Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 11.1 Beta 2 (20C5061b) to Developers
MacOS Big Sur 11.1 Beta was released on December 3rd, 2020. The release comes about two weeks after Big Sur 11.1 Beta 1.
NOTE: The 2013-14 13″ MacBook Pro BoardID (Mac-189A3D4F975D5FFC) is not in 11.1 Beta 2.This means that Apple could be still working on a fix for this issue. You can read more about it in the link below.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 RC2 Full error = “An Error occurred installing macOS”
When you attempt to install or upgrade on a T2 Mac, you will get the error “The bridgeOS update doesn’t satisfy the given minimum version requirement.”
UPDATE 11/12/20 – This article is for yesterday’s Big Sur BETA install problem. If you are having problems downloading the new Big Sur update or full installer I have a new article on the issue. It’s for the Installation failed an error occurred while installing the selected updates error.
Almost immediately after macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 (20B28) was released, I started to see reports of install issues. This was only happening on T2 Macs that need a BridgeOS update. A BridgeOS update is included and required with almost every combo, delta and full installer upgrade or install. Below is the 11.0.1 RC2 Install error.
The error message that you will get if you try to upgrade a T2 Catalina or Big Sur Mac to 11.0.1 RC2
An error occurred installing macOS. You can try again to complete the installation.
Mr. Macintosh video that goes over the issue.
The problem is the new production Software Update Catalog URL does not have the needed BridgeOS update yet.
The problem comes down to the installer looking to the new production SUS url. Apple just made the production SUS catalog available. The new URL is
The production URL does NOT include the required BridgeOS update needed for the Big Sur RC2 installer to continue.
The BridgeOS error from install.log
This is the error that you will get.
bridgeOS update prepare complete
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 osinstallersetupd[5967]: bridgeOS update prepare failed: Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 osinstallersetupd[5967]: Operation queue failed with error: Error Code=602 "An error occurred installing macOS." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred installing macOS., NSUnderlyingError=0x7fde25b85770 {Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}}}
2020-11-11 01:49:05-06 InstallAssistant[5928]: Stopped operation queue with Error Code=602 "An error occurred installing macOS." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fd70cf90da0 {Error Domain=BOSErrorDomain Code=110 "The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement." UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=, NSLocalizedDescription=The bridgeOS update doesn't satisfy the given minimum version requirement.}}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You can try again to complete the installation., NSLocalizedDescription=An error occurred installing macOS.}
Notice this line
“The bridgeOS update doesn’t satisfy the given minimum version requirement.” UserInfo={bridgeVersion=17.16.16610.0.0,0, minimumVersion=18.16.12561.0.0,0, catalogURL=“
You can use sudo nvram -p to view all the nvram settings.
NOTE! When you are done with the upgrade, don’t forget to remove the value!
sudo nvram -d IASUCatalogURL
MacAdmins at work!
It’s amazing to see MacAdmins working together to solve an issue. Yesterday afternoon a bunch of Admins including @golby, @eholtam, @owen, @dave.shepp, @macmule, @matt_h and @deets jumped in to help figure this out and pass on the information to others.
macOS Big Sur Beta 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 (20B28) Beta 3 is Live!
UPDDATE 11/10/20 10:30PM
Apple has released a full installer for 11.0.1 RC2
Public Beta Released!
No listed changes from RC1 > RC2
New Platform ID’s found! MacBook Air = MacBookAir10,1 MacBook Pro = MacBookPro17,1 Mac mini = Macmini9,1 – HT Martin Nobel for finding these!
Getting reports of BridgeOS Update errors when trying to upgrade a T2 Mac that has never had Big Sur on it before.
Mr. Macintosh macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate Video!
MacOS Big Sur 11.0.1 RC 2 (Beta 3) was released on November 10th, 2020 after the Apple Silicon “One more thing” event. The release comes about one week after 11.0.1 RC Beta 2. We were expecting that Big Sur might launch today or tomorrow but now it’s been confirmed…
Big Sur – November 12, 2020!
macOS Big Sur will be released to the public on November 12, 2020!
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
13. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B28) Beta 3 RC 2 – 11/10/20 Current Release
12. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5022a) Beta 2 RC – 11/05/20 My Release Notes
11. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5012d) Beta 1 – 10/28/20 – My Release Notes
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 RC 2 – Beta 3 Release Candidate (20B28) Release Notes
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Known Issues
You might be unable to pair certain braille displays using Bluetooth. (69794099)Workaround: Connect these devices using USB instead.
