You can now remove the firmware password (+ erase all data) on a T2 Mac without Apple Support if you forgot it.
In this article, I will go over the history of the firmware password on Intel Mac computers. After that, I will show you a new way how to remove the firmware password (and erase your data) on a T2 Mac from 2018-2020. (Scroll to section 6).
NOTE: This information is only for 2006-2020 Intel Mac computers. Apple Silicon M1 Mac Devices do not have a firmware password.
I will also go over my recommendations on how you can protect your data at the end of this article.
I will answer the following questions.
- What does setting a firmware password on a Mac do?
- What are the differences in firmware passwords from the following years – 2006-2010, 2011-2017 & 2018-2020?
- How to you set the firmware password in recovery.
- How to Enable & Disable Firmware Password in macOS.
- What can you do if you forget the firmware password?
- How to remove the firmware password with Apple Support.
- Removing the firmware password on a T2 Mac with Apple Configurator 2.
- How long was this new way possible? Does anyone at AppleCare know about this?
- What does this mean for education, small & large companies, home users, computer recyclers, and criminals?
- What does Apple think about this?
- How can I protect my Data on an Intel and M1 Mac?