Did you Install the 10.15.4/10.15.5 Update on your 16 Inch MacBook Pro 2019, only to get a Kernel Panic after you Wake it from Sleep? You are not alone.
UPDATE 7/15/20 – The 10.15.6 update is live! mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-the-macos-catalina-10-15-6-update-19g73/ Let me know if the update fixes the issue for you!
UPDATE 7/09/20 – I have received word that the wake from sleep kernel panic issue is resolved in 10.15.6 Beta 4 GM (19G71a). If still have the issue and can test, please let me know.
UPDATE 6/25/20 – I have a few reports that Big Sur Beta 1 fixed the issue, but for others they can still reproduce the problem. I would not recommend installing Big Sur as your main OS. You can install it in a 2nd container or external hard drive for testing. If Big Sur fixes the wake from sleep crashing issue, comment below or let me know!
UPDATE 6/8/20 – I am looking further into the 10.15.5 reports. Looks like this is the common error “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
UPDATE 6/03/20 – I am seeing new reports that the 10.15.5 Update has not fixed the issue for some users. Others are saying that after installing the 10.15.5 Update that they are no longer seeing Kernel Panics after waking from sleep. Additional reports are saying that the issue is worse after installing the 10.15.5 Supplemental Update.
UPDATE 5/26/20 – Apple just released the 10.15.5 update. Let me know if the 10.15.5 update fixes the issue for you!
UPDATE: 5/18/20 – It looks like 10.15.5 Beta 4 fixes the wake from sleep kernel panic issue. I have received multiple emails, tweets and article replies confirming that Beta 4 has fixed the issue for them. I would like to take the time to thank you for all of your individual reports. When I can’t reproduce the issue, I rely on you to provide critical feedback. THANK YOU!
UPDATE: 5/15/20 – I am starting to get some reports that the 10.15.5 Beta 3 & 4 fix the issue. Did you try the latest beta and find that it fixes the issue? Let me know!
UPDATE: 5/7/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 4 (19F83c) was released today. I have not received any reports that Beta 3 fixed this issue. If it has please let me know. Apple did not mentioned this issue in any of the 10.15.5 Beta Patch Notes.
UPDATE: 4/29/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 3 was released today. I am getting word that Beta 3 includes a possible fix for the wake from sleep issue. If you install Beta 3 and it fixes your issue, please let me know!
UPDATE: 4/16/20 – macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Beta 2 was released today. Did this update fix the issue for you? I am also looking for users who reverted back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3 to see if that fixed the issue?
Main Article
As soon as the 10.15.4 Update hit, reports started to pop up of wake from Sleep Kernel Panics on the 16″ MacBook Pro. Does this situation sound familiar to you? If so you have a great memory! I tracked a very similar issue that was caused by the 2019-004 Mojave and High Sierra Security update back in July of 2019.
I am seeing reports from users that this issue is happening again. This time around it is affecting macOS Catalina, specifically the 10.15.4 Update on the 2019 16-Inch MacBook Pro.
Table of Contents
- 1. Affected Mac Models
- 2. Affected OS Versions
- 3. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep.
- 4. Panic Reports
- 5. Workarounds?
- 6. Reverting back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3?
- 7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
- 8. Does Apple Know about this issue and are they working on a fix?
- 9. Links
- 10. Credit & Hat Tips
1. Affected Mac Models
Usually we have multiple different Models that are affected, but this time the issue looks to happen only one model.
- MacBook Pro 16-Inch 2019
- MacBook Pro 13-Inch 2020
2. Affected OS Versions
This issue affects 3 versions of macOS Catalina
- 1. macOS Catalina 10.15.4 (19E266)
- 2. macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Supplemental Update (19E287)
- 3. macOS Catalina 10.15.5 (19F96)
- 4. macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update (19F101)
3. Problem: Kernel Panic after waking from sleep.
I have collected and analyzed multiple Kernel Panic reports. This time, the issue can happen in mulitple situations.
- Close lid and let the Mac Sleep – Open Lid = KP
- Apple Icon to > Sleep – Hit key or move mouse = KP
- The KP can happen with the MacBook Pro Plugged into Power or not.
- KP Can also happen while connected to a Dock or Monitor.
4. Panic Reports
- Panic Report for 10.15.5 Beta 1 (19F53f)
panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7f8d7a1a8d): watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd in 94 seconds (21850 total checkins since monitoring last enabled)
Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff839552bc40 : 0xffffff800cd1f5cd
0xffffff839552bc90 : 0xffffff800ce583e5
0xffffff839552bcd0 : 0xffffff800ce49f9e
0xffffff839552bd20 : 0xffffff800ccc5a40
0xffffff839552bd40 : 0xffffff800cd1ec97
0xffffff839552be40 : 0xffffff800cd1f087
0xffffff839552be90 : 0xffffff800d4c1a08
0xffffff839552bf00 : 0xffffff7f8d7a1a8d
0xffffff839552bf10 : 0xffffff7f8d7a147b
0xffffff839552bf50 : 0xffffff7f8d7b6d9c
0xffffff839552bfa0 : 0xffffff800ccc513e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.watchdog(1)[87C6D09A-72A7-3CEE-94F5-B8395E420958]@0xffffff7f8d7a0000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[9483DF76-7217-3152-9908-49526931D984]@0xffffff7f8d709000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[3527849F-F985-3DA8-8739-70C847950059]@0xffffff7f8d712000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Sat Mar 21 01:41:29 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.120.15~20/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 7CDE7ECA-DF59-3D63-9A04-B1E556CE104F
Kernel slide: 0x000000000ca00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff800cc00000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff800cb00000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
System uptime in nanoseconds: 218597998402897
last loaded kext at 173578121199354: |SCSITaskUserClient 422.120.1 (addr 0xffffff7f9112d000, size 36864)
last unloaded kext at 217215373935429: >!AXsanScheme 3 (addr 0xffffff7f91125000, size 32768)
2. Panic Report for 10.15.4 (19E287)
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8001e91b2c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily. Thread 0x3d5e9. Backtracing specified thread Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address 0xffffffa3e79ab900 : 0xffffff80018471e8 0xffffff83ac5e3bc0 : 0xffffff80017433f1 0xffffff83ac5e3c30 : 0xffffff8001741c2f 0xffffff83ac5e3c80 : 0xffffff80018442e9 0xffffff83ac5e3cc0 : 0xffffff8001843b4b 0xffffff83ac5e3cf0 : 0xffffff7f8538bced 0xffffff83ac5e3d20 : 0xffffff7f853a4fa3 0xffffff83ac5e3d30 : 0xffffff7f8538ecb9 0xffffff83ac5e3dc0 : 0xffffff7f8539aeee 0xffffff83ac5e3e00 : 0xffffff8001e152ea 0xffffff83ac5e3ea0 : 0xffffff8001e14c14 0xffffff83ac5e3ec0 : 0xffffff8001763545 0xffffff83ac5e3f40 : 0xffffff8001763071 0xffffff83ac5e3fa0 : 0xffffff80016c713e Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(575.1)[D47CA481-C5E5-3F03-9B04-6634DF5F3121]@0xffffff7f85383000->0xffffff7f853d3fff dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7f82111000BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-devMac OS version: 19E287
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6 Kernel slide: 0x0000000001400000 Kernel text base: 0xffffff8001600000 __HIB text base: 0xffffff8001500000 System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864) System shutdown begun: NOSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 17702726268574 last loaded kext at 17042688141760: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f852de000, size 45056) last unloaded kext at 9110056046447: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f852de000, size 45056)
3. Panic Report for 10.15.4 (19E266)
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8007016487): "AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState(0xffffff869c158000 : 0xffffff7f8a5c8d88, 1 -> 0) timed out after 45973 ms"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.101.6/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff875105bb40 : 0xffffff80069215cd
0xffffff875105bb90 : 0xffffff8006a5a3c5
0xffffff875105bbd0 : 0xffffff8006a4bf7e
0xffffff875105bc20 : 0xffffff80068c7a40
0xffffff875105bc40 : 0xffffff8006920c97
0xffffff875105bd40 : 0xffffff8006921087
0xffffff875105bd90 : 0xffffff80070c2c7c
0xffffff875105be00 : 0xffffff8007016487
0xffffff875105be50 : 0xffffff8007015d69
0xffffff875105be60 : 0xffffff800702d2fe
0xffffff875105bea0 : 0xffffff8007014b18
0xffffff875105bec0 : 0xffffff8006963545
0xffffff875105bf40 : 0xffffff8006963071
0xffffff875105bfa0 : 0xffffff80068c713e BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-devMac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6
Kernel slide: 0x0000000006600000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8006800000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8006700000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NOSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 18107023783810
last loaded kext at 92476327132: >usb.cdc.acm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f8dcb9000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 19827018284: com.cisco.kext.acsock 4.8.0 (addr 0xffffff7f8dc2d000, size 217088)
5. Workarounds?
So far we at least 4 possible workarounds that have been posted.
- 1. Reset SMC (System Management Controller) NOTE: this only seems to help a very small handful of users.
- 2. Disable Sleep when on Power– Check the box “Prevent Computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off”
- 3. Disable Sleep when on Battery “Put hard disks to sleep when possible”
- 4. Disable “Enable Power Nap While Plugged into a power adapter” or “Enable Power Nap while on battery power”
6. Reverting back to 10.15.1, 10.15.2 or 10.15.3?
Sometimes reverting back to a previous version of macOS can resolve the issue until Apple Releases a fix. A perfect example is the 2015-2017 Macbook Air & 2015 13″ MacBook Pro 5th Gen Intel GPU Freezing Issue. The issue will only affect you if you have the 2020-002 Security Update Installed. If you revert back to the 2020-001 Update your mac will be fine.
So far I have not seen any reports. If you have reverted back and that fixed the issue for you, please let me know. Also let me know if you reverted back and you still have the issue.
7. This has happened before. Wait a few days before installing updates.
This is not the first time Apple has pulled an update. They pulled High Sierra and Sierra 2019-002 Security Update this past March. It’s a good idea to wait at least a few days before you update.
Another example is the GPU Freezing Issue that I noted above
8. Does Apple Know about this issue? Are they working on a fix?
Apple does know about the problem. Engineering is currently investigating the issue. This information comes from MacAdmins who have a Enterprise Support Ticket in with Apple.
Hopefully we get a 2nd Supplemental Update that fixes the issue soon.
9. Links
Apple Support Forum
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251223766
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251223341
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251219600
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251264202
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251148040
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251279689
- discussions.apple.com/thread/251254618
- forums.macrumors.com/threads/two-crashes-since-upgrade-to-macos-10-15-4.2228132
- forums.macrumors.com/threads/mbp-16-10-15-4-no-clamshell-usb-dropping-and-random-reboots.2230886/
- reddit.com/r/mac/comments/g1op6z/macbook_pro_16_2019_kernel_panic_while_sleep_if/
- reddit.com/r/macbookpro/comments/g08pht/my_second_16_mbp_with_kernel_panics_return_it_and/
10. Credits – Hat Tips
MacAdmins Users for posting information about this issue.
- rbursk
- ehemmete
- stephen
10.15.4 10.15.5 sleep Kernel Panic & 10.15.4 10.15.5 sleep Kernel Panic
I’m sorry I don’t have a solution, but maybe my testimony will help people that were in the same situation as I was.
[excuse my english, I’m french..].
I first had repetitive kernel panics on Catalina (around may 2021), just a few weeks after I bought this brand new Macbook Pro (2019, 16″, 2,6Ghz, i7). The laptop was trapped in some kind of a kernel panic loop (graphics problems-freeze-restart-kernel panic screen-works for 3min-…). As I recall, I think it may have appeared after I unplugged a usb-c hub off of the computer and let it on sleep mode. I managed (can’t remember how honestly) to upgrade it to Big Sur but then the problem reappeared. The computer would keep restarting over and over after every kernel panic. The next morning, I decided to call Apple, who told me to bring it to an Apple store so they could have a look at it. They replaced the motherboard and for a couple of months I thought I was out of the wood (needless to say I did not have to pay anything because the computer was naturally still eligible for the warranty).
Unfortunately, last week (end of july 2021) the same problem reoccurred after I unplugged a USB sound interface (scarlett focusrite). The OS crashed with a kernel panic and restarted (without graphics problems this time). I thought the problem was solved and I let the computer slept for a couple of hours and when I tried to wake it up, it did not respond. After a few minutes, the same old kernel panics loop I had a few months earlier occurred again… I brought it back to an apple store again (a different one), where they once again replaced the motherboard… (I just got it back today). The people at the apple store told me that I would be eligible for a complete replacement of the machine should the problem occurred a third time… (apple policy).
Honestly, I don’t feel very confortable with this machine anymore because I don’t see how this last replacement of the motherboard would make a certain and definite difference compared to the first replacement… Anyhow, I strongly advise you to take every precautions you can in terms of backups..! Apple is either overruned by this issue or really doesn’t care (they probably are more interested in preparing the selling of the next M1X generation laptops…).
Best to all of you!
macOS catalina 10.15.7 still the same. restart every evening (but works fine without restart in the day)
I’ve been having this issue since the day my 16″ Macbook Pro arrived directly from Apple (I bought the refurbished, which I now regret).
I’ve installed every Catalina update hoping for relief (not moving to Big Sur since I’m a music professional and a lot of my software isn’t updated yet), and live far from an Apple Store and haven’t wanted to ship it during a pandemic and be without my work machine for several weeks. I’ve learned to work around the issue but it’s troubling that a $4000 laptop arrived with kernel panics on its first day. I’m currently on Catalina 10.15.7 and it still kernel panics almost every morning after waking from sleep.
My MBP16 Often appear
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800efd7658): “Hibernate restore error e00002e9″@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-7195.50.7/iokit/Kernel/IOHibernateIO.cpp:2639
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb0f6adb850 : 0xffffff800e8bc66d
0xffffffb0f6adb8a0 : 0xffffff800e9ff073
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[30ACBB00-67A3-36BD-AF95-1E6F0CB38447]@0xffffff800fe90000->0xffffff800fea8fff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[65A1D60D-F9AF-37E7-B854-4127FBB3172A]@0xffffff8010cd2000->0xffffff8010cd3fff
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[A18ACD60-A811-3624-B50D-4F929836EE79]@0xffffff8011217000->0xffffff801123efff
Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:11 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 84C6DC45-6B02-335F-9439-5D2A9BC385A4
KernelCache slide: 0x000000000e600000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff800e800000
Kernel slide: 0x000000000e610000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff800e810000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff800e700000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
Hibernation exit count: 19
System uptime in nanoseconds: 53601514976753
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x000030c013427860
Sleep : 0x000030bf74c7a4c4 0x00000002017d04b0 0x000030b7d6952254
Wake : 0x000030b7eccf9d36 0x0000000220d1bd6c 0x000030bf83a651af
last started kext at 53408398247033: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff8011798000, size 40960)
last stopped kext at 52327767546050: >usb.!UUserHCI 1 (addr 0xffffff7fae3ef000, size 98304)
loaded kexts:
>usb.!UUserHCI 1
@filesystems.smbfs 3.4.1
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 4000.27
>!AHIDALSService 1
>AGPM 119
Did everything. NVME wake up from sleep panic etc etc. upgraded to catalina,nxt to big sur. patches. enabled disabled using pmset every piece of it. kex, configuration purge………Disable everything using pmset helped. But energy drain and overheting was problem. In the end – Disabling FileVault was ultimate solution for me. May be helps.
Anyone make the Big Sur Upgrade?!
I upgraded and I don’t have any problems. However If you read my posts I had the panic on wake without any peripherals, and my issue was resolved with x.x.6. In the later versions of Catalina I *did have* that hesitation during wake sometimes -and- sometimes would come to a totally unresponsive machine, waking only w/ the power button ~ which I would call abnormal. I am paying attention to the behavior on Big Sur and will update. again so far no issues.
Yes I was so fed up with rebooting several times a day to allow Zoom calls on my external monitor and USB drive back ups that I took the plunge into the abyss…
So far it seems to have fixed the problem!!!
I’ve been on and off both monitors since Saturday morning (Tuesday morning here now), not rebooted once and all is working well.
2020 13″ MBP with 4 thunderbolt ports.
I’ve had a couple of very minor glitches with other things, but nothing significant so far.
Fingers crossed it holds up and they don’t break it with an update!!
Thanks Mark! Did you experience the RAM leaks as well? That’s what I’m more concerned about….
Not that I’ve noticed Lee, but not really sure how to check.
I haven’t received any errors or warnings about memory being low.
I just checked on Activity monitor and memory pressure is reported as low, with 11/16 GB in use (3.7 wired).
Happy to check if there is another way.
Cheers Mark
My macBook Pro 16 2019 started panics after upgrading to Catalina 10.15.5, I had to revert to .4 to have it usable again. I gave Big Sur a try on Saturday and….. everything seems perfect so far!!! No issues at all to wake from shell or with bluetooth keyboard and external Dell monitor.
It seems a definitive fix here
My 16″ MBP is problem free on Big Sur, which is a big relief after all of the problems 10.15.5 brought.
Mine has always required pushing the power button to wake if it sleeps with the cover open and that is still the same, but I assume that is normal behavior.
Too be honest I am still on 10.15.4 no kernel panics but yes sometimes I have to push power button to wake up machine. Strange. I am still wondering if it is safe to upgrade to Big Sur.
Yes, and even as of this writing, the kernel panics persist. They actually disappeared for a while toward the end of 2020, but then I made the mistake of updating to the latest Catalina version, and they reappeared with a vengeance. After updating to Big Sur, they persist. It’s the same kernel panic as before.
Ditto. I didnt have the problem until I upgraded to Big Sur. Now whenever my Mac wakes up and is attached to my docking station, the fan goes to 110% and then crashes. Sucks!
Yes I did. Same problem.
The panics have ceased, but I have a new problem my spidey senses tell me is related. It’s not a panic but weird device behavior upon waking up from sleep.
When I sleep the MacBook Pro at night and go to wake up the computer in the morning, the USB device attached through the thunderbolt hub doesn’t work right. It’s a WebCam that is a substitute for one I couldn’t buy due to recent high demand.
The video will work fine on it but the audio won’t. I have to reboot or unplug the WebCam from the Caldigit TS3+ and plug it back in to get the the audio input to work. If I go into system preferences and select the sound pane, click on input, and if I try to switch the input to something else the computer will hang for a good 10 seconds before it responds. If I go to switch it back the input still won’t work until I do that hot plug or reboot.
For what it’s worth the other things attached to the MacBook Pro via the Caldigit dock is a hardwire network, a display port monitor, and speakers in the audio jack.
In trying to troubleshoot this I have also found that there are times audio input and output have disappeared upon waking up. When I then unplug the thunderbolt cable from the MacBook Pro and then plug it back in, it doesn’t even recognize devices on the Caldigit dock until I reboot the machine.
Hi Karl,
This sounds very similar to what I have been experiencing with audio and USB devices (see my post October 29). Glad I’m not the only one!
I had it on 20120 MacBook Air and it has persisted on replacement 13″ MBP (4-port).
Very irritating and I wasted far too much time trying to sort it out.
After extensive trouble shooting I decided it must be a Catalina issue, so hopefully will be sorted out in time with updates.
Cheers, Mark
Hey Mark,
If you are using a thunderbolt dock, what make is it?
What USB devices do you have attached?
Maybe the CalDigit dock is the issue?
Hi Karl,
I use the USB ports on the monitor itself, which connect directly to Thunderbolt 3 port.
The monitor at work is 27″ 5K LG Ultrafine monitor (has direct Thuderbolt 3 connection to MBP and has three built in USB-C ports. One of these has USB-C backup drive, one has Belkin ethernet adapter and the other has Belkin 4 x USB-A dock. All from Apple Store. The issue affects all the USB-C ports on the monitor as well as the monitor’s internal speaker, microphone and (I think) camera.
The other monitor at home is my old 27″ Apple Thunderbolt Display. Again direct connection using Thunderbolt 2/3 adapter (from Apple store). Again all internal microphone, speaker and camera stop. Interestingly the USB-A ports stop and also stop providing power (I sometimes charge bike light etc) until MBP is restarted, then all work fine until computer is disconnected for a period of time, goes to deep sleep and comes back. If I just ignore lack of USB, keep working then connect/disconnect two or three times (either monitor) without restarting the MBP I get the crash with same crash report you mention: “Intel crashlog recorded due to unexpected reset”. Yes very disappointing indeed for such an expensive laptop!!
Welp… just happened again and got the crash report with “Intel crashlog recorded due to unexpected reset.”
Apple is such a disappointment.
I had this initially on my 2020 MacBook Air. Months of mucking around with Apple, trouble-shooting, reinstalling, clearing PRAM etc but persisted. For me it seemed worse after plugging/unplugging external monitors (brand new LG 5K and old Apple 27″ Thunderbolt via adapter. Used separately at separate sites as only supports one 5K monitor). Initially only seemed to be after swapping (with sleep between), but later also after sleep away from monitor. Computer “forgets” USB connections on monitor (both), so lose monitor speaker, microphone, connected USB devices. This was consistent then crash the next time it woke. After restarts seems fine then forgets again next time. Apple replaced logic board but persisted. Happened with 15.5 (I think), 15.6 and 15.7. Slightly different behaviour with each but essentially same problem. Eventually they agreed to replace the computer and I took the opportunity to upgrade to new 13″ MacBook Pro. Initially had the same problem after migrating my user account from Time Machine (just documents and settings) so erased HD and did full clean reinstall without Time Machine at all. Seemed good for day or so but just happened again!! (with Apple display). VERY frustrating but at least the new MBP restarts faster after crash! Hopefully Apple can fix this – very poor…
Base model Macbook Pro 13″ (2020, 2 thunderbolt ports) running 10.15.5 and 10.15.6. I was getting the “your computer restarted because of a problem” when I went to open my laptop in the morning after closing the lid to put it to sleep at night. The beginning of the error message was “panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801ae9097c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.driver.AppleBCMWLANCore. Thread 0x6a1be.”
I figured I’d try updating to 10.15.7. The install took a while and I was sort of worried since I had read things about iCloud syncing being broken and using high CPU. But for the past 4 days, I haven’t had a kernel panic.
I have 1 week old MBP16 with code 10.15.7 – every morning when open the Lid it’s crashed…
Yep, I spoke too soon. Problem still occurs. It doesn’t really affect productivity because it still starts up so quickly, but it is annoying. The only way I’ve found to avoid the KP is to shutdown the laptop before closing the lid everynight.
For me the only workarourn is to turn wifi off before close the lid. My kernel panic report points to BCMWlan driver…
My theory is SMC is sometimes slow or stuck. Here’s the temporary workaround:
Start shutdown procedure normally, it will take about 3 minutes until it crashes and reboots
After it reboots, don’t log in – press the shutdown button (on the bottom of screen) instead. This time, it will shutdown normally.
Do the SMC reset procedure (sudo nvram -c command )
How do you this “Sudo nvram -c command” i’m lost
One week ago I updated to 10.15.7 (19H2) My MBP 16. During this time, there was never a panic, noise, it is not heated. First time after purchase, my Mac works perfectly.
I am on MacOS 10.15.7 (19H2) after downgrading to 10.14 for a couple months. I have the CalDigit TS3+ for my Mac Mini (2018) and was getting constant panics on MacOS 10.15 (catalina).
After seeing the Apple forums post about clearing nvram via “sudo nvram -c” I decided to gamble and try upgrading to Catalina again. This did solve the problem for me and I have now gone a week without a panic.
Woohoo, I’m using TS3+ with 2020 MBP (4 TB3 ports), this method solve the problem. It won’t fall into kernel panic anymore after sleep with external monitor connected. Thanks!
When I’ve bought first MBP 16 I had kernel panics. I returned it and new one is still on 10.15.4 which was preinstalled. Where did you find this “new” method of reseting nvram?
I’m getting this too… I was stoked to buy my 2020 13″ MacBook Pro with the 2.3 GHz i7 & 16 GB of RAM and I get this panic or a variant when I attach the closed and sleeping MBP to my CalDigit TS3+ dock.
Weirder yet, is the variant I get where the error reporting screen just says “Intel stack generated”
Same laptop, same dock, same symptom.
