Are you Having Trouble Downloading or Getting a Big Sur Beta Update to show up in Software Update?
UPDATED: 9/18/20
Big Sur Beta #2 was just released today and some users are having problems getting the new beta update to show up in System Preferences > Software Update. The same thing goes for the Command Line Interface or CLI using softwareupdate -l
. Other users are saying that they are getting strange errors or download issues. Let’s dive in and see what’s going on here. If you missed it, my Beta 2 patch notes article is here > mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-macos-big-sur-11-beta-2-20a4300b/
Table of Contents
- 1. Download Problems/Errors
- 2. Big Sur Beta is not Showing up in Software Update – GUI
- 3. Big Sur Beta is not showing up when using
softwareupdate -l
- 4. Other Problems, Snapshot Errors + Troubleshooting
- 5. DTK Mac Mini ?
- 6. 2020 27-inch iMac = Update not Found – The requested version of macOS is not available (FIXED!)
- 7. Beta 7 download/install stalling out at 1% in the software update pane.
1. Download Problems & Errors
If you are having download problems/errors the solution is usually pretty simple, try again! Most download complaints come on the very first day the update is available. One thing that you will notice is, the download speeds can be slower. Usually that means that hundreds if not thousands of other users are trying to get the same update. Normally after a few hours everything clears up and you can download the update without any errors. I have included a screenshot of the error message that you might get below.

Download failed An error occurred while downloading the selected updates. Please check your internet connection and try again.
2. Big Sur Beta is not Showing up in Software Update – GUI
For most users, when a new Big Sur Beta is released it will show up in system preferences > software update. Your software update pane should look like the screenshot below.

Notice that on the left hand side it says that Updates for this Mac are managed externally
. This means that you are enrolled in the Beta Program.
Software Update might look like the screenshot below.

Apple specifically calls this out in the Beta 1 & 2 Patch Notes.
Software Update might unexpectedly indicate updates for your Mac are being managed by swscan.apple.com, instead of indicating your Mac is enrolled in the Apple Beta Software Program. This doesn’t impact your ability to update macOS Big Sur 11 beta.
Beta 1 & 2 patch notes.
As the note says, you should be fine but in this case the new beta update is NOT showing up in software update!
What if you are not enrolled in beta or something happened to your enrollment? Software Update might look like the screenshot below.

The first thing you will want to do is to reinstall the Beta Profile.
This usually gets you up and going again. You might need to close and reopen System Preferences > Software Update. Once your Mac is enrolled in the Developer Beta Seed, you should see Beta 2 show up in Software Update or in terminal via softwareupdate -l
If software update still says No new software available
. You might need to check a few things.
- Unenroll & Re-enroll in Developer Seed
- Look at SeedUtil’s Options –
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil
- Unenroll from the Beta Program
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil unenroll
- Enroll in the DeveloperSeed Beta
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed
- Close and re-open System Preferences > Software Update
- The new Beta should now show up.
3. Big Sur Beta is not showing up when using softwareupdate -l
This is pretty cut and dry, as the GUI is just running softwareupdate -l
in the background. If the new beta does not show up with the softwareupdate
CLI check, follow the GUI instructions above.
4. Other Problems, Snapshot Errors + Troubleshooting
A few other things might go wrong when trying to check for updates.
- 1. If you updated to macOS Big Sur 11 beta from a previous version of macOS, Software Update might show “Unable to check for updates – Failed to download the documentation for the minor update. Please try again later”
- If you upgraded from 10.13-10.15 for example you might get this message. Follow the instructions below.
- Start up from macOS Recovery.
- If your data volume is encrypted, use Disk Utility to mount it.
- In Terminal type
rm -rf "/Volumes/Macintosh HD - Data/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n00000y800007k"
- Restart your Mac.
2. Softwareupdate
Error on a T2 Mac
The volume can not be used because it is not snapshot booted.
-> Current device configuration requires an alternate installer to perform the update.
NSLocalizedDescription=Current device configuration and target is invalid for install in the current state. Please try again., NSDebugDescription=[SUMacControllerErrorPreflightPrerequisiteCheckFailed=7722] Failed to perform PreflightPrerequisite operation: com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.preflight.error(Preflight):MSUPreflightErrorTargetIsNotSnapshotBooted(6) | The volume can not be used because it is not snapshot booted.
If you get this error, you need to boot to recovery and set “Startup Security” to HIGH! – developer.apple.com/forums/thread/653347
5. DTK Mac Mini ?
A macOS Big Sur is not Intel/Apple Silicon unified yet. A DTK version of Big Sur has not been released yet. I will update when it becomes available.
UPDATE! – As of Beta 3+, Big Sur is unified! The installer will work on both Intel Macs and the Apple Silicon DTK Mac Mini.
6. 2020 iMac = Update not Found – The requested version of macOS is not available.
UPDATE 09/16/20 – Big Sur Beta 6 now supports the 2020 iMac!
Did you buy a brand new 2020 Retina 5k 27-inch iMac and were excited to try the new Big Sur Public Beta? If you tried to download you would get this error. HT Reddit user givemesuck for the screenshot.