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This reveals the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6 or later.
Known Issues
Installing a new kernel extension requires signing in as an Admin user. You must also restart your Mac to load the extension. Kernel extensions using certain deprecated KPIs won’t be loaded. For more information, see Deprecated Kernel Extensions and System Extension Alternatives. (55068348)Workaround: During development, you can temporarily disable System Integrity Protection to allow these deprecated kernel extensions to load.
New in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2, the system ships with a built-in dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the cache. (62986286)
Use only absolute paths with the --volume-root option of kmutil, and don’t use a trailing /. (63773848)
Symbols exported by both xnu and Apple kernel extensions will change. Recompile your kernel extension with each update to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Release Candidate 2 to ensure compatibility. (64262563)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabel generic parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but it causes apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
Third-Party Apps
Known Issues
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1
Known Issues
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 11.0.1 Beta 1 (20B5012d) to Developers
MacOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta 1 was released on October 28th, 2020. The release comes about 2 weeks after Beta 10. We were expecting Beta 11 or a GM seed, so it’s strange that we are getting 11.0.1 Beta. It’s possible that Apple Silicon Macs (currently in active production) will have 11.0 installed on them. When they arrive they will see 11.0.1 as an available update.
UPDATE: 10/29
Full Installer now available!
Fixes VP9 Safari YouTube Codec Error
New wallpaper + Mojave wallpaper was removed
New Startup chime for 2013-2017 Macs = Same as T2 chime
AirPods Update Bug – Moves volume mixer to Right or Left
Software Update Button = Downloading Beta 10 full installer for some users.
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
11. Big Sur 11 Beta 11.0.1 (20B5012d) Beta 1 – 10/28/20 – Current Release
Now that macOS Big Sur 11.0 Beta is live, start testing as soon as you can! You will want to submit any bugs that you find into Apple ASAP. If you get bugs in quickly, they could be fixed in the current beta cycle instead of waiting until after the public release. If not, you could be waiting months before the fix is put into a dot release combo update.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 Beta 11 (20B5012d) Release Notes
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Known Issues
You might be unable to pair certain braille displays using Bluetooth. (69794099)Workaround: Connect these devices using USB instead.
macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Installer and Software Update
Known Issues
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This reveals the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6 or later.
Known Issues
Installing a new kernel extension requires signing in as an Admin user. You must also restart your Mac to load the extension. Kernel extensions using certain deprecated KPIs won’t be loaded. For more information, see Deprecated Kernel Extensions and System Extension Alternatives. (55068348)Workaround: During development, you can temporarily disable System Integrity Protection to allow these deprecated kernel extensions to load.
New in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta, the system ships with a built-in dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the cache. (62986286)
Use only absolute paths with the --volume-root option of kmutil, and don’t use a trailing /. (63773848)
Symbols exported by both xnu and Apple kernel extensions will change. Recompile your kernel extension with each update to macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta to ensure compatibility. (64262563)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta
Certain languages no longer exhibit clipped or misaligned layout. (63105445)
Certain languages no longer display unlocalized text. (63105674, 64040564, 64045718)
When you deliver your iPad app on the Mac via Catalyst, your existing users on iOS no longer need to purchase your app a second time. In addition, you can manage the capabilities and App Store metadata of your app in one place.
Application preferences that include no items users can set are instead shown in the About box.
Known Issues
A ToolbarItem with automatic placement isn’t placed in the window toolbar. (63690384)
Select UIKit controls, control customizations, and methods throw exceptions when used in the Mac idiom. Unsupported controls and behaviors on macOS Big Sur 11 throw exceptions as follows:
If you apply both preferredAction and UIAlertActionStyleCancel to the same action, preferredAction takes precedence. It’s not possible to have a default button with the escape key equivalent.
The system adds an Open Recent menu automatically to applications that support opening files. The menu identifier is UIMenuOpenRecent.
You must adopt the NETransparentProxyProvider API in your transparent proxy implementation in order for it to function correctly. (65228404)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabel generic parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but it causes apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11.0.1 beta
DisclosureGroup’s isExpanded binding now works as expected in a List. (58820037)
The system now lazily evaluates List updates. (58820037)
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1
Known Issues
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
Big Sur Beta 10 Released. This could be the final beta release before GM!