I had to send it back to Apple. They replaced the logic board and the touch pad. Been working great since.
I had a new logic board in the last month as well (sent in just for the sticky keyboard ?), and the problem has only occurred since they replaced it!
Though this ‘crash on waking from sleep’ isn’t a hardware issue, afaict.
I ran diagnostics and no HW issues coming up. About to update to 10.15.7 to see if that makes any difference, although that update is chiefly about Safari iirc… ?
I have same problem @Helen , are u resolve it or still exists !
MBP 2018 15″ here.
Running Catalina 10.15.6
Still not solved. Over the last three days, over 45 crashes.
Top of crash report:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9c9333c5): “UPSB(MacBookPro15,1): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IOPCIFamily/IOPCIFamily-370.141.1/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1398
Disabled Thunderbolt ports in case it was that, though I had nothing plugged in other than occasionally my official Apple charger. It crashed whether it was plugged in or not, frankly.
Just performed a PRAM reset and am about to put it to sleep for the night – let’s see what tomorrow brings. I’ll update for clarity then.
Mine was an hardware issue, logic board swapped and problem solved.
10.15.6 did not fix the issue>>>> Update on your 16 Inch MacBook Pro 2019, only to get a Kernel Panic after you Wake it from Sleep?
Running 10.15.6 and still getting Kernel Panic and restart from Sleep. No fix! Frustrating to say the least as I have contacted Apple numerous times with no solution, all I get now is they are working on it and wait for the next update. Anyone else in the same boat??
UPDATE 7/15/20 – The 10.15.6 update is live! mrmacintosh.com/whats-new-in-the-macos-catalina-10-15-6-update-19g73/ Let me know if the update fixes the issue for you!
I am in the same boat. At me on 10.15.6 nothing solved and I installed Big Sur, which also did not solve the problem. A new problem has been added. When you open the lid, the screen lights up after 10-20 seconds, but neither the keyboard nor the trackpad are not available. After 3-5 minutes of idle time in this mode Macbook turns off and writes an error “watchdog panic” when loading.
Apple is a terrible company that has absolutely no respect for its customers!
A question for everyone who has Big Sur beta. Do you also have the feeling that MacBook is no longer working at full capacity? It feels like RAM leak. And also I think that developers have disabled switching to Radeon graphics card. Who has MacBook started working much worse after switching to Big Sur beta?
I have given up on this issue and looking forward to big sur if this issue will be permanently solve.
Since day 1 of purchase already having this problem. Initial os version is catalina 10.15.4. Until now, 10.15.7, i think it become worst, even without the system to sleep it restarts intermittently with this thunderbolt power on failed.
I am tired or searching for fixes, remedies resetting smc, pram. I am leaving this to apple experts to analyze and fix the problem. Still asking myself, since day 1 of purchase, did this devce really passed quality test/assurance as this is expensive?
Now i am using windows 10 on boot camp. So far did not encountered restart. I will continue this way since even only attending meetings on catalina, always restarting in the middle of the meeting. So frustrating.
I hope apple experts/engineers fixed this problem at least before moving on to apple silicon/arm.
Recently, I have been experiencing exactly like a RAM leak… Although I don’t get any kernel panics anymore. Have you found any solution for this? I have to reset processor intensive programs as they start melting down every once in a while… Three or four times a day at this point.
I’m having a similar or same issue. My MacBook Pro 16,2 (A2251) does not sleep at all or wakes up rebooting and presenting a stack trace. I’m currently on the latest macOS 10.15.6 (19G2021). But this has been happening since I got it. Stacktrace follows:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800829097c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while entering darkwake on way to sleep. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOThunderboltFamily. Thread 0x1e81a.
Backtracing specified thread
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff83c38f3900 : 0xffffff8007c41868
0xffffffa3c5d0bc80 : 0xffffff8007b3c4d1
0xffffffa3c5d0bcf0 : 0xffffff8007b3ad0f
0xffffffa3c5d0bd40 : 0xffffff8007b2b8d0
0xffffffa3c5d0bd80 : 0xffffff800822bbec
0xffffffa3c5d0bdc0 : 0xffffff800822d0cb
0xffffffa3c5d0bdf0 : 0xffffff7f8893e277
0xffffffa3c5d0be10 : 0xffffff7f8893deab
0xffffffa3c5d0be30 : 0xffffff80082137e4
0xffffffa3c5d0bea0 : 0xffffff80082135ea
0xffffffa3c5d0bec0 : 0xffffff8007b5c605
0xffffffa3c5d0bf40 : 0xffffff8007b5c131
0xffffffa3c5d0bfa0 : 0xffffff8007ac013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleSMC(3.1.9)[AB612149-B321-3B95-8741-B99E79274FCD]@0xffffff7f885a9000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Jun 18 20:49:00 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1D3A0F3D-D908-397B-BD16-8F48C0823A2E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000007800000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8007a00000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8007900000
System model name: MacBookPro16,2 (Mac-5F9802EFE386AA28)
System shutdown begun: NO
System uptime in nanoseconds: 13742047268851
last loaded kext at 11853857190427: >usb.cdc.ecm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f8be15000, size 49152)
last unloaded kext at 13632066822863: >!A!II210Ethernet 2.3.1 (addr 0xffffff7f8bde3000, size 98304)
loaded kexts:
After months of frustration with this problem and updating to 10.15.6 in hopes it would work… it made it worse. My 16 inch would crash after putting in my password. I tried restoring MacOS, resetting the PRAM and SMC – nothing worked. I decided to install the Big Sur public beta today based on what some others here were saying. Been testing for a couple hours and it seems to be fixed hopefully. Put the machine to sleep and woken it up several times now and it hasn’t crashed. Keeping the fingers crossed!
I’m glad that I am not the only one experiencing crashes after inputting my password! The only way I can “use” my 16in is by booting into safemode, though it wasnt practical. I ended up returning my unit. I wish I saw this comment and tried out Big Sur before I returned it.
I also am having the same issues on a 3 week old unit. It is a fully loaded machine with 64GB ram and 8GB 5600M. It makes the machine completely unusable and shows up even with power nap etc disabled. I am really annoyed and want to return/exchange the machine.
Did it help, Jeff?
I was having this issue on my classic MacPro (with a 5700 XT and 2 monitors) and after installing 10.15.6 supplemental update still had a panic occur during a sleep wake cycle. However, I also had other issues which indicated a corrupt NVRAM. I reset the NVRAM on my machine which fixed those and since then have not had a panic on wake. I suggest those of you still having issues try resetting the NVRAM and SMC as one or both may have been corrupted or put in a bad state as a result of the multiple panics.
FWIW, I too am seeing the black flash/delay when the computer is waking up that wasn’t present before.
I updated to 10.15.6 and I was still getting kernel panics due to my EGPU (Mantis Venus + Vega FE. Whenever I would come to my computer in the morning the computer restarted.
panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff801f414e67): “AMDFramebufferVega10::setPowerState(0xffffff807315f800 : 0xffffff7fa2937d76, 0 -> 2)
I made a time machine backup and upgraded to the public beta of MacOS Big Sur and the issues went away but I had compatibility issues with some apps I use so I made a time machine restore back to 10.15.6
It has been 3 days since I’m back on Catalina and no Kernel Panics due to my EGPU . My startup chime is still there. I’m wondering maybe my MacBook pro updated it’s EFI Bios or something to stop the KP.
2019 MacBook Pro – i9 2.3ghz – 32gb ram – 5500m 8gb
Boot ROM Version: 1554. (iBridge: 18.16.10347.5.3,0)
installing the latest big sur OS fixes the panic as long as im not connected to an external monitor – this means i need to manually disconnect the monitor everyday
Also i. just one of those external docks that fit into the 2 usb c slots and gives you access to various ports – it appears that this port will remain powered if i put my computer to sleep and causes the panic issue as well
I have the exact same specs as above
10.15.6 seemed to fix the crashing on my 16″ 2.3ghz i9 with 5500M.
However, when I wake my computer from sleep, it seems like there is a kind of black flash/delay when the computer is waking up that wasn’t present before. It isn’t terrible, it just seems like the computer takes an extra .5 or 1 second to wake up. I’m wondering if Apple’s solution to the crash is a clunky workaround related to one or both GPUs.
The fact that this problem persisted so long despite being kernel panic-inducing makes me think Apple had to come up with a non-ideal solution for something that might be best addressed through a hardware revision. If this is hardware related, Apple can address the issue in future models, and avoid issuing a recall for something that was maybe band-aided.
That said, if I’m the only one seeing this type of behavior (which to me just seems to add a second to my wake from sleep experience), maybe Apple did fix a purely software problem. If so, maybe I’ll plan to wipe my computer in a few months to see if that changes anything.
Same thing here. But ZERO KP’s.
I’ve seen this too, agree with your hypothesis.
My 2019 16″ i9 5500m machine does the same thing. It smells like they have a timing/race condition and they just stuck in a pause as a kludge, until they figure out what is really going on.
But it works for me and if my finger is on the sensor the desktop goes to a black screen for a second or so and then right back onto my desktop. Otherwise it is back to the login screen. But every wake from sleep involves the blank screen and the pause that first came with 10.15.6, at least for me.
Seems clunky, particularly from Apple but my machine no longer throws KPs, so I am satisfied, for now.
I had 10.15.1 . No kernel issues . After seeing some positive comments on 10.15.6 finally tested it out after the supplemental update came out . Up till now all good . However , I do have Bluetooth issues but maybe it is hardware an not related to software . Can’t get more than 3m of coverage with any device and lots of interference . Especially bad when using air pods . Has issue on 10.15.1 and also on 10.15.6 . Anyone with this type of issue ?
I’ve been having the problem for like 2 weeks now, and already updated de Os and still having the same problem, I can’t find a solution. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Here is my report:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f9bf233c5): “UPSB(MacBookPro13,2): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IOPCIFamily/IOPCIFamily-370.141.1/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1398
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff921fb1ba60 : 0xffffff801b31a65d
0xffffff921fb1bab0 : 0xffffff801b454a75
0xffffff921fb1baf0 : 0xffffff801b4465fe
0xffffff921fb1bb40 : 0xffffff801b2c0a40
0xffffff921fb1bb60 : 0xffffff801b319d27
0xffffff921fb1bc60 : 0xffffff801b31a117
0xffffff921fb1bcb0 : 0xffffff801bac1abc
0xffffff921fb1bd20 : 0xffffff7f9bf233c5
0xffffff921fb1bd40 : 0xffffff7f9bf0afab
0xffffff921fb1bda0 : 0xffffff7f9bf0b4ea
0xffffff921fb1bdc0 : 0xffffff7f9bf096d2
0xffffff921fb1be10 : 0xffffff7f9bf14023
0xffffff921fb1be30 : 0xffffff801ba137e4
0xffffff921fb1bea0 : 0xffffff801ba135ea
0xffffff921fb1bec0 : 0xffffff801b35c605
0xffffff921fb1bf40 : 0xffffff801b35c131
0xffffff921fb1bfa0 : 0xffffff801b2c013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Sun Jul 5 00:43:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~9/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 783946EA-6F11-3647-BF90-787AEA14B954
Kernel slide: 0x000000001b000000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801b200000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801b100000
System model name: MacBookPro13,2 (Mac-66E35819EE2D0D05)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 12114371754794
last loaded kext at 12064710245912: >usb.cdc.acm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9e6f0000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 351650438468: >!AFIVRDriver 4.1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9d9dd000, size 12288)
loaded kexts:
>!AHIDALSService 1
>AudioAUUC 1.70
@fileutil 20.036.15
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
MacBook 13″ 2020. Didn’t have this problem on macOS 10.15.4 & 10.15.5. It started KP only after updated to 10.15.6.
For what it’s worth:
My problems have been solved after updating my new machine to 10.15.6.
I am on a new 16 inch i9, 5600M, 16GB, 1TB
Still happening for me.
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f93b523c5): “UPSB(MacBookPro14,1): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IOPCIFamily/IOPCIFamily-370.141.1/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1398
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff923830ba60 : 0xffffff801311a65d
0xffffff923830bab0 : 0xffffff8013254a75
0xffffff923830baf0 : 0xffffff80132465fe
0xffffff923830bb40 : 0xffffff80130c0a40
0xffffff923830bb60 : 0xffffff8013119d27
0xffffff923830bc60 : 0xffffff801311a117
0xffffff923830bcb0 : 0xffffff80138c1abc
0xffffff923830bd20 : 0xffffff7f93b523c5
0xffffff923830bd40 : 0xffffff7f93b39fab
0xffffff923830bda0 : 0xffffff7f93b3a4ea
0xffffff923830bdc0 : 0xffffff7f93b386d2
0xffffff923830be10 : 0xffffff7f93b43023
0xffffff923830be30 : 0xffffff80138137e4
0xffffff923830bea0 : 0xffffff80138135ea
0xffffff923830bec0 : 0xffffff801315c605
0xffffff923830bf40 : 0xffffff801315c131
0xffffff923830bfa0 : 0xffffff80130c013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Sun Jul 5 00:43:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~9/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 783946EA-6F11-3647-BF90-787AEA14B954
Kernel slide: 0x0000000012e00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8013000000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8012f00000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 57938629517604
last loaded kext at 213559257047: @filesystems.smbfs 3.4.4 (addr 0xffffff7f95d76000, size 454656)
loaded kexts:
com.google.drivefs.filesystems.dfsfuse 41.0.2
com.bitdefender.TMProtection 5.0.0
com.bitdefender.FileProtect 1
com.bitdefender.SelfProtect 1.2.16
@filesystems.smbfs 3.4.4
@fileutil 20.036.15
>AGPM 111.4.4
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
>!AHDAHardwareConfigDriver 283.15
Not fixed in 10.15.6
Always same bug
Unfortunately I’m seeing the same behaviour on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) on macOS version 10.15.6. 🙁
Here’s the crash report:
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7f98ad53c5): “UPSB(MacBookPro14,3): thunderbolt power on failed 0xffffffff\n”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IOPCIFamily/IOPCIFamily-370.141.1/IOPCIBridge.cpp:1398
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff9235cfba60 : 0xffffff8017d1a65d
0xffffff9235cfbab0 : 0xffffff8017e54a75
0xffffff9235cfbaf0 : 0xffffff8017e465fe
0xffffff9235cfbb40 : 0xffffff8017cc0a40
0xffffff9235cfbb60 : 0xffffff8017d19d27
0xffffff9235cfbc60 : 0xffffff8017d1a117
0xffffff9235cfbcb0 : 0xffffff80184c1abc
0xffffff9235cfbd20 : 0xffffff7f98ad53c5
0xffffff9235cfbd40 : 0xffffff7f98abcfab
0xffffff9235cfbda0 : 0xffffff7f98abd4ea
0xffffff9235cfbdc0 : 0xffffff7f98abb6d2
0xffffff9235cfbe10 : 0xffffff7f98ac6023
0xffffff9235cfbe30 : 0xffffff80184137e4
0xffffff9235cfbea0 : 0xffffff80184135ea
0xffffff9235cfbec0 : 0xffffff8017d5c605
0xffffff9235cfbf40 : 0xffffff8017d5c131
0xffffff9235cfbfa0 : 0xffffff8017cc013e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Sun Jul 5 00:43:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~9/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 783946EA-6F11-3647-BF90-787AEA14B954
Kernel slide: 0x0000000017a00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8017c00000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8017b00000
System model name: MacBookPro14,3 (Mac-551B86E5744E2388)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 3940737137090
last loaded kext at 3912192264561: >usb.cdc.acm 5.0.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9b4ff000, size 36864)
last unloaded kext at 96586102497: com.cisco.kext.acsock 4.8.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9cfc6000, size 221184)
loaded kexts:
com.paloaltonetworks.kext.pangpd 5.1.3f12
com.thycotic.ThycoticACS 10.7.27
com.checkpoint.cpfw 1.0
com.symantec.ips.kext 9.0.2
com.symantec.nfm.kext 9.0.1
com.symantec.internetSecurity.kext 9.0.3
com.displaylink.DisplayLinkDriver 5.2.4 (82)
com.symantec.SymXIPS 9.0.1
>AudioAUUC 1.70
@fileutil 20.036.15
@kext.AMDFramebuffer 3.1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX4000 3.1.0
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6
>!AHIDALSService 1
I’ve been having this exact problem on Catalina but I’m not on a MacBook Pro. I’m on a MacBook Air. I have only had it for a few months and this has been happening pretty much since I got it. I tried resetting the SMC, the NVRAM, reinstalling the OS, wiping the disk and then reinstalling the OS. I have an appointment to have the computer serviced in a few days but I just tried changing the sleep settings as outlined in this post so I will see if that helps solve the problem.
I just bought MBP 16″ I9 a week ago. After few days, I attached a C-Type Hub to attach external monitor and other external devices. As soon as I detach the USB hub, my Mac freezes and continue to restart again and again. As soon I plugged in the USB hub, it works fine. I took many steps to resolve this issue, but nothing worked out. I reinstall the Mac OS, reset the SMC and PRAM but still it gets restart. I want to know, is there a hardware problem or a software problem?
Apple says there’s a problem with the software. But I think that they just don’t want to admit that there is a hardware problem!I also think that in new versions they are just introducing crutches that somehow try to solve the problem. But I still think that the problem is with the hardware. Unfortunately, Apple won’t admit it.
They have been promising me for 3 months now that the new version will fix the problem with my MacBook 16! They keep calling me and spending my time gathering logs. But it’s not fixed at 10.16.4, 10.16.5, 10.16.6, or Big Sur beta. I am very saddened…
Thanks for your reply. What can I do now? Should I send it to Apple for warranty? Or wait for software update? My mac only keeps running if usb hub is connected otherwise it gets restart as soon as I unplug the USB hub.
I think you should contact Apple Support first.
The latest update of the Big Sur beta (ver 11.0 20A5323I) seems to have solved the issue for me, finally.
I’ve tested it multiple times. With the lid closed and my external monitor connected my 2019 MBP 16 (2.4GHz i9 32GB 5500M 8GB) now successfully wakes from sleep without a kernel panic crash. What used to crash every time now doesn’t.
Wanted to wait for at least 24h before posting, as I’ve tried it both letting the system go to sleep on its own as well as selecting sleep in the menu, and to have it sleep overnight as well as in short bursts. This is with Power Nap enabled.
The latest Big Sur update was a big one, and also fixed a few other issues I had like the desktop backgrounds being messed up. It’s mostly good so far.
That’s good. My guess is they will update bridge firmware later for Mojave, High Sierra, and Catalina.
Good news about Beta 3 of Big Sur solving the issue. I was tried Big Sur up to Beta 2, but when I heard 10.15.6 was able to sleep without a kernel panic with an external monitor, I downgraded back to 10.15.6. Things have been good. I think I’ll wait to move to Big Sur – the kernel panic with an external monitor has been a real issue and I think I’ll leave “well enough” alone. The odd thing is that the release notes make no specific mention of addressing the kernel panic issue or waking from sleep in the Beta 3 of Big Sur (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/macos-release-notes/macos-big-sur-11-beta-release-notes). However, 10.15.6 does indicate “…Resolves an issue that prevented some displays connected to MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) from waking from sleep when the Mac wakes” (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210642). This is exactly the system I have.
How can I update to Big Sur beta (ver 11.0 20A5323I) ? Currently, my OS version is 10.15.6 and there is no software update available. Please tell me, I have MBP 16″ i9.
Normally I wouldn’t move to developer builds of Mac OS on my main machine as they are pretty unstable and have wonky compatibility with existing software. For instance Dropbox integration was initially broken (but works now).
The problem is that the main Catalina updates have been so broken that I’ve been trying anything to stop getting kernel panics, as they disrupt my work flow just as much as software compatibility.
Go to developer.apple.com, click on Discover / MacOS / Download and log in with your developer account. Those are free to sign up (or at least they were when I signed up years ago), and then you’ll download a new profile and can update using System Preferences as usual.
The beta updates are substantial in size so be aware you’re chasing stability by downloading an inherently unstable platform that will chew through your data allotment every time it updates.
The latest Beta seems to have solved my sleep crashes in clamshell mode with an external monitor, but have started a new set of sleep crashes with the lid open.
Thanks Neil for your reply. But I can see from your comment that Big sur will also not be a fix for the panic restart. What else can we do? Should we go to apple for warranty check? or wait for software update? Thanks.
Welp, just got a kernel panic reboot.
x86 CPU CATERR detected
Bit different than the other ones, and this one happened with the MBP 16 going to sleep with the lid open (which is a first). Walked away for about an hour and when I came back it was crashed again.
Still, much better than before, as this is one crash in 3 days of use.
But still a crash.
Baby steps, Apple! Baby steps!
I was hopping my problem which has been happening intermittently since Catalina would be resolved with the 10.15.6 update but it happened to me again last night.
I posted about my issues in late May, hoping an update would cure this. .5 and .6 updates have arrived and failed to provide any relief.
Sometimes the crashes occur when the screen has auto-shut-off, and I attempt to interrupt it before it actually sleeps. This causes a worse crash, in that the system hangs, beachballs every app, and takes a very long time to actually have a KP – just today it went 40 minutes before it finally shut itself down. I can interrupt these by holding the power button, but sometimes I let these run their course because I want it to get thru the KP and generate the crash report.
Usually, the crashes are fast and only noticeable when I return to the machine. These are annoying but not a huge inconvenience.
These are the 4 unique KP messages I get, I have not noticed a pattern to which occurs under what conditions:
“ATY,Boa::setPowerState(0xffffff81cc6b4000 : 0xffffff7fa03abd76, 1 -> 0) timed out after 45367 ms\”
“userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from com.apple.WindowServer in 120 seconds”
“Graphics firmware encountered an exception (eip: 0xbd82, fault #: 0xd)\n”
“Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while entering darkwake on way to sleep. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
I do not use clamshell mode, and almost always use an external display. If I *manually* trigger sleep from the touch bar, the system *never* crashes.
Attached devices: external HDMI display and Plantronics USB headset via Apple thunderbolt adapter.
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
One more update from me in regards to this, in case this helps anyone else with the same make and model of machine as I’ve got (16-inch 2019 MacBook Pro):
For me, there appears to be at least some thermal issue going on. If my machine has a high enough temperature reading going on, I can still repro the problem when I try to put it to sleep.
However, previously observed behavior of delaying a little before I actually close the lid does seem to help–specifically in regards to letting the machine actually have enough time to cool down.
I think this would explain why I get more stable behavior during my work day using a fan tray, as well.
I’ve been utilizing the Macs Fan Control app (the successor to smcFanController) to monitor my system temperature reports. I think it’ll be necessary for me to make sure the machine’s below a particular threshold of temperature before I try to put it to sleep.
Others may wish to try the same, see if this helps?
Just experienced this issue for the first time after updating to 10.15.6. Didn’t have this issue with any of the previous updates. Trying the workarounds and discontinuing use of an external monitor to see if it helps.
Frankly speaking: 10.15.6 solved s*h*i*t!
MBP 2018 i7 2,6 Ghz 32GB, 560x 4GB
External Monitor via USB-C connected to Macbook
Belkin Dockin Station connected via USB-C to Macbook
10.15.4: live was good and I never restarted my Laptop for week (uptimes of 4-5 weeks were the normal)
10.15.5 introduced: every other day watchdog Kernel Panics as many of you are getting
10.15.6: combo updated installed, no more Kernel Panic (Live is good!! Yes? Reallly? No!)
10.15.6: introduced: spinning wheel of death every other day
I tried all the things that many people suggested here, SMC reset, Amphetamine, disable sleep, disable batter health etc.
I am at a point to through out my 4000EURO Macbook Pro. This is no longer a Pro, but a broken machine which is the most unreliable device I had for the past 10 Years.
I really don’t get it why Apple is not investing time and effort into fixing this. This is extremly frustrating and will make me thing twice weather to get another Apple Macbook next Year or to go for a Dell or Lenovo with Windows. At this point Windows 10 seems to be much more reliable than Apple.
Sad truth. I was planning on getting a iMac Pro but this has me thinking twice.
Hi, I’m having the same issue with a 2017 13-Inch Macbook Pro..
