easily 30 times and just can’t seem to get it.
Should I try to post to DFU mode first, and then plug in? I’m assuming if I do t see the Apple logo I can assume I’m in DFU mode?
Hi! Can I use Apple Configurator on Big Sur Beta? Target mac is on Big Sur Beta 6 and Host mac is on Big Sur Beta 8. Will this work?
Thank you for the thorough documentation.
I was able to revive successfully with AC2 2.13.1 but upon self repair, I get a -1008F error 🙁
Anyone else faced this?
That’s a beta version. Did you try the production version of 2.12.1 ?
2.13.1 seems to be the latest as of 09/15. I cannot find 2.12.1 anywhere.
Thank you soooooooooo much!!!
I thought I had lost all my photos of my kids – I’ve been grieving the loss for the past week.
It was a pain in the ass and quite convoluted but it worked!!!
It booted up like nothing had ever happened.
Thanks again!!!
I’ve got a 13-inch 2020 MBP and it stopped charging after updating to macOS Catalina version 10.15.5. I sent it to a data recovery company and they were not able to resolve it either, (after 40 days >:( ).
While waiting, I bumped into this article and wanted to try it as soon as I receive my computer. Unfortunately, it didn’t even recognize my computer. It neither shows up when I follow the DFS triggering combo nor under USB tab in System Information.
I am running Apple Configurator Version 2.12.1 (4A20) and it says latest version is supporting 2019 MBP, released on Mar 2020. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apple-configurator-2/id1037126344?mt=12
The computer is not charging now. No “charging” sound when I plug it to the outlet. As I mentioned above, it doesn’t list neither the device nor shows as DFS device as mobile device. When I noticed the issue, I did some easy recovery steps (SMC reset etc.) and while doing them, all USB-C ports were powering my phone.
Based on all this, should I wait for the new configurator version, or is this completely hopeless?
I was a little confused about Warning #3. I had problems after installing Big Sur Beta 5/6 and needed to downgrade T2 from version 18.16.x to 17.16.x (Catalina). The problems where persistent, even after a complete reinstall of Catalina and formatting disk. So it hat to be related with T2, introduced by the Big Sur update beta 5.
But after reading this article I was not really sure if a downgrade is possible or not. Before bricking my Macbook I asked the Apple store and they told me after one week that a downgrade of T2 is possible. So I installed both Catalina 15.6 on host (Mac mini 2018) and target computer (Macbook Pro 2018) and did a restore (revive was not possible). It worked, after around 10 minutes I was greeted by a ? folder icon on my Macbook 2018. After Catalina reinstall with cmd-option-R Silentknight showed me the successful downgrade to 17.16.x.
Thanks for the comment! You were right and wrote an article around it!
Was sure to give you a hat tip for testing this at the end of the article, thanks for writing in!
I found your guide (to reviving the T2 chip) after repeated issues with a consistently frustrating 2018 model year MacBook Pro. I followed your guide to reviving the T2 chip, and it worked. Big Sur installed w/o issue, after that. Anyways, just wanted to say “thank you” for taking the time to describe the process of updating with Configurator 2. Very grateful.
Hi, I currently own a MacBook Pro 16 inch, base model.
Left it charging and sleeping (close lid) one night, and woke up because of the chime sound, the computer was randomly rebooting itself, without being able to fully boot.
I turned it off by holding de power button, but before that, I saw it was trying to boot to my bootcamp partition.
Later that day, when I tried to turn it, it didn’t, I was very scared, googled the problem (black screen) and did a reset smc, didn’t worked, tried a couple of times and suddenly it boot, but when I put my password, it didn’t fully unlock to the os, and then it shut off and now its bricked, not even a charging sound when I plugged it.
tried everything, reset smc, reset nvram.
Things to consider: I have Mac OS catalina (latest version as of one month ago), and windows 10 on the internal ssd, I installed the first beta of big sur on an external ssd, but then I wiped the ssd and installed catalina on it, because I wanted to use my external drive for work related stuff. the chime that came back with big sur was still there even though I didn’t have big sur anymore.
Im student that bought this with lots of efforts, and im still paying it :c
I got an acer laptop from the place I work, and managed to install latest version of Mojave, and then I tried this, got this errors:
Then I managed to get the latest version of catalina and got this error:
Anyone got any ideas? I bought the Mac on Canada but I live in argentina, so its imposible for me to go an apple store
Can you use this method to wipe off an iCloud locked MacBook Pro?
when performing “restore” on the 2019 MacPro after installing new SSDs – I’m getting “The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 9 – Failed to receive message from device, might be connection problem with USB host.) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x9 (9)]” tried several different cables
I have the exact same problem , tried 4 different cables including the apple thunderbolt 3 cable and cables supporting data transfer… always error 9
If anyone has any solution for this problem please post 🙂
I have this issue too! If anyones know about that please let me know
Did you find out how to solve it? Having same issue.