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 10 (20A5395g) to Developers
UPDATE 10/15 12:30PM – Surprise! macOS Big Sur Beta 10 Full Installer is now available.
macOS Big Sur Beta 10 Full Installer is now available. (Along with public beta)
UPDATE 10/15 10:00AM – New Beta 10 Features found
1. New Feature – You can now press the power button to lock your screen!
2. New Menu Bar item – “Now Playing”. This was hidden away since Beta 1 but was now added to the menu bar by default in Beta 10.
4. New Feature – Redesigned Dynamic Wallpaper selection menu
5. New Wallpaper – “Big Sur Aerial”
6. Some users are reporting issues with YouTube and Netflix in Safari.
UPDATE 10/14 4:30PM – Looks like we are not going to get a full installer for this release. The good news is that Active Directory login seems to be fixed in Beta 10!!!
MacOS Big Sur 11 Beta 10 (20A5395g) was released on October 14th, 2020. The release comes 1 day after the Apple October Phone Special Event and two weeks after Beta 9. We could get a GM release in 1-2 weeks with a launch not much longer after that. MacOS Catalina had 11 beta releases including the gold master, so again we are getting very close to release.
Mr. Macintosh Part 1 Quick look at all the new features and issues in macOS Big Sur Beta 10!
2. Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
10. Big Sur 11 Beta 10 (20A5395g) – 10/14/20 – Current Release
Now that macOS Big Sur 11.0 Beta is live, start testing as soon as you can! You will want to submit any bugs that you find into Apple ASAP. If you get bugs in quickly, they could be fixed in the current beta cycle instead of waiting until after the public release. If not, you could be waiting months before the fix is put into a dot release combo update.
macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 10 (20A5395g) Release Notes
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
macOS Big Sur 11 beta 10 is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Core Data
Resolved Issues
Core Data’s model editor no longer displays a blank Detail area for an Entity. (69472812)
Installer and Software Update
Known Issues
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This reveals the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11 beta. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11 beta is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6 or later.
Known Issues
Installing a new kernel extension requires signing in as an Admin user. You must also restart your Mac to load the extension. Kernel extensions using certain deprecated KPIs won’t be loaded. For more information, see Deprecated Kernel Extensions and System Extension Alternatives. (55068348)Workaround: During development, you can temporarily disable System Integrity Protection to allow these deprecated kernel extensions to load.
New in macOS Big Sur 11 beta, the system ships with a built-in dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the cache. (62986286)
kmutil install might fail to build a development kextcache. (63772702)Workaround: Copy the release .elides to the locations of the development .elides:sudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.development.elidessudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.kasan.elides sudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/BootKernelExtensions.kc.debug.elidessudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.development.elidessudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.kasan.elidessudo cp /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.elides /path/to/livemount/System/Library/KernelCollections/SystemKernelExtensions.kc.debug.elides
Use only absolute paths with the --volume-root option of kmutil, and don’t use a trailing /. (63773848)
Symbols exported by both xnu and Apple kernel extensions will change. Recompile your kernel extension with each update to macOS Big Sur 11 beta to ensure compatibility. (64262563)
Known Issues
Certain languages might exhibit clipped or misaligned layout. (63105445)
Certain languages might display unlocalized text. (63105674, 64040564, 64045718)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 10
Notes and Photos no longer quit unexpectedly if the system language is set to Greek. (69548692)
Mac Catalyst
Known Issues
A ToolbarItem with automatic placement isn’t placed in the window toolbar. (63690384)
Network Extension
Resolved Issues
You must adopt the NETransparentProxyProvider API in your transparent proxy implementation in order for it to function correctly. (65228404)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabel generic parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but will cause apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
DisclosureGroup‘s isExpanded binding doesn’t work as expected in a List. (58820037)
ScrollView now has a correct default scroll position when underneath the titlebar. (64319463)
A TextField that you are editing inside a selected List row now has correct text foreground colors. (68545878)
Third-Party Apps
Known Issues
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1
Known Issues
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
VMware Fusion Player 12 is now free for personal use on the Mac!
Last month VMware announced VMware Fusion 12. The new version includes macOS Big Sur support for host and guest. VMware also announced that the Mac version is now FREE ($149 Normal Price) for personal use! Previously the Free VMware player was only available on Windows. You can use it to test macOS, Windows 10, or Linux. If you’ve always wanted to set up a macOS VM, now is the time. It’s never been easier to build a test VM, so let’s get started!
How To Register, Download, Install & Configure VMware Fusion Player 12 – Mr. Macintosh Video.