So far nothing has resolved it, although it doesn’t seem to happen when the laptop is plugged in.
Anyone else having this problem with a 2017 13-Inch Macbook Pro?
Same here, MacOS 10.15.6 doesn’t work
I have the problem with a 2019 iMac (core i7, 16Go, Vega 20, SSD) and even if there are a lot of users having the problem with 16″ MBP, I think this problem happens on a wider range of configurations.
I have installed Amphetamine as a workaround for 15.6, as I was quite enthusiastic about reading from you all 15.6 fixed the problem. But it didn’t. I think I’ll go with amphetamine until autumn and Big Sur.
Don’t have any kernel panic since I change my work routine that every time I need to let my Mac sleep, I unplug all external devices, including external power supply. Works perfectly for more than a week.
After updating to 10.15.6 my issues with kernel panic errors seem to have gone away. I used to get them pretty consistently while it was on power and it went to sleep.
Installed 10.15.6 on 2016 15″ Macbook Pro. SLEEP the system restarts from a dark screen.
No such problems on previous versions
Did not fix
HI there,
I have a slightly older MBP, no such issue until about a week ago. Now close to unusable. Just did the update to Catalina 10.15.6 and didn’t help.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017), 2,9 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3, Radeon Pro 560 4 GB Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Any advice?
From my side i solved the issue before updating to 10.15.6 by disabling the FileVault. i think it was encryption issue for me. we hope this issue gone forever.
Updated to 10.15.6 yesterday and the issue persists. I let my machine sleep overnight and woke it up to a crash. I was really hopeful for a fix, so this is truly disappointing.
My 16” 2019 MacBook was experiencing constant crashes with 10.15.5 with the error: panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff7f8879cad5): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from com.apple.WindowServer in 140 seconds. This occurred when the Mac went to sleep with an external monitor attached using clamshell mode. I updated to 10.15.6, but decided not to restore from a TimeMachine backup. I did a clean install, then reloaded files and programs. I use Dropbox do it wasn’t too big a deal.
I have now been running for 3 days without incident / crashes. I am back to using clamshell mode again.
For those still having trouble even after trying 10.15.6, you may want to do a TimeMachine backup of your current setup, then do a clean / new install (command-option-R). Don’t restore from backup, and try things out for a day or so. If things look better you can always using Migration Assistant to pick and choose what you want to restore. That may help you diagnose the problem. You can always restore back from the Time Machine backup if the clean install doesn’t help.
Haven’t seen the kernel panic issue for around 3 days after installing macOS 10.15.6. Fingers crossed, hope the issue goes away forever.
I confirm the same. With 10.15.5 i got kernel panics reliably every time when I tried to put laptop to sleep with external display connected. With 10.15.6 no panics anymore. The laptop is a 16in with i9 and no extras (= i9, 16GB, 1TB, 5500M 4GB).
Have a nice weekend!
I have seen no kernel panics since installing 10.15.6 for several days now.
i9,5500 8GB
No kernel panics since installing 10.15.6 for 24 hours. Before this they would happen virtually immediately. By the way, I tried Big Sur and was still having the issue, so I reported it and received a response that there is a solution that will be available in the future versions. The fix was not yet in place in the second developer update. In any case, I am now able to use clamshell mode again and let the computer go to sleep and wake up. All the settings are back to default as well. Hoping things will remain stable.
i7 500GB 2019 MacBook Pro 16”
Update from me on this issue, where I’d been experiencing it on my work MacBook Pro:
The main repro scenario for this for me was closing the MacBook’s lid to put it to sleep. 30-90 seconds later, I’d hear a “whish” noise indicating it had shut itself down. Upon restarting the machine later, I’d get the error dialog warning me of the kernel panic.
Prior only way I had to keep the machine usable during the workday was to have it plugged into my fan tray, because I’d also get occasional kernel panics during active machine use. Not helpful when I’m trying to write code in Xcode. ;P
However, after reading additional comments on this thread, I saw someone’s suggestion about putting the machine to sleep via the menu command and waiting a bit before closing the lid. I tried that last night, gave it a minute between using the sleep menu command and then actually closing the machine.
This actually appeared to work. I also timed it for a minute after lid close, to make sure I didn’t hear the “hi I’m kernel panicking and shutting down now” noise.
This morning, I was able to successfully bring the machine up out of sleep mode.
All my settings on the Energy Saver preferences panel are still off. However, as I’m a QA Engineer/SDET, I’m ALL ABOUT getting additional repro data, so I’ll play more with this and see if I can rearrange settings and confirm whether my machine is still looking stable.
My 16″ MacBook Pro – i9, 32GB, R5500m 8GB would kernel panic every time it went to sleep on 10.15.4 until I disabled Power Nap. After disabling Power Nap I didn’t have any additional kernel panics. I opted not to install 10.15.5 as all indications were that it didn’t fix the issue and may actually make it worse.
After seeing reports over the past couple days that 10.15.6 fixed the issue for several people I went ahead and updated and I also re-enabled Power Nap.
I’ve very please to report that after several sleep / wake cycles including overnight I’ve not had any kernel panics or other issues and I’m extremely glad to have Power Nap working again! I didn’t realize how nice Power Nap was until it didn’t work. I work with individuals all over the world and it’s nice to have all my communications updated when I wake my MacBook up in the morning or after lunch instead of having to wait for everything to pour in over the course of a couple minutes when I first wake it up.
Thank you Apple for finally fixing this issue but shame on you for not openly acknowledging it in the first place or providing any support to customers or even noting this issue was fixed in the release notes for 10.15.6. Apple, you can and should do better!
16″ MBP i9 5500m graphics. I have now tried every stressor except re-enabling power nap and I have not had a KP in two days. Mine happened primarily when my machine would sleep while charging, and it spent all night booted up, sleeping and charging with no issues.
I am hopeful that 10.15.6 has finally put this nasty bug to bed, at least for me.
Good luck everyone!
After updating to 10.15.6, the problem is still here but not every time.
MacBook Pro 16″
New +5.000€ MBP Pro 16″ (2,4 GHz 8-core i9, 4TB SSD, 64GB RAM … I wanted the best …) was delivered 6 June 2020. 4 weeks of lost time (days and nights), unnecessary purchases because I thought (hoped ?) this would solve the problem (new TB3 drive LaCie 16TB, new Belkin TB3 hub, new cables …all from the Apple Store). Wiping disk (SSD drive) several times and re-installing OS X 10.15.5 several times, sometimes re-install TimeMachine, then doing clean install from scratch …..) spending hours online to find a solutions (from similar problem), chatting and calling Apple Support (I paid for AppleCare …), driving 1,5 hour up and 1,5 hour down to visit Apple Genius Bar in Brussels (due to traffic, I was 10 minutes late, so they “could not help me anymore, I can come back next week Thursday ….), every time the systems crashed and presented the crash report, I clicked to send the report to Apple ….
Now I installed 10.15.6 about 36 hours ago, and it looks the problem is solved. THAT problem.
The biggest problem is the attitude of the Apple organisation, the support or total lack of it they give to customers (for Apple people reading this message : we=the ones who pay your salaries, your stock option plans, help Tim Cook “earn” 136 Mio $ a year ….). It is clear there was an issue with the systems delivered by Apple. The strange thing : “kernel panic” problems existed in the past too, apparently nobody at Apple engineering and support learned from it. In stead of standing up and protesting against people who do not share your Californian political believes (the Trump lovers, the “not so fund of equal rights” people, those who are not convinced about the reasons and solutions of climate change …), I would like to suggest some action points to Apple. 1. Try to make your product work decently. 2. If there is a problem like this “kernel panic” : do not hide, communicate about it and tell people you are working on a solution which is to be expected as soon as possible (whatever soon means ). And for all the problems, lost hours and days, unnecessary expenses and purchases : say simply “we are sorry, we will trie to do better next time”. Easy. Fair. Like it should be done. What I as a customer of Apple since 1985 (!) expects, at least. What I would say to my customers if I was Apple. I’m based in Belgium – Europe. Don’t worry about potential class action suits coming from here …. To Apple : you can email me to apologise at patrick.vg(at)mac.com. Or call me on +32 475 243419
Oh friend, tell me later if they do apologize to you. That’s very interesting.
10.15.4 work just fine.
10.15.5 broke everything. I’m using 2 external monitor and it crashed every time when wake up from sleep. Installed Amphetamine to keep my make awake and no problem since.
10.15.6 Try turning off Amphetamine / Reboot / let my MBP 16″ go to sleep mode / wake it up and no more kernel panic or fan spin and crash, everything working just fine like before.
But I kinda used to and love Amphetamine already so will keep in running.
I installed 10.15.6 overnight and my 16″ i9 5500m MBP has been stable so far. All I have done so far is let it sleep a few times while charging and it has not thrown a KP. Next test will be to let it sleep while charging overnight, which has been the sure fire trigger for a KP with 10.15.4 & 10.15.5. This happens for me without an external monitor attached, every time it sleeps while in clamshell mode.
One change I noticed is that when it wakes it puts up my desktop background without the login/unlock prompt, then the screen goes black for a second or two and then it is normal again and I can unlock it. But it has not thrown a KP, rebooted or logged me out, which has not happened for me in several months. now
Just installed 10.15.6, it doesn’t fix. My symptom was different, kernel panic while trying to reboot/shutdown after sleeping overnight. Kp report shows watchdog timeout and last loaded kext at !UAudio. My machine is MacBook Pro 13 2015. This happens throughout 10.15.4 and 10.15.5.
May worth giving Onyx a shot
I recommend the same. I had KP all the time with 10.15.5 until I ran Onyx. No more KP. When I installed 10.15.6 I got one after installation. Run Onyx again and no more KP so far. I have no idea what Onyx fixes, but it might be some corrupted cache or other files.
I tried Onyx last night and it doesn’t work, still kernel panic when shutdown.
10.15.6 has apparently solved the Kernel Panic issue on my MBP 16″ in clamshell mode with external monitor when going to sleep.
I have tried 10 times, no problem. Before, with 10.15.5, it was crashing every time it went to sleep AND the lid was closed w/ external monitor & keyboard.
I’ll only believe it’s fixed after, say, two weeks, though.
Lesson learned: I’ll never ever install their updates again without waiting for at least 6 months!
Still super-annoyed about Apple never admitting the issue nor announcing a fix. Arrogant and bad attitude.
I waited almost 9 months to upgrade to Catalina but leaves this kernel panic issue unsolved on my machine.
Waiting for time before the update makes no sense. It’s just that Apple has become a disgusting company! I really hope that soon they will be replaced by another player who is better than Apple. Meanwhile, I really thought about buying a regular laptop and installing Ubuntu there… Apple has completely lost my confidence!
I’ve been told by Apple to just wait for a new version of the software… today I installed the official public version 10.15.6 and the problem with my Macbook is still there! I still can’t use my Macbook.
I can’t trust Apple anymore! I used to think that this company makes good notebooks and treats its customers well. Now I can see that they don’t care about us! They’ve released a completely raw product that half the customers just don’t work! And they don’t care, they’re not going to officially say they screwed up. They’re stalling.
I’m sorry, it’s the cry of the soul.
Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Sorry to hear that man…
Maybe try a totally fresh install of mac os? (You probably already tried this once, but i do not know what else to say)
Thank you for the advice! A clean installation didn’t help me.
Not working on 10.15.6
Still Kernel Panics:
panic(cpu 12 caller 0xffffff7f9642e953): GPU Panic: mux-regs 4 3 3f 1f 0 0 severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 0 IG FBs 1 EG FBs 0:0 power-state 4 3D idle HDA idle system-state 2 power-level 5:0 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : [3:0:0] GPU Not Found! PCI Config Access Fails!!!
Same in here. Already updated to 10.15.6 but still the problem of Panic error … Thunderbolt power on failed. My Mac is 8 days old now but since the day it is purchased consistently can not handle sleep
when you close the lid. How can this machine can not handle sleep? Just wonder how it passed the quality test/assurance test. It’s frustrating now… I put my earnings for this machine with the hope
to use it for work. You attend meeting to another room but you can not close the lid, so you need to
carry with the lid open. You want to take a break, mac need to sleep but can not handle this scenario.
So what to do, before you close the lid or take a break, do we need to shutdown to avoid panic error?
Very frustrating…
I know it’s not ideal (these machines should be able to handle a simple “sleep” task without shitt*ng the bed)… I haven’t updated to 10.5.6 yet, but what has been working for me is manually putting the computer to sleep (Apple -> Sleep)… wait for the external monitor and disks to wind down and then shut the laptop. I have Power Nap disabled as well.
Then I can come back and open the laptop and no KP.
@Lee, thanks foe your info. I have tried to change the power management settings as well, but no success. I even put to never sleep. Whether i close the lid/click the sleep in apple menu, same case. Due to pandemic, not able to visit any apple store if they displayed a unit for customers to test, but until april this year, i did not see any macbook pro 16 inch displayed on apple authorized reseller. If only they displayed we can test and for sure this consistent problem already trapped before we have purchased innocently. It should be best that their reseller will complain but i dont think it will make sense as they will be launching their ARM powered macbooks. Worrying that this problem might be left unsolved.
Well, if the latest 10.15.6 release solved the issue in most of our cases, maybe it’s time for you to dig deeper with Apple.
They should now provide a solution to the problem, as it exceeds the common issue, that seems to have disappeared now.
Maybe the reason is something different and is not related to the ‘sleep timeout’ issue.
Have you tried installing a clean 10.15.6 ?
Have you reset the SMC? Have you reset the NVRAM?
Waiting for new computer models us not an option.
There won’t be ARM laptops for a while. The first one will be a MacMini, I guess.
Having updated to 10.15.6 and working without issues, the issue appeared again during a couple of sleeps.
I then reset the nvram and the smc, and since then, it’s working smoothly.
Just in case it helps somebody else.
try clean install and stick with 10.15.3 or .4 or whatever version that will have no kernel panic on your machine.
How do I install 10.15.3 if I do not have this version on Time Machine?
Do you work at 10.15.3? I installed 10.15.3 Catalina and there’s still a problem!! How can I install 10.15.2? gibMacOS only offers the lowest 10.15.3.
Yes, everything is working just fine. I will not upgrade for a while.
Is it possible to install Mojave on MacBook Pro 16 2019? I downloaded the installer in the way you suggested above, but I have written that the installer is not supported on this MacBook.
Give the OnyX a try
On version 10.15.3 OnyX did not help. I will soon check for 10.15.6.
OnyX didn’t help me at 10.15.6 either.
10.15.6 is working for me! Huzzahh!!
Just installed 10.15.6 myself, and first attempt at sleep worked fine, woke without issues. First time I’ve been able to do that in a long time. I’ll keep testing it throughout the day and overnight.
Just installed as well, restored defaults to all power settings just to see what happens. ??
My update: No panics w/ power settings on default since July 15, 2020 at 2:18 pm ~
Pleased to hear that. FYI for others… Unfortunately, hasn’t worked for me.
After update to 10.15.5 prolem disappeared. I updated yesterday to 10.15.6:
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7fa4226953): GPU Panic: mux-regs 4 3 3f 1f 0 0 severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 0 IG FBs 1 EG FBs 0:0 power-state 4 3D idle HDA idle system-state 2 power-level 15:0 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : [3:0:0] GPU Not Found! PCI Config Access Fails!!!
Macbook Pro 16, Manufacture date: 11 May, 2020
So far it is working for me as well!!
me too! no more kp after wake up.
10.15.6 is now officially out. About to install.
It seems to be fixed! Hooray!
Hi all
Yesterday night I’ve installed the latest dotrelease and it fixed it.
I’ve run different tests and it seems to have gone back to normal.
For those no so lucky, do a SMC and PRAM reset as well, to make sure other settings are properly as they should.
And if your system still has the KP, make sure that the one you experience is listed as the ones that produced this result.
In my case it was mainly the ‘Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.’
It appears that this one is finally fixed.
Tomorrow night I’ll ask Apple to close the ticket I’ve opened.
sorry to say it, but folks that did encounter numerous kernel panics probably do need a complete disk wipe and reinstall ~ I think the OS disk is read-only, but I’m not sure how much protection that will buy you from corruption in other areas of the environment ~
I’m on Big Sur 11.0 Beta (20A4300b) and still have the kernel panics with an external monitor attached when the system sleeps with the MBP 16 lid closed. Just had it happen again.
The latest beta update (15.5.6 Beta 19G71a) worked for me!
Ok, interesting development here. I got a new monitor. The new monitor is USB-C (*real* USB-C, not DisplayPort in a USB-C form factor.) I now charge the machine using the monitor. The issue no longer occurs. No more kernel panics!
It was 100% reproducible when using a DisplayPort monitor connected to a USB-C port, but I can’t make it happen at all with a USB-C monitor connected!
So maybe all the Apple engineers have expensive new USB-C monitors 🙂 and that’s why they haven’t noticed the issue
I’m not sure that’s it. I’m using two Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) monitors made for Apple computers (LG UltraFine 4K Display). I’m still on 10.15.4 because 10.15.5 gave me constant kernel panics if the laptop is asleep while plugged in, or clamshell closed when plugging in the monitors.
Hmm, maybe because I have the 5300M? I had the issue in *both* 10.15.4 and 10.15.5. Never in 10.15.3. And now not since using a USB-C monitor. Damn, thought I was onto something. It has solved my issue though, but I don’t understand why.
I bought my 16in in February, and spent the last 5 months trying every solution to get rid of constant kernel panics and crashes that rendered my $3500 machine useless. I tried EVERYTHING, in addition to making Apple support calls just so they would have me on record as having requested help.
Eventually I gave in and took it in for genius bar repair, which I was doubtful about since so many people have gotten their 16ins “repaired” multiple times to only have em still crash/panic. Well, they replaced my logic board and touch ID chip, and it’s been 5 days and I’ve had 0 crashes!!! I did disable Power Nap the second I got it, and haven’t turned it on to even try to see if it causes crashes; I’m just going to let it stay the way it is, since it works.
So, don’t despair! If you haven’t tried it yet, go take advantage of your AppleCare and get the logic board replaced. Just be really emphatic to the Genius Bar rep about have tried everything already.
Really glad you managed to get that outcome.
Genius Bar reservations are not practically available in my country and so I spent 60 mins (3rd time) with Apple senior support today only to eventually be told they still refuse to replace the machine as a “software fix” is “in the pipeline”. For me, my machine will no no longer boot into normal mode at all, so that means I’m now left with an unusable machine in any meaningful sense.
I was very clear about that with the senior support on the phone, yet they said my only option was to raise a case with the National Retail Ombudsman in my country.
To say I’m an unhappy customer would be an understatement.
[Note from the field] Just purchased the 16″ MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 64GB RAM, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB). I am using a LASUAVY 7-in-1 USB C Hub with an ASUS monitor plugged into the HDMI port. Kernel panic happened EVERY time I shut the laptop. HOWEVER, if I put it to sleep first (Apple -> Sleep) and wait for the monitor to shut down, I can physically close the laptop and it will successfully awaken upon opening the laptop.
If anyone identifies a successful update, would love to hear about it!
I’ve enrolled Mac OS Beta program and installed Mac OS 15.5.6 today and the problem is fixed.
How is your MBP 16″ specced if I may ask?
Same here : 15.5.6 beta 4 installed and (for the moment) the issue does not occur anymore (since last 24 hours …)
I have MBP16 —Belkin Thunderbolt3 hub —LaCie 16TB TB3 drive (Time Machine) — G-Drive 16GB TB3 drive (“archive”) — Apple Cinema 20 Display 1 TB2 with adapter ) — Apple Cinema Display 2 TB2 (TB2 connected to display 1)
Will report back if issue comes back
I installed 10.15.6 Beta (19G71a) about 10 hours ago and haven’t had a kernel panic yet. Previously was stuck on 10.15.4 because when I update to 10.15.5, I received constant kernel panics whenever I had external monitors plugged into my closed 16″ MBP when either waking from sleep or when plugging in with the clamshell closed.
2019 16″ MacBook Pro
2.4 8-Core i9
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536MB
Using 2x LG Ultrafine 4k Thunderbolt 3 monitors (tried both daisy chained and separate)
MBP power coming from the monitors
A reminder that the ultra fine monitors cannot supply enough power for the 16″, so please supplement with your adapter ~ ref https://www.apple.com/us-hed/shop/product/HMUA2VC/A/lg-ultrafine-4k-display
Thanks for the info Arni. I haven’t had any issues charging. Is this a documented recommendation from Apple?
Yup : /
I have tried 10.15.6 Beta 4 (19G71a) and it has made no difference to the issue. I have also tried fully formatted clean reinstalls with SMC and NCRAM reset and is has made no difference. I have tried every combination of energy saver settings and pmset configurations and screen resolution. The fact that it happens from clean formatted reinstalls rules out 3rd party software / kexts etc as the issue.
In my case I also get PowerPlay Failed to Initialize at restart approx 9 times in 10, and PowerPlay failed resume at every sleep wake and at every attempted shut down or restart if I let the countdown tick down more than 2 seconds (if I immediately confirm the restart before 2 seconds then it will shut down).
I also get random userspace watchdog timeouts during normal use.
I’d suggest others don’t waste their time as I have done, and pursue a replacement.
However, in my case Apple are refusing to replace the machine and are claiming that it is a software issue with a fix in the pipeline, but with no indicated date. For me at least, the latest beta does not fix. I have also tried Big Sur beta 2 and that also does not fix.
Safe Boot does not appear to provoke the issue but the Discrete GPU is not enabled in that mode, which again appears to confirm a hardware problem.
How is your MBP 16″ specced if I may ask?
MBP 16 2.4ghz, 5500M 8GB, 64GB, 4TB
I’ve been struggling with the issue for a year. Apple support has NOT been a help. With tons of the problem reports sent and the discussion boards they still deny there is a problem.
I followed all their advice, including the clean reinstalls and roll back to the original firmware via internet. None would help. They refused to take back my iMac and change it. Very dissapointing. Their final advice was to bring it to service. Which in this case is nonsense.
During the last phone call the tech guy adviced something that I thought led to another problem. His adviced to do something that partioned the Fusion Drive. I was so mad. The guy sort of apologized and said I could fix the Fusion Drive through Terminal and gave me a link how to fix the Fusion Drive if it was partioned as it might not function as Fusion Drive. Sorry, for the long story…
I fixed the Fusion Drive and re-installed the latest Catalina. It’s the second day the system doesn’t reboot on wake up. I wonder if going from Mojave to Catalina does something to a Fusion Drive. It definitely rebuilds the drive.
Hope this solved the problem. Need more time for the observation.
I set 10.15.6 beta 4 – the problem continues. When MacBook goes to sleep mode, Kernel Panic happens in 5-7 minutes.
With every new update that I try to overcome this problem and get no result, I hate Apple more and more!
I was going to ask if you could report SMC version information, but it seems Apple has removed it from the system information panel. I am still wondering if firmware is updated for beta releases, if not we might not see an improvement. I am on 10.15.5 w/ T2 version 17P5300, Boot ROM @ 1037. (iBridge: 17.16.15300.0.0,0). Yes! I am grasping at straws.
I updated to 10.15.6 beta 4 last night, let my mbp 16′ go to sleep, and this morning when I woke up again I got kernel panics again (multiple in a row, with a few restarts causing the macbook to not recognize the hard drive). To address this, I booted the macbook in safe mode and when I logged in I saw the following message:
“Panic Medic Boot: A third party kernel extension was preventing the machine from successfully booting. All third party kernel extensions have been disabled.”
I restarted the computer NOT in safe mode, and this time it booted successfully. Now testing to see if the sleep/wake kernel panic issue was resolved. Anyone else experiencing this? Might be evidence of what the problem is. I have Box, Dropbox, and other third-party extensions normally installed on my computer.
Sorry, I don’t know the SMC version. How can I know that?
Just replying to myself, I note that with 10.15.6 T2 Firmware was updated from `17P5300` to `17P6065`; Boot ROM moved from `1037.` to `1037.` and `17.16.15300.0.0` to `17.16.16065.0.0` respectively. Don’t ask me what a Boot ROM is :/
I installed 10.15.6 Beta 4 GM (19G71a), didnt have the patient to wait for the public release and felt like it couldnt be more worse than what Im experiencing right now. The update solved the problem for me.
