UPDATE: 11/14/19
macOS Catalina 10.15.1 Supplemental Update (19B2106) & Forked Full Installer.
The much-awaited MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) was just released this morning! You can’t get it just yet, but very soon. (November 15th)
To accompany the new 16″ MacBook Pro, we have a forked Build Version of macOS Catalina 10.15.1 (19B2106) Installer.app. We also have a macOS Catalina 10.15.1 supplemental update.
The macOS Catalina 10.15.1 supplemental update improves the stability and reliability of displays and peripherals with MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019).
Catalina 10.15.1 supplemental update notes
Supplemental Update ? (UPDATE)
I am not sure what’s going on with this update. You would think that all the new 16″ MacBook Pro’s would just ship with (19B2106). If not then what is the Supplemental update for ?
I am downloading the Supplemental Update now so I can investigate.
I found the MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) shipping 10.15.1 Build Version.
10.15.1 (19B2093)
This means that as soon as you receive the new 16″ MacBook Pro, the 10.15.1 Supplemental Update (19B2106) will show as available.
Model Name
The model name for the new is
Product ID
macOS Catalina 10.15.1 Supplemental Update = 061-32959
MacOS Catalina 10.15.1 Full Forked Installer.app = 061-45871
BridgeOS Update
This update brings BridgeOS up to 17.16.11600
Update Size
10.15.1 Full Installer.app (19B2106) = 8.65gb
macOS Catalina 10.15.1 Supplemental Update = 8.16gb
This does not really make any sense. Again the Supplemental Update is 8.16gb!!!! only about 500mb smaller than the full install!
Previous 10.15 Releases + Previous Patch Notes
- 10.15.1 = (19B2106) November 13th 2019 = 16″ MBPro
- 10.15.1 = (19B88) October 29th 2019 = Current Release
- 10.15.0 = (19A603) October 21st 2019
- 10.15.0 = (19A602) October 15th 2019
- 10.15.0 = (19A583) October 7th 2019
Download Links
Not available yet. Will update!
10.15.1 Supplemental Update Security Content?
Nothing yet, but will update if anything is added.
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) BoardID
UPDATE: Found the BoardID
10.15.1 Supplemental Update (19B2106)
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
when I close the lid to work with my 2 4k external monitors it freezes. waits a little while and then the fans spin up to maximum and restarts. after the restart if the lid is closed does does the freeze, fans spin up and restart again. If I open the lid and it restarts then its OK. I want to work with the lid closed like I did with my 15″ 2017 MBP. Is this a software thing or is it hardware?
Hey Brian, Just to clear this post is for the 10.15.1 16″ 2019 MacBook Pro Supplemental Update.
Is your 2017 MBPro on 10.14.6 or 10.15.1 ?
I would love to see using version numbers similar to iOS, so ‘macOS’ instead of ‘macOS 10.15.1 supplemental update’ to stop confusion for most users.