Create a New VMware Account.
VMware notes that the free version is available for the following situations.
Fusion Player offers a Personal Use License, available for free with a valid MyVMware account. Home users, Open Source contributors, students, and anyone else can use Fusion Player Free for Non-Commercial activity.
If you are one of those, head over to the registration site.
This link also has a download area to get the the 600MB .dmg installer.
Install VMware Fusion Player 12
Open the .dmg and install Fusion Player 12. NOTE: VMware Fusion 12 requires macOS Catalina or newer. Once complete, open the application and you will be prompted to enter in the license key.
When you first start VMWare Fusion you will get a Select Install Method Screen. In the past you needed to run through a bunch of steps to create a macOS Install .ISO file. Not anymore, you can just drag and drop the full Install macOS (or Windows iso or Linux .iso) over to this window to begin!
VMware Fusion Player 12 – Select Install Method
The next screen will let you select macOS file. You will normally only see the one that you just dragged over. In my case, I have already installed 10.14, 10.15 and 11.0. Click Continue.
VMware Fusion Player 12 – Select Install image
You will now see a final finish screen, before you start to configure the VM.
Finish of the VM setup wizard.
The next screen will tell you that VMware Fusion Player is creating installation media.
VMware Fusion Player 12 – Creating Installation Media
You will get a warning about running this VM machine with side channel mitigations enable. It says that side channel mitigations provide enhanced security but lower performance. You can change the settings when the VM is not running in the Advanced panel of the VM.
VMware Fusion Player 12 – You are running this virtual machine with side channel mitigations enabled.
The new macOS VM is booting to the installer! Once booted, it will be just like you booted into the recovery partition. All you need to do is select Install macOS to begin.
VMware Fusion Player 12 – Booting to the macOS Installer.
30 Minutes or so later you will be at the Setup Assistant Screen.
Congratulations! You’ve just built your first macOS virtual Machine!
One of the best features about having a macOS virtual machine is snapshots. You can build out a fresh OS and then take a snapshot before you make any changes to the system. Did the test not work? No big deal! Instead of reinstalling the OS to test again, just revert back to a previous snapshot! It’s literally that simple. You can access snapshots from the Virtual Machine menu bar item.
Boot your macOS VM to Recovery Mode
Quick Way – sudo nvram "recovery-boot-mode=unused" && sudo reboot
If you need to boot the VM to macOS Recovery mode, all you need to do is edit the .vmx file located in /Users/youruserfolder/Virtual Machines/vmnamehere
Right on the file and then select “Show Package Contents”. Inside will be your vmnamehere.vmx file. Right click on that file and edit it with your favorite text editor. Add this line at the very end of the file and click save.
macosguest.forceRecoveryModeInstall = "TRUE"
Start up the VM an you will now be in recovey mode.
To boot back to macOS, open that same file and delete the line that you just added above and click save.
The final step is to delete the .nvram file in that same directory.
NOTE: 10/07/20
I am having trouble booting to recovery with Big Sur Beta, I’m going to run a few more tests. This works fine on 10.14 and 10.15.
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 9 (20A5384c) to Developers
MacOS Big Sur 11 Beta 9 (20A5384c) was released on September 29th, 2020 only one week after Beta 8! We are starting to get weekly beta releases. MacOS Catalina had 11 beta releases including the gold master, so again we are getting very close to release. Beta 7 & 8 did not get a full installer so hopefully we get one this time around. I’m still waiting to see if any changes are listed around screen recording, I will update as soon.
UPDATE: 10/05 – softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer does not work in Big Sur Beta 9
UPDATE: 9/30 – Apple has just released a Beta 9 Full Installer!!!
Released on 9/30 at 12PM CST a Beta 9 Full Installer!
UPDATE 9/29 – Items not found in Big Sur Beta 9 official patch notes
Beta 9 does not have a full installer available 🙁
We now control screen recording access for standard users with MDM! (More information available in the AppleSeed patch notes)
Active Directory login is still not working in Beta 9. Hopefully it’s fixed in the next release. The plugin was working fine in Beta 6 and 7.
Xcode command line tools are now available for 12.2 Beta 2
Setup assistant bug where you could not hit continue = Fixed.