I unenrolled from the beta program after installing the update, hopefully the upcoming public release does not bring back the problem.
@Kaj: Where can one download 10.15.6 Beta 4 GM (19G71a), please? I am not seeing it at https://developer.apple.com anywhere.
It seems like a lot of people here are getting kernel panics with external monitors, clamshell mode, USB-C hubs, etc. However, I don’t think you need to be using an external device to get these panics.
I’ve had six kernel panics since getting my 16″ i9 5500M 4GB this May, and each time my computer was waking from sleep and only plugged into my charger.
The only troubleshooting I’ve done is to disable power nap, as well as contacted Apple to confirm this is a known issue. I now also make sure to disconnect my computer from my charger before waking it.
Hopefully we get some kind of resolution soon.
That is exactly my situation as well.
I get kernel panics anytime that my mbp sleeps in clamshell mode with the charger attached. If I am not charging it is fine to let it sleep, but never with the charger plugged into the USB-C port.
I never had a problem for the first 5-6 months I had it until I installed 10.15.4, and it has never been completely stable since I installed that OS rev.
My laptop came with 10.15.4, so I don’t have any experience with earlier releases of 10.15. It sounds like lots of people are reporting the issue happening once 10.15.4 came around.
Dear Apple Support Team
Need nearby store location (Tanauan City, Batangas, Philippines 4232) to bring my MacBook Pro 16 inch to have it checked/replace. Since day 0 (July 8, 2020) on the time of purchase, issue persists on Panic error … Thunderbolt power on failed which restarts the computer.
Today, July 10, 2020, 2nd day it’s been 50 more times I encountered this problem notably
1. I close the lid
2. when MacBook Pro 16 sleeps (you can simulate by click Apple Icon > Sleep or
wait until the machine sleeps)
This machine can not handle sleep, can not wake up.
3. When inserting my Samsung portable SSD T5, to test the thunderbolt,
it will restart same case.
I am so worried, I put my hard earnings to purchase this machine hoping to use
it for a living.
I have reported to Apple support with the recommendation to Reset SMC but to no
avail. Problem persists.
I just wonder, is this machine passed the quality test, quality assurance because
since day 0 it’s already problematic.
This MacBook Pro 16 2019 runs on macOS Catalina v. 10.15.4
I hope you can help me on this. I am stressed as this amount of money
I used with the hope I can use for finding and having job online as I do
programming, otherwise, I start to regret, should I knew this problem,
I should have invested this earnings for buying agricultural plants to grow
and sell.
Thanking you in advance.
best regards,
Same here !
Are any of you using an external USB C Hub/Docking Station? I’m using one by CalDigit one to drive 2x 4k monitors and accessories when at my desk.
I noticed a few references to people’s setups in other forums and saw someone mention they were using a CalDigit hub. On a hunch, I went to their site and found a firmware update. It makes no reference to this specific issue, but I gave it a try.
In the past 4 days, I’ve had no crashes. I had been experiencing them every day or two, even with keep monitors on, keep hard drives on, graphics switching unchecked, power nap disabled. I have not altertered any of these “extra” settings.
I’ll post an update if the crashes resume. If I see none in the next 2 weeks, then I’ll start adding back the disabled features one at a time – week by week.
MacBook Pro 15″, 2018
Gonna take my word back, my mbp just crashed on Big Sur beta 2
Kai – unfortunately, me too. After working for about 1 day, the restarts began again. OS 11 beta 2 is not the solution either. I’m back to seeing what does work with the clamshell mode. I’ve turned off sleep mode and power nap for starters.
Installed the Big Sur Beta 2, with DisplayPort monitor plugged in, have played around for half-day, haven’t seen crashes.
Same here! No crashes with Big Sur Beta 2 and a DisplayPort Dell monitor plugged in! Had tried Big Sur Beta 1 but that still crashed. Big Sur Beta 2 is looking promising. Will keep you posted. So far after 1/2 day looks good. Nice to be able to use clamshell and let the computer go to sleep.
Is this for real? You buy a brand new computer for more than anybody invest in a computer – almost 5000usd then end up in this bug and only respond is “wait for an update” ?
I changed 5 Macbbok Pro 16 after talking to Apple Support who clamed that it was a hardware error, on the 6th the said that it is a Software error and their support engineer is working on that.
The hardware arrived with 10.15.4 worked fine and when i update to 10.15.5 thats when the issue described here occured. Afther the 5th change I was tiried of returning computer and restarting so ignored updating but then I realized, Im paying huge load of money for this and I should not be restricted. I updated and here I am again with the issue of system crashing when going to sleep.
Coming from Windows, why cant Apple simply allow to downgrade from an update as windows allows without the need of a time machine backup?? Clearly the update they sent is crashing systems so why the hell should we wait for Apple to decide when to downgrade and update??? Every update they send out cannot be 100% why not allow a user to downgrade??
I am curious: what evidence did the support person use to justify the claim that it is a hardware error? They usually run through a script with customers that involves trying safe boot. Did they do this with you? Were you able to reproduce the issue in safe boot?
They did not run any such, told me to do the basic stuff of re-installing the OS etc. and claimed that they never heard of this issue and it’s definitely a hardware issue Since it’s a brand new computer and fresh install without any backup. On the 5th change the agent claimed the same thing until I got pissed of and then he went through my tickets and also other tickets from others and then he told me that it’s a software issue. I asked when will the fix come, he did not know. I asked to keep my ticket open and notify me when the fix is available he told me he cannot do that either. I asked if there will be a fix before the next major release of MAC OS he did not know that either -.-
Ouch. Yeah, it can be difficult to jump through that tier 1 “support” staff and get through to someone with any actual knowledge of the product.
It’s ironic: I moved from Linux as my bare metal environment to OSX because I got tired of dealing with laptop hardware driver nonsense, only to deal with more of the same, except that it’s all closed-source and I can’t fix anything myself.
I was having the same issue: every single time the computer went to sleep with external monitors connected, I would get a kernel panic. I run Onyx maintenance routines, clearing all cache, let the computer go to sleep and no panic so far. Let’s see what will happen on the next few days. Running MacOS 10.15.5, 16-Inch, 5500M.
3 days with no crashes! Try Onyx. Before it was crashing every time it went to sleep.
Tried Onyx on macOS 10.15.5, it seems to be working for a day without a crash. (Fingers crossed, last time I said it was working and then it crashed immediately).
Interestingly, I believe I tried Onyx before 10.15.5, but the crash issues persisted.
Anyway, I’ll continue testing and keep you guys posted
How’s Onyx working out now that it’s been a few days?
To me, I still got several crashes during these days. (more like the infamous black screen issue)
However, the situation is getting better, at least, the system wouldn’t crash immediately after going into sleep.
To me 8 days without a single crash.
I have two bugs that I am able to reproduce on 10.15.5 but they don’t occur in 10.15.3.
MacBook Pro 2019 (32gb ram, 8gb vram, 1tb ssd)
External monitor connected to HDMI port using Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter (Part: MUF82AM/A)
Bug 1: When FileVault is enabled in 10.15.5 and the system is started up or restarted the external monitor is blank until after signing in. This happens with the clamshell opened or closed. After disabling FileVault the external monitor works immediately after starting up or restarting. The external monitor works immediately in 10.15.3 regardless of whether or not FileVault is enabled.
Bug 2: In 10.15.5 with the clamshell closed if I click the Apple icon in the top left corner of the screen, then click Lock Screen and then click the Cancel button on the lock screen the system will become unresponsive and require a restart. This does not happen in 10.15.3.
I am able to reproduce both of these bugs consistently every time.
Good news! What about the dGPU Bug with 20W with external Monitors?
I had the same issue as you with my brand new 16″.
After spending days with apple support, and going through all resolution steps, it has finally stopped.
Going on almost a week now without this issue, have left mac plugged in and shut for days at a time and no crash.
It looks like what fixed it what re-installing the Mac OS via Internet Recovery.
I advise you all to try the same.
Hi Z, thank you for your info on re installing mac os via internet recovery, i will try as my macbook pro is new but ever since encountering panic error when sleep even without other device connected on its thiderbolt 3
I installed 10.15.6 beta 3 today. It looks like it solved the problem for me, but I have to do some more testing tonight.
Hope this will work!
Hi there,
Same issues here.
macOS Catalina (10.5.5) causes Kernel Panics upon wake-up from sleep on both my iMac (Late 2015) and 13″ MacBook Pro (Mid 2015).
Type: @/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.101.6/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296
Just turned off Power Nap on the iMac. Fingers crossed.
I have had the same issue. I.e. crashes when it wakes from sleep in clamshell mode with an external monitor. I’ve been running 10.15.6 beta 3 and it seems to be fixed. Beta 2 didn’t fix it……
It still runs hot though with a an external display.
Hi! What do you say?” Do you have a problem with version 10.15.6 beta 3 ?
There were no problems for me anymore after installing 10.15.6. I was experiencing kernel panics with sleeping when connected to external monitor in clamshell mode. I only was able to test for 1 day as scheduled the MBP 16″ to be returned.
How can I install 10.15.6 beta 3? Do you have detailed instructions?
You can by following the instructions in the link provided.
The same panic happens on MBP 13″ 2020 CTO Catalina 10.15.5
When panic does not happen after waking up it disables some of the USB-C ports.
My NONDA HDMI adapter stops working. It has power but Mac doesn’t recognise it as external display.
Updated to Big Sur Beta today and I have not had it happen since.
I have a problem even after updating to the beta version of Big Sur.
Installed 10.15.6 beta 3 today and the problem is no longer happening.
Kris, did your symptoms begin after updating from 10.15.4 to 10.15.5?
Yes, as soon as I updated to 10.15.5.
That is excellent news! Here’s hoping they will soon roll it out to the public. I am curious to try it myself, but the random data collection clause in the beta program agreement makes it a no-go for me.
Even with the laptop connected to monitor in clamshell?
Yep. That’s how I run the majority of the time. I have two of the LG 4k monitors daisy chained via USB C and plugged into my laptop. Laptop is always closed. Since I installed Beta 3, I’ve tested in multiple ways (restart, let it sleep and wake within a couple minutes, lock screen and let it sleep overnight) and it’s worked consistently. The fan still runs like it’s trying to fly away, but it at least wakes from sleep while plugged into the monitors.
For anyone who wondered, the Mojave security update beta does NOT fix it. I am hoping there will be a 10.14.7!
Do you have Mojave on a MacBook 16? And the Kernel Panic is still there?
No, Mac Mini 8,1 which also has a T2. I am using Mojave. The kernel panic arrived at the same time as it did on Catalina – the same security updates were made to the bridge firmware, and that is the problem. I thought the beta security update might fix it, as 10.15.16 beta seems to have fixed it on Catalina, but I can see that Mojave is not as urgent to them.
You guys, why do you keep returning the hardware? It is not a hardware issue. Apple confirmed this.
I just spoke again with Apple, and the latest update is that the issue is being worked on. There is a patch coming. It may not be a public patch for a while, so I suggest for everyone who is having this issue to get through to an advanced support person and get to the data collection point, so that when a fix is available, you will be notified, and the fix will be given to you if it does not make it into the next public patch.
I have been communicating with Apple support for 3 months. And they’ve been telling me for 3 months to wait for SOFTWARE updates. An update was released, but the problem persists. Also, my friend MBP 16 is the same as me, but he doesn’t have this problem on the same version of Catalina 10.15.5! And it’s all very similar exactly to the hardware problem!
I can’t use my new MacBook Pro 16 and it’s in the box. This makes me very angry!
To make it hard on Apple actually. They do not confirm the issue and tell every single person with the problem to start SMC and PRAM reset and do a clean install which is stupid and wasting time.
The high return rate is an itch for any product manager, at Apple or with their resellers. If not, then Apples margin is way too high.
I have bought and returned 4 Macbooks 16, the last costing 5400€. At that price, I expect snappy support and a device I can use. Apple has changed, quality of software and hardware is declining, thought the Pro 16 is a nice machine. But, the Apple nimbus no longer works, I need a device being stable and usable, not a device used as a show-off.
Sorry for the rant but Apple is clearly not living up to expectations. As I said in another post, I had it and turned in both my Macbook 16 and iMac 27 (issue no sleep with fusion drive) and turned to Lenovo.
My personal trust in Apple to address issues are completely eradicated.
It’s true! Apple has become a company that tries to get rid of the customer in the support service and delay time, instead of helping the customer.
I’m tired of getting excuses. I want to use my MBP 16, but now it just lies in a box. And it’s not my fault, it’s Apple’s! But they still don’t admit it! They are delaying time, probably so that my warranty period runs out…
i have seen many having same case with me. if this is known issues to apple which i believe
they should have known already as i assume they should have catched this issue during their
burn in to test their product if it is stable and works well. As we bought the product brand new
but problematic. if they knew this case, why they sell this product? it leaves people in disappointment and stress. We bought this product with excitement but it turns out this excitement becomes stress and end up trouble shooting this product.
we become product testers and trouble shooters opposite of what i expect to be enjoying
this machine and learning programming but majority of the time spent with this machine
is to simulate and test and wait and 100% encountering this panic error. I think i am giving up
its been 8 days of having this problem since i purchase this machine in july 8,2020.
It has been two weeks without a panic crash following my method above. Always open up from clamshell before hooking to or disconnecting from a dock or external monitor. I also use the Amphetamine App to keep the system running when I step away fro a bit, but I don’t allow the app to run once I’ve disconnected everything.
My T2 machine has not crashed since I stopped letting it sleep. I don’t consider that a real fix.
My 2015 MBP has not crashed since I started quitting Safari before letting it sleep and charge at the same time. Otherwise it crashes.
Apple really screwed this one up.
It has been two weeks without a panic crash following my method above. Always open up from clamshell before hooking to or disconnecting from a dock or external monitor. I also use the Amphetamine App to keep the system while in use, but I don’t allow the app
I installed the beta version of Mac OS Big Sur, and the problem still remains. My MacBook 16 shuts down with a Kernel Panic sometimes on its own, but always if I close the cover.
Is it true that not only MacBook 16, but also older MBP models suffer? I have my doubts that Apple launched such a rumor to not recognize the problem in the new line.
Sorry for my very bad English! I write through a translator.
10.15.6 Beta 3 released today, does anyone have the energy to test it?
& if t2 firmware is flashed during an update; would the beta’s include that?
yes, finaly fix this shity bug! happy again
Fixed it for me.
Are people experiencing this problem with the new 5600M 16 inch MBP?
It supposedly ‘fixes the overheating issue’ people on other forums claim.
This is really a pretty amazing bug, when you think about it. It has continued for months, affects the newest and most expensive Macs, affects both Mojave and Catalina, is unlikely to be cured by Big Sur since it lives in the T2 chip, seems to affect 100% of the computers 100% of the time (that you let them sleep), and is still unresolved and publicly not acknowledged.
I suspect Apple is losing more customers than all their advertising for the last two years gained them. I suspect they are also literally losing tens of millions with all the exchanges.
Would it kill them to talk to us about it?
Yes it is quite remarkable.
I just made the decision to send back my second unit. Not sure what I will do next.
I sent my 4th (!) unit back today and ordered a Lenovo P53… Can extend up to 128 GB of RAM if needed…
Leaving Apple after 15 years for the same reason I left PC at that time. Sad…
I am still having this issue on my new Mac Pro 2019 and no solution so far. Only a very simple self-made workaround, which works for some days, but the KP will be back for sure.
After KP I am reseting the PRAM (Power Nap is deactivated) and that works for some days. I am not sure what goes on. As described above even a completely fresh install did not helped… What also helps sometimes is to delete some Kext-Files, but only for some days as well.
Hope 10.15.6 will kill that bug! If not I’ll think about a return… what do you guys mean? Is here anyone who has experience with an exchange? I’ve read somewhere else, that the Problem occurred also on a second Product…
Good luck everybody
I just got my new exchanged model today and started to test on it..
Everything seems to be working on the 10.15.4 version that came with it, I couldn’t provoke any issues with panics when sleeping and connected to external monitor.
Then I decided to upgrade to 10.15.5 and hell broke loose, it didn’t take me more than one attempt to start receiving the panics again..
So I have decided to return this MBP. I’m probably gonna try the MBP 2019 with a 5300 graphics since I have a friend who hasn’t had any issues with his MBP.. the difference between his and mine was the graphics card… Hoping that I can have a stable work machine and if that MBP also gonna act up then I’ll stick to my old 2017 MBP until I know this issue is resolved
I am curious what this will do for you. Could you give an update when you know more?
Good luck!
@Dutch, sure I will update you when I have news 🙂
Just be a bit patient, Apparently Apple support couldn’t exchange this 5500 MBP to a 5300 MBP, so I need to return this MBP first and get the money returned before I will commit to the 5300 MBP
I’ll be interested to hear the outcome. Given I have the issues and I have a 5300 I don’t think it’s related, but maybe there is some difference in the hardware that makes it less suscepitble?
For me it’s 100% reproducible. I have:
Chipset Model: AMD Radeon Pro 5300M
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x8
VRAM (Total): 4 GB
Just tried on the macOS Big Sur Beta, still got the userspace timeout issue
Hi All,
Good day. stumbled on this post, as i was trying to find out what happened to this wondrous (read: irritating piece of metal who keeps restarting for no goddamn reason) machine. i have just bought this 16″ Pro 3 weeks ago, and migrated everything from my mid-2012 (something that i regretted). i have been talking to Apple support, and i have done everything from resetting NVRAM, and everything. i cannot even back up into time machine, as it keeps on restarting.
i am now going to call their support and see what the engineering department can advise me. I will update if i get any.
Thanks everyone.
The same situation here. I bought 16″ a month ago and still have this sleep/wake issue. There is no difference if I connect only external display by USB-C to DP or HDMI cable, or USB-C hub with all my accessories. Even with thunderbolt hub problem still exist. I checked different versions of macOS, from 10.15.3 to 10.15.6 beta, and only 10.15.3 works properly.
The only thing Apple support can advise me is reinstalling the system. As we know it’s not a solution.
For me, this situation is unacceptable! Especially that this computer was not cheap.
If it’s any consolation, I’m running the dev beta of Big Sur and have thus far encountered no further issues with sleeping/closing the lid with default power save settings.
I’m also running the dev beta of Big Sur and can still replicate the problem easily.
Clamshell closed, external monitor connected, allow it to sleep = Kernel Panic, every time.
Neil, do you have the 5500m ?
Yes, I have the 5500M 8GB.
MBP 16 2019, 32GB, 2.4 GHz i9.
If this issue persists into BigSur release, I think it might be safe to say we have faulty hardware and Apple is not owning up to it?
I wanted to buy a new MacBook Pro 16 which I would need for professional tasks like photo editing or video production. But regarding the existing software quality at Apple, I decided to spend my money for a Lenovo device. First Windows computer since 2006…
Well, I guess it’s an option that this things can happen.
I don’t see any point in blaming Apple for a bug in the OS.
It will soon be fixed and it will be just one more bug in the endless list of software bugs that can occur to all software driven devices.
The MBP 16″ is a fantastic computer, very powerful and capable of many high end tasks.
Returning the unit to get another one won’t help, knowing that there’s a bug in the OS, and not in the hardware.
It make much more sense to have a ticket open at Apple support and have it reported thousands of times to let them know the bug is there and affects seriously our work.
Like with many things like this, we just have to be patient and wait until it’s fixed.
I guess it’ll be fixed in the next OS dot-release, maybe thanks to the thousands of reports they received every time our computers crashed and sent the report, and to hundreds of calls regarding this issue.
So let’s hope they officially release 10.15.6 in the next few days and we go back to normal, closing the lid of our laptops.
In our case, we keep using the many Mac we have, and wouldn’t think of moving back to Win based environments.
Windows in a Mac is great as well !
Of course, errors can occur in all software products, that is not the point. The problem is rather Apple’s behaviour in dealing with these bugs. Instead of accepting the negative feedback and trying to find a quick solution together with the users, the problem is first dismissed as non-existent. Sorry, but we now live in a world where owners with a problem exchange information in forums like this. And these are full of the same problem.
In addition, you should be able to expect somewhat higher standards of quality management from Apple. After all, they offer products in the premium segment and not low-budget laptops. Would you accept a squeaky door on a high class limousine? Certainly not…
I don’t think it’s a hardware issue…I have a new 16″ MB Pro and had 10.15.4 installed with no kernel panics and no trouble with sleeping/waking…until I installed 10.15.5. Been thinking about reverting back if I could…
My guess would be that Apple did not have the firmware update on that machine until you installed 10.15.5.
Ah…good point.
This is exactly what I just found on my mbp 16”
Hi, same problem on my MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) and 10.15.5 (19F101).
Waiting for a solution.
I heard about this issue after the update came on (10.15.5), then I unchecked the software update … program to do it automatically. Yesterday I woke up in the morning and after while the MacBook 2012 suddenly rebooted. I too a look the version and I don’t know how 10.15.5 was installed. If you heard about how to solve this issue please share. It is really annoying. I had to reinstall catalina because caused an issue with my primary SSD disk.
Are you tracking the issue discussed here on macrumors which is affecting a wide variety of devices https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/constant-kernel-panics-userspace-watchdog-timeout-no-successful-checkins-from-com-apple-windowserver.2222878/
This seems to be very similar to the issue you post here but you only list it for the 16″ MBP? I dont really see any mention of it elsewhere on your site? This is a huge issue for us particularly with GDFS but also seems to be related to other pieces of software.
Nearly a week now without a single crash following my method above. Use Amphetamine app while working (check the app’s option to allow system sleep when lid closed). Always open Macbook pro from clamshell mode then disconnect external monitors or the connection to the thunderbolt dock. Continue using laptop or put it to sleep. Always reconnect to external devices with the lid open, then close it and wake immediately with an external keyboard to begin using.
Spoke with Apple support today (MacBook Pro 16″, brand new) and was advised as below:
“Apple has received reports of this behavior and is investigating those reports. Apple recommends staying up to date with the latest Firmware and Software for your Apple product using Software Updates.”
Obviously not helpful, but supposedly they’re working on it.
Feel like I’m back in 1998 shutting down/firing up every day…
I am using a BenQ 2700 and what works for me is
1. use Amphetamine
2. power off (real power off with a real power switch) the monitor, sleep, wake then power on the monitor. No panics
It seems for my Benq that if I use the monitor power switch the Macbook still has signal. Using a physical power switch fixes this.
Same here. I have not had to work this hard to keep a laptop running properly since Windows XP!
The other day I briefly forgot and shut the cover and plugged it into charge. Then I remembered how lame this machine is and immediately shut it down before it could sleep and panic. My wife just decided to defer her purchase of a 13″ MBP until they switch processors and hopefully can make them work correctly.
@ James,
haha remember Vista?
I’ve reported it to Apple support, they opened me a ticket and mentioned that they have no previous reports of it.
They only trust what’s been reported directly to them, and don’t officially scan the web to search for similar cases.
They said they will call me tomorrow noon to let me know if the central support team is aware of that.
She told me that couldn’t find any other cases reported, so it sounds a bit strange to me.
So I guess it’s a good idea that every one of you suffering this opens a ticket, so you have a way to ask apple directly.
I guess we can see enough reports in Apple discussions and other sites like this one.
But Apple won’t do anything about it unless it’s reported via their oficial channel, that os calling them and relating the issue to a specific model and serial number.
No solution will come if we replace the brand new MBP every 14 days or keep adding more contents to ‘non apple owned’ support channels.
This helps us to get a more clear view what goes wrong, but not to find a solution.
I’ll post what their answer is, when they call me.
So, for the time being, don’t close the lid!
That is normal lie and deny bs from Apple IMO. Probably just another part of the script they read from where they tell you to do a clean install, use safe mode or clear various caches.
My MBP has sent them numerous logs of mine throwing panics, as have many, many other machines. If they really don’t know about this, then they more incompetent than I imagined.
Got myself a replacement 16″ macbook pro due to the kernel panics.
Even on a totally fresh out of the box macbook pro 16 inch i have now recreated this problem out of the box (nothing, literally nothing installed).
