Time to Start Testing Big Sur Beta Against Your MDM Workflows!
By now, you have already heard the news, the annual macOS release is here! The new OS is called Big Sur and is now macOS 11! That’s neat and all, but it’s time to start testing workflows. Time is of the essence, we only have about 10 or so beta releases before Big Sur is production ready.
Every year I put together a “Need to Know” article on all the latest macOS Beta changes. You can check out the post below, I will keep it updated new information comes out.
Jamf Pro & Big Sur
Big Sur enrollment using Jamf Pro is currently Broken. If you attempt to take Big Sur Beta 1 through DEP/Automated Enrollment it will fail. Behind the scenes, the jamf binary is not installing properly. A quick workaround is to build out a 10.15.5 Mac, then enroll it in to Jamf Pro. Run the Big Sur Upgrade and your Mac will be fully working with Jamf Pro.
@franton gives a great overview of why Jamf Pro is having enrollment issues on Big Sur. jamf.com/jamf-nation/feature-requests/9531/jamf-enrollment-improvement-suggestion
As far as I can tell, the enrollment process is InstallApplication a zero payload pkg which then curls down the jamf binary. The binary is then trying to install the JSS communication certificate via the profiles command and this doesn’t work with Big Sur. The end result is I have a mac with the binary but no way for it to “phone home”.
Fresh Big Sur Install Workaround
You just finished installing Big Sur, and don’t want to waste time erasing the drive + reinstalling the OS two times! There has to be a better way.
The workaround is pretty simple if your Mac serial number is in DEP.
- 1. Build out fresh Big Sur Beta 1 Mac
- 2. You are now at the Setup Assistant
- 2. Do not connect the Mac to WiFi or Ethernet
- 4. Create Local Account
- 5. Connect to network
- 6. Run
sudo profiles renew -type enrollment
- 7. You will see an enrollment notification in the upper right corner.
- 8. The enrollment will fail.
- 9. Use Recon.app to create QuickAdd.pkg Or use the quickadd enrollment URL = https://your.jps.com/enroll?type=QuickAdd
- 10. Copy QuickAdd.pkg to Target Mac & Install Or run QuickAdd.pkg from downloads.
That’s it! You are now enrolled into Jamf Pro. Tomorrow I will try with the https://casperserverhere.domain.com:8443/enroll method to see if can figure out . This would be for any mac that is not enrolled into DEP.
Hat Tip goes out to MacAdmin @kennyb for testing this method. I was able to verify the method this afternoon.
Jamf fix Coming in the Next Beta Release
Jamf said just today, that they found the enrollment issue last week and a fix is coming in the next beta release!
Non DEP Mac Enrollment
MacAdmin @aaronpolley put together instructions for enrolling a device that is not in DEP. In his example, he is pulling directly from his Jamf Cloud instance and manually creating a Jamf configuration file.
Aaron’s instructions start below.
If anyone is testing macOS 11 Beta and using Jamf Pro as your MDM, the jamf
binary fails to install and complete the enrolment (as some mentioned here already)I am putting together some notes to submit in the correct places….. however for the short term here are the steps to get the Binary installed and complete the enrolment (for either DEP or UIE)
sudo -i
mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
mkdir -p /usr/local/jamf/bin/
cd /usr/local/jamf/bin/
rm ./jamf.gz
curl "https://yoururl.jamfcloud.com/bin/level1/jamf.gz" -o ./jamf.gz
rm ./jamf
gunzip ./jamf.gz
chmod 755 ./jamf
chown root:wheel ./jamf
./jamf createConf -server https://yoururl.jamfcloud.com
defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist jss_url "https://yoururl.jamfcloud.com/"
defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist
ln -s /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf /usr/local/bin/
./jamf enroll -prompt -verbose
You will need to trust the CA cert using your admin password via UI password prompt rather than it passing through via CLI when root
as in the pastAlso as shared previously this gives some greate debugging feedback WHILE the initial MDM enrolment is occuring, so best run whilst doing a DEP Nag enrolment (profiles renew -type enrollment
) or via UIE:
log stream --info --debug --predicate 'processImagePath contains "mdmclient" OR processImagePath contains "storedownloadd"
NOTE: Please keep in mind, the instructions in this article are for testing only and are not for a production Mac
Big Sur Jamf Enrollment