Beta 9 seems to take longer to prepare the install (30min+)
2. Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
9. Big Sur 11 Beta 9 (20A5384c) – 09/29/20 – Current Release
Now that macOS Big Sur 11.0 Beta is live, start testing as soon as you can! You will want to submit any bugs that you find into Apple ASAP. If you get bugs in quickly, they could be fixed in the current beta cycle instead of waiting until after the public release. If not, you could be waiting months before the fix is put into a dot release combo update.
macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 9 (20A5384c) Release Notes
The macOS 11 SDK provides support to develop apps for Macs running macOS Big Sur 11. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 12.2 beta, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 12.2, see Xcode 12.2 Beta Release Notes.
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 8 (20A5374i) to Developers
UPDATE 9/23/20 – Beta 8 Issues
Big Sur Beta 8 does not have a full installer, hopefully we will get one when Beta 9 hits in a week or two.
No changes or additional notes to Screen Recording controls, it was noted in Beta 7 that we would get some sort of MDM controls for this for standard users.
Active Directory login is not working in Beta 8 after an upgrade. Was working fine in Beta 6 and 7.
You can take a look at my Beta 7 article, it has a list of current standing issues that might not have been fixed in Beta 8 yet.
MacOS Big Sur 11 Beta 8 (20A5374i) was released on September 22nd, 2020 only 7 days after Beta 7! MacOS Catalina had 11 beta releases including the gold master, so we are getting close to release. Beta 8 is very small and only includes one noted fix in the developer notes. I am still waiting to see if any changes are listed around screen recording or if we get a full installer. I will update as soon.
During the Big Sur beta release cycle, only the current beta patch notes are available. When a new beta is released the previous patch notes are overwritten. I compare both sets of release notes so I find the changes.
1. Note: Apple did not provide a full installer for Beta 8.
2. Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
8. Big Sur 11 Beta 8 (20A5374i) – 09/22/20 – Current Release
Now that macOS Big Sur 11.0 Beta is live, start testing as soon as you can! You will want to submit any bugs that you find into Apple ASAP. If you get bugs in quickly, they could be fixed in the current beta cycle instead of waiting until after the public release. If not, you could be waiting months before the fix is put into a dot release combo update.
macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 8 (20A5374i) Release Notes
The macOS 11 SDK provides support to develop apps for Macs running macOS Big Sur 11. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 12.2 beta, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 12.2, see Xcode 12.2 Beta Release Notes.
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
macOS Big Sur 11 beta 8 is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Installer and Software Update
Known Issues
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This will reveal the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11 beta. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11 beta is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6.
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 8
An issue with the kernel no longer causes applications to quit unexpectedly. (69093270)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabel generic parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but will cause apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
Drag-and-drop actions can sometimes fail when dropping on dynamic view content. (68281403)
Dynamically updating OutlineGroup content can fail to update correctly or cause an application to quit unexpectedly. (58820037)
DisclosureGroup’s isExpanded binding does not work as expected in a List. (58820037)
Some standard menu items, such as Open Recents or Window menu items, are missing from the main menu. (63998004)
Third-Party Apps
Known Issues
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
The Command Line Tools package for Xcode 12.2 beta isn’t currently available. (69012274)
Downgrade Big Sur T2 BridgeOS Beta to a Production Catalina version of BridgeOS.
Using Apple Configurator, you can now downgrade T2 BridgeOS Beta to a Production version of BridgeOS.
Downgrading the version of your T2 BridgeOS has never been possible. Developers and customers could only get a NEWER version of BridgeOS when updating or upgrading macOS. The ability to downgrade BridgeOS on a T2 Mac was simply not possible. This new change to Apple Configurator 2 most likely happened between version 2.12 – 2.12.1.
My quick 4 min video on how to boot your into DFU mode + restore / revive BridgeOS.
Deep Dive explanation on how to boot your Mac into DFU Mode + How to Reinstall BridgeOS with Apple Configurator 2 – Mr. Macintosh YouTube live demo.
Table of Contents
1. Why would you want to downgrade from a beta version of BridgeOS?
2. Can you Downgrade to a Lower Production version of BridgeOS?
3. Problems Running Catalina with a Big Sur Beta BridgeOS Version.
4. Closer look at BridgeOS versioning
5. The Big Sur installer is now using DeviceIDs compatibility checks.
6. BridgeOSUpdateCustomer updater
7. How to Downgrade a Beta Version of BridgeOS to a Production Version.
8. The Revive Option (for science)
9. Final Notes
1. Why would you want to downgrade from a beta version of BridgeOS?
Let’s say that you installed Big Sur Beta 6, and are now having a ton of problems. You probably want to downgrade to Catalina so you can work again. The only problem is, you are still on Big Sur Beta 6 BridgeOS version 18.16.12370. Keep in mind, your Mac SHOULD still work fine with this version. An example of this is if you have Catalina 10.15.6 installed on your Mac, your BridgeOS version is 17.16.16610. Let’s say that you need to test something on version 10.15.3. After installing Catalina 10.15.3, your BridgeOS version will NOT be downgraded to the period correct version of 17.16.13050. It will run just fine on the 10.15.6 version of 17.16.16610 BridgeOS. The same is the case if you have a Big Sur Beta version of BridgeOS and you downgrade to Catalina.