1. Macbook pro on AC adapter and connected to external monitor with an USB-C to displayport (direct cable)
2. Put macbook in clam shell mode.
3. Wait until it falls asleep
So far apple support has not ackownledged the existance of this problem to me. I guess I will be replacing this macbook every 2 weeks until the kernel panic stop or they acknowledge the problem and promise a fix or something
I’m in the same position Dutch.
I got brand new MBP Pro 16″ yesterday and always connect my MBP at my home office to a Dell Ultrasharp screen with USB-C.. I went for a coffee and my first kernel panic started when I got back.
So I started to dig into it and:
1. Connnect the external monitor
2. Put MBP in clam shell mode
3. Put it to sleep and watch the “magic” happen.
I had two different kernel panics happening
1. “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily. ”
2. “userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from com.apple.WindowServer in 120 seconds
service: com.apple.logd, total successful checkins since load (270 seconds ago): 28, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: com.apple.WindowServer, total successful checkins since load (240 seconds ago): 9, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago”
I’m already regretting my purchase 🙁
So recognizable. 100% overlap.
These 2 panic reports look really familiar. The latter panic I associate with kernel panics of actually removing my MBP from the external monitor in clamshell mode.
Tbh, I think I am just going to return mine (or maybe let a third one come in to stick it to Apple 😉 ) and wait for the issues to ‘resolve’ and maybe try again in the future. Yesterday Apple support told me that with all the steps we had done now we ruled out software problems and hardware problems. It was happening for no reason :’) he said.
Sounds like the support representative doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It is frustrating, and takes persistent pestering to get in touch with knowledgeable people at Apple. They are definitely aware of this problem, and have confirmed that it is a software problem. I have an open case with them. No updates lately, though.
Meanwhile, my “workaround” is to stay on 10.15.4 and not install any updates until this is resolved. No crashes on 10.15.4 for me.
@Dutch I called Apple today, they are gonna send me a new macbook even tho it won’t fix the this issue. I also had some issues with very noisy fans when it was connected to the external screen.
As far as I can read around the web, that problem won’t go away. So I’m probably gonna end up returning it. It’s a damn shame, Performance wise it’s a very awesome computer. But the noise and these panics just killed it for me.
Such a shame! I am thinking of doing the same. Noise isn’t too big of a deal for me to be honest. It is there but not to the extent that I am bothered by it. Otherwise great machine.
Have you tried plugging in your charger on the other side? https://www.techspot.com/news/85002-charging-macbook-wrong-side-can-lead-noisy-fans.html
& Other readers
Do you have the AMD GPU 5300m or the 5500M Video card?
From what I’m gathering, it’s only happening on the 5500m. That’s why I can’t reproduce it (I have the 5300m).
Knowing the GPU model would help.
5500M 8GB
Very interesting, thank you Piotr.
@Mr. Macintosh would you be willing to launch a poll w/ surveys.google or similar to collect data on users with the issue? peripherals, monitors, models, which port they are using, crash frequency, etc?
Arni, this is one thing that I’ve struggled with. I was unable to get a proper trend going. Let me think about a poll for this, great idea!
Same problem for me on a Mini 8 with the Intel graphics.
5500m @ 4GB
I also have the AMD GPU 5500M 8 GB card
You may be getting to the problem, because I also have the 550m GPU. I wonder if Apple has figured this out yet.
Confirming I have the 5300M one, 4GB of VRAM.
P.S. And I do repro the crash, so it’s not just the 5500M one. I’ve got a system where I have managed to achieve stable behavior just by plugging my laptop into a USB-powered fan tray. As long as I do that, I can make it through a day without a kernel panic. If I don’t do that, chances of it happening go up considerably. I can repro it generally by just booting up cold OR by coming out of sleep mode. But I also see it happen periodically while I’m working in Xcode.
Interesting. Maybe they are just two different thing, as I also found some problems related to USB reported. Maybe there are multiple problems going on.
For instance, look what I found here regarding USB issues:
Well, the ports on my work box are USB-C of course… but I note that my fan tray that I plug in is a USB-A device, and I have to plug it into the laptop using an adapter. So I don’t know how closely related this is to the USB 2.0 issues reported on your links… but it’s certainly intriguing data. It might be that the use of the tray is helping to stabilize whatever weird USB or Thunderbolt issue is going on.
I also have a bit of a theory that something pertaining to system temperature may be going on, but I can’t substantiate this. This is just based on the fact that I have a fan tray plugged in, and without it, despite the machine being a pretty beefy 2019 MacBook Pro, it heats up _hard_ when I’m working in Xcode and running automation tests.
@Angela Korra’ti
I am wondering if this is related to the new power management routines implemented recently, and the power draw from the board is bypassing some new logic?
Also have a 5500 8GB
How do you guys connect your monitor? USB-C? I use USB-A (and a separate display port cable) since I have an older monitor — Dell P2415Q. I do experience crashes, but maybe one every two weeks. Not every night like some of you guys have.
I’m not using an external monitor, for what it’s worth. My system is just laptop + USB powered fan tray. And I’m still getting regular kernel panics unless I have the tray plugged in.
Mini guy here again. USB-C cable. I’ve tried HDMI to no avail.
I have stopped using an external monitor at all and mine still crashes every time I let it sleep when it is charging, so the problem is pretty basic IMO.
I have a 5300m and have had the kernel panics since 10.15.4 and they are worse than ever under 10.15.5.
Same error in the stacktrace: “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
So it’s not GPU-dependent.
5500M 4GB.
I am having this issue with the 5300M.
5500M with 8 GB
However, it hasn’t happened to me for over a week now. Not sure if just luck or something changed.
Very interesting.
5500M 8GB (i9 2.3GHz, 16 GB RAM, 1TB SSD) on Catalina 15.5.
Experienced the issue upon installing 10.5.5. 16″ Macbook Pro connected to external monitors via USB C. It doesn’t happen if it’s not connected to an external display.
I’ve tried all the steps here to no avail and now just use amphetamine to keep it awake during my workday.
I installed the 10.5.6 beta and the problem still exists. Same error as everyone else. I send a report every time.
Kris, do you have the 5500m or 5300m GPU ?
Issue just happened to me on my 2020 13″ Macbook Air running 10.15.5 today. First time I experienced (noticed?) the issue.
Crash log error:
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff801309167c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks.
My setup:
Macbook Pro 16″
Thunderboolt 3 dock with two external monitors, ethernet, and sound out.
Bluetooth wireless keyboard.
Bluetooth trackpad.
I have avoided the kernel panic for three days now with the following procedures:
1) Do not connect Macbook Pro 16″ to Thunderboolt 3 dock in clamshell mode. Only do so after opening the lid and waking the computer
2) After connecting the dock, close the laptop lid, tap on the Bluetooth keyboard to wake immediately
3) Use the Amphetamine app to keep the computer from falling asleep while using
4) When done working on the laptop, open the lid and wait for the screen to wake, then disconnect the Thunderbolt 3 dock from the laptop
5) Close the latpop lid and store
This also works for me. I have thunderbolt 3 dock, external monitor, etc. I’ve got ‘prevent computer sleeping when display is off’ turned on. No Amphetamine (as it seems half my apps keep the machine awake all day anyway).
When closing machine for the day, open lid, ensure display goes to that and external monitor, pull out thunderbolt cable, then shut lid. Machine sleeps itself.
Next day open up lid, plug in cable, ensure it goes to both displays, close lid (so just external monitor), work away.
Workaround is fine, although you think £3k machine you shouldn’t have to do this.
current running macOS 10.15.5 on Macbook Pro ’16, both updates installed.
I notice kernal panic only kicks into my Mac the morning after the lid is closed for the night.
However, if my Mac sleeps with lid open, I don’t get any kernal panic (fingers crossed). Never got one thus far.
All this is before I realized I would have to uncheck “Enable power nap”.
I’ve just disabled power nap and hopefully I don’t get any kernal panic..
If my situation sounds like yours, please give me a shoutout.
Hello everyone I got a MacBook Pro 16-inch, running on 10.15.5
I am having the same issues, with CPU kernel panics and GPU panics. What I noticed is, that when I got Spotify open in the background and set it to sleep it seems to crash always. If I quit Spotify before setting the MacBook to sleep it works fine for 90% of the time. Maybe that helps some of you.
Upgraded to 15.5.4 (it was an automatic update on 5/13), started having PowerPlay Failed to Resume issues on waking from sleep. I tried all workarounds listed in article with no improvement. Also eventually began experiencing issues of PowerPlay Failed to Initialize on turning on from off state where it would fail at start 2 times in a row. Updated to 15.5.5 and did a time machine backup and after that the fan started making noises. Sent to Apple for repair (first 1 week at a vendor who didn’t start work, then this Monday picked it up from that place and brought it to the Apple store and sent for repairs and got it returned friday night). Was returned with notes of replacing the following:
Item Number: 605-06160 : Logic Board, 2.3GHZ, 32GB, AMD Radeon Pro 55500M 1TB – Symptom Kernel Panic
Item Number 605-05552 : Touch ID board – Symptom Kernel Panic
Item Number 610-00352 : Fan, Left – “Cable Causing issue”
Item Number 610-00351 : Fan, Right – “Cable Causing issue”
OS Installed when received was 15.5.4, I tried out sleep and didn’t run into any issues and upgraded to 15.5.5 to restore from my backup. Tried out sleep before my restore and no issues. After Restore it appears to be working fine now.
Heres the crash report prior to sending in:
panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7f9a41f983): GPU Panic: mux-regs 5 3 7f 1f 0 0 severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 13 IG FBs 0 EG FBs 0:1f power-state 0 3D idle HDA idle system-state 0 power-level 20:20 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : PowerPlay Failed to Initialize.
Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff83d35bb500 : 0xffffff801611f5cd
0xffffff83d35bb550 : 0xffffff8016258b05
0xffffff83d35bb590 : 0xffffff801624a68e
0xffffff83d35bb5e0 : 0xffffff80160c5a40
0xffffff83d35bb600 : 0xffffff801611ec97
0xffffff83d35bb700 : 0xffffff801611f087
0xffffff83d35bb750 : 0xffffff80168c27ec
0xffffff83d35bb7c0 : 0xffffff7f9a41f983
0xffffff83d35bb820 : 0xffffff7f9a4e837b
0xffffff83d35bbaa0 : 0xffffff7f9a4b3f10
0xffffff83d35bbae0 : 0xffffff7f9a4e7457
0xffffff83d35bbb30 : 0xffffff7f9a4b816e
0xffffff83d35bbb90 : 0xffffff7f99dcf16c
0xffffff83d35bbc10 : 0xffffff7f99dc59ac
0xffffff83d35bbca0 : 0xffffff8016801e69
0xffffff83d35bbd00 : 0xffffff801685cd19
0xffffff83d35bbd60 : 0xffffff8016207d71
0xffffff83d35bbdb0 : 0xffffff8016125328
0xffffff83d35bbe10 : 0xffffff80160fbcc5
0xffffff83d35bbe70 : 0xffffff8016112aa2
0xffffff83d35bbf00 : 0xffffff8016230d05
0xffffff83d35bbfa0 : 0xffffff80160c6226
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[3C56BB73-D149-3E84-A2EB-DF806779B96C]@0xffffff7f96b12000
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleGraphicsControl(5.2.4)[9BD821A9-6DDD-37FF-A5E1-EFB8A77A0AD3]@0xffffff7f9a40d000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f96b09000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[3C56BB73-D149-3E84-A2EB-DF806779B96C]@0xffffff7f96b12000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f99db6000
dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.4)[CD6E2942-2A23-3CE8-9BCA-D5A772667EB8]@0xffffff7f99ecb000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily(1.4)[0A7D7382-66FE-391B-9F93-97A996256C25]@0xffffff7f96b09000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[3C56BB73-D149-3E84-A2EB-DF806779B96C]@0xffffff7f96b12000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(576.1)[B1C0006F-E1F5-37D9-9548-5F918E92B422]@0xffffff7f99db6000
dependency: com.apple.AppleGraphicsDeviceControl(5.2.4)[CD6E2942-2A23-3CE8-9BCA-D5A772667EB8]@0xffffff7f99ecb000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Thu Apr 30 18:25:59 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.1~7/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 7B7F06EE-1B75-345E-B898-2FD4FEC20F0D
Kernel slide: 0x0000000015e00000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8016000000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8015f00000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
Same issue here:
MBP 16″
10.15.6 Beta (19G46c)
Steps to reproduce:
1. Connect MPB to external monitor (via USB or HDMI)
2. Lock screen
3. Close LID
4. Open LID
5. MBP screen stays black — only force restart helps
I found this in system.log — repeated over and over just after LID open.
Jun 12 12:27:14 LTe com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (com.apple.DumpGPURestart): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
I downgraded to 10.15.4 (19E2269) and I can not reproduce this issue anymore.
How do you roll back? I haven’t found a way
I have that as well from time to time.
The only solution is to restart the computer.
It’s not enough restarting Chrome or restarting the Mac OS user session.
I don’t remember now if it appeared while on 10.15.4 or earlier.
Related? https://apple.news/Ag3LBKiemSC6gf4Sb7Vh8ww
Just piling on here. Same issue, of course.
No issues before 10.15.4. Since then have constant crashes with external display and sleep/wake. The workarounds all appear to work for a short period, then stop working after a few days. Using Amphetamine for now during the day, but obviously it’s crash time every evening unless I shut it down myself.
Just another Catalina issue to add to the pile, this one more serious than most. Very disappointing that the software quality at Apple continues to slide
After many calls to apple over the last several weeks this is what I have gathered. All of the “Energy Saver” configurations helped me while using 10.15.4, but got exceptionally worse when using 10.15.5. I recently called Apple again about this and after about 15 minutes of the level 1 tech support speaking with a senior advisor, they told me that Apple is aware of this problem with 10.15.5 and that it is a software issue that is being worked on now. I asked for a timeframe of when this update will be released, week? Month? They could not say. They also could not say if the update would be available through a beta version. So it looks like we’re stuck waiting — quite frustrating to say the least. I have tried Mac OS reinstalls, wiping the disk, SMC reset, Nvram reset, energy saver configurations — everything. Nothing has solved the problem except disconnecting my macbook from my external monitor and then putting it to sleep.
So in conclusion I have disabled everything except “Put hard disks to sleep when possible” (I don’t recommend disabling this as far as hard drive longevity goes) and “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off”. I have also turned my “Turn display off after” setting to “Never”. This way the computer doesn’t go to sleep unless I specifically tell it to. Once I am done using the computer, I disconnect it from the external monitor and put it to sleep. This has worked out so far. Hope this helps and hope that the update is released soon.
I’m on the latest 10.15.6 beta 19G46c and can still consistently get the same crash: “Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
Since 10.15.5, I’ve only seen it happen with an external monitor attached. When I put it to sleep and disconnect the monitor it hasn’t crashed once (well, at least not yet). It’s a very consistent kernel panic. I have zero third party kexts installed and this is yet another fresh install, with only dropbox and fantastical 2 running on startup … and it always crashes.
MBP 16 from the first week of launch last year. Unplugging the monitor seems to work.
Try Amphetamine it works for me. Before use it my mac always crash when display goes into sleep and try to wake it up.
There was a comment in another thread relating the panics to “background activity”; activity the OS wakes to execute on. I had my crashes after a clean install w/ the photos app open. Presumably doing its sync and machine learn whatevers (gpu utilization here); perhaps yours woke for time machine backup.
Important clue here. This may not have happened directly trying to wake from sleep. My machine crashed this morning when I tried to wake it up at 8:55am, but I just noticed that my last Time Machine backup was 3:54am. The last entry in the system log is 4:22am. So presumably it kernel panic’d shortly after 4:22am and has been crashed since then.
Curious what other people see? Are the last entries in your system.log (go to Console app to look) from right before you woke it up, or from earlier in the middle of sleep?
I have the 16 inch macbook pro for a week and since I attatched it to my external monitor the kernel panics started when going/waking to/from sleep. It looks like it exclusively happens when connected to an external monitor and also ONLY in clamshell mode.
Apple support so far has been helpful but no fix. Do not Acknowledge the existince of this problem.
Considering to just get a new one.
10.15.6 beta… still got the problem 🙁
hello, I have a macbook air 2014 since the 10.15.4 update, and it started to go to sleep and not wake up, my macbook worked perfectly with mojava, but since catalina it started to fail, 10.15.5 did not solve the problem, which if you notice that now sleep a little time, like 1 to 5 minutes approximately, and wake up, but if you sleep more than 10 minutes it does not wake up anymore and I have to force it off, I use amfetamine so that it does not sleep and does not hang up and is going well, I hope not my battery is broken, excuse my english but I speak spanish
MacBook pro 16, no issues at all untill I installed 15.5.5. kernel panic started same day of update and nothing helped to fix. Reverted to 15.5.4 thanks to time machine backup, back to normal and waiting for definite fix to update again.
Same here on a Mac Pro 2019 right from the beginning with 10.15.4 and also 10.15.5. I am still in contact with the Apple Support and I must say my contact person really tries to help me as best as he can. For the moment I´ve deactivated the sleep mode and shut down my Mac instead of turning to sleep.
For me it seems like a Software Problem, because the machine is running absolutely perfect and only crashes after wake up (no matter if 10 or 40 Minutes sleep). Safe Mode works fine with no issues after wake up. What I can say is that the problem occur more “aggressive” with Adobe Apps!
Everything else does not help like reset PRAM, NVRAM and even to reinstall Catalina completely fresh did not eleminate the crashes (I’ve done that twice the last weeks).
I found some Messages in the DiagnosticReport (Library/Logs) like this:
“45001 wakeups over the last 292 seconds (154 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300”
Mostly from Dreamweaver, InDesign and other Adobe Apps and the time of those messages are all just before my Mac freezes and restarts…
My Mac Pro from 2013 runs also with 10.15.5 and has no Problems, no Kernel Panic, nothing and sleeps like my cat 🙂
Really hope to get that fixed! Finger crossed for all of us. Good luck everybody.
I am also experiencing this issue on my 2019 16″ MBP. It seems to only occur when I’m waking it and it’s connected to an external monitor. It does not occur in safe mode.
I’ve made some changes to the Energy Saver settings and hope that will help until there’s a fix from Apple.
Mac mini latest, OSX 10.15.5….same issue 🙁
I’ve landed here as my brand new MBP 16″ has the same issue. I called Dutch Apple support after the 3rd panic (and 1 full freeze) in the three weeks I’ve had this MacBook. I too was confirmed this is a known issue and they’re working on a software fix. He asked me to simply await the update. Let’s hope it won’t take long.
Seeing the same issue on two (2) iMacs ( Both Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) which ran 10.15.4 and were upgraded to 10.15.5 (and the additional supplement). Tends to get worse for me when I’m running Adobe apps. Happens sometimes while going to sleep and sometimes during the middle of working
I have had another call with Apple support on this. I have next week to return the Macbook within the 2 week period, so I needed to understand, if this is a hardware or software problem and what the chances are of getting fixed.
Not to my surprise suprise supported started the usual SMC-PRAM-install-from-scratch-safe-mode dance. They refused to comment on wether this is known and if a fix date is available (more like ignoring the question altogether and talking about the merits or safe mode).
My interpretation is that Apple wants to mum the issue. I paid 4600€ for this thing and I am not satisfied with what I got.
So I will likely return the Macbook for a full refund and look elsewhere. HP zBook X360 most likely. Leaving Apple after more than 15 years, a pity that the quality declined so significantely….
In my opinion it is a software and not a hardware problem because my 2019 16″ MBP worked perfectly for months, right up until rev 10.15.4 was installed. I believe that Apple will fix this eventually but they never really share what they know or predict timelines for fixes, so it is up to you to decide how to proceed.
I plan to hang on for the software fix, but if this were my primary development machine I would ditch it and look elsewhere myself.
I have a temporary solution by installing ‘Amphetamine’ to keep your mac awake only when you connect to external monitor and with adapter (You can set a trigger so the program will kick in automatically). My MBP 16″ never crash since then but I still hope Apple fix is annoying bug asap.
I replaced motherboard 2 months ago, now works perfect with not crashes, BUT I DONT DARE CONNECT IT TO EXTERNAL DISPLAY, I am sure it will burn my new motherboard again.
Because before that, the machine crashed into endless reboot and even not up and running, only can boot up into save mode. I did everything you guys tried, reset, reinstalled, roll back the previous version catalina etc…..
Dont try to fix, it is hardware problem for sure!!
Looks like something wrong with AMD driver for Navi and Vega20 (10.15.5) so not just MBP 16″ sees it now many with RX5700XT as eGPU also hit by this
Ref: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macos-catalina-10-15-3-crash-panic-cpu-0-caller-0xffffff801faa2d1c-sleep-transition-timed-out-after-180-seconds-while-calling-power-state-change.2227077/post-28506274
My MB Pro 16″ with 10.5.5 is experiencing a considerable increase in kernel panics over 10.5.4 which was a significant improvement over the previous OS. This seems to only happen when waking from sleep after a clamshell session with two other monitors, sometimes just one monitor.
I’ve had a non-customized $2,799 i9 16″ MacBook Pro for about two weeks, and I’ve had five kernel panics during that time. Four were before 10.15.5, one after. I tried an SMC reset and turning off power nap, but that’s it as far as troubleshooting. My computer was manufactured in March 2020.
Twenty minutes ago, after my fifth crash, I decided to call Apple Support. I explained the issue to the representative I was speaking with, and she said she didn’t see any recalls or known issues regarding what I was talking about. She said I could try running diagnostics, sending in the computer, or reinstalling OS X. I mentioned how I had read about other people trying lots of different solutions, and that the kernel panics persisted. I said I’d prefer to not waste time trying solutions if this might be a hardware or software solution that has no current fix. I politely asked if there was someone in engineering or a senior advisor I could speak with because I wanted acknowledgement this is an issue (or to point a senior advisor to Google “16 macbook pro kernel panic” and look at all the search results). She said sure, and placed me on hold for about 10 minutes.
When she came back, she apologized and said I was right that this is a known issue, and that Apple Engineering is working on a software fix. She didn’t have a timeframe for a solution, but said there would be a software update at some point. It might not be much of a help to us now, but at least Apple knows about the issue and is presumably working on it.
Is there actually any proof or documentation that 10.15.5 was supposed to address the kernel panics?
@Aaron — no, there’s not. Apple fixed other specific esoteric issues in 10.5.5, like a crash when copying files from a RAID volume, but didn’t mention this in the release notes. I think there was some hope that they ‘slipped in a fix’ based on some of the early comments, but that now seems not to be the case.
For those of you returning your machines to Apple over this — obviously it’s your prerogative to do whatever you’d like. However…. get a new machine won’t help. This is very clearly a software bug, not a hardware issue. The only options are to change the way you use the machine (e.g. disable PowerNap, always unplug everything before putting the machine to sleep), or to wait for a software update. And based on the comments in this thread, changing the way you use the machine doesn’t seem to be working for everybody.
This isn’t to defend Apple — it’s absolutely, blatantly ridiculous they’d let this slip through QA — but I want to be honest about what you can, and can’t, do about this issue.
Mine crashing every time when wake up from sleep after update 10.15.5
My work is doomed. Can’t let it sleep.
MBP 16″ with two external 4k display.
What I’ve done.
Update 10.15.5 checked
Update Supplemental checked.
Reset SMC checked
Turn off Power Nap checked.
Turn off ‘Put hard disks to sleep when possible’ checked.
…. Still crash right after wake up “every time” I mean every time.
No problem at all with 10.15.4 But I don’t have Time Machine. So…
Same my computer crashes every time it wakes up from clamshell mode
does it happen even when disconnected from the monitors?
My 2019 i9 MBP has never been stable enough to connect to a monitor and use it as a real computer since 10.15.4. Luckily I have many machines to choose from, but this was meant to be my new toy.
it panics whenever it sleeps if power nap is on. It still panics even with power nap off if it sleeps while charging. And it does that every single time, and with no peripherals of any kind attached.
Work just fine like nothing happen if not connect to external monitor.
Have a brand new 16″ MBP running 10.15.5 and for the two days I’ve been using it I have the issue every morning:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8006c9167c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while entering darkwake on way to sleep. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily. Thread 0x74.
