10.13 – Updated from 17G6029 to 17G6030 10.12 – Updated from 16G1917 to 16G1918
UPDATE 03/30/19 – Apple just posted a knowledge article on why they updated both security updates.
Two shout-outs in one day for @AnthonyReimer (@jazzace)! He installed the latest High Sierra Security Update and found the build number had changed. I started to look into this and found that both Security Updates for both 10.13. and 10.12 have been replaced with new builds. The original build number for the 10.13 High Sierra 2019-002 was 17G6029. As of 2 pm CST, the new build offered is 17G6030. Checking Sierra, the Build number also changed from 16G1917 to 16G1918. Apple (usually) does not update the .app installer with security update fixes when released so the installer builds remain the same. No word on yet on what was changed in both updates.
Bottom line, if you installed the previous update (17G6029) the new build (17G6030) will show as available. It would be advisable to deploy the updated Security Update.

T2 BridgeOS update
New Apple BridgeOS updates are also listed.
Note: After installing the new (17G6030) Security Update the iBridge version was not updated. iBridge should read 16.16.4507.0.0,0
To examine further I opened up BridgeOSUpdateCustomer.pkg and inside was the version number.

SUS Inspector
Check out SUS Inspector, it’s a great tool to view macOS updates.

Suspicious Package Inspector
Also check out Suspicious Package.app to see what is inside macOS updates.

Suspicious Package.app Download site.