This was a lifesaver for me after the Catalina update left my Macbook Pro 2019 bricked. I can confirm that I was able to use a Late 2014 Mac Mini running Catalina 10.15.4 with a USB-A to USB-C cable. Used the Revive option and the Macbook (after a long time) came back with no data loss at Catalina 10.15.5
which cable did you use I mean the brand
Thank you for great discusion.
“Restore Form Backup” is it work on MBP 2018 T2
And how to mange the Backup file.
I don’t have another Mac handy, do you think this procedure can be done via VM?
I don’t think so….. But hey give it a shot, let me know what happens.
have tried it very very often. I did it like this:
– set up VM (macOS 10.15.5)
– installed Apple Configurator 2 (2.12.1)
– connected with USB/A-USB/C
Now it instantly recognises my target MacBook Pro as “DFU” after clicking on “Revive” it always gives me Error 4014.
I do not have another Apple Device..
But I will continue to try to revive it.
The exact error is:
Unexpected device state ‘DFU’ expected ‘RestoreOS’ [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFAE (4014)]
Dear Mr. Macintosh,
Greetings from Paris (France) and thank you for your work. I have an interesting issue with a MBP 16″ 2019 after being upgraded from macOS 10.15.4 to macOS 10.15.5. Everything’s working fine except the built-in Facetime camera which is not detected at all (even from System Report). Since the new hardware architecture implies the camera, sound (input/output), etc… being managed by the T2 Chip and not seen as independent USB devices anymore I suspect a corrupted BridgeOS or a glitch during the upgrade. I’ve installed 10.15.5 Combo update, but the problem remains the same : no camera. Before, reinstalling the whole system from Internet Recovery (and if unsuccessful), would you have any other recommendations or ideas before I start restoring BridgeOS ?
i’m just getting the ‘recovery’, not DFU – but seems to be happy trying to revive, up until a error 10 failure. I’m guessing that i need to update to catalina (client is unsure if was on mojave or catalina).
does it have to be in DFU? what’s the difference between that and recovery? All i need is the user data, no need to actually get the machine working fully.
I updated my MacBook Pro 13 2019 last week with no problems until yesterday when turning it on, tried everything (SMC, NVRAM) with no results. Later I found this article and now I’m trying to restore BridgeOS.
My host computer is an A1502 with a usb c – usb a cable. Got 3 “4005” errors and 2 “9” errors. Also thinking on send it to repair but the main problem is the time that’s going to take, I’m from Peru with only authorized retailers.
Have same issue. Did you solve it and how?
Any news on the 4005 error I’m running into the same thing.
I keep trying, 2019 MacBook Pro 16inch. I took the update, when it tried to reboot, dead. I also have a 2019 MacBook Pro 13inch that is updated as well and I’m easily able to see my 16inch in DFU mode, but as Step 4 seems to complete, I see this:
The OS cannot be restored on this device.
The operation couldn’t be completed.
(AMRestoreErrorDomain error 78 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0x4E (78)]
Any ideas?
Thank you for your time!
I have the same problem, please tell me how can I fix the error I am using a usb c to usb a cable of the brand belkin
I also have this issue.. not sure if it is related to the latest mac os update.. while charging the right side of the macbook is hot..
2019 13″ MBP experiencing error code 4005 after multiple revive and restore attempts following these instructions. Is there a clear solution to this issue or a common denominator between those who experienced this issue and subsequently resolved it?
Hi! Great post!
I am a refurbisher and I am starting to legitimately acquire 2018 T2 machines that I don’t have the password for and are also sometimes firmware locked. As far as I’m aware these are basically bricked due to the T2 security. Do you know if DFU mode will allow me to bypass security and wipe these machines so that they can be refurbished, or would the security prevent it? I don’t need the user data — I just want the machines wiped so they can be used again. I’m trying to put these T2 boards with integrated drives back into circulation instead of scrapping them.
RDKL, Inc.
Hello John,
As long as the Mac is not MDM Locked, Activation Locked or protected by a firmware password you can erase and reinstall just fine.
If it’s MDM or Activation locked, the only way past this is to get the previous owner or company password.
Same thing with the firmware password. The previous owner has to provide you purchase documents or the previous password. Apple will not unlock firmware for you unless you have proof of ownership.
2019 MBP 13″ is now a brick…
I put it in DFU mode, tried revive / restore to no success. I have 2012 MBP 15″ as a host running 10.15. Basically it shows step 4: Installing OS for ~15mins then pops out error 4005. I deleted the ipsw file and tried to restart the download process again, no luck with same error.
This is very frustrating experience. Can anyone please help me?