Backtracing specified thread
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff92054bb900 : 0xffffff80066458f8
0xffffff920474b9b0 : 0xffffff80065413f1
0xffffff920474ba20 : 0xffffff800653fc2f
0xffffff920474ba70 : 0xffffff80066429f9
0xffffff920474bab0 : 0xffffff800664225b
0xffffff920474bae0 : 0xffffff7f8a1e5ced
0xffffff920474bb10 : 0xffffff7f8a1fef65
0xffffff920474bb20 : 0xffffff7f8a1e8cb9
0xffffff920474bbb0 : 0xffffff7f8a1ee549
0xffffff920474bc50 : 0xffffff8006c01b6f
0xffffff920474bcc0 : 0xffffff8006c1a210
0xffffff920474bd60 : 0xffffff8006c02359
0xffffff920474bdb0 : 0xffffff8006c178bb
0xffffff920474be50 : 0xffffff8006c13cee
0xffffff920474bea0 : 0xffffff8006c117e0
0xffffff920474bef0 : 0xffffff8006c11679
0xffffff920474bf30 : 0xffffff8006c2cede
0xffffff920474bf70 : 0xffffff8006c2c4d6
0xffffff920474bfa0 : 0xffffff80064c513e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[BE052F4D-9B80-3FCD-B36D-BACB7DEE0DF2]@0xffffff7f86f12000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 54F1A78D-6F41-32BD-BFED-4381F9F6E2EF
Kernel slide: 0x0000000006200000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8006400000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8006300000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
For me it is at least not better in the supplemental update, possibly worse. Had the kernel panic 2 times today.
On the same boat here, 16” 2019 MBP. After 10.15.5 upgrade, KP every time at wake up.
I’ve been dealing with the same thing. Was excited to do the update and hoping that it would make things better. At first, it seemed like it did, but I’ve still had a few times that it has kernel panicked since, and once, as I was just about finished editing my podcast audio, I made the mistake of stepping away from the computer long enough to let it fall asleep, and when I got back, I found that I lost almost everything and had to re-do it. (Normally, I’m pretty good about saving along the way, but every now and then I get overly confident and think it will be quick so I don’t need to save because nothing bad has happened for a while! lol)
I purchased a 16″ macbook pro w/ 32gb memory 2TB storage Radeon 5500m graphics and encountered this issue right away as my workspace includes an external monitor hooked up. Without the external monitor, the system appears more stable. However, I need the extra screen space. There are many ongoing threads over at macforums. After trying multiple workarounds (SMC / NVRAM resets, power nap, disabling notifications, this issue persists after the recent update. Will return until stability is proven.
I did not make the return window, so dealing with this issue. I’ve since left my laptop lid open which helps workaround this issue. Sleep appears to work fine in this state…
The supplemental update has actually made my 2019 16″ MBP worse. It now reboots even with power nap turned off and not on AC power. In the past in only happened when it went to sleep while the battery was charging.
Oddly I no longer get the warning or a problem report, but it has obviously rebooted because I am no longer logged in. Something else I have noticed is that after it panics it will not accept my password and I have to resubmit it 2 or 3 times.
Maybe the latest update was to suppress the warnings and problem reports, hoping that people wouldn’t notice that their machines were throwing kernel panics. So on my MBP 10.15.4 introduced the problem and neither 10.15.5 or the supplemental update have corrected the issue.
For now I save my work and shut it down everytime I stop using it, which is a pain.
Wondering if I should just return the macbook again. Is there a model that is not experiencing this? Is it only the 16″ 2019 macbook pro? How can we fight Apple about this?
The whole world talks about this damn bug and Apple is just ignoring us.
I have a 4500$ MacBook Pro and have to live with this f****ng bug, because Apple isn’t here if we need a solution for a product they sold us. They’re only here if you buy something and give your money to them.
I’m so angry. I can’t describe it.
Maybe it’s really time to get to Linux back. There we have to solve some other challenges, but the basic, like waking up after a standby are working out of the box without f****ng crashes every day.
Any word as to whether the 10.15.6 Beta 1 finally fixes this stuff?
Issue is not fixed in the 10.15.5 supplemental update. Just had my second KP today…
Same here. Mine didn’t start until this one. Fuhhhhhhhh
I am seeing a weird symptom on 2 Macbooks (2018 and 2020) where even if the device is in deep sleep (hibernatemode 25) the WLAN IP address is still responding to ICMP packets, With higher response time which suggests that the WLAN board is still powered and active?
SMC reset done, NVRAM reset done, fresh install…
Now the more interesting thing on this is, that if I close the lid, the Mac sleeps but Wifi answers.
When power nap gets active and goes back to sleep, then WiFi is off completely.
Weird or do I miss something?
Hi all,
I have a 2019 MacBook Pro 16″ with AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB. I have a single USB-C cable from my MacBook Pro to a CalDigit USB-C Pro Dock. From the dock, I run two DisplayPort (dock side) to Mini DisplayPort (monitor side) cables to two Dell Ultrasharp U2718Q 27″ 4K monitors.
After upgrading to macOS Catalina 10.15.5, whenever my MacBook Pro lid was closed but connected to the two monitors, attempting to put my MacBook Pro to sleep would turn both screens black. It would be unresponsive to keyboard or mouse actions. Then after three minutes, the fans would spin up loud for a second and then stop immediately. Then it shuts down and boots itself up again.
After booting, the problem report always had the same reason:
“Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.”
This only happened to me after upgrading to 10.15.5 and only when connected to the dock and two monitors and with the lid closed. With the lid open and connected to the dock and two monitors, sleep/wake worked no problem. Sleep/wake was only a problem when the lid is closed and connected to the dock and two monitors.
After this, I started changing settings and testing sleep/wake. Under “System Preferences > Displays” I noticed that my monitors have five settings for “Resolution: Scaled”.
* 3840 x 2160
* 3360 x 1890
* 3008 x 1692
* 2560 x 1440
* 1920 x 1080
Changing the “Resolution: Scaled” setting for both of my monitors from “2560 x 1440” to “3008 x 1692” seems to have fixed my sleep/wake problems with a closed lid.
I hope this helps someone here who has a similar setup and is experiencing these issues.
Keeping the lid open while MBP is going to sleep definitely helps! Thanks for the tip!
I spoke too soon. My MBP doesn’t actually fall asleep, it keeps running with the displays off. 🙁
Theres a new supplemental update out, but not sure if it addresses this
It does not for sure, I just put out an article on it.
hmmm, Are you basing that on the fact you had another KP, or that its not in the release notes? I think its common for apple to fix things and not announce it.
I just got a refurbished MB 16″ a week ago. Since the latest OS update the restarts got worse. I don’t think I even got any restarts the first couple days I had the laptop. Is there anyway I can go back to the previous version? Also, do they new 13′ 10th gen intel have the same issue? I’m thinking of getting that one instead.
Upgraded to 10.15.5 – now there are even more crashes with PowerPlay Failed Resume here. MBP 16″ 2019.
Moreover, if I do the full shutdown before closing the lid,, every next start crashes 3-4 times during the login before successful load. Every opening of the MBP now forces me to wait 5-9 minutes before this piece of …. priceless hardware will allow me to use it.
Spend hours with Apple support. They refuse to do anything since this is a “software problem they are working on”. They are refusing to mark it as a warranty case and asks to wait. Which I already did for more than a month.
Apple deletes all group activities and petition requests in their community forum and ignores the problem. The most active thread is here https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250905859?page=36
So, welcome to 1984 – Apple Edition for Pro users. “Please, stay separated, dear user, we’ll destroy you one by one”. They are happy to take our thousands of $K for their defective product, yet they are not offering any solution!!! Today the technical support finally told me that they are not representing the warranty department of the Apple, they are not able to mark my case as a warranty case since they are only “tech support”. They can not provide me with any written statements and I’d better off to SWITCH OFF my MBP 16 EVERY TIME BEFORE CLOSING THE LID!! They told me if I want to get something “written” from Apple, I must contact Apple via PAPER MAIL.
Since this is not an Apple-hosted forum, I urge all Pro users here to create a massive response to Apple and force it to react. Change.org or whatever the platform will be we must escalate this problem and demand official recall or the deadlines to fixing this.
I bought a new MBP 16″ base model last week. I can reproduce this behavior 100% on Catalina 10.15.5:
(Independent if power nap is on / off)
First thing I noticed and was able to reproduce:
1. Connect the MBP display to an external Monitor (I connected it directly with a DP -> Type C) cable. (It doesn’t matter which port on the MBP).
2. Close the lid of the MBP. Everything is working as it should at this point in time (external Monitor).
3. Put the MBP in to sleep (Apple logo in the upper left corner -> sleep)
4. Wait for about 4-5 minutes.
5. Try to wake the MAC with external peripheral (in my case apple magic keyboard)
Screen of external monitor stays black. When opening the MBP it is completely dark (touchbar, keyboard light, display). It gets hot in the upper keyboard area. From there on there are only two ways out:
1. Wait about 5 minutes and the MAC restarts itself
2. Force restart
Second thing I noticed:
1. Connect the MBP display to an external Monitor (I connected it directly with a DP -> Type C) cable. (It doesn’t matter which port on the MBP).
2. Close the lid of the MBP. Everything is working as it should at this point in time (external Monitor).
3. Put the MBP in to sleep (Apple logo in the upper left corner -> sleep)
4. I can’t exactly specify the amount of time it has to stay in sleep (in my case it was overnight)
5. Open the lid of the MBP (external display still connected)
6. The MBP restarts (immediately shows startup apple logo)
I didn’t have any of this issues on my MBP 13″ – so I suppose it has something todo with the dedicated graphics card. It is very frustrating and I will likely send it back next week.
I don’t have any of this problems when using the laptop without external monitor. On 10.15.4 I noticed one kernel panic when opening the lid from sleep without an external monitor – but this issue was resolved by disabling power nap.
What actually solved the issue for me and I had no KP since then was to not extent the monitor but MIRROR it (Display settings). Try it – I had no kernel panics since.
I agree with Steve that this is only happening when in clamshell/laptop closed. I also installed Amphetamine and it doesn’t let the laptop sleep when connected to a monitor. In all the years I’ve been using Macs, this is the biggest problem for me.
This only occurs for me when connected to an external monitor, either in clamshell or laptop mode. The triggering event is a locking of the laptop or the automatic shut off of the display for sleep mode (CMD+ALT+Q).
When no monitor is connected, the problem does not occur.
Can those who’ve had the problem with 10.15.5 report whether they’ve had the kernel panic:
1) when connected to an external monitor in clamshell mode
2) when not connected to a monitor at all
3) when connected to an external monitor with the laptop open
4) some combination of the above?
For me it only seems to happen in situation (1) with a 1080p monitor connected by a thunderbolt to displayport cable.
I don’t have an external monitor so I cannot confirm a repro in that scenario, but I can confirm repros in other scenarios. I have a 16-inch MacBook Pro from 2019, and the only peripheral I’m using with it right now is a fan tray. Right now the ONLY way I can use the machine in a stable fashion is to specifically plug it in with the fan tray, in fact; I cannot safely boot up without it.
So I’m in the “repros without any external monitor at all” camp.
(I have another comment further up the thread with more of my repro details for the interested.)
Macbook Pro 16″
1. Connected to monitor
2. Laptop closed
3. Connected via USB-C thunderbolt to a 49″ ultrawide Dell monitor.
My kernel panics always happen when my machine sleeps in clamshell mode without any peripherals attached and only while it is charging . Turning off power nap did not make any difference. I used my laptop for months without a single panic until 10.15.4 arrived. Now I always shut it down before charging it, and under those conditions it works fine.
Same 10.15.5 still having the problem, my compare was connected to external monitor in clamshell mode.
1) I don’t use clamshell mode
2) Can’t recall, but I think the KP only happens when I’m on AC with the monitor and headset attached.
3) Yes, connected to the monitor, left open. (LG 27UL600, 4k, HDMI)
I updated to 10.5.5 and still have the same problem with KP. Any other works around?
Clean install 10.15.5 and for a few days all great. Unfortunately the problem has returned. I feel terrible.
10.5.5 has fixed the issue for me. After 3 days I can say that everything is going well after wake from sleep/deep sleep. 16″ cto macbook pro.
Still facing this issue on MBP 16″ with 10.15.5. Especially when using it in closed lid mode with a USB-C hub attached. Infuriating to have such an expensive machine fail in such a way.
Updated to 10.5.5, turned Power Nap while on Adapter back on, no issue thus far after couple of days when MBP 16″ wakes up from sleep. 🙂 So it seems to be fixed.
Ok so I’ve been watching this thread and also added my own kernel panic observations with my new 16” MBP. Always was giving Kernel panic when power cable left attached. So I started just removing the power cable when I wanted to close the cover. Last night I felt brave enough to update from 10.15.4 to 10.15.5
As of this morning the power cable has been left in and the cover closed at least 5 times throughout the morning for short and long periods of time, and fingers crossed no KP. I am not leaving the machine on with cover open probably for the rest of the day. I never did get KP during normal operation and am not expecting any.
So in summary as things stand 10.5.5 has fixed my KP issues.
Sorry some typos… meant to say I am now leaving the machine on for rest of day 🙂
I bought my MBP 16″ in november last year. Catalina version was .3. I found out that it is impossilble to go back to 10.15.3 with shift-option-command-R. Doing that installs 10.15.5. I am sick and tired of the paternalism of Apple and when possible go back to Windows when possible.
The 10.15.5 actually brought this bug about for me for the first time after I installed it two days ago. Prior to that, 10.15.4 and prior worked beautifully on my MBP 16 with an external monitor. Wiped all of my data, deleted and rebuilt all partitions, and reinstalled Catalina yesterday and the same issue popped up. Took my laptop to the Apple Store in San Antonio and they told me this is a confirmed bug for 10.15.4/10.15.5 but provided no ETA for a fix.
I was facing KP quite often before i followed some of advice here and switched off “enable Power nap ” and it somewhat fixed my issue . i still face KP now and then and it restarts automatically and , i restart it once again and it works fine for a few days . i dont use my MBP with any monitors etc , i only use a usb c hub to connect my external HD and a mouse ocassionally when i play some games . Im currenty on 10.15.4 , Now thats it better than crashing everyday im scared to update to 10.15.5 as it might make it worse .
Been eagerly watching this page and awaiting the .5 update. But no dice; only took 2 hours after updating for another KP. They all happen when I’ve left it unattended and they all seem to happen when beginning sleep – sometimes I’ll return just after a crash and it’s already at the login screen. I’d disabled power nap weeks ago per suggestions above but since this is a persistent issue I’m going to leave other settings unchanged and continue submitting the crash reports, and probably start in with AppleCare. Thankfully, 99% of the issues are when I’m not using the machine so it’s not really blocking my work.
Attached devices: external HDMI display and Plantronics USB headset via Apple thunderbolt adapter.
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Our machines are basically the same, except I have an i9 8 core, and mine works (or not) exactly as your machine does.
I would be very interested to hear what AppleCare says. I have not started into that because I thought they would fix it in the update, partly because it is a pain in the butt in my past experience.
Good luck
I reinstalled my MacBook (16″ / i9) using internet recovery (Option + Command + R for latest version), and then restored from a Time Machine backup. I then re-enabled App-Nap in the Energy Saver preferences settings.
So far so good, no crashes in the last 2 days.
I have a 16″ MacBook Pro with the upgraded CPU and GPU. Didn’t have any kernel panic issues until upgrading to 10.15.5 when it was released two days ago.
Now EVERY TIME I plug it into my LG Mac monitors via Thunderbolt 3, it kernel panics and shuts down. Once I reboot everything works fine. It only seems to happen if I keep the MBP closed while plugging in the monitors.
I also have issues where blue glitches appear on Chrome windows after waking from sleep. Apparently this is related to the adaptable graphics feature of this new MBP. Wonder if it’s also related to this new kernel panic that 10.15.5 introduced for me?
Last night I did a Time Machine restore back to 10.15.4 and my kernel panic problems have disappeared. For me at least, 10.15.5 is definitely the culprit.
MBP 16″
2.4 GHz 8-Core i9
AMD Radeon 5500M 8GB & Intel UHD 630 1536 MB
I didn’t have the issue in 10.15.4. Had something similar related to iokit, that got fixed by resetting pram and SMC.
But after I installed the upgrade to 10.15.5 it comes up in every wake from sleep. Every time I have to start the computer !
It’s on a MBP 16inch, 2.3GHz i9, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB 64GB ram
Before 10.15.5, I followed the recommendations here to disable several of the features ~ which greatly reduced // prevented the issue from occurring. Following the install of 10.15.5 I immediately restored defaults for all power settings. I have not had a panic so far. The only thing I have plugged in – is power – back left hand side port. I ordered my laptop within the same hour as a friend ~ same specs ~ he does not have this problem. I also never had the problem before 10.15.4.
For the people who say 10.15.5 didn’t fix it, were any of you running the Beta 3 or Beta 4 and notice it was fixed first? Beta 4 was the first one I tried and it fixed it for me. I just upgraded to 10.15.5 release and am hoping it doesn’t come back! (2019 16″)
sleep/wake up problem is not solved in 10.15.5
Interesting thing for me today. I noticed that my MacBook Pro was updated to 10.15.5 and was still getting the kernel panic. I entered recovery mode, reinstalled the OS (essentially overwriting the OS, but not losing any data), and was able to boot into it. However, as soon as I tried plugging in my Thunderbolt display via the Thunderbolt 3 to 2 adapter, it froze and went into the loop (KP) again. Did the overwrite OS install one more time, went to system update, and there was a 3.5Gb update for 10.15.5. Downloaded the update, went to restart the machine, kernel panic on the restart countdown window, and now kernel panic look again. I was actually doing fine on 10.15.4 . . .
For me at least 10.15.5 did fix the issue in the 13in inch 2020 MBP with Power Nap enabled.
Really sorry to hear of you guys that it hasnt fixed it for…I hope Apple get their act together pronto!
My MacBook Pro 16” crashed when it went idea instantly after upgrading to macOS 10.15.5. Shame on Apple.
10.15.5 did not solve the problem at all – buying this computer was a very expensive mistake.
(16″ MBP 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB, 2tb ssd).
Past the return policy point. Was hoping 15.5 would solve the problem, nope. Tried the usual tricks (SMC, NVRAM, full OS re-install, energy save parameter changes, etc.). Can only get it to boot occasionally and mostly only into safe mode at this point.
Will now put in a tech call and get this unit replaced in the hopes they ship one that is functional for a while. Over past 12 years I have been a proponent of Macbook Pro’s. This unit and Apple’s response in the past three months is changing my mind. Good luck everyone.
My MBP is still unreliable junk with 10.15.5. This is my fourth MBP and unless they resolve this soon it will almost surely be my last. I write software on a Windows 10 box at work that cost a lot less but is a model of reliability and stability in comparison to this poor excuse for a computer.
I hope you get yours replaced but I don’t think that option is open to me after six months with it. Anyone interested in buying a high dollar Macbook Pro that can sometimes go an entire day without crashing?
Bad news, issue is still here with 10.15.5 installed..
10.15.5 didnt solve it what so ever 🙁
10.15.5 did not fix the issue for me, unfortunately 🙁
I concur that 10.15.5 did not fix this issue.
Under 10.15.4, I had managed to avoid kernel panics by turning off the Power Nap feature.
Under 10.15.5, I tried turning it back on: kernel panic on sleep.
Worse: I’ve now turned Power Nap back off and I’m still getting kernel panics.
Following up on my own comment: this problem is now worse than ever. I can’t let my machine sleep no matter what Power Nap or other Energy Saver settings I choose: kernel panic every time.
hi Steve ~ curious have you been capturing your stack traces?
I haven’t but I’ll be sure to save the next one. The ones I’ve seen look very like the ones in the original post. I’ll post the next one here.
Here’s the most recent kernel panic. This was after an SMC reset, while connected to an external monitor in clamshell mode, with the following Energy Saver settings:
Automatic Graphics Switching: On
Prevent computer from sleeping automatically: Off
Put hard disks to sleep when possible: On
Wake for Wi-Fie network access: On
Enable Power Nap while plugged in: Off
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8006a9169c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily. Thread 0x29ab2.
Backtracing specified thread
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff923098b900 : 0xffffff80064458f8
0xffffff9205febbc0 : 0xffffff80063413f1
0xffffff9205febc30 : 0xffffff800633fc2f
0xffffff9205febc80 : 0xffffff80064429f9
0xffffff9205febcc0 : 0xffffff800644225b
0xffffff9205febcf0 : 0xffffff7f89fc1ced
0xffffff9205febd20 : 0xffffff7f89fdaf93
0xffffff9205febd30 : 0xffffff7f89fc4cb9
0xffffff9205febdc0 : 0xffffff7f89fd0edc
0xffffff9205febe00 : 0xffffff8006a14daa
0xffffff9205febea0 : 0xffffff8006a146d4
0xffffff9205febec0 : 0xffffff8006361565
0xffffff9205febf40 : 0xffffff8006361091
0xffffff9205febfa0 : 0xffffff80062c513e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.9)[3C56BB73-D149-3E84-A2EB-DF806779B96C]@0xffffff7f86d12000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Thu Apr 30 18:25:59 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.1~7/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 7B7F06EE-1B75-345E-B898-2FD4FEC20F0D
Kernel slide: 0x0000000006000000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8006200000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8006100000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
System uptime in nanoseconds: 14972394185867
last loaded kext at 5825546583900: >!UAudio 323.1 (addr 0xffffff7f8d860000, size 434176)
last unloaded kext at 10672510266829: >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f88be5000, size 24576)
loaded kexts:
com.google.drivefs.filesystems.dfsfuse 39.0.10
at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch 5474
com.globaldelight.driver.CaptoDevice 1.0.1
com.intel.driver.EnergyDriver 3.7.0
@filesystems.smbfs 3.4.3
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000 3.0.9
>!A!BMultitouch 97
@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.0.9
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.4
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.4
@fileutil 20.036.15
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.5f6
>pmtelemetry 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
>AGPM 111.4.4
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>AGDCBacklightControl 5.2.4
>!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.6
>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4
>BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.7
>!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.7
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>!AMCCSControl 1.14
>!AMuxControl2 5.2.4
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1
>!AHIDALSService 1
>!AGFXHDA 100.1.428
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.6
>!AAVEBridge 6.1
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>usb.!UHostBillboardDevice 1.0
>BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1
>BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1
>BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1
>!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1
@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5
@BootCache 40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
>!AVirtIO 1.0
@filesystems.apfs 1412.120.2
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager 161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AImage4 1
@nke.applicationfirewall 303
$TMSafetyNet 8
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
|EndpointSecurity 1
@kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs 1.0
>!A!BHIDKeyboard 209
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices 3.0.9
|IOAVB!F 850.1
>!ASSE 1.0
@!AGPUWrangler 5.2.4
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer 3.0.9
>!ABacklightExpert 1.1.0
>!AHIDKeyboard 209
>!AActuatorDriver 3440.1
@kext.AMDSupport 3.0.9
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
>!AGraphicsControl 5.2.4
>!AHS!BDriver 3430.1
>IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.5f6
>!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1
>!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8
|IONDRVSupport 576.1
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.5f6
|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.5f6
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.4
|IOAccelerator!F2 438.5.4
|IOGraphics!F 576.1
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
@kext.triggers 1.0
>usb.!UHub 1.2
>usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0
>usb.cdc 5.0.0
>usb.networking 5.0.0
>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2
>!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
>IOImageLoader 1.0.0
|IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IOSkywalk!F 1
|IOSurface 269.11
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
|IOAudio!F 300.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
|IOSerial!F 11
>usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2
>usb.!UVHCI 1.2
>usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0
>usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0
>!AEffaceableNOR 1.0
|IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0
|IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6
|IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 489.120.1
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
|IOTimeSync!F 840.3
|IONetworking!F 3.4
>DiskImages 493.0.0
|IO!B!F 7.0.5f6
|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.5f6
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.121.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
|IOReport!F 47
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
>watchdog 1
|IOPCI!F 2.9
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0
@kec.Libm 1
I think it may only happen when the MBP is connected to a monitor in clamshell mode.
