Apple Silicon M1/M2/M3/M4 macOS IPSW Firmware Restore Files Database

Apple Silicon macOS Big Sur IPSW Firmware Restore File Database

How to download Apple Silicon M1 macOS IPSW Restore Files. You can use them with Apple Configurator 2 and a 2nd Mac for quick restores.

UPDATED: 2/10/25

With the introduction of the new Apple Silicon M1 Mac, you can now reinstall macOS with Apple Configurator 2 and IPSW files just like iOS! This page is a database of all macOS IPSW Files. The macOS ISPW firmware files database will be updated when new updates are released.

Table of Contents

  • 1. macOS Sequoia Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 2. macOS Sonoma Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 3. macOS Ventura Final IPSW Firmware files
  • 4. macOS Monterey Final IPSW Firmware Files
  • 5. macOS Big Sur Final IPSW Firmware Files
  • 6. macOS Sequoia Beta IPSW Firmware files
  • 7. macOS Sonoma Beta IPSW Firmware files
  • 8. macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Firmware Files
  • 9. macOS Monterey Beta IPSW Firmware Files
  • 10. macOS Big Sur Beta IPSW Firmware Files

All download links are directly from Apple’s SUS Server.

For more information on how to reinstall macOS on your Apple Silicon Mac, I’ve written an article that goes over everything you need to know!

Follow me on twitter for updates @ClassicII_MrMac

NOTE! You may need to copy the link and paste it into a new tab if the download link does not work when you click on it.

1. Sequoia Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sequoia Public Download Links Version Date
UniversalMac_15.3.1_24D70_Restore.ipsw 15.3.1 2/10
UniversalMac_15.3_24D60_Restore.ipsw 15.3 1/27
UniversalMac_15.2_24c101_Restore.ipsw 15.2 12/11
UniversalMac_15.1.1_24B91_Restore.ipsw 15.1.1 11/19
UniversalMac_15.1.1_24B2091_Restore.ipsw 15.1.1 M4 ONLY 11/19
UniversalMac_15.1_24B83_Restore.ipsw 15.1 10/28
UniversalMac_15.1_24B2083_Restore.ipsw 15.1 M4 ONLY 10/30
UniversalMac_15.0.1_24A348_Restore.ipsw 15.0.1 10/04
UniversalMac_15.0_24A335_Restore.ipsw 15.0 9/16

2. Sonoma Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sonoma Final IPSW Download Links Version Release
Sonoma 14.6.1 is the Final IPSW released by Apple    
UniversalMac_14.6.1_23G93_Restore.ipsw 14.6.1 8/07/24
UniversalMac_14.6_23G80_Restore.ipsw 14.6 7/29/24
UniversalMac_14.5_23F79_Restore.ipsw 14.5 5/13/24
UniversalMac_14.4.1_23E224_Restore.ipsw 14.4.1 3/25/24
UniversalMac_14.4_23E214_Restore.ipsw 14.4 3/07/24
UniversalMac_14.3.1_23D60_Restore.ipsw 14.3.1 2/08/24
UniversalMac_14.3_23D56_Restore.ipsw 14.3 1/22/24
UniversalMac_14.2.1_23C71_Restore.ipsw 14.2.1 12/19/23
UniversalMac_14.2_23C64_Restore.ipsw 14.2 12/11/23
UniversalMac_14.1.2_23B92_Restore.ipsw 14.1.2 11/30/23
UniversalMac_14.1.2_23B2091_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/30/23
UniversalMac_14.1.1_23B81_Restore.ipsw 14.1.1 11/07/23
UniversalMac_14.1.1_23B2082_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/07/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B74_Restore.ipsw 14.1 10/25/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B2077_Restore.ipsw M3 ONLY!!! 11/03/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A344_Restore.ipsw 14.0 9/21/23