What a bummer Stef 🙁
Is your Mac still under warranty?
Also are you using the revive or restore option ?
Working now – didn’t lose any data. Thank you so much!
Sorry – one more update, interestingly two thing just happened 1) MacBook showed a “cannot use thuderbold accessory” notice in macOS 2) MacMini light on front (which is on since starting this process, went off then came back on)….
I’m having the same, with many different cables.
Any solution?
Hi, i’m getting this error when i do the “Actions > Advanced > Revive Device = Reinstall BridgeOS Only”
Gave up waiting for device to transition from RestoreOS state to BootedOS state.
Did some one encountered this error ?
I’m stuck on error 4005 as well. Using 2018 MacBook Air as the host for a bricked 16 inch mop. Any ideas?
I got the 4005 error after disconnecting the USB-C cable.
How long did you wait before you received that error?
Hello. I am not removing the cable. The restore gets to step 4 of 4 installing OS and a full progress bar shows for about 10 minutes. Then I get the error while everything is still connected. I left if there for 45 minutes like that per the suggestion above to wait out the 4005 error but not luck. The 16 inch MacBook Pro does not reboot or appear to respond in any way.
Also I noticed on the apple instructions for this the 16 inch MacBook pro isn’t listed so maybe it doesn’t work?
I tried deleting the cached firmware so it would redownload but same result. I checked the md5 of the ipsw file which is 8870cba7476f6a1b46af221a58fc98ed –does that match what you get?
I have same issue – did you resolve this? I’m at 98% (approx) done on Installing OS Step 4 of 4. And it has stalled. I’m doing this between a MacBook 2017 (works) and a MacMini (late 2018 – bricked).
Same issue here on MacBook Pro 13 2019 with MacBook Pro 13 2014 as host
Hey, did you resolve the problem ? I have the same issue
Anyone figure out the stalling at 98% thing?
My 2019 MacBook Pro is bricked from the update as well. Such a terrible time to happen too. Tried every key combination possible all it does is make the charging sound when I plug it in.
James are you able to attempt a BridgeOS restore ?
I don’t have another computer to do it on at the moment unfortunately:(
Was able to find another computer to do a restore and got the same error as Amars comment below me.
I just revived my mid-18 mbp 15 with touchbar (T2). Went through error 4014 and 4005, waited another 10 minutes and it made it!!!
I followed the instruction here https://support.apple.com/guide/apple-configurator-2/revive-or-restore-mac-firmware-apdebea5be51/mac to Revive the firmware on the Apple T2 Security Chip and it magically recovered and the full system is back..
for 4014, I looked up online and it seems to be a connection issue but I already have the Apple issued thunderbolt 3 cable(https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MQ4H2AM/A/thunderbolt-3-usb%E2%80%91c-cable-08-m), I tied up the cable a bit, retried and it just worked…
For 4005, I just waited for another 10 minutes and there had been a few restarts and finally it recovered.
Felix, thanks for writing in and sharing these error codes. I am glad that you were able to rescue your MBPro!
By waiting 10mins for error 4005, do you mean just leaving the target (bricked) device untouched after the error window pops up?
In cast it helps: I got the dreaded 4005 when reviving my Mac Mini 2018 (“gave up waiting”). I left for a while then decided to try rebooting the Mini on its own and it booted as normal.
I effectively did an SMC reset on it as I removed the power cable before trying to turn it back on. I don’t know if this has any actual effect on the process. But it seems Configurator times out too early or the Mini doesn’t properly report that it has booted to Configurator.
Hi. Same boat as many here; the recent supplemental update (10.15.4) completely bricked my 2018 MBP 13. I luckily have another Macbook here (MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015), running Mojave 10.14.6 and am attempting this. Unfortunately it seems to fail. Hoping for some advice… When attempting to ‘revive’ I receive: “The operation couldn’t be completed. (AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) [AMRestoreErrorDomain – 0xA (10)]”
When attempting to ‘restore’ I receive: Failed to create new state machine for restore [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFB1 (4017)]
I unfortunately do not have another Mac running a newer OS (this is my wifes work computer, so no updating for sure) Any ideas? You mentioned corrupted download. Is this of AC2 or the OS?
You need to update the host Mac to Catalina, otherwise you will get error 10 during revive process.
Hi, new update.
Finally I found someone who has a Mac. It’s a iMac 2014 with 10.14.6. Tried Apple Configurator 2 but fail. Then update this iMac to 10.15.4, try again, finally it worked! But some difference, First is the app shows “DFU Apple Controller” NOT “iBridge”. I can not manage to enter that mode. So I just let it restore in this “Apple Controller” mode, and all data will be erased in this mode. I have no choice. Wait for about 5 minutes, my MBP booted and now I can install system for it. BTW, I used USB-A to USB-C cable, no problem.