Hi all, I have a MBP 16in with Catalina 10.15.5 + supplemental, and i am getting the exact same message:
Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily.
Moreover I can confirm that in my case it only ever happens when I am running in “clamshell” mode with external display (an older dell u2713hm connected with a DP to USB-C cable).
So far it has made for an underwhelming introduction to my first ever macbook, so fingers crossed they fix it soon…
10.5.5 did NOT fix the issue.
With 10.15.5 officially out, I would be really interested in hearing if this update has fixed the issue for people?
Hi, I’m another user who’s been fighting with this problem, and what makes it extra special crunchy annoying is that this is on a work computer my employers sent me as a replacement for the 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro which had been having entirely different spontaneous reboot problems. >:|
I just installed 10.15.5 on the machine and nope, problem not fixed. I’m still getting thunderbolt power on failure kernel panics. This repros when:
* I try to power up without anything plugged into the USB-C ports
* I try to put the computer to sleep; after a couple of minutes, I hear it make the “whoops Imma restart now” noise.
Things I have tried:
* Resetting the SMC, multiple times
* Resetting the NVRAM
Things I have not tried:
* Downgrading Catalina, which I think would be tricky given that this is a work computer and it came to me with 10.15.4 on it. And I’m working by remote right now, and my IT people aren’t even in the same city I am, so getting them to fix it would require Fedexing them the box. And I do NOT have another work computer.
So far the only way I’ve been able to get through this is to shut down the computer every night when my work hours are done, and to ONLY boot it up when I have my fan tray plugged into one of the ports on the left hand side of the machine, along with the power cord.
I was reading this post now, and googling for how to update to 10.15.5 4 beta… to see that just in this second my macbook tells me there is a new 10.15.5 Update available now 😀 – hope it will fix the bug for me.
Brand new Macbook Pro 16″ 2019 (yesterday arrived)
i9 2,3GHz, 32gb ram, 5500m pro 8gb, 1tb ssd
If I have the latest beta and am still having the kernel panic issues, what would you recommend Mr. Macintosh?
Do I need to something with disk utility?
Clean install?
Any help is greatly appreciated, as it’s frustrating that others have the issue fixed and some don’t.
Jason, the production version of 10.15.5 is now available! See if it makes a difference ?
Seems to be happening on the new 2020 13inch MacBook Pros as well :/
Here is the message:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff00b7625f0): SEP Panic: :SEPD/AKF : 0x000147df 0x000094ff 0x0000ed79 0x000103df 0x0001301d 0x000138eb 0x00013ac3 0x00000000 [hkntv]
Panic app vers: 1267.
Panic app UUID: 095C4864-1BE1-3DFD-AA5A-CD405C4028A9
Root task tag: AppleSEPOS-1267.
Root task vers: AppleSEPOS-1267.
Root task UUID: 7B2AC217-7687-3321-AD0E-7A0A6846D974
Firmware type: UNKNOWN SEPOS
SEP state: 1
PM state: 0
Boot state: 32
Mailbox status:
Mailbox entries:
Mailbox queue pointers: -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1 -1/-1
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x6
OS version: 17P4538
macOS version: 19E2269
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Mon Mar 2 18:54:27 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
Kernel UUID: 6A2C720E-996F-3833-8971-CB16C75A4094
iBoot version: iBoot-5540.105.2
secure boot?: YES
x86 EFI Boot State: 0x16
x86 System State: 0x0
x86 Power State: 0x0
x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x5
x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x10001000100
PCIeUp link state: not available
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel slide: 0x00000000035c0000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff00a5c4000
mach_absolute_time: 0x993ee7720d
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x5ec9ec1a 0x0007f9f7
Sleep : 0x5eca5781 0x000c3950
Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Calendar: 0x5eca5782 0x000903c8
Panicked task 0xffffffe0001c4800: 3290 pages, 224 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe0001f64f8, backtrace: 0xffffffe010c979d0, tid: 102
lr: 0xfffffff00ae88764 fp: 0xffffffe010c97a10
lr: 0xfffffff00ae885c0 fp: 0xffffffe010c97a80
lr: 0xfffffff00afa2e7c fp: 0xffffffe010c97b30
lr: 0xfffffff00b45162c fp: 0xffffffe010c97b40
lr: 0xfffffff00ae87f28 fp: 0xffffffe010c97eb0
lr: 0xfffffff00ae88280 fp: 0xffffffe010c97f00
lr: 0xfffffff00bcbe8f8 fp: 0xffffffe010c97f20
lr: 0xfffffff00b7625f0 fp: 0xffffffe010c97f50
lr: 0xfffffff00b757904 fp: 0xffffffe010c97f70
lr: 0xfffffff00b75880c fp: 0xffffffe010c97fa0
lr: 0xfffffff00b3dcdec fp: 0xffffffe010c97fd0
lr: 0xfffffff00b4c7c4c fp: 0xffffffe010c97fe0
lr: 0xfffffff00ae9db94 fp: 0xffffffe010c97ff0
lr: 0xfffffff00ae9db28 fp: 0xffffffe0108dbc90
lr: 0xfffffff00b45c514 fp: 0x0000000000000000
Thanks a lot for this thread!
I’m thinking about ordering a MBP 16 but i’m now confused if this problem still exists – there are different reports about it?!
OS version: 10.15.5 beta 4(19F94a)
Processor: 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
Memory: 32 GB
Graphics: AMD Radeon pRO 5300M 4 GB; Intel UHD Grapphics 630 1536 MB
When in 10.15.4 system, my mac always crash and reboot after long sleep connecting to external monitor with USB-C.
After installing 10.15.5 beta 4, crash after long sleep is fixed. BUT a new problem rised, some webpages in chrome will get flickered, with blue horizontal lines. It only get fixed after I disable the GPU accerlation.
I am still in the return window, I wonder if this is the hardware problem or software problem.
The latest Mojave update (might have been a beta update, I’m not sure) has finally fixed my Mac Mini 8,1 “crash immediately on sleep” issue. I haven’t fully tested, but for the first time since the last update, I’ve been able to put it to sleep, see it pulling just 1.4 watts, and then wake it up. (It uses around 14-20 watts at idle.)
I was pleasantly surprised! It seemed to do a large number of reboots and had some silent time, so just let it run when it comes. Go away and do something for at least an hour. It will look as though it’s done when it isn’t!
I’m still having the issue, even with 10.15.5 latest beta. I see you said others have said its fixed. Do I need to do a clean install or something different? Confused…
Yeah I’m still having the same problem too. Ugh when will I be free of this pain?
10.15.5 Beta 4 sadly did not help my problem on my MBP 16. I was excited to be able to watch some Apple TV on it for about an hour before it started, as I like to call it, throwing a fit. Now, once again, I can hardly even log on to my computer before it crashes again. I can’t even get back on it long enough to send in a report.
Hard to see the common thread, with it happening so differently on various machines. My 16″ MPB was fine for months until 10.15.4. Even with no peripheral devices or applications running mine will crash if it sleeps while on power. And it does not panic on wake – but during sleep because it has already booted and is waiting for a user to log in and provide credentials as soon as I open the top.
I bought a new MacBook(16′ 2019). After I installed “iStat menus” software, “cpu panic” appeared. Then I tried to uninstall “iStat menus”, the “cpu panic” no longer appears when I booted today.
I hope it works for you.
I also had the same issues with iStat Menus on my iMac, while on 10.15.4. There must be several things going on here, as it the crashes on sleep have disappeared when Power Nap was disabled and iStat removed. Having both Power Nap and iStat caused a lot of CPU panics. After removing iStat Menus, the crashes only happened on sleep.
You should uninstall “iStat menus” with the uninstall function. It won’t work if you just remove the App from Application directory.
FWIW, running Mojave, tried the latest beta, and there is no change – crash immediately on sleep on my T2-equipped Mini 8,1; and shutdown-during-sleep-and-charging on my 2015 Macbook Pro (no T2). I think the 2015 crashes may be Safari-related while the T2-Mini crashes are certainly T2-chip-based.
Apple IS aware of this but maybe they’re doing something time-consuming and unusual with this fix, like TESTING IT.
Upgraded to 10.15.5beta3, based on modification time timestamps the following extensions where updated: IOGraphicsFamily.kext, IOPCIFamily.kext (BINGO!), IONDRVSupport.kext, AppleBacklightExpert.kext, System.kext, AudioAUUC.kext
Let’s see whether this resolves the random reboots on every sleep + issues connecting to external monitors that started occurring after upgrading to 10.15.4.
Hey guys,
I have a 16 MBP that I got in Jan and then replaced it in Feb. I have bookmarked and been following this blog because I have the same restarting problems. I reached out to AppleCare and are clueless. I now know that its this update issue and waiting for the new prod release. However, given there are a few folks here with the new 16 MBP, I was wondering do you all have that fan issue as well? I’m a designer so I use some apps that are a bit more intensive than office or browsers but my 15 MBP never had a heart attack like this one. The fans on this one go insanely crazy and I have no unearthly idea why. I check the activity monitor and sometimes it says Chrome is the cause but sometimes its not and still kicks the fans in high gear. Anyone else see this issue as well? Does this seem like just a defective unit or is it software related? Would anyone have pointers on that? I asked AppleCare and they said I’d have to send out the unit as the stores are closed and it would take about 1-2 weeks and this is my work computer. I can’t be without one.
Any help is appreciated!! (sorry for the ramble)
Hey mate! I have the same issue. Super overheated, extremely loud fans and constand kernel panics every day. A horrible unusable laptop if you ask me! Such a pity.
I use it as a photographer and filmmaker. I run FCP, photoshop, lightroom, chrome etc.
As you said, Activity Monitor always shows Chrome to be the one using the most resources. So weird.
I’ll return mine by the end of this week and buy a strong and reliable windows machine. Apple f* up enough with all of us. Guys please all reach out to tech media outlets and make them aware of this faulty and unusable MBP16! This can’t be reality for so many months.
When upgrading to 10.15.5 beta or downgrading to 10.15.3, is it as simple as download > click > follow prompts? Or does more need to be done to completely “wipe away” 10.15.4?
yes … very easy ! just download macOSPublicBetaAccessUtility.dmg from Apple https://beta.apple.com
then follow instructions. No wipe, just an upgrade.
Not sure why this would be a hardware issue? I’m planning to wait for a software update.
I think I solved it on my 16″ MacBook Pro.
-Turned off PowerNap for both Battery and Power Adapter in Energy Saver Preferences
-Turned off Put Hard Disks to Sleep when Possible Energy Saver Preferences
-Entered Recovery Mode, ran First Aid in Disk Utility
-Entered Recovery Mode and performed a clean reinstall of Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4
-Installed Mac OS Catalina 10.15.5 Public Beta 4
No crashes for two days now. Fingers crossed.
Unfortunately, still freezing (seems to be during heavier loads) and restarts. It power nap is off it seems okay, but still issues. Gonna try and swap my unit out today.
Purchased the MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, 8gb ram, 256gb) three days ago. I just started using it yesterday and am constantly greeted with the kernal panic error after closing the lid. I was tempted to return and exchange my laptop for a new one but it sounds like it’s a software and not a hardware issue. Now I’m not sure what to do, whether I should just deal with it or return it. I love Apple but this is disappointing, especially when knowing this has been an issue for some time.
Interesting as this mostly affects the 16″ MacBook Pro. You should have a 10 day return policy.
You would do one of these.
1. Try the current 10.15.5 beta 4. I have received multiple messages that the issue is now fixed!
2. Wait until this Tuesday, I am thinking 10.15.5 Production might go live.
Mine is freezing / restarting still, even with 10.15.5 beta 4.
Do you think exchanging is in my best interest? Or should I wait for official software update?
It really appears to be a software problem, given that a) it started with 10.15.4 and b) appears to be fixed in 10.15.5 beta 4 (at least for most people, although one guy said it wasn’t).
I would probably at least wait until the last day of your return period to return it, and see if they release 10.15.5 and it’s fixed for you. If they haven’t yet that’s a tough call — personally I wouldn’t return it, but don’t think anybody would question if you did.
Why wouldn’t you return it? Even 10.15.5 beta 4 is still having same issues for me. Would it be worth trying something BEFORE 10.15.4?
Because it’s a software problem. You can return it and get a new one, and another new one, and another new one, and another new one, and on and on… and the problem won’t be fixed till new software.
All you’re really doing is giving spending extra time going back and forth to the UPS store.
Thanks, David. I’m not the most tech savvy. So you think all 16″ macbook pro users are experiencing this issue? I was under the assumption it’s just a % of the total. Wouldn’t there be much more uproar if it was every single owner?
I have had the issue for 3 months already and I’m on my second replacement now. MB Pro 16 32gb, 1tb ssd i7
I am so frustrated. I am very very close to returning it, getting my money back and buying a well functioning windows machine.
What do you guys think? Isn’t this a shame for a company like Apple not to be able to make their best laptop line work smoothly. Just consider the very small lineup they have and compare it to the thousands of machines that run Windows 10 smoothly. Sorry but this company is fucking up with a huge number of people all around the globe. The problem is just that so many people are blindly following everything and accepting to be paying 3k+ for a non functioning laptop.
I’m still having the issue, even with 10.15.5 beta 4. I see you said others have said its fixed. Do I need to do a clean install or something different? Confused…
+1, just keeping this thread going. Received 16″ MBP, 32 gb, 1 tb, 2.3 ghz 8-core i9, amd radeon pro 8gb about a week ago. Constant restarts. I have been saving every report, planning to eventually contact Apple CS and email them a dozen or two.
Probably not super helpful at this point but just want to throw out that I was having the same issue with 10.5.3. Exact message was different (don’t have a panic report, and don’t remember anymore) but symptoms were the same: crashing on wakeup from sleep every few days. One thing that helped me was I left a usb device unplugged overnight (so nothing connected except power) and so far the crashes appear to have stopped. Meanwhile disabling power nap has not helped at all.
Good to see I’m not only one dealing with this, after dropping several thousand on the 16″ macbook pro.
I disabled power nap, that fixed for a few weeks, then yesterday it just started freezing and restarting when I’m in the middle of doing something online.
Then the reboot loop, where it almost fills the bar then restarts.
Today I downloaded 10.15.5 beta 4 and installed.
*Fingers crossed.*
Is it better to just swap out my computer for a new one from Apple, or see if the beta / next update fixes this issue?
Jason, please let me know how 10.15.5 beta 4 acts for you.
Same here – disabling power nap while in sleep and charged via adapter solved it.
I just bought a 16″ Macbook Pro and this has been happening to me all the time. I didn;t realize it was an update. I hope its fixed
Problem solved after disabling the powernap option. Now it’s running like a charm. I don’t get why apple gives a s*** about this issue. Information is key!!
Thank you very much for collecting all this information and putting up this website!
My 16″ MBP is a refurnished one. So I was worrying about whether there is something wrong with my HW until I see the identical error log (19E266) here. That is reassuring.
10.15.5 fixed the issue! I came in this morning and computer was in rest… no reset.
I hope this if will be in final version. But now I prefer stay in 10.15.3
I bought a new MBP 16 spac egray, everything was fine, but when the update 10.15.4 came out, he began to show the error the author was talking about. After a while, the laptop suddenly rebooted endless and the cooler made noise. I gave the laptop to the warranty service, as a result, I was without a laptop for a month. Apple replaced the motherboard and returned it to me. When I started the system, it was version 10.15.3 and system suggested that upgrade to 10.15.4. I did this, set everything up, installed all the programs, closed the laptop (sleep mode). In the morning when I opened the laptop I saw an apple, the same problem. As a result, I found version 10.15.3 on torrents, created an installation flash drive (usb). Reinstalled (rolled back) the system to a blank disk. And now 2 days everything is OK!
PS: I talked with a popular blogger who has MBP 16 but gray. He says that everything is ok and that there are rumors that the problem is only with the space gray color model, I don’t know if this is true or not, but I have exactly the space gray.
I have the silver model and experiencing the same issue. Currently on 10.15.4.
I am on the beta of 10.15.5…. had it sitting for a few hours and it stopped! Will leave it overnight tonight for the true test..
MBP 13.3 2017 also affected. @Mr. Macintosh I emailed you. 🙂
Firstly appeared while installing 10.10.5 Beta 4 from Beta 1.
Then after the SSD got read only because of the KP, also on the new installed Mojave instance on external start device. Now since frequently getting KP’s after installing 2020-002 Mojave update. (Retail) Catalina update won’t work either.
Keeping this bookmarked!
Sorry, “10.10.5” is actually meant to read “10.15.5” 🙂
I just bought my 16″ MBP three days ago and it started having this issue this morning (May 9th.) It only happens when it’s on the charger. Other than that, my MBP works like a dream. No overheating, and great battery life. I’m a photojournalist and use this daily for my work, so I was a bit concerned when this started to happen, but hopefully they find the issue and fix it asap.
Thanks for tracking this issue! Any idea if 10.15.5 beta addresses this issue? Disabling power nap has been a successful workaround for me on my 16 MBP i9 by the way.
Thank you for posting this information, and tracking upcoming releases.
I just got a new Macbook Pro 16″ and I have been experiencing this problem.
Hi, I have a 2019 iMac 21″ and am actually having this problem (which is how my search for “kernel panic iMac during sleep” brought me to this thread).
I am running Catalina 10.15.4…before this update I had zero problems, then just one day the system crashes every time during sleep. It will simply not wake up and I have to do a hard shut down (even though I can see my external hard drives spinning). Today I put the desktop to sleep, walked away, and came back in to find it had restarted itself with another panic log.
None of the workarounds works. I have a mbp from december 2019 and that is before 10.15.4 so I could try to go back to 10.15.3 of .2. Has anyone any idea if .3 works properly?
Marten, I have seen that some users have had luck reverting back to 10.15.3 so you could try it.
10.15.5 Beta 4 was just released today, so we could be looking at a possible next week release.
Ok thanks. I will wait for .5 and see what happens. If it does not solve this problem than I will reinstall .1 or .2.
10.15.5 Beta (19F83c) doesn’t fix the problem for me
Reverting to .3 not helped.
I just hit this with 10.15.4 Supplemental Update; with Power Nap disabled but ‘put hard disks to sleep when possible’ enabled. Laptop was plugged in overnight, with usb devices plugged in as well.
I did file a bug report with apple (via the apple developer program) but haven’t heard anything yet. Will next try to uncheck ‘put hard disks to sleep when possible’.
Great to know that I am not alone. Me with 10.15.4 supplemental update (19E287), too. Will try ‘disable power snap’ for this night.
Here I would love to share a little update about section 4 “Panic Reports” in the original article. My own panic report on my MacBook Pro 16” is almost the same with “3. Panic Report for 10.15.4 (19E266)” (pasted below), but my Mac OS version is a slightly newer one, the 10.15.4 Supplemental Update (19E287).
My panic report:
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff801ae16487): “AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState(0xffffff81c9c93000 : 0xffffff7f9e3c0d88, 1 -> 0) timed out after 45984 ms”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.101.6/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff923feb3b40 : 0xffffff801a7215cd
0xffffff923feb3b90 : 0xffffff801a85a3c5
0xffffff923feb3bd0 : 0xffffff801a84bf7e
0xffffff923feb3c20 : 0xffffff801a6c7a40
0xffffff923feb3c40 : 0xffffff801a720c97
0xffffff923feb3d40 : 0xffffff801a721087
0xffffff923feb3d90 : 0xffffff801aec2c7c
0xffffff923feb3e00 : 0xffffff801ae16487
0xffffff923feb3e50 : 0xffffff801ae15d69
0xffffff923feb3e60 : 0xffffff801ae2d2fe
0xffffff923feb3ea0 : 0xffffff801ae14b18
0xffffff923feb3ec0 : 0xffffff801a763545
0xffffff923feb3f40 : 0xffffff801a763071
0xffffff923feb3fa0 : 0xffffff801a6c713e
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6
Kernel slide: 0x000000001a400000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801a600000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801a500000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
System uptime in nanoseconds: 19101519021998
last loaded kext at 12662606155348: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f9ee60000, size 45056)
last unloaded kext at 2113843911529: |SCSITaskUserClient 422.101.1 (addr 0xffffff7f9dfde000, size 28672)
I have the same problem since the Update and I’m really pissed!
I don’t understand that it takes so long to fix that issue.
Why doesn’t apple offer a downgrade option ?
Today I had my first panic with all workarounds in place.
I paid almost 6000 bugs for a machine that crashes each day since the update!
Come on Apple !
I used step 2 and 4 from Workarounds and it works for now. Anyway I am still wondering if I should return or not? If it is something serious or just a soft bug. Time till Friday to make a return.
This is very helpful. I just got my first ever MacBook after an entire career using PC. What I hoped would be a fun experience Transitioning to Apple has been only an aggravation. Genius calls had me Reinstall OS but now I just get a different kernel panic message. Seems best to just return it – I’m still in that window. Very disappointed in the product and the service ?
Did Apple just have you restore to Version 10.15.4? If so that will have the same exact problem. 🙁
Keep in mind that this is not a normal thing, most Macs run flawlessly. This issue seems to be software related to 10.15.4 and the 16″ MBPro.
the issue is not only related to the 16″ MB Pro. I am using an iMac 2017, and am seeing the same thing. This started with 10.15.4.
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800a416487): “AMDFramebufferVIB::setPowerState”
As far as I can tell, the 100% consistent immediate crash on sleep is limited to T2-equipped computers—and occurs on Mojave, too, after the last firmware update.
I suspect there is more than one thing going on.
correct – the first person at Apple joint venture had me reinstall OS which as you state did nothing. With the second person I spoke to today, I pushed that this was a known issue on posts, boards etc – she then researched it and said yes there is supposed to be a fix ultimately anticipated but when I asked, she said there is no ETA for it. Also gave me 4 potential workarounds but said they don’t work for everyone :
Possible work arounds. (Has not worked for every customer)
1. Disabling “Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off”
2. Disabling Power Nap on battery and power.
3. Unplugging the power cord before putting the computer to sleep.
4. Shutdown the computer before the computer goes to sleep for the night.
I know people love Apple but unfortunately my experience has been spending 3 torturous days with my new $3K laptop that is only a frustration to try to use. I’m returning it and even that is complicated – after multiple calls was informed the return system is not working correctly either. We will see if I get a pdf of a return label in 24 hours as promised or if I have to call again. Maybe I’ll try again in the future – seems Macbook Air doesn’t have these issues? Thanks again for your post and all these comments – really helped me realize I wasn’t crazy!
The 13″ MacBook Pro is brand new as of this week. Plus the MacBook Air is also a great deal.
For the 13″, The $1799 Model is the one to get, 10th Gen Quad Core, 16GB of ram and 512GB hard drive.
No reported issues with these models so far.
I had exactly the same issue! I used to work with with Windows computers all my life and then decided to buy that Apple MBP 16. I had high hopes as I liked the concept of the laptop and stuff. However, I experienced constant KP restarts, super short battery life of max 3h and overheating -I was luckily able to return it to get a new one. (exactly the same). Then I was super happy as the new one seemed to work for the first three days. But yesterday (fourth day) it crashed again due to a KP issue.
I’m desperate now. It seems super ridiculous that Apple has the courage to sell such super expensive products without even making sure that they work. This company must now be suffering an immense image and brand damage. Such a failure cannot be acceptable at this scale for a laptop. First I thought I had a lemon. This could happen ofc and I would also accept such a thing and simply return it (what I did). But the fact that this issue persists with a brand new machine is a joke if you ask me. Super unprofessional from Apple.
Or what is he opinion of the community? Living with workarounds cannot be an issue. We all paid a lot for a functioning machine and it simply doesn’t ?
I’m now on my second 3k mac book pro 16 (i7, 1tbssd, 32ram, 4gb grapics)
And I just received my new Laptop on Monday. It worked well without KP until yesterday. This device is faulty again. Can’t believe it. Seems something quite serious tho!
I guess I’ll switch to Microsoft anytime soon.
I have a 2010 MacPro with Catalina 10.15.4 (19E287) installed where I have started receiving a KP on wake from sleep. The details follow and it may be the same or a related issue, but the thing to consider is that for some people it may be driven by the USB peripherals plugged in.
