If you are on iOS 14.2 Beta 4, you are getting this message now. (The update is not actually available!)
Have you had enough of this message yet? The answer is most likely YES. You just want it to go away. The message shows up every time that you unlock your iPhone or iPad screen if you are on iOS or iPadOS Beta 14.2 Beta 4.
UPDATE 10/30 7:00PM CST – Apple just released iOS 14.2 Release Candidate (Previously named GM). This new update fixes the constant pop up box issue! Update video below.
A new iOS update
is now available.
Please update from
the iOS 14 beta.
What can you do about this message?
This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen this message.
Just about two years ago, this same exact message came up for iOS 12 Beta users. Guilherme Rambo figured this out by looking at the code.
iOS 14.1 Beta 4 pop-up Issue – How to fix!
I will show you 3 quick ways how to fix this issue.
UPDATE 10/30 7:00PM! – Apple has released iOS 14.2 Release Candidate Beta! This update fixes the constant pop up problem! Be sure to turn automatic time back on and reinstall the beta profile if you removed it. You will now see the update!
- 1. Wait for Apple to publish iOS 14.2 Beta 5. This happen two years ago when the iOS 12 Beta pop up problem happened. Apple pushed quick fix the next day.
- 2. Move your clock back to the 26th or before. The timer was set to start warning the user. This is temp fix, that could cause issues with some websites & apps like twitter, Gmail or Instagram.
- 3. Restore to your iOS 14.1 production backup. Maybe you have had enough of the Beta 14.2 and just want to go back to the production version.
- Again, I recommend just waiting a day or two for Apple to release a fix. I will update when Apple has published the new beta.
iPhone & iPad iOS 14.2 Beta 4 pop-up fix
Instagram issues with iOS 14.2 on an iPad Pro. Since downloading the latest update, IG is not working properly. One, the people I follow sometimes appear in the feed and other times disappear. The worst issue is that I am no longer able to see lives except sometimes late at night, it will suddenly work. I know it is my iPad as I can go on my android phone and watch the lives without any problems. Please help as my eyes are too bad to watch a live on that tiny phone screen. I can workaround by watching the live in the browser but even then it is much smaller than in the app.
If I am looking for in update my iPhone what’s new 13.7 and 14.2 difference tell me update good our bad
My iPhone 7 says I updated to iOS 14.2 but I don’t see it in iPhone storage and my phone says searching or no service I can’t make calls or get texts!
What’s is new improvement in iOS 14.2
I’ve got an Iphone 8 Plus and the IOS 14.2 update is “available”. But every time I try to download and install it gives me a message saying that it was unable to install it. I’ve deleted the update and re-downloaded it as well. Not sure what to do at this point. Help.
message and call is not working after update. how to solve this problem
Hi and thanks for the helpful blog post!
How do I reinstall the beta profile again? The troubleshooting for this annoying problem is a nightmare.
Hello Gabriel, to reinstall the profile it depends on if you were on the public beta or the developer beta.1. If you were in the public beta > https://beta.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/welcome 2. If you were in the developer beta > https://developer.apple.com/account/
I was on the developer beta. Thanks for the clarifications and links, I also found the developer profiles at https://betaprofiles.com/ incase anyone doesn’t want to have to login to theirs.
After following the steps, the annoying notification vanished! Success!
hello sir, how can i upgrade my ios 12.5.2 to ios 13 0r 14? i am using iphone 6 plus. and also downloaded at betaprofiles.com the ios 13, but it did not change the ios at all, still ios 12.5.2 thanks!
I have iOS 14.2. I removed the Beta profile last week. I can not redownload the beta profile. I cannot change my time (it is greyed out) and I keep getting the pop-up. Any help?
Hey Paul, multiple issues here. First if your time is set to auto and can’t be turned off it could be because Privacy > location services set time zone is set to off. Or that you have screen time enabled. Also, the production version of 14.2 should be out this week. Once it’s released it will show up for you to install! Once on that version you will be totally off the beta track.
Driving me crazy! It pops up FREQUENTLY! NOT happy with IOS 14.2 beta right now! Deleted profile. Tried looking for IOS14 OTA update file in iPhone storage but couldn’t find it to delete. VERY FRUSTRATED!
Sbrask, the production version of 14.2 should be out this week. Once it’s released it will show up for you to install! Once on that version you will be totally off the beta track.
Did the update yesterday and the messsge is gone! Thanks for your suggestions. I was just about to reset my phone. After reading your blog, I went back in and reinstalled my profile and did the update. SO glad the message is gone! It was VERY annoying!
Thanks again!
I’ve updated to 14.2 but I still get the frequent beta notification stuff.
Hello Salma, you need to install the latest 14.2 Beta update. once installed the message will be gone!
Apple and their wisdom has created the “walled garden” environment which limits what a person can actually do with one of their products. Even being “left out” on the big sur update is an insult when we have a very capable apple computer and are banished from the walled garden of big sur! As to their response on fixing issues on beta downloads, it’s poor to marginal. That massive new campus they created must be just for looks. Change is inevitable yet progress seems optional! The cost of apple products has exceeded the limitations of my medications, so I’m done purchasing any new apple products.
OMG. 14.2 is a nightmare where Safari is concerned. WAYYY too sensitive to the touch. Can’t scroll. Scrolling will lead to a “click” and you end up on a different page. Keyboard adds characters. Holding a touch causes the browsers to jitter/shake. Horrible!
So glad to know I’m not alone. This has been driving me crazy. I tested tips mentioned in this post and the problem disappears. BUT this suggestion is not feasible, as you need the actual date. While rolling the time back seems to solve it, apps that require the correct time (e.g. Twitter) stop working. Not all beta versions are created equal, that’s for sure, and it’s the risk we take on as beta testers.
Funny, i need the fix now.
Just to clarify, you’re talking about iOS 14.2 Beta 4 not iOS 14.1?