Thank you VERY MUCH?.
Hey i have the same problem with updating on 10.15.4. When restoring in DFU Mode it says AMRestoreDomain-Error 10- Failed to handle message type StatusMsg) Apple Support doesn’t have a clue what the issue is.
I had an error like this when I was restoring on a 2018 MacBook Air. I put the HOST mac with AC2 on it aside and used a different Mac with 10.15.4 on it and tried to restore again with the latest version of AC2 and it worked. Keep in mind this does not make any sense. The only thing I can think of is the 1st Host Mac had a corrupted download and that’s why the 2nd Mac worked?
As I don’t have another Mac, I’ve tried deleting the IPSW file thinking it might be corrupt.
It’s located here: ~/Library/Group Containers/Group.com.apple.configurator/Library/Caches/Firmware
Sadly this did not work for me. Leading me to believe that you must have a newer OS to do this as some have described. 🙁
Max, thanks for letting me know where the download location is! I will credit you and update the article.
I DO have some good/bad news for you. I ran a test in the same exact situation that you mentioned.
Apple Configurator 2.12.1 (4A20)
HOST Mac = MacBook Air with 10.14.6 = AMRestoreErrorDomain error 10 – Failed to handle message type StatusMsg
I need to figure this out, I KNOW data was kept when I ran over 10 tests for this article. I DID get a new pop up message before I started that was not there before on previous tests. “All your media and other data will be erased from the primary disk” I wonder if this was a new change from the AC 2 update from a week ago. I will report back in a bit.
Figured it out and updated the article with the new information. If you use the latest AC2 version 2.12.1, and click the RESTORE option, it will erase all OS and User Data when you restore BridgeOS. If you click REVIVE it will restore user data and only restore BridgeOS. Somewhere between version 2.10 and 2.12.1 Apple made the change.
Does the host machine specifically have to be a MacBook Pro? As in, if you owned a MacBook Pro and a 2019 Mac Pro, you couldn’t use the Mac Pro to perform the restoration on the MacBook Pro?
The host mac can be any USB-C based Mac. I have not tested the USB-A to USB-C adapter, I mean it’s possible older Macs could work but I have not tested that.
I did it with old MacBook Pro 2014
Same issue when I tried to install the 10.15.4 Supplemental update. I’m gonna try this. BTW will this erase my data? Lots of data in my Mac without backup.
Hello Neo, Are you saying the Mac is Bricked and shows no signs of life after the 10.15.4 Supplemental Update? If so, restoring BridgeOS might be your only choice, unless you can get it Apple for repair (especially if it’s under warranty). The problem is, when you send the Mac to Apple, they might not guarantee that data can be saved. Restoring BridgeOS via Apple Configurator 2 should not touch user data, it will only download the latest version of BridgeOS and reinstall it on your T2 Mac. I performed at least 10 BridgeOS restores and every single one retained data after. I have 2 reports that said data was lost, it’s possible the update wrecked the encryption keys.
Thank you for reply.
Yes, totally no signs. Even I tried hold power button for 10 seconds. When tried to connect my Mac to another PC, PC shows the Mac as “Apple Mobile Device USB Device” and its description is “Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Device”. That might shows it already be DFU mode.
I will try use another Mac to help restore BridgeOS before I send it to Apple and see if can save all data.
Oh! That’s very interesting.
We can find out if your Mac is already in DFU mode. Plug it directly into the host Mac with Apple Configurator 2 running (make sure to plug USB-C cable into the left front port). It might immediately detect your Mac and be ready for restore. I hope the restore works and all your data is still there!
Thank you a million !!!
On Thursday evening my macbook during upgrade went dark and was bricked. Though I’ll need to take it to Apple Service which these days during Corona is all but desireable !
However, restore did not work for me (got error message but different one) … tried ‘Revive’ machine. It did wake it up and said it was installing operating system…. that timed out but I did let the target machine try to complete it … and after it rebooted once or twice it did complete whatever it was doing and finally it rebooted and all seems good ! Nothing was reformatted 🙂 !!!
Thank you !!!
That’s great news Gaha, glad you were able to rescue your Mac!
Hi, I’m trying to restore a MacBook a1989 with T2. After rebooting the T2 chip shows in Apple Configurator as “Recovery” not “DFU” and when attempting to restore it ( the only option available) I get the following error during the installation of the firmware:
“The OS cannot be restored on this device. Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’ [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFAE (4014)]”
Or when I tried another usb c cable:
The OS cannot be restored on this device.
Unexpected device state ‘DFU’ expected ‘RestoreOS’ [com.apple.MobileDevice.MobileRestore – 0xFAE (4013)]
Has anyone come across such errors?
thank very much
Hi have you managed to solve this ?