3. Ventura Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Ventura Final IPSW Download Links Signed Release
NOTE: 13.6 is the final Ventura IPSW release    
UniversalMac_13.6_22G120_Restore.ipsw YES 9/21/23
UniversalMac_13.5.2_22G91_Restore.ipsw YES 9/07/23
UniversalMac_13.5.1_22G90_Restore.ipsw YES 8/17/23
UniversalMac_13.5_22G74_Restore.ipsw YES 7/24/23
UniversalMac_13.4.1_22F82_Restore.ipsw YES 6/21/23
UniversalMac_13.4.1_22F2083_Restore.ipsw NOTE! 6/21/23
^ 22F2083 is ONLY for new WWDC M2 Macs    
UniversalMac_13.4_22F66_Restore.ipsw YES 5/18/23
UniversalMac_13.3.1_22E261_Restore.ipsw YES 4/07/23
UniversalMac_13.3_22E252_Restore.ipsw YES 3/27/23
UniversalMac_13.2.1_22D68_Restore.ipsw YES 2/13/23
UniversalMac_13.2_22D49_Restore.ipsw YES 1/23/23
UniversalMac_13.1_22C65_Restore.ipsw YES 12/13/22
UniversalMac_13.0.1_22A400_Restore.ipsw YES 11/09/22
UniversalMac_13.0_22A380_Restore.ipsw YES 10/24/22

4. Monterey Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Monterey Final IPSW Download Links Sign Release
NOTE: 12.6.1 is the final Monterey IPSW release.    
UniversalMac_12.6.1_21G217_Restore.ipsw YES 11/01/22
UniversalMac_12.6_21G115_Restore.ipsw YES 9/12/22
UniversalMac_12.5.1_21G83_Restore.ipsw YES 8/17/22
UniversalMac_12.5_21G72_Restore.ipsw YES 7/20/22
UniversalMac_12.4_21F79_Restore.ipsw YES 5/16/22
UniversalMac_12.4_21F2092_Restore.ipsw YES 6/16/22
^ (21F2092) is ONLY for 2022 M2 MB Air & 13″ Pro    
UniversalMac_12.4_21F2081_Restore.ipsw YES 6/14/22
^ (21F2081) 2022 M2 Air & 13″ Pro Shipping build     
UniversalMac_12.3.1_21E258_Restore.ipsw YES 03/31/22
UniversalMac_12.3_21E230_Restore.ipsw YES 03/14/22
UniversalMac_12.2.1_21D62_Restore.ipsw YES 02/10/22
UniversalMac_12.2_21D49_Restore.ipsw YES 1/26/22
UniversalMac_12.1_21C52_Restore.ipsw YES 12/13/21
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A559_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/21

5. Big Sur Final IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Big Sur Final IPSW Download Links Signed Release
NOTE: 11.6 is the final Big Sur IPSW release.    
UniversalMac_11.6_20G165_Restore.ipsw YES 9/17/21
UniversalMac_11.5.2_20G95_Restore.ipsw YES 8/11/21
UniversalMac_11.5.1_20G80_Restore.ipsw YES 7/26/21
UniversalMac_11.5_20G71_Restore.ipsw YES 7/19/21
UniversalMac_11.4_20F71_Restore.ipsw YES 5/26/21
UniversalMac_11.3.1_20E241_Restore.ipsw YES 5/03/21
UniversalMac_11.3_20E232_Restore.ipsw YES 4/26/21
UniversalMac_11.2.3_20D91_Restore.ipsw YES 3/08/21
UniversalMac_11.2.2_20D80_Restore.ipsw YES 2/25/21
UniversalMac_11.2.1_20D74_Restore.ipsw YES 2/09/21
UniversalMac_11.2_20D64_Restore.ipsw YES 2/01/21
UniversalMac_11.1_20C69_Restore.ipsw YES 12/14/20
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B29_Restore.ipsw YES 11/12/20
UniversalMac_11.0_20A2411_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A