The reason for this error is that Apple did not include driver support for the new 2020 iMac in Beta 4 or the Public Beta yet. The installer does not include the 2 new iMac BoardIDs in the compatibility list. You can take a look at my BoardID index here.
You will need to wait for Big Sur Public Beta 2 or Developer Beta 5.
7. Beta 7 download/install stalling out at 1% in the software update pane
Beta 7 is having some problems downloading and installing. You might see the process get stuck like the screenshot below.

If this happens and has stalled out for over an hour, all you need to do is quit system preferences and re open software update. You should see an “Update Now” Button. You might need to click “More Info” then “Install Now”. HT to @arekdreyer for the screenshot and info.
Thank you for info.
After calling Apple 3 times and speaking with 2 different senior specialists none of them could fix it. I even tried to tell them this seems to be common but they said they had never had anyone complain about this else there would have been documentation. In short, after 6 hours of trying different things, it only took 3mins to run option 2 and Big Sur Came up. Apple customer service has lost my respect.
Thank you.
I first wasn’t able to download Big Sur at all.
Following your steps, I was able to get the Big Sur Public Beta 11.1 to show up on Software Update in System Preferences.
Once I unenrolled however, Software Update went back to “Your Mac is up to date – macOS Catalina 10.15.7”.
It refuses to show the regular Big Sur. Any idea why?
On App Store, (regular) Big Sur shows up, displaying “Works on this MacBook Pro” but when clicking “Get”, the message “Update not found, The requested version of macOS is not available”.
I have to enroll in PublicSeed for Big Sur (Beta) to show up.
This is on a MBP Mid 2014 .
Apple Support was not helpful. They thought it was something along the server not being configured right. Went through a Capture session with them, and awaiting their answer next week.
Hey Chau,
Well, I didn’t know about this/your reply. Otherwise, I would have waited.
While waiting for feedbacks, I enrolled in the PublicSeed program, and Beta 11.1 showed up. I tried the (regular) install from the link in the App Store and it went through just fine on the machine.
I am still in the PublicSeed, and it says 11.1 Beta is available. Should I now just wait for the new public release, or get the new Beta?
So far, everything works fine.
I am one of the lucky ones.
Really appreciate your blog. Big Sur Beta 11.0.1 was not showing up in GUI, was showing up in CLI.
The `unenroll/enroll DeveloperSeed` fixed this straight away!
Unroll & Enroll function doesnt work with update from BS Beta 9 to 10. No updates for iMac 19.1.
Sorry, I meant 8 to 9.
Long day. :-/
Number two worked for me from Beta 5 to Beta 6. Thanks!
For me re-installing the Feedback Assistant Utility allows the beta download to appear in the Software Update System Preference pane when its was not available before.
Option 2 works like magic. Thank you..
Perfect, thanks!
thank you helped
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/seedutil enroll DeveloperSeed
Thanks so much sir, at end is my laptop update to Big Sur Beta 4 ?
I can’t get an update to beta 3 or 4 from beta 2 in my 2018 Mac Mini. The update download and “install”, then reboot like it is updating and then, came back again showing the update… Anyone experiencing something like this?
my macbook air spent 5 hours downloading 12GB worth of Public Beta 1 update, rebooted and was still at the Beta 4 update, will probably try again, same thing happened with Beta 3. It is Beta software, after all!
Same thing is happening to me. Same hardware. Progress bar just sits at the start of the bar then eventually the mini reboots itself and i am presented with the same update message then the cycle starts again. 8 times now.
oh my god, step 2 is just miracle for a whole day of desperate trying!
I am coming up with this after writing ‘softwareupdate -1’ in the terminal. Software Update Tool Finding available software Software Update found the following new or updated software: * Label: Safari14.1.1CatalinaAuto-14.1.1 Title: Safari, Version: 14.1.1, Size: 91353K, Recommended: YES, * Label: macOS Catalina Security Update 2021-003-10.15.7 Title: macOS Catalina Security Update 2021-003, Version: 10.15.7, Size: 1843643K, Recommended: YES, Action: restart, divyamkhanna@Divyams-MacBook-Air ~ %
what to do next?
Awesome THANKS!!!!!!
now downloading latest update and many thanks
Option 2 worked like a charm, be sure to close the settings tab and wait a couple mins after re opening
Option 2 worked like magic
2 also worked for me.
read hours of information before trying this.
Ready for update macOS Big Sur Beta 4.
