New Supplemental Update released ONLY for the new AMD Radeon Pro 5600M 16″ MacBook Pro.
Apple has a released a new Supplemental Update for macOS Catalina 10.15.5 (19F2200). This update is ONLY for the new AMD Radeon Pro 5600M equipped 16″ MacBook Pro.
In a surprise one week before WWDC, Apple has released a new version of the 16″ MacBook Pro. The new option is a new AMD Radeon Pro 5600M graphics card with 8GB of HBM2 memory. The new A new Supplemental Update build of macOS Catalina 10.15.5 was also released today. This update is only for the new 5600M equipped 16″ MacBook Pro that was released today. The New Supplemental update patch notes say “macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update provides important security updates and is recommended for all users“. This says “All Users” even though it’s only for the new model. The Supplemental Update is now also available for download as a pkg update and updated full
New (16-inch, AMD Radeon Pro 5600M)
The new Machine model name = (16-inch, AMD Radeon Pro 5600M). The shipping BuildVersion of this new model is macOS Catalina 10.15.5 (19F2096). The new supplemental update will show up in softwareupdate for the new AMD 5600M 16″ MacBook Pro only. After the Supplemental Update is installed the BuildVersion will be (19F2200).
New BoardID
I keep an index of all Mac BoardID’s on this page.
The Catalina 10.15.4 Update is causing kernel panics in some 16″ 2019 MacBook Pros.
Did you Install the 10.15.4/10.15.5 Update on your 16 Inch MacBook Pro 2019, only to get a Kernel Panic after you Wake it from Sleep? You are not alone.
UPDATE 7/09/20 – I have received word that the wake from sleep kernel panic issue is resolved in 10.15.6 Beta 4 GM (19G71a). If still have the issue and can test, please let me know.
UPDATE 6/25/20 – I have a few reports that Big Sur Beta 1 fixed the issue, but for others they can still reproduce the problem. I would not recommend installing Big Sur as your main OS. You can install it in a 2nd container or external hard drive for testing. If Big Sur fixes the wake from sleep crashing issue, comment below or let me know!
UPDATE 6/8/20 – I am looking further into the 10.15.5 reports. Looks like this is the common error “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle:”
UPDATE 6/03/20 – I am seeing new reports that the 10.15.5 Update has not fixed the issue for some users. Others are saying that after installing the 10.15.5 Update that they are no longer seeing Kernel Panics after waking from sleep. Additional reports are saying that the issue is worse after installing the 10.15.5 Supplemental Update.
UPDATE: 5/18/20 – It looks like 10.15.5 Beta 4 fixes the wake from sleep kernel panic issue. I have received multiple emails, tweets and article replies confirming that Beta 4 has fixed the issue for them. I would like to take the time to thank you for all of your individual reports. When I can’t reproduce the issue, I rely on you to provide critical feedback. THANK YOU!
UPDATE: 5/15/20 – I am starting to get some reports that the 10.15.5 Beta 3 & 4 fix the issue. Did you try the latest beta and find that it fixes the issue? Let me know!
UPDATE: 5/7/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 4 (19F83c) was released today.I have not received any reports that Beta 3 fixed this issue. If it has please let me know. Apple did not mentioned this issue in any of the 10.15.5 Beta Patch Notes.
UPDATE: 4/29/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 3 was released today.I am getting word that Beta 3 includes a possible fix for the wake from sleep issue. If you install Beta 3 and it fixes your issue, please let me know!
UPDATE: 4/16/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 2 was released today. Did this update fix the issue for you? I am also looking for users who reverted back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3 to see if that fixed the issue?
Main Article
As soon as the 10.15.4 Update hit, reports started to pop up of wake from Sleep Kernel Panics on the 16″ MacBook Pro. Does this situation sound familiar to you? If so you have a great memory! I tracked a very similar issue that was caused by the 2019-004 Mojave and High Sierra Security update back in July of 2019.
I am seeing reports from users that this issue is happening again. This time around it is affecting macOS Catalina, specifically the 10.15.4 Update on the 2019 16-Inch MacBook Pro.
Table of Contents
1. Affected Mac Models
2. Affected OS Versions
3. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep.
4. Panic Reports
5. Workarounds?
6. Reverting back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3?
7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
8. Does Apple Know about this issue and are they working on a fix?
9. Links
10. Credit & Hat Tips
1. Affected Mac Models
Usually we have multiple different Models that are affected, but this time the issue looks to happen only one model.
So far I have not seen any reports. If you have reverted back and that fixed the issue for you, please let me know. Also let me know if you reverted back and you still have the issue.
7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
This is not the first time Apple has pulled an update. They pulled High Sierra and Sierra 2019-002 Security Update this past March. It’s a good idea to wait at least a few days before you update.
8. Does Apple Know about this issue? Are they working on a fix?
Apple does know about the problem. Engineering is currently investigating the issue. This information comes from MacAdmins who have a Enterprise Support Ticket in with Apple.
Hopefully we get a 2nd Supplemental Update that fixes the issue soon.