6. Sequoia Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sequoia Beta Download Links Version Date
UniversalMac_15.2_24C98_Restore.ipsw 15.2 RC 12/5
UniversalMac_15.1_24B83_Restore.ipsw 15.1 RC2 10/24
UniversalMac_15.2_24C5057p_Restore.ipsw 15.2 Beta 1 M1+ 10/23
UniversalMac_15.1_24B82_Restore.ipsw 15.1 RC 10/22
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5055e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 5 9/23
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5046f_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 4 9/16
UniversalMac_15.0_24A335_Restore.ipsw 15.0 RC 9/9
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5331b_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 8 8/28
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5035e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 3 M1+ 8/28
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5327a_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 7 8/20
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5320a_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 6 8/12
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5024e_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 2 M1+ 8/12
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5309e_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 5 8/05
UniversalMac_15.1_24B5009l_Restore.ipsw 15.1 Beta 1 M1+ 7/29
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5298h_Restore.ipsw 15.0 Beta 4 7/23
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5289h_Restore.ipsw Beta 3 Public 1 7/15
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5289g_Restore.ipsw Beta 3 7/10
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5279h_Restore.ipsw Beta 2 7/01
UniversalMac_15.0_24A5264n_Restore.ipsw Beta 1 6/10

7. Sonoma Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Sonoma Beta IPSW Download Links Version Release
UniversalMac_14.1_23B73_Restore.ipsw 14.1 RC 10/17/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B5056e_Restore.ipsw 14.1 Beta 2 10/03/23
UniversalMac_14.1_23B5046f_Restore.ipsw 14.1 Beta 1 9/28/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A344_Restore.ipsw RC2 9/21/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A339_Restore.ipsw RC 9/12/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5337a_Restore.ipsw Dev 7 Pub 4 8/30/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5328b_Restore.ipsw Dev 6 Pub 3 8/22/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5312d_Restore.ipsw Dev 5 8/08/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5301h_Restore.ipsw Dev 4 Pub 2 7/31/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5286i_Restore.ipsw Public 1 7/11/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5286g_Restore.ipsw Dev 3 7/5/23
UniversalMac_14.0_23A5276g_Restore.ipsw Dev 2 6/21/23
Beta 1 available on only Dev 1  

8. macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Ventura Beta IPSW Download Links Sign Release Ver
UniversalMac_13.5_22G74_Restore.ipsw YES 7/18/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.4_22F63_Restore.ipsw YES 5/11/23 RC 2
UniversalMac_13.4_22F62_Restore.ipsw YES 5/09/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5246b_Restore.ipsw YES 3/16/23 Beta 4
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5236f_Restore.ipsw YES 3/06/23 Beta 3
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5230e_Restore.ipsw YES 02/28/23 Beta 2
UniversalMac_13.3_22E5219e_Restore.ipsw YES 02/16/23 Beta 1
UniversalMac_13.2_22D49_Restore.ipsw YES 01/18/23 RC
UniversalMac_13.2_22D5038i_Restore.ipsw YES 01/11/23 B2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A380_Restore.ipsw YES 10/20/22 RC 2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A379_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/22 RC
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5373b_Restore.ipsw YES 10/11/22 Beta 11
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5365d_Restore.ipsw YES 10/4/22 Beta 10
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5358e_Restore.ipsw YES 9/27/22 Beta 9
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5352e_Restore.ipsw YES 9/20/22 Beta 8
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5342f_Restore.ipsw YES 9/09/22 Beta 7
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5331f_Restore.ipsw YES 8/25/22 Beta 6
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5321d_Restore.ipsw YES 8/08/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5311f_Restore.ipsw YES 7/27/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5295i_Restore.ipsw YES 7/11/22 Public
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5295h_Restore.ipsw YES 7/06/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5286j_Restore.ipsw YES 6/22/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_13.0_22A5266r_Restore.ipsw YES 6/06/22 Beta 1

