Apple today pulled the 2019-004 Security Update after it was found to cause Kernel Panics when a Mac wakes from sleep.
First spotted on Apple Support Forums by user Fugge on July 10th, 2019. He installed the 2019-004 Security Update Developer Beta and started seeing Kernel Panics crashes after waking from sleep. A Kernel Panic will happen every single time the Mac wakes from sleep. The issue was then reported on July 24th by Howard Oakley
First reported in this Apple Discussions forum post discussions.apple.com/thread/250485210
Index – UPDATED: 8/01/19 – 5:30 PM CST
- 1. 2019-004 Security Update for High Sierra 10.13 & Sierra 10.12 Re Released 7/29!!!!
- 2. Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update fixes an issue that may prevent certain Macs from waking from sleep properly.
- 3. 2019-004 High Sierra Update Removed from SUS
- 4. 2019-004 Sierra Security Update removed from SUS
- 5. T2 BridgeOS version 16.16.6568 also removed
- 6. Affected Mac Models
- 7. Check your DEP or Provision work flow. Software Update for 10.12 and 10.13 will not show previous Security Updates.
- 8. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep after closing the lid.
- 9. Fresh install of 10.13 + 2019-004 Security update on a 2018 T2 MacBook Pro does NOT crash!
- 10. Workaround? – “Prevent computer from sleeping when display is off” Or Reseting the SMC.
- 11. Reports are saying that the problem remains after reverting back
- 12. Is the problem actually in the T1/T2 Chip update?
- 13. This has happened before. It’s recommended that you wait a few days before you install any update.
1. UPDATE! 2019-004 Security Update for High Sierra & Sierra Re Released 7/29!!!!
Apple today at 12:05 CST re released the 2019-004 Security Update for High Sierra 10.13 and Sierra 10.12. A new BridgeOS and EFICheck AllowListAll update are also new. I will update when I have new build versions and new information.
The updated version of 2019-004 will now show up new for you in software update. Even if you installed the 2019-004 update before it was pulled, you will see the update show as NEW!
I already have one report from a user saying that the new update has cleared up the crash on sleep issue!
- BridgeOS was re released but the BuildVersion remains the same at 16.16.6568 the updated files inside are dated 7/26
- The Re Released 2019-004 Security Update for High Sierra 10.13 BuildVersion is now (17G8030)
- The Re Released 2019-004 Security Update for Sierra 10.12 BuildVersion is now (16G2128)
High Sierra 10.13 2019-004 Download link – support.apple.com/kb/DL2012
Sierra 10.12 2019-004 Download Link – support.apple.com/kb/DL2013
2. UPDATE! macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update fixes an issue that may prevent certain Macs from waking from sleep properly.
Today Apple released the macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update. The fix reads
The macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update fixes an issue that may prevent certain Macs from waking from sleep properly.
Sure sounds like the same problem as the 2019-004 update, yet no word of anything specifically calling out “Crashes” or “Kernel Panics”
You can download the 10.14.6 Supplemental Update here – https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2015?locale=en_US
Apple also rereleased the 10.14.6 Full Installer, Combo Update and Delta update. The new Build Version is (18G87).
3. 2019-004 High Sierra Update Removed from SUS
Apple has pulled the 2019-004 High Sierra update from the Software Update Service. It will not show up if you run softwareupdate -l
or show up at the old address support.apple.com/kb/DL2012?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US. The download button still works when you go to Apple.com/downloads.

4. 2019-004 Sierra Update Removed from SUS.
Apple on late on Wednesday also removed the 2019-004 Sierra 10.12 Security Update. This update was removed hours after the 10.13 update was removed. The same problem must be in this update for Sierra Systems. Keep in mind only the 2016 and 2017 MacBook Pros can install Sierra 10.12.
5. BridgeOS version 16.16.6568 also removed.
If you downloaded the 2019-004 update before Apple removed it, you still would not be able to install it if you have a T2 equipped Mac. BridgeOS version 16.16.6568 with a Product ID of 041-51542 is now deprecated. When the Mac starts the installer the new BridgeOS is REQUIRED before the security update can install.
This also means you can not install the 10.13 or 10.12 2019-004 Security Update on T1/T2 Macs.
6. Check your DEP or Provision work flow. Software Update for 10.12 and 10.13 will not show previous Security Updates.
If you have a provisioning workflow where you rebuild Macs using DEP or some other type of system, you will be stuck on the current BuildVersion on the full installer BuildVersion. This means if you run a softwareupdate -iar
command or have automatic updates set on, it will not receive any security updates until a fixed 2019-004 update is released.
7. Affected Mac Models
I am not totally sure the scope of this, as users have reported the issue mostly on MacBook Pro’s. Others reported this issue happening on iMacs.
I have confirmed the issue does not happen on at least one Non T1/T2 Mac. I was able to install 2019-004 on a 2017 MacBook Air and it did NOT Kernel Panic on sleep or wake.

8. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep after closing the lid.
One of the Kernel Panic Reports posted from the Apple Support Post. The issue happens after you close the lid or wake the Mac from Sleep.
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f88668303): “Failed to quiesce supporting devices\n”@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleACPIPlatform/AppleACPIPlatform-254.50.6/AppleACPIPlatformPower.cpp:1972
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff91fdf4bbb0 : 0xffffff80056e837c
0xffffff91fdf4bc30 : 0xffffff7f88668303
0xffffff91fdf4bc90 : 0xffffff7f88667ee6
0xffffff91fdf4bce0 : 0xffffff7f8866b95f
0xffffff91fdf4bd00 : 0xffffff8005cdb86e
0xffffff91fdf4bd60 : 0xffffff8005d0626e
0xffffff91fdf4bde0 : 0xffffff8005ca5c6c
0xffffff91fdf4be50 : 0xffffff8005ca2df4
0xffffff91fdf4beb0 : 0xffffff8005c9fb22
0xffffff91fdf4bef0 : 0xffffff8005c9f9a2
0xffffff91fdf4bf30 : 0xffffff8005cbb5e1
0xffffff91fdf4bf80 : 0xffffff8005cbad3c
0xffffff91fdf4bfb0 : 0xffffff8005698957
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[4F7FB6AD-2498-3F71-827C-ED7AA4BF2511]@0xffffff7f85e8a000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[D5DA7B81-DCD5-39AC-8DC9-796A4D1D6A20]@0xffffff7f85e4f000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 16.7.0: Sun Jun 2 20:26:31 PDT 2019; root:xnu-3789.73.50~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 9778BC83-2647-3AE4-A7F2-8A2F41FA8791
ernel slide: 0x0000000005400000
rnel text base: 0xffffff8005600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8005500000
System model name: MacBookPro13,3 (Mac-…)
2019-004 kernel panic crashes
9. Fresh install of 10.13 + 2019-004 Security update does NOT crash on sleep!
I was able to update a 2018 T2 MacBook Pro with the 2019-004 update and BridgeOS 16.16.6568 and it does NOT crash on sleep wake. The issue is starting to look like a conflict with a Kernel Extension or piece of 3rd party software. A few of the Kernel Panic Reports were sort of pointing to Virtual box but that may be pushing it.
10. Workarounds? “Prevent computer from sleeping when display is off” & Resetting SMC
So far we at least have one or two possible workarounds that have been posted in the Apple Discussion Forums by user g–unit , synthrally and a user of MrMacintosh.com Eugene (see below)
- 1. Try turning on “Prevent computer from sleeping when display is off” NOTE: This option is only available for when you are plugged into power. I am not sure what will happen when you are on battery power.
I was able to get the shutdowns to stop by disabling computer sleep when display is off.
Apple Discussion Forum User g–unit
system preferences -> energy saver -> check “Prevent computer from sleeping when display is off”
Not a solution, but at least stops the annoying shutdowns until Apple can fix the issue.
- 2. Reset SMC (System Management Controller) NOTE: this only seems to help about 50% of the time. Resetting the SMC seems to work for some but not others.
I found a workaround that actually did the trick. SMC Reset, which for me was as simple as shutting down the device, unplugging the power, waiting 15 seconds, and plugging it back in. Directions called for me to wait 5 seconds before turning the power back on, but in my case it booted right up automatically after reconnecting the power cord. Specific instructions will vary depending on the device: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295
Eugene – MrMacintosh.com Commenter.
I second SMC Reset solution, thanks a lot, this worked for me.
synthrally – Apple Discussion Forum User.
Reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac – Apple Support
- 3. Use Apple Menu > Sleep, instead of closing the lid.
I can put the display to sleep and leave the lid open without a problem. I recommend doing this if you are connected to power.
Garry144 – Apple Discussion Forum User
- 4. Wait until Apple Fixes the issue and then releases a new Updated Security Update.
- 5. Fresh reinstall of 10.13.6 and 2019-004 Security Update. NOTE: read section 8.
- 6. Upgrade to macOS Mojave 10.14
- 7. UPDATE 7/25: THIS DOES NOT FIX THE ISSUE!!! While the restore does work the system will still crash. Check to see if you
created a time machine restore point in the Recovery Partition by runningtmutil listlocalsnapshots /
You should see something like this
MacbookPro:~ User$ tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
If you have a snapshot listed you can boot to the Recovery Partition, click on Time Machine and if you have a localsnapshot listed it will look like this.

If you have successfully reverted back you can click about this Mac to verify you are on the old build version. You can also type in sw_vers
in terminal to display the BuildVersion.

Now that we made it back to 17G7024 the question remains… Is the actual issue in the 2019-004 Security Update OR in the T1 EmbeddedOS or T2 BridgeOS? UPDATE: looks the the issue still remains. Continue reading below.