Error for me : -> “%@” no package or invalid
pls help me
Did you get it solved in the meantime?
Amazing option 2 worked after hours of searching everywhere including reddit, thank you so much
while using seedutil to enroll in the DeveloperSeed shows Big Sur Beta 3 and then the 3x I tried installing from a fully clean Catalina 10.15.6 everytime there was issues that made the installation fail everytime, not boot, stall, hang, and never get into the OS. If I unenroll and enroll in PublicSeed, then Big Sur Beta 3 does not show up. If I use the mandated “macOSPublicBetaAccessUtility.dmg” (which just does seedutil enroll PublicSeed I imagine) then Big Sur Beta 3 also does not show up. My guess is the DeveloperSeed just will not work with this hardware profile, so I must patiently wait for a build to show up in the PublicSeed – has anyone also experienced this? My testbench is a MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015) which is a MacBookAir7,2 – so no Big Sur for me, Catalina for now, until it shows in PublicSeed or goes Gold Master. Wasted hours on Time Machine backups and re-installs, so I think I have had my share of attempting to get Big Sur Beta 3 to function on this box. Curious what others are experiencing.
The exact same thing happened to me (on a late 2016 MacBook Pro 15”). I had to reinstall everything and that was exceedingly difficult (the upgrade corrupted the system boot). I also believe the problem is in switching from PublicSeed to DeveloperSeed, while your account is not enrolled in the developer beta. And I have not been able to find any proof that there’s even a single PublicSeed for MacOS available. So we’ll have to wait.
I cannot stress enough how helpful workaround 2 was for me! I am a complete new kid to the developer scene and with this being the FIRST time I have had to use terminal and get into things that way this was such a well-written and helpful aid.
this was the winner unenroll and reenroll and it worked perfectly
thank you so much
The workarounds worked right away for me, just follow those commands exactly so with copy and paste and then reopen system preferences and there it is.
I have a test Mac where I had beta 1
I recovered it, wiped and reinstalled MacOS, so I got Beta 2
I enrolled in jamf which went surprisingly well but I can t login
any tips for this
for the cli-fix helped. lets one-line it 😀
sudo -i && cd /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Seeding.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ && \
./seedutil unenroll && ./seedutil unenroll && softwareupdate -l && exit
but I still hat to go to Softwareupdate gui to see it…
Step 2 resolved this for me also
The second workaround (unenroll from the Beta Program and enroll in the DeveloperSeed Beta) fixed it for me! Thanks
worked. thanks Mr Macintosh.com
I’m on 10.15.6 and tried to enrol for PublicSeed but no update to BigSur available with softwareupdate
The only update I got after Step 2 was Safari 14.
What can I do?
I am on the same boat. Trying to install the developer beta on my new 2020 iMac 27″. Followed Step 2 as well. The only update I got after Step 2 was Safari 14.
Neither the Public nor the Developer Beta profile is helping me out.
Am stuck.
Please help.
I have the same issue.
Thanks you 🙂
Step 2 definitely worked for me
Hello. Step 2, Workarounds section worked for me… Congratulations for the quality info available on this site… Cheers!
Great work, workaround in step 2 worked out for me !
Legends! Step 2 and bang!
STEP 2 worked like a charm!!!
Thank you so much. The command line unenroll/enroll process worked perfect for me.
Step 2 worked. Thanks for this.
I’m stuck in version Catalina 10.15.6. I followed the Workarounds described in step 2. Unenrroled an then enrolled in PublicSeed and also in BetaSeed but, I can’t get any software updates from softwareupdate -l.
No I’m “Currently enrolled in: PublicSeed”, but softwareupdate -l gives me “No new software available.”
Am I doing something wrong?
Is your Mac late 2013 cause I have the same computer and I want to learn if this is a common issue
Thank you!!!!!
Thanks man for the step 2.
This was the only site in the whole internet that fixed my problem. – seconded
Workarounds were REALLY helpful. Copied and pasted and very quickly got it to work! I used cmd+r to refresh in “Software Update” and the new one popped up. Thank you!
Amazing. It solved the problem very quickly. Thank you
Weird. I’m on 10.15.6 and tried to enrol for PublicSeed but no update to BigSur available with softwareupdate -l.
thanks a lot!
Excellent information in an easy to understand and follow format. Workaround got my update running again.
Thank you
Step 2 did it for me. Thanks!
Yep. Just execute step 2! You guys rock!
This was the only site in the whole internet that fixed my problem. Thank you!