9. Monterey Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Monterey Beta Download Links Sign Release Ver
UniversalMac_12.5_21G72_Restore.ipsw YES 7/18/22 RC2
UniversalMac_12.5_21G69_Restore.ipsw YES 7/12/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5063a_Restore.ipsw YES 7/5/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5056b_Restore.ipsw YES 6/24/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.5_21G5046c_Restore.ipsw YES 6/14/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac _12.5_21G5037d_Restore.ipsw YES 5/31/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.5_12G5027d_Restore.ipsw YES 5/18/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.4_21F79_Restore.ipsw YES 5/12/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5071b_Restore.ipsw YES 5/3/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5063e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/26/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.4_21F5058e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/19/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.3_21F5048e_Restore.ipsw YES 4/05/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.3_21E230_Restore.ipsw YES 3/08/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5227a_Restore.ipsw YES 3/01/22 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5222a_Restore.ipsw YES 2/22/22 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5212f_Restore.ipsw YES 2/15/22 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5206e_Restore.ipsw YES 2/09/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.3_21E5196i_Restore.ipsw YES 1/27/22 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.2_21D48_Restore.ipsw YES 1/20/22 RC
UniversalMac_12.2_21D5039d_Restore.ipsw YES 01/11/22 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.2_21D5025f_Restore.ipsw YES 12/16/21 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.1_21C52_Restore.ipsw YES 12/10/21 RC2
UniversalMac_12.1_21C51_Restore.ipsw YES 12/07/21 RC
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5045a_Restore.ipsw YES 12/02/21 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5039b_Restore.ipsw YES 11/17/21 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5031d_Restore.ipsw YES 11/09/21 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.1_21C5021h_Restore.ipsw YES 10/28/21 Beta 1
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A559_Restore.ipsw YES 10/21/21 RC2
UniversalMac_12.0.1_21A558_Restore.ipsw YES 10/18/21 RC
UniversalMac_12.0_21a5552a_Restore.ipsw YES 10/13/21 Beta10
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5543b_Restore.ipsw YES 10/06/21 Beta 9
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5534d_Restore.ipsw YES 9/28/21 Beta 8
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5522h_Restore.ipsw YES 9/21/21 Beta 7
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5506j_Restore.ipsw YES 8/30/21 Beta 6
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5304g_Restore.ipsw YES 8/11/21 Beta 5
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5294g_Restore.ipsw YES 7/27/21 Beta 4
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5284e_Restore.ipsw YES 7/14/21 Beta 3
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5268h_Restore.ipsw YES 6/28/21 Beta 2
UniversalMac_12.0_21A5248p_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A Beta 1

10. Big Sur Beta IPSW Firmware Files

macOS Big Sur 11 Beta Download Links Signed Release GB Size
UniversalMac_11.5_RC_20G70_Restore.ipsw YES 7/13/21 13.0
UniversalMac_11.4_20F5046g_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.3_20E217a_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.3_20E5172i_Restore.ipsw YES 2/02/21 13.87
UniversalMac_11.2_20D62_Restore.ipsw RC2 N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.2_20D53_Restore.ipsw RC N/A 1/21/21 12.8
UniversalMac_11.2_20D5042d_Restore.ipsw YES 1/13/21 12.8
UniversalMac_11.2_20D5029f_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.1_20C5061b_Restore.ipsw YES 12/03/20 12.7
UniversalMac_11.1_20C5048k_Restore.ipsw N/A N/A N/A
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B28_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/10/20 N/A
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B5022a_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/05/20 13.48
UniversalMac_11.0.1_20B5012d_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/28/20 13.67
UniversalMac_11.0_20A5395g_Restore.ipsw N/A 11/14/20 13.9

Mac Transition to Apple Silicon – Everything you Need to Know! UPDATED - Mac Transition to Apple Silicon – Everything you Need to Know!
Mac Transition to Apple Silicon – Everything you Need to Know!

Apple Silicon Macs will be here soon!