11. Reports are saying that the problem remains after reverting back to (17G7024)
A user in the Apple Discussion Forum was able to follow the above instructions and use the TM localsnapshot to revert back, but reported that he is still having the issue.
So, I reverted to the snapshot that was taken right before the update, but the problem still exists. I never saw this issue before installing the security update.
12. Is the problem actually in the T1/T2 Chip update?
This could very well mean that the problem is not inside the 2019-004 update code but in the T1/T2 chip update known as EmbeddedOS or BridgeOS. This would make sense since you can still install the 2019-004 update on a NON T1/T2 system and it’s fine. You can’t downgrade to a previous version of the T1/T2 Update. If this is the case you will have to wait until Apple releases the fixed 2019-004 update which includes a updated T1/T2 Update.
13. This has happened before. It’s recommended that you wait a few days before you install any update.
This is not the first time Apple has pulled an update. They pulled High Sierra and Sierra 2019-002 Security Update this past March. It’s a good idea to wait at least a few days before you update.
I will update this post as more 2019-004 kernel panic crashes info becomes available.
I’m still having problems due to this update. I’ve had use the work around by not letting my MacBook Pro late 2011 sleep oe power down–very annoying! I tried to open Time Machine yesterday and it froze. So I needed shut down and of course it would not restart. It then get hot quite rapidly and you cannot get a display for OS Mac Utility to even attempt a restore. I had to let it cool down completely and then was able to do another download and reinstall of High Sierra. I thought they were supposed to have fixed this problem but it seems they have not, and I cannot get back to the pre 2019-004 OS. All hardware tests on my laptop reveal no problems–Apple has to fix this!
Kernel Panic started AFTER upgrade to 10.14.6
Never have Kernel Panic issue before. Updated to Mohave 10.14.6 (from 10.14.5) on July 29 and have Kernel Panic crash 2-4 times daily. No other changes to hardware or software.
Model: MacBookAir6,2, BootROM, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 1.3 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 2.13f15
Did you apply the 10.14.6 Supplemental Update ?
Same problem here!
Model: MacBook Pro 2019
Macbook Pro Late 2011 here running 10.13.6 — unable to boot after this security update installed a few days ago (gray screen). Safe Mode worked once and no longer does, neither does Recovery Mode. Just gray screens. Unable to boot up with Time Machine disk selected either. Have reset SMC and PRAM. What else can I try at this point?
Are you saying that no matter what boot mode you try you get a grey screen? If so maybe something is starting to go wrong with the LCD Screen.
Try using the HDMI out to a monitor to see if you get a screen.
Direct link for the DMG: from https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2013 which has been reposted (it was 404 until sometime around 11:30 AM PDT)
If someone succeeded with the SMC reset on a 2016 MBP TB 15″ please report.
Does it only work on T2 chips, failing to reset the T1 chips?
Thank you
So the SMC reset didn’t work for me, however, I think there’s a solution that might work for most people. If you run “caffeinate -i” (without the quotes) on terminal, it prevents the system from idle sleeping. Essentially it’s the same option as “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off.” This should work when the AC adapter is plugged in or not. The only downside I can see from this is it doesn’t require you to log in when you open your computer.
If that doesn’t work, download “Fermata” from github. It’s a 3rd party lightweight application that prevents your computer from idle sleeping. You can easily configure it form your status bar.
I can confirm that at least for my Macbook Pro (15 inch, 2017, 2.8GHz Intel Core i7) , upgrading to Mojave (10.14.0) alone didn’t the problem, BUT a further update to 10.14.6 DID fix the issue and it’s been fine since I did that.
The update from 10.14.0 to 10.14.6 restarted the machine at least once, so presumably something in there installed a firmware patch that’s recent but older than what Apple shipped last week.
I found a workaround that actually did the trick.
“SMC Reset,”
which for me was as simple as shutting down the device, unplugging the power, waiting 15 seconds, and plugging it back in. Directions called for me to wait 5 seconds before turning the power back on, but in my case it booted right up automatically after reconnecting the power cord. Specific instructions will vary depending on the device: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295
Since I don’t want to update to High Sierra now, hopefully Apple will release a fix soon
After updating Mojave to 10.14.6 its fixed again 🙂
Thanks a million for this post. I usually take my Mac for granted, but this crash problem has been driving me crazy all day. It’s a bummer there’s no good solution today, but at least I know I’m not alone.
I hear you! I think it’s best to wait a few days before installing any new update. I agree that macOS updates have been pretty solid until now. Hopefully Apple fixes this issue quickly!
This is so awful. So, I updated my mac and it is shutting down, crashing and there is not actual solution to deal with this? 🙁
Try out the first workaround in section 6 to see if that works for you. You will have to wait for Apple to Release a fix or upgrade to Mojave. 🙁