For me, I have diagnosed this issue as having a USB Xbox 360 controller plugged in, that had been accessed, when the computer went to sleep. On wake this KP occurs. To duplicate this, on the Xbox controller the ring around the X button must either be flashing, have a single element lit, or have been accessed by a game when the computer goes to sleep. I have played the game (Steam – Life is Strange) without the controller plugged in, let the computer sleep, and have had not had a KP on wake. I have used the computer doing other things without the controller plugged in and have not had a KP. I have rebooted, plugged the controller in, and with the lights not lit, let the computer sleep and it wakes without a KP. On the wake, the controller’s lights were flashing and on the next sleep and wake, the KP occurred. If I play the game with the controller and let the computer sleep, the KP occurs on wake every time. This occurs with the controller plugged into the computer directly or with it plugged into a hub.
Well, still running with 10.15.4, I had the same issue before the supplementary update, then what I did was to download the Combo Update version of 10.5.4, install it, then download the latest version of Onyx, run it in automated mode. Since then, no more crashes (possibly this has something to do with the kernel caches). Then I installed the supplementary update, and here we go again, a crash at night…
I’ll re-run the same, Combo Update and again, Onyx, and I’ll let you know
Also iMac 2017.. has been happening the last few months but only with certain programmes. Driving me nuts..
I manually put my system to sleep each night before I tuck in and last night this happened:
“build” : “Bridge OS 4.5 (17P55264c)”,
“crashReporterKey” : “c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001”,
“date” : “2020-04-26 03:23:21.26 +0000”,
“incident” : “76B08250-3A70-48FF-87CD-65D36EB29C9D”,
“kernel” : “Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Sun Apr 5 22:07:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.120.27~17\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010”,
“macOSOtherString” : “\n** In Memory Panic Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 796464 **\n”,
“macOSPanicFlags” : “0x4”,
“macOSPanicString” : “panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f8f614983): GPU Panic: mux-regs b ad 0 0 f0 d severity 3 WS-ready 0 switch-state 0 IG FBs 0 EG FBs 3:1f power-state 0 3D idle HDA busy system-state 1 power-level 20:20 power-retry 0:0 connect-change 0 : uC RD command timeout!! 0x710 1\n\n\nBacktrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address\n0xffffff820ac63930 : 0xffffff800b31e6dd \n0xffffff820ac63980 : 0xffffff800b457b75
This was a GPU panic caused by the CPU – so theoretically the GPU crashed because it lost communication with the CPU abruptly? I do have the checkmark off for a power nap and prevent the computer from sleeping when the display is off, but I do like the computer to go to sleep when I tell it to.
I have started to just shut the system down at night. Don’t like to be greeted y Kernel or other panics first thing in the morning. Will continue with this routine until Apple resolves this issue. Alternatively I have noticed if the laptop is charged then I simply remove the power cable and close the lid. Then the kernel remains stable. I guess its a question of picking your poison 🙁
Hello, I have a expensive MacBook Pro 16′, base model (I7 with 16GB RAM). Excellent machine in all aspects. It’s just a pity I’m having the same issue as everybody here. I just found this discussion, and I’m very glad I’m not the only one who’s facing those KP problems. For a couple of days I’ve considered it could be a hardware issue, I got some apple care support on the phone but it hasn’t really helped, since all they can tell me it to proceed to recovery, reinstall macOS, or try finding software that’s faulty to trash… I thought they would be more informative, but it’s quite basic help for newbies. I agree on the commentary of another user here who says it’s rather a system’s issue, since it’s not a continuous behaviour pattern for every macOS version and in my case too it was not a problem in the beginning, it became a problem after last update, there’s been at least one update since beginning of the year, perhaps two, right? I’ve owned this MBP since beginning of February, without any complaints in the first weeks. But for a couple of weeks now, I’ve had that KP times enough to make me go after a solution, during a certain period KP once a day, and now I’ve been having one every third day, the same “AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState” thing. So, Now I won’t do anything about it, maybe only disabling power nap if that helps for a while and keep on monitoring the situation and wait for a solution from from heavens.
Bruno, I think you will find, as did I, with my 16″ MBP since December (which worked beautifully until 10.15.4 update), that disabling PowerNap will help. However, I didn’t completely get rid of the KP issue until I also was able to install to 10.5.5 (public) beta 1 – which I am still running – without an problem for 6 days now. I do not find that 10.15.4 (+ or – the supplementary update) and disabling PowerNap was sufficient. I had been getting the KP every day at first, then multiple times a day, then every 10 minutes, until it was unbearable to use at all. So something has changed with 10.15.5. FYI, I also have had “prevent the computer from sleeping when the display is off checked”, and “put hard disks to sleep when possible” unchecked. So things are basically “awake”, yet their is no heat, no fan issues, and the MBP runs perfectly for me – including after closing the lid to sleep, manually sleeping, manually shutting down, adaptor in, on battery….all work. I am hoping this is all that is needed until a more permanent fix is out, but I don’t mind running it as it is now. Best of luck.
Hi guy, so I took your advice and installed Beta 1. I’m can confirm that the issues are still present. Super annoying!
Hey Guy, and everybody here. Thanks for you comment on my problem. I’m back after a couple of weeks to confirm to you, that disabling PowerNap helped just TOTALLY. Of course, everybody seems to already know that, but I Never had that issue anymore, not a single time within weeks. So, I’m back with my 100% stable and amazing MacBook that helps me each day to get a bit more cleaver, and consider it an extension of my mind now. Well. That’s it. I will never ever turn powernap on again. In addition to that, powernap consumes a lot of power too. So, I also realised my Mac keeps more battery after a traditional sleep. So, basically, I don’t really need PowerNap. It’s a good idea, but not many professionals will really need that, I think, except for some. Have a good week!
This also happens to my Mac Pro (Late 2015) after the latest update on MojaveOS 10.14.6
Hi, it happens as well on an 2019 iMac since Catalina 10.15.0, and none of the updates or disabling power nap fixed the problem. However, a fresh install to Mojave 14.6 solved it and I could have a 14 days uptime until a power outage happened in the apartment. This problem is NOT only affecting MacBookPro 16, but most of the apple computers. Catalina has been a very disappointing update.
This helped me after my macbook couldn’t complete booting for 2 hours:
1. Booting in save mode
2. System Preferences / Energy Saver / Power Adapter -> Disabling: “Prevent computer from sleeping…” & “Enable Power Nap while…”
3. open terminal -> sudo pmset -a standby 0
This also happens to my Mac Pro (Late 2013) after the latest update
So far no workaround works and it happens even while working on it 🙁
Hello All,
Few update, as I am still in 10.15.5 beta 2, 2019 16 MacBook Pro :
– My Mac doesn’t seems to crash when it is on battery, even when going to sleep for 1 or 2 hours, or even overnight. On battery, it seems all good.
– When plugged to the power supply, and power nap activated, it worked all fine during the day, even when closing the laptop for 1 or 2 hours. However, after one night, I got the panic report “AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState”, which means that this bug is still here, even if it seems les frequent. Under 10.15.4, I was facing it much more often : even with a 1 hour sleep, I could face the same error message. So 10.15.5 beta 2 may have improved the situation, but not completely fixed it.
– Now, I will keep my MacBook Pro plugged, default setting but power nap disabled. Lets see how it goes for the coming 48 hours..
@Guy : I think this is not a Hardware problem, but most likely a MacOS issue, otherwise we would face this situation the same way for each 10.15.X version. Lets us know if you shipped it back to Apple
Thanks for this Leo! I am facing the same problem, with the exact same error message: AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState. I have not yet upgraded to the beta and think I will hold out for the stable release. Please continue to keep us all posted 🙂
So last night was the first night I didn’t have a kernel panic. The only thing I changed was the port which is used for charging; I swapped it to the other side of the mac. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Might be nothing but figured I would post here for others to see.
I tried to do the same: swapped my power port.
It “stopped” the panics for about 4-5 days, then they came back. Very odd.
Thanks for the update on 10.15.5 beta 2. Further to my previous post, I can confirm that unchecking the relevant energy saver preferences seems to have worked for me. I’ve not had any crashes since and I’ve been using my mac on and off (leaving my desk sometimes for 20 minutes) for almost 8 hours attached to the Caldigit hub and external display via TB3. Fingers crossed it continues this way until we get a software update to rectify this.
Thanks very much for the detailed update on your usage with the 10.5.5 beta 2 version.
I am still using 10.15.5 (public) beta 1 and have not had any issues with it. It has been working perfectly since Friday evening. I have challenged it with shutdown, manual sleep, clam shell closure sleep, overnight shutdown with plugged in and on battery too, and using it for 4-6 hours plugged in or on battery. All good for now.
I am running 10.15.5 beta 1 with:
– Power Nap off (both on battery and adaptor)
– the box to prevent the computer from sleeping when display is checked
– the box to put the hard disk to sleep when possible is unchecked (both on battery and adaptor)
– Graphics switching is still active (both on battery and adaptor)
– no external monitor or other peripherals in use
I have not yet had the courage to activate Power Nap (as I desperately need my computer to teach and don’t want to induce “the death spiral”). I will try next week after classes end at my university. I just hope it continues to work until then. Knock on carbon fiber. 😉
FYI, resetting the SMC and NVRAM did not help me prior to this beta 1 update (nor did clean install of 10.15.4, with or without the supplementary update). The only thing that has truly solved it (so far) has been the 10.15.5 beta – with power nap OFF. This is clearly not an acceptable long-term solution for any of us using this $3000+ machine. I feel for those of you with new laptops, as I actually got 4 months of excellent functionality with mine until 10.15.4 was released.
@ Leo. I have not yet sent it back to Apple for repair. I hope you are sharing your experience with Apple as a beta tester via the Feedback Assistant app. I have been told they don’t pay attention to these forums, but do monitor that. They need to see that it is unresolved still with beta 2 and Power Nap. Arrgh!
I have follow you install 10.15.5 beta 1 and still got the problem 🙁
10.15.5 Beta 3 was just released today! If you install it, let us know if it fixes the issue.
I also would like to know if the newest betas help. However,
For what it is worth, I have been in conversation with Executive Relations at Apple (yesterday) and they say their engineers are aware of the issue(s) and that the kernel panic is a software problem that they believe they have solved. I have a return box ready to go for repair (round 3), if not, but I was told to hang on to it for right now and wait for the update. I am not sure if that is present in beta 3, as I am not a developer with access to it.
I am still running 10.15.5 beta 1 and have not had a single problem for 10 days of use (and I have challenged it in various ways) – but I am keeping PowerNap OFF and checking the box to NOT allow the hard disk go to sleep. As I need my laptop for work, I have not dared to turn those options on yet and hope a more permanent fix is present in beta 2 or 3.
Thanks for the suggestion. I received my 16 inch MacBook Pro on May 15, I was not aware of the Kernel crashing issue, and do not recall this happening with my 13 inch MBP (early 2015). I installed 10.15.4 before migrating my old MBP to the new MBP. Note I have the 16 Inch, with the 2.4 I9, 5500 GPU with 8 gb, and a 2 TB disk.
The kernel crash has occurred multiple times over the weekend. I had to finish a Lightroom workflow for a client, and suffered thru the restarts. Yesterday, I did try to contact Apple Support, but could not get a call until Friday the 22nd. I just followed the suggestions Guy made, but did not upgrade to one of the betas.
I am running 10.15.4 with:
– Power Nap off (both on battery and adaptor)
– the box to prevent the computer from sleeping when display is checked
– the box to put the hard disk to sleep when possible is unchecked (both on battery and adaptor)
– Graphics switching is still active (both on battery and adaptor)
– no external monitor
– I have attached my backup drive, and will test with it attached and unattached to see if the issue reoccurs.
I will let you know what occurs. Hopefully, I do not have to return this MBP.
Well so far so good. After turning Power Nap off on both battery and adaptor, I have not had the issue. previously each time I would let the MBP sleep, whether for a short time , or overnight, the kernel rash would occur. Has not happened since making the change. Still running 10.15.4. Thanks again for the suggestion.
Thanks for the post – this is very frustrating indeed!
I have the exact same problem with my brand new MacBook Pro 16″ (delivery took place on Saturday 18 April). The problem encountered after I upgraded to 10.15.4 on Sunday. I have connected my MBP to an Apple Thunderbolt Display with an Apple Thunderbolt Adapter (original version).
I have tried to reset both NVRAM and SMC as a first step (thanks to this blog), and will monitor the situation before I disable auto-sleep.
Just an update. Not experienced any crashes after I performed a reset of NVRAM and SMC. No changes to power default settings (ie sleep after 10 minutes when on power, turn off drives etc)
Verified scenarios:
1) Auto sleep for 2 hours without dock and on battery (OK)
2) Manual sleep for 8 hours over night with power and ATB display (OK)
3) Auto sleep for 30 minutes with power and ATB display (OK)
I tried the NVRAM and SMC reset after reading your post. After making the changes I closed the lid with power cord still connected. When I opened it a few hours later, was greeted by Kernel Panic message 🙁
Strange, obviously not a workaround that is consistent! I have been using my Mac extensively throughout the day (with several close lid, connected to dock, not connected etc.) and I have still not been greeted by Mr. Kernel Panic. Any use of docking etc?
No dock or anything. Just the laptop and power cord.
Did survive the night (7 hours), but was welcomed by the following message after I put the computer into sleep and returned from breakfast a bit later (15 minutes)
panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff8020491b2c): Sleep transition timed out after 180 seconds while entering darkwake on way to sleep. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily. Thread 0x74.
Thanks for this very timely post and collection. I’ve been suffering with the same kernel panic issue on my MBP-16 inch for several weeks. It’s mainly when the machine has been left idle with devices such as my Caldigit hub connected via one of the T3 hubs. The hub has an external display and a LACie 2Big RAID attached. It never happens when the MBP is used unconnected to T3 peripherals. I never got the panic kernel when it was called BAD MAGIC because it started after the update that changed the naming of the panic kernel. In any case, I’m going to try and revert to OS 10.15.2 rather than 15.3 as I just read that the problem persisted. I will post again with an update on whether this has worked or not. Cheers,
Thanks Omar, please let us know if going back to 10.15.2 works or not!
I only managed to return to 10.15.3 via Time Machine backup. That didn’t solve the problem. It froze not long after-I left my desk for a few minutes only to return and have to reboot with the “this computer didn’t shut down message” and then the dreaded panic kernel. However, I decided to try the work-around you mentioned earlier of preventing the computer from falling asleep and unchecking all the boxes under the battery and power adaptor tabs related to the putting hard disk to sleep and enabling power naps etc. It’s been more than a couple of hours now and there have been no issues so far. Finger crossed. This is not a long-term solution by any means, but it’s the best I can do while we await a software update patch to solve this mess.
Thanks for your collective information which is very helpful.
Thanks for the very well documented post.
My 2 cents : I had the same issue with my MacBook Pro 16, received the 10th of April.
10.15.4 installed and my Mac crashed every time after it went to sleep mode (kernel panic).
I installed 10.15.3 (and erase all content – fresh install) , but I still got the issue, even with the workaround you mention.
So I tried 10.15.5 Beta 2, reseted SCL and RAM , and for the past 2 days, I didn’t face any KP, even with power nap on. But 2 days are not enough to conclude anything.
Also, I don’t recommend upgrading to a Beta version of a OS without having a backup of your data, as it is not a final release.
My previous Apple experience was my MacBook Air, and it lasted 9 years without any issue. Very frustrating…
Leo, Thank you very much for your informative reply. I have been testing the public beta 1 since having gotten it to load and, much to my surprise, not a single freeze/reboot yet – with Power Nap disabled. So, maybe it is not a hardware issue? I am at a crossroads, where tomorrow a box is arriving for me to ship the 2019 16″ MacBook Pro back for a 3rd attempt at repair by Apple (I am beyond the return period), but it is working right now…so I know if I send it they will return it saying “cannot reproduce the issue” and dismiss what was a consistent issue for me before, yet again. So, I may hang onto it for a while longer and then turn on PowerNap. Like you, Leo, I want to see if more time goes by without an error, before shipping it back to Apple again. I am glad to hear that the beta 2 is working the same for you so far. Fortunately, I keep all important stuff backed up to the cloud. I have owned about 12 different MacBooks over the years and never, ever, had such issues – in fact, I love the way this machine was working before the 10.15.3 (and .4) update tanked things. Please keep us posted of how your machine fares with the beta 2 a little longer. Best of luck!
Leo is everything still working fine with 10.15.5 beta 2?
I have been in the same boat for over a month, during which my 2019 16” MBP has gone to Apple Repair 2x and will go again on Monday. The first time they replace the logic board and Touch Bar unit, to no avail. Then they claimed to be “unable to reproduce the issue” during a second round or repair. Since then 10.15.4 and the supplemental update to it have only made things worse, to the point that the freezes/crashes are so frequent it doesn’t even give me enough time to reinstall a system. However, last night I somehow was able to get the 1st public beta of 10.5.5 to fully load. I have Power Nap off and will see what happens. However, other users are already reporting this beta did not resolve our shared random “freeze/reboot” kernel panic problem. If anyone is a developer with access to 10.15.5 beta 2 please let us know if that helps. This screams out to me that it is hardware issue, and a very serious one. Given all the threads listed by this (wonderful) website. I am a professor at a major university desperately trying to resolve issues as soon as possible as I am teaching online and I’ll be giving exams in 8 days.
Thank you for the information. I’ve been running into this issue as of recent and calling Apple support I got the usual run around (re-install OS, diskUtil etc). At least now I know I am not the only one 🙁
Thank you for this information. I’ve been having this issue since an auto update… and it’s been quite worrisome to me.
I’m not experiencing this issue and I’m not following any of the workarounds provided here, which is strange.
I do have the Intel GPU forced on at all times so the AMD 5500m doesn’t kick in automatically but I turned on auto GPU switching for a couple of days this week and didn’t have the KP either. Quite strange.
had my Macbook Pro for 36 hours… this issue is vexing me… Glad to hear you guys are bringing it to Apple’s attention… hope they can solidify this os soon.
Also have the issue 2799 1TB store configuration, had one logic board replaced already (as one time it wouldn’t wake at , computer completely dead), same issue with waking. Sometimes it’s ok others panic, other it takes several minutes toying with buttons. I am using a Caldigit TS3+ dock Incase this helps anymore trouble shoot
Same CalDigit TS3+ dock here and a late 2019 16″ MBP with Radeon Pro 5500M. Started happening after installing the 10.15.5 update. Never happened with 10.15.4 or earlier. I reverted fully to a TimeMachine backup taken prior to installing the 10.15.5 update, and the issue was gone. As soon as I installed the 10.15.5 update, it started happening again. 100% reproducible in the following scenario: Lid closed; DisplayPort monitor, Ethernet, USB keyboard and USB mouse connected to the dock. Put the machine to sleep. It either fails to actually enter the sleep state (blue light stays lit on the dock and the fans keep spinning indefinitely until a shutdown is forced via power button) or enters sleep and fails to wake up via mouse or keyboard input, eventually rebooting itself. I have not been able to reproduce this with the lid open. I also cannot reproduce it in safe boot, so it is likely caused by a kernel extension. Reproducible with a fresh test user profile. Slightly less than 100% reproducible if automatic graphics switching is disabled. The only third-party extensions I have loaded are VirtualBox drivers, but I am not running VirtualBox when the crashes happen.
Taras, what version of DisplayPort Drivers are you running?
How would I check that? I don’t recall manually installing any drivers for the dock.
My bad! I re-read your post and when I saw DisplayPort I thought “DisplayLink Dock”. I see the CalDigit is a ThunderBolt Dock!
With that info, I can test both an Elgato and Belkin tommmorow.
Great! Curious to know what you find. I made a post in the Apple discussions as well.
Also, I forgot to mention here that it is not necessary even to put the machine to sleep: just locking the screen and waiting for the external monitor to blank is enough (with auto-sleep on display standby disabled). Also, the power nap setting state does not seem to make a difference.
Just another bit of info: I updated the CalDigit dock to the latest firmware, and this had no effect.
I can’t get it to reproduce on mine. Maybe I need to test with a displayport monitor?
The only difference I see is that I am testing with 1 thunderbolt monitor and I have the ATI 5300 instead of the 5500.
Do you have touchID activated?
Esteban, do you have the 5500 and are you running 2 monitors?
I guess in this case you don’t have to look for any specific drivers you may be running or to a particular hardware.
Using the laptop in a specific mode Apple calls ‘closed-display mode with an external display’ requires a few specific conditions. see more here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201834
This is what goes on in our cases.
So when running in this mode, I keep the lid halfway open so when it sleeps it can recover with no issues.
For those using a Caldigit TS3+, ensure it has the latest firmware (44.1) to correctly manage the power input. No drivers are required to use the TS3 unless you specifically want to deal with usb charging ports. The basic functions (video, data, ethernet, card reader, sound) of this device work with what the OS allows.
Again, please make sure you report all these issues thru the Apple discussions site.
As it’s an issue quite solid and recurring, it’s just a matter of using a temporary work around until a patch fixes it.
No more than that.
Mr. Macintosh, yes, I do have TouchID enabled.
It could very well be specific to particular GPU models.
I now have an escalated case open with Apple, and they collected diagnostic information from my machine yesterday. Let’s see what comes of it.
I also have a HyperDrive port expander with an HDMI output that I can test with via an active HDMI->DP converter that I use for a different machine. I’ll try that tonight.
I have not had a chance to try this with the HyperDrive yet, but I did just receive an update from Apple that the engineering team is aware of the issue and are looking into it. With any luck, we should see it fixed in the next patch.
I confirmed that the issue is reproducible with the HyperDrive hub and a HDMI connection to the same external monitor.
Another scenario: you connect your laptop, that’s in sleep mode, to the dock’s TB3 cable.
You have a keyboard, monitor and power supply to the dock, as you would normally do to work with the lid closed.
You press a key or move the mouse to wake it. Then the dock led lights up, the monitor seems to react, but nothing happens.
You open the lid to see if there’s any activity. The only sign of activity is the touch bar that asks to touch to unlock.
But by that time the system in hung.
Almost for sure because the lid was closed, there was a monitor connected, and it tried to wake.
In any case, it’s something that’s related to an OS issue rather than to a kext you may have running. There are many reports of this from many users having different configurations, but always waking when the lid closed, with a power supply, monitor and keybd connected.
Quite simple to reproduce is some models.
I’ve entered a couple of entries in apple discussions regarding his fault, and I guess you all should register the issue there as well, as it’s the most ‘official’ way to record the support issues.
Just chiming in to say that my 2020 13″ MacBook Pro (4 TB3) (10.15.5) is having this issue and I also have a CalDigit TS3+ dock. I don’t have it in clamshell, but instead it sits open next to my 27″ display attached via Display Port to the CalDigit dock.
I tried reset nvram, uncheck prevent computer from sleeping, and uncheck enable power nap. I’ll set it to never let the display sleep to see if that helps.
I get the kernel panic message:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff800da15f27): “AppleIntelFramebuffer::setPowerState(0xffffff8354efa000 : 0xffffff7f90fabd76, 1 -> 0) timed out after 45507 ms”@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.121.2/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5296
I notice that the entire laptop gets powered off and the CalDigit LED is also off after the kernel panic. I have never seen it actually do this.
Same scenario with you, including the fresh user profile and safe mode. But I use a USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter and a HDMI cable to connect my 27″ monitor. The crash won’t happen if I use a 24″ monitor. And I found if I scale the resolution of the 27” monitor down to 1080p, it would wake up well. But indeed that’s not what we want.
Thank-you for this… I bought a MacBook pro 16 YESTERDAY… and anytime I close it or it falls asleep it crashes… Worst Apple Experience ever (And I started with an Apple II+!!!
I bought my first mac book pro ever! Mac book pro 16 32 gb RAM, 1TB SSD for $3k!!
Would have needed it for work as a photographer.
And it crashes all the time (Kernal Panic issues). Battery life is between 30 mins and 3h. Terrible!
Overheats terribly. Unusable laptop.
Terrible. Apple seems to be such a bad pc manufacturer.
Hi, I bought my first ever Macbook Pro 16 (16 GB RAM, 1TB SSD) in February (I was a Windows-only user before, besides my iPad) and up