Apple said the first Apple Silicon Mac will launch before the end of 2020. The launch date is quickly approaching, now is the time to get up to speed! I will be following my “Everything you need to know” format from my previous articles.

This article will be updated as new Apple Silicon information comes in.

The feedback that I’ve received from these has been really great. The big takeaway is that everyone really likes how all the information is all in one place. You are not wasting time looking for that one article, command or link.

NOTE: Everything in this article is public knowledge from Apple. Once the first Apple Silicon Mac ships, I will post more in depth articles.

Let’s get started!


Follow Me on Twitter @ClassicII_MrMac

Mr. Macintosh on

#AppleSiliconUpdates – will be the hashtag to follow for updates to this article.

Table of Contents – UPDATED 11/05/20

  • 1. Apple Silicon Mac Release Date
  • 2. MacOS Big Sur Installer Information
  • 3. How To download macOS Big Sur 11
  • 4. How to build a USB Big Sur Installer
  • 5. Previous macOS Big Sur Beta Releases
  • 6. Apple Silicon Recovery Options
  • 7. How to use the new start manager on Apple Silicon
  • 8. Internet Recovery is dead on Apple Silicon
  • 9. Apple Silicon macOS Recovery
  • 10. Apple Silicon System Recovery
  • 11. Both macOS Recovery and System Recovery are not available?
  • 12. Apple Silicon External Boot Options – USB Installer
  • 13. How to Use Apple Configurator 2 to reinstall macOS on Apple Silicon
  • 14. Apple Silicon Security Policy
  • 15. Apple Silicon Compatible Versions of macOS
  • 16. Can I downgrade macOS on Apple Silicon?
  • 17. How to use SMB Mac Sharing Mode (Replaces Target Disk Mode – TDM)
  • 18. Apple Mac Mini Developer Transition Kit (DTK)
  • 19. Rosetta 2 Intel app Emulator
  • 20. Kexts, System Extensions & Drivers
  • 21. Apple Silicon Virtualization
  • 22. Apple Links
  • 23. WWDC20 Video Links
  • 24. MacAdmin Blog Links
  • 25. Miscellaneous Links
  • 26. – #AppleSilicon
  • 27. Credits

1. Apple Silicon Mac Release Date

The first Apple Silicon Macs will be introduced at the

“One more thing” November 10th event!!!

MrMacintosh.con - One More Thing apple event on November 10, 2020 at 10:00AM PST!
One More Thing apple event on November 10, 2020 at 10:00AM PST!

2. MacOS Big Sur Installer Information

The macOS Big Sur installer is unified. This means that you can install it on a Apple Silicon or Intel based Mac.

3. How To download macOS Big Sur 11

Once Big Sur goes live, macOS Big Sur will be available for you to upgrade in the following places.

  • System Preferences > Software Update > Upgrade to Big Sur.
  • Mac App Store > macOS Big Sur > Download.

You can look at my how to download macOS article for more info.

4. How to build a USB Big Sur Installer

Once you have macOS Big Sur downloaded you can do the following steps to build a macOS Big Sur 11 USB Installer disk.

  1. Plug in blank USB stick (Must be 15GB or larger as the installer is 12GB)
  2. Open
  3. Run this command
  4. sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
  5. MyVolume is the name of your USB Flash Drive.

More info from Apple’s Support.

5. Previous macOS Big Sur Beta Releases

  • 9. Big Sur 11 Beta 9 (20A5384c) – 09/29/20 – Current Release
  • 8. Big Sur 11 Beta 8 (20A5374i) – 09/22/20 – My Release Notes
  • 7. Big Sur 11 Beta 7 (20A5374g) – 09/17/20 – My Release Notes
  • 6. Big Sur 11 Beta 6 (20A5364e) – 09/03/20 – My Release Notes
  • 5. Big Sur 11 Beta 5 (20A5354i) – 08/19/20 – My Release Notes
  • 4. Big Sur 11 Beta 4 (20A5343i) – 08/04/20
  • 3. Big Sur 11 Beta 3 (20A5323l) – 07/22/20
  • 2. Big Sur 11 Beta 2 (20A4300b) – 07/07/20 – My Release Notes
  • 1. Big Sur 11 Beta 1 (20A4299v) – 06/22/20 – My Release Notes

6. Apple Silicon Recovery Options

Apple Silicon changes the way in which we enter recovery on the Mac. In the past, we had to remember multiple keyboard commands. On Apple Silicon, all you need to do is hold down the power button. In a few seconds, you will see the new Apple Silicon Startup Manager.