2. Can you Downgrade to a Lower Production version of BridgeOS?
If you are running macOS Beta, then you can use Apple Configurator 2 to downgrade your T2 BridgeOS to a final or production version of BridgeOS.
What about if you are running a production version of macOS? You can downgrade BridgeOS with Apple Configurator 2, but only for 1 week after a new macOS software update. Apple will unsign the previous version of BridgeOS along with previous iOS updates.
3. Problems Running Catalina with a Big Sur Beta BridgeOS Version.
Let’s say after you downgraded from Big Sur Beta to Catalina 10.15.6, you are now having problems. You might start to see weird issues or crashes? Normally you would have to wait until the next beta or the production version of Big Sur to get a stable version of BridgeOS on your Mac.
Looking at the xml file, I need to find my 2019 16″ MacBook Pro. Regular Model Identifiers or BoardIDs are not used here. You need to find the iBridge ProductID. Below is a snippet of the above .xml file. Below the version of BridgeOS = 17P6610
5. The Big Sur installer is now using DeviceIDs compatibility checks.
A change to the macOS Installer Beta was noticed by @grahampugh. He noticed that the new Big Sur installer now looks at the Mac DeviceID for T2 Systems and BoardID for older 2017 and below Macs.
6. BridgeOSUpdateCustomer updater
Now that we have the DeviceID, how do we know which version of BridgeOS is compatible for this model? The xml file gives us a clue BuildVersion 17P6610. I am used to keeping track of the BridgeOS Boot Rom version which is listed like this 17.16.16065.
The BuildVersion/BuildNumber is located inside the BridgeOSUpdateCustomer > BridgeOSUpdateCustomer.pkg > BuildManifest.plist.
ApBoardID 0x3E ApChipID 0x8012 ApSecurityDomain 0x01 Info
Apple Configurator 2 offers two options to Reinstall/Downgrade BridgeOS. Only the Restore option will help you downgrade and stay on the Catalina specific version.
Restore = ERASES YOUR HARD DRIVE + Downgrade BridgeOS
If you want to downgrade to macOS Catalina and a Catalina version of BridgeOS, the fastest way is to use the Restore option. Once the restore is complete, you will be on a the Catalina Production Version of BridgeOS and will have empty hard drive. You can now use Internet Recovery to reinstall macOS Catalina.
What happens if you chose the Revive option?
8. The Revive Option (for science)
As noted above, you have no real reason to use this option. But for science, what would happen? If you are on Big Sur Beta want to downgrade T2 BridgeOS Beta using the Revive option, you will leave your Mac in a non bootable state. This is because you are now running a BridgeOS version that is OLDER than the required Big Sur Beta BridgeOS. The good news is, your T2 Mac is smart enough to repair itself! As soon as the revive option finishes, your Mac will boot to a flashing folder alert or the Internet Recovery boot menu. If it boots to the flashing folder, just boot to Command Option R or Command R and you will get the menu below.
Internet Recovery Boot Menu
Connect to the internet and let it continue. You will be brought to a message that says,
You will get this message as soon as you are booted to the Internet Recovery environment.
A software update is required to use this startup disk.
Click Update and your mac will download the correct build of Big Sur Beta BridgeOS.
On this screen your Mac is updating Bridge OS to a Big Sur compatible BridgeOS.
Once complete, the Mac will boot back to Big Sur. The only way to avoid this would be to boot the Mac to Target Disk Mode so you could erase the drive and reinstall Catalina. That’s why if you want to have BridgeOS and Catalina on the same version the Apple Configurator RESTORE option is the way to go. Just make sure to backup everything before you start as all data will be lost.