7. How to use the new start manager on Apple Silicon

To enter Apple Silicon Startup manager follow these steps.

  • 1. Hold down the power button
  • 2. You will see the message “Continue holding for startup options”
  • 3. The next message will say “Loading Startup Options…”
  • 4. You will now see the new Apple Silicon Startup Manager. - Apple Silicon Mac Startup Options
Apple Silicon Mac Startup Manager Options

The startup manager will show you the main boot disk (Macintosh HD) Boot icon and Recovery Options. Click “Options” to boot into macOS Recovery.

8. Internet Recovery is dead on Apple Silicon

Have you had trouble booting into Internet Recovery in the past? You are not alone. Now with Apple Silicon, Internet recovery is officially retired. It will still remain for Intel based Macs. For Apple Silicon we now have 3 different ways to reinstall macOS.

  • 1. macOS Recovery = First line of recovery.
  • 2. System Recovery = Hidden partition for when normal macOS recovery is not available.
  • 3. macOS System Restore via DFU mode + Apple Configurator 2.

9. Apple Silicon macOS Recovery

Apple Silicon macOS Recovery is almost exactly the same as it is on Intel Based Macs. The only difference is Security Policy options was moved from the Menu bar to the “Startup Disk”. - Apple Silicon macOS Recovery
First line of defense, is macOS Recovery.

10. Apple Silicon System Recovery

Apple Silicon System Recovery is a new hidden recovery option in addition to macOS Recovery. If for some reason macOS Recovery becomes corrupt, System recovery will load which is the same as macOS recovery. You can use it to reinstall macOS and macOS Recovery. - Apple Silicon Mac System Recovery
System Recovery is a hidden non deletable container. It’s a new way to reinstall macOS when recovery is not available.

11. Both macOS Recovery and System Recovery are not available?

The blinking folder icon is now retired. If the Mac is not bootable, you will now see an old friend. - Apple Silicon Mac Sad Mac
The sad Mac returns when Macintosh HD, Recovery and System recovery are not available.

Credit: Martin Nobel –

12. Apple Silicon External Boot Options – USB Installer

On Apple Silicon external boot remains, but has changed.

External Boot for the macOS installer is now enabled by default

You no longer need to enter Security Options to enable External Boot!

You can build out a USB Installer of macOS Big Sur and boot your Apple Silicon Mac to it. The big difference that ONLY the installer is available for a reinstall of the OS. You can NOT erase the drive in this mode. - Apple Silicon Mac   External USB Installer Boot
You can now boot a USB macOS installer without enabling external boot in Security options! It’s enabled by default.

13. How to Use Apple Configurator 2 to reinstall macOS on Apple Silicon

If all options to reinstall macOS fail you can now use Apple Configurator 2.

  • 1. Revive = ?
  • 2. Restore = ?
  • 3. Reinstall macOS = Reinstall macOS Recovery / System Recovery / macOS

This will help with rapid deployment in lab / school situations. - Apple Silicon Mac Apple Configurator 2

14. Apple Silicon Security Policy

We know that an Apple Silicon Mac will have 2 Security modes. - Apple Silicon Mac Security Policy
Apple Silicon Security Policy menu

1.Full Security = “iOS Security” – Only the latest signed version of macOS can be installed on an Apple Silicon Mac.

Full Security

Ensures that only your current OS, or signed operating system software currently trusted by Apple, can run. This mode requires a network connection at software installation time.

WWDC 2020

2. Reduced Security = Any version of macOS that was signed by Apple.

Reduced Security

Allows any version of signed operating system software ever trusted by Apple to run.

WWDC 2020

With the new Apple Silicon Security Policy, you can set a security policy for each container! On an Intel based Mac the security policy would be set on the entire system. - Apple Silicon Mac per-OS Security Policy
New Apple Silicon Security Policy can be set differently on each container.

15. Apple Silicon Compatible Versions of macOS

Will you be able to install older versions of macOS? A quick review;

  • Full Security = iOS based security, only the latest signed version of macOS can run on the system.
  • Reduced Security = Any version of macOS that was signed by Apple can run on Apple Silicon
  • Note: The shipping OS version will be the oldest OS available to install.

16. Can I downgrade macOS on Apple Silicon?

Yes! But only with your Apple Silicon Security Policy set to “Reduced Security”.

17. How to use SMB Mac Sharing Mode (Replaces Target Disk Mode – TDM)

Target Disk Mode has been retired on Apple Silicon. It was replaced with Apple Silicon Mac Sharing Mode.

Boot to macOS recovery and then select “Mac Sharing Mode” you will be able to transfer data over USB-C cable. You will need to authenticate with a SecureToken User that is on the host Mac. - Apple Silicon Mac  Sharing Mode
Mac Sharing MOde replaces Target Disk Mode.

18. Apple Mac Mini Developer Transition Kit (DTK)

19. Rosetta 2 Intel app Emulator

About the Rosetta Translation EnvironmentLearn how Rosetta translates executables, and understand what Rosetta can’t

20. Kexts, System Extensions & Drivers

21. Apple Silicon Virtualization

As of right now, only Linux and macOS can be virtualized.

22. Apple Links


JNUC 2020 Apple Presentation

1. Apple Developer ForumsAll new for 2020

2. Xcode 12 Beta Release Notes –

3. Xcode 12 for macOS Universal Apps Beta Release

4. FeedBack Assistant.

5. What’s New for Enterprise and Education WWDC 2020 June 2020 (v1.0) (AppleSeed Account Required)

6. AppleSeed – macOS 11.0 Big Sur Beta Release Notes (AppleSeed Account Required)

23. WWDC20 Video Links

  • Port your Mac app to Apple SiliconYour porting questions, answered: Learn how to recompile your macOS app for Apple Silicon Macs and build universal apps that launch faster, have better performance, and support the future of the platform. We’ll show you how Xcode makes it simple to build a universal macOS binary.
  • What’s new in managing Apple devices. – iOS, macOS, tvOS We’ve made significant strides in bringing crucial device management features to macOS. Discover how these features can help you manage your all your devices using the same tools and technologies. Get details on changes coming this year and how they will impact your deployment
  • iPad and iPhone apps on Apple Silicon Macs.Apple Silicon Macs can run many iPad and iPhone apps as-is, and these apps will be made available to users on the Mac through the Mac App Store. Discover how iPad and iPhone apps run on Apple Silicon Macs, and the factors that make your apps come across
  • Explore the new system architecture of Apple Silicon Macs – Discover how Macs with Apple Silicon will deliver modern advantages using Apple’s System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture. Leveraging a unified memory architecture for CPU and GPU tasks, Mac apps will see amazing performance benefits.

24. MacAdmin Blog Links

This list is specifically for MacAdmins. This will be an ongoing list of articles and posts that will help you learn the latest 11.0 changes.

Howard Oakley –

Rich TroutonWWDC20

Mr. Macintosh

The Apple Ninja

25. Miscellaneous Links

26. – #AppleSilicon

Visit the #AppleSilicon Channel in MacAdmins Slack.

27. Credits

Martin Nobile – Visit his youtube channel! He found some great screenshots from Apple Silicon.

JNUC 2020 Apple Presentation Slides – Updated Info from WWDC2020 –

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