9. Final Notes
It should be pretty rare that you should ever need to downgrade BridgeOS from a Beta version. Keep in mind this will ONLY work for beta versions. As I noted above you can’t downgrade from a 10.15.6 version of BridgeOS to say a 10.15.3 version. With that said I would love to be able to downgrade to a previous version. If it’s your job to test OS Updates, once you update one test T2 Mac it’s done. It will not perform the BridgeOS update again until the next update. I really like that Apple let’s us downgrade from a beta version of BridgeOS, the more ways for customers to fix their devices the better! A big hat tip goes out to Mr. Macintosh reader thomas089 for first testing this and commenting in my main article!
Today Apple released macOS Big Sur Beta 7 (20A5374g) to Developers
UPDATE 9/20/20 – New Big Sur Beta 7 issues.
1. Enterprise Connect 2.0.5 is not working properly. You can sign in one time, but never again. While the app is attempting to sign in, it will take attention from anything that you are working on at random intervals.
2. Security & Privacy Pane is crashing/not loading correctly. The error that you will get is “There was an error in Security & Privacy preferences.”
3. Share Audio Recordings first time sign in prompt continue button is greyed out preventing you from finishing the setup assistant. WORKAROUND – you have to hit the back button to back one step then go to the next window again.
UPDATE 9/17/20 – Confirmed Big Sur Beta 7 Fixes that are not in the developer notes.
1. SMB connection bug fixed!
2. Date & Time > Clock Menu Bar greyed out bug fixed by moving settings to Dock & Menu Bar > Menu Bar Clock
3. MDM Support for permitting standard users to allow Screen Recording is not available and is listed as a “Known Issue” in Big Sur Beta 7. Hoping we will get that MDM Support in Beta 8, as we are quickly running out of time.
MacOS Big Sur 11 Beta 7 (20A5374g) was released on September 17th, 2020. During the Big Sur beta release cycle, only the current beta patch notes are available. When a new beta is released the previous patch notes are overwritten. I compare both sets of release notes so I find the changes.
AppleSeed = x Resolved Issues x Announcements & x Known Issues –
1. Note: for this macOS Big Sur Build, there will only be a software update available to take you from Beta 6 (20A53643e) to Beta 7 (20A53774g). If you are starting with a build earlier than Beta 6, or from macOS Catalina or an earlier version of macOS, you will need to install Beta 6 prior to updating to Beta 7. Translation = NO FULL INSTALLER FOR BETA 7!
2. Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
3. macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7 is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Previous Big Sur 11 Beta Releases
7. Big Sur 11 Beta 7 (20A5374g) – 09/17/20 – Current Release
Now that macOS Big Sur 11.0 Beta is live, start testing as soon as you can! You will want to submit any bugs that you find into Apple ASAP. If you get bugs in quickly, they could be fixed in the current beta cycle instead of waiting until after the public release. If not, you could be waiting months before the fix is put into a dot release combo update.
macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 7 (20A5364e) Release Notes
The macOS 11 SDK provides support to develop apps for Macs running macOS Big Sur 11. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 12.2 beta, available from Beta Software Downloads. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 12.2, see doc://
Known Issues
Updating to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from previous versions of macOS might take significantly longer than expected. Data loss could occur if the update is interrupted. (59101197)
macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7 is designated as qualifying for the 50% Apple Security Bounty bonus payment for issues that are unknown to Apple or reintroduced in this release. See Apple Security Bounty for more information.
Installer and Software Update
Known Issues
When updating from macOS Big Sur 11 beta 2 to macOS Big Sur 11 beta 3 or later, you might be offered an unexpectedly large download rather than an incremental software update. (65753086)Workaround: Under the “Another update is available” text, click the “More info…” link. This will reveal the incremental update where you can click the Install Now button.
You might need to adjust Energy Saver settings so your Mac doesn’t go to sleep while preparing to install macOS Big Sur 11 beta. (63166401)
If macOS Big Sur 11 beta is installed into the same APFS container as previous versions of macOS Catalina 10.15, system software updates can no longer be installed on the previous versions of macOS. (64411484)Workaround: Update the previous version of macOS Catalina to 10.15.6.
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
You can now update macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7, if Secure Boot is set to No Security. (63434409)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
Third-party driver extensions now run after restarting your Mac. (67416908)
DriverKit extensions now function as expected. (67594339)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
You can now find an application using Spotlight without an initial launch using Finder. (64463806)
Known Issues
ProgressView generic type signature has changed, adding the currentValueLabel generic parameter. This change doesn’t require any source changes, but will cause apps compiled using an earlier beta SDK to quit unexpectedly. (63580200)Workaround: Re-compile apps for macOS Big Sur 11 Beta 6 or later to resolve this issue.
Drag-and-drop actions can sometimes fail when dropping on dynamic view content. (68281403)
Dynamically updating OutlineGroup content can fail to update correctly or cause an application to quit unexpectedly. (58820037)
DisclosureGroup’s isExpanded binding does not work as expected in a List. (58820037)
Some standard menu items, such as Open Recents or Window menu items, are missing from the main menu. (63998004)
New Features in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
Adding a Spacer to a toolbar now creates flexible spaces. (64189289)
A ToolbarItem now automatically creates an overflow menu item. (60104785)
Use the new .fileImporter() modifier to present a system interface for importing one or more files into your app, and the new .fileMover() modifier to move one or more existing files to a new location. The following is an example of a simple UI for importing and moving files:struct FileMover : View { @Binding var selectedFiles: [URL] var includeDirectories: Bool = false @State private var isImporting: Bool = false @State private var isMovingSelection: Bool = false var body: some View { List(selectedFiles, id: \.self) { url in Text(url.absoluteString) } .toolbar { Button("Import", action: { isImporting = true }) Button("Move", action: { isMovingSelection = true }) } .fileImporter( isPresented: $isImporting, allowedContentTypes: includeDirectories ? [.item, .directory] : [.item], allowsMultipleSelection: true ) { result in do { selectedFiles = try result.get() } catch { // Handle failure. } } .fileMover(isPresented: $isMovingSelection, files: selectedFiles) { if case .success = $0 { selectedFiles = [] } else { // Handle failure. } } }}
Use the new .fileExporter() modifier to present a system interface for exporting one or more documents from your app. In this example, an app provides a simple note-taking interface for quickly jotting down some text and then exporting it to disk:struct QuickNote : View { @Binding var draft: QuickNoteDocument @State private var isExporting: Bool = false var body: some View { TextEditor(text: $draft.text) .toolbar { Button("Save", action: { isExporting = true }) } .fileExporter( isPresented: $isExporting, document: draft, contentType: .plainText, defaultFilename: "MyNote" ) { result in // Clear the draft now that it's saved. if case .success = result { draft.text = "" } else { // Handle failure. } } }} struct QuickNoteDocument : FileDocument { static var readableContentTypes: [UTType] { [.plainText] } var text: String init(text: String) { self.text = text } init(configuration: ReadConfiguration) throws { // Deserialize the document. } func fileWrapper(configuration: WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper { // Serialize the document. }}
Use the new .fileMover() modifier to present a system interface for moving one or more existing files to a new location. (66182201)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
A DisclosureGroup used outside of a List no longer causes an application to quit unexpectedly. (67780773)
sheets now correctly size to their contents. (67219542)
Multiline Text in a List now wraps, automatically growing the row height as needed. Adding a lineLimit(1) modifier to the Text will restore the the old truncating single line behavior. (50990605)
A List containing nested ForEach content now updates correctly. (62863714)
TabView now has a minimum size based on its selected tab. Adding a fixedSize() modifier to the TabView will cause it to be fixed to the ideal size of its selected tab. (59097532)
Using a TextEditor as the root view of a window no longer causes an application to quit unexpectedly. (67572104)
Drag and drop previews now appear as expected, matching the appearance of their source view. (59513411)
Third-Party Apps
Known Issues
You might experience kernel panics when using earlier versions of Parallels Desktop 16. (67358596)Workaround: Upgrade to the most-recent version of Parallels Desktop 16.
Some third-party scripts might produce unexpected results due to the change in macOS version from 10.x to 11. (62477208)Workaround: Set SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1 in the calling environment, for example: $ SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=1
isPassLibraryAvailable() doesn’t ensure uniform availability of pass library functionality between platforms and devices. (60697880)Workaround: Call a more specific API to check available functionality, such as canAddPasses().
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
When set to My Location, the Weather widget now displays the weather for that location. (66338250)
Known Issues
Legacy Xcode versions prior to 11.5 might unexpectedly quit when launched. (59991056)Workaround: Run the following command in Terminal: defaults write DVTDisableMainThreadChecker 1, then deselect Main Thread Checker in the Diagnostic tab of the Run and Test actions for each scheme in your project.
The Command Line Tools package for Xcode 12.2 beta isn’t currently available. (69012274)
Resolved in macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7
You’re now able to launch Mac Catalyst and iOS apps using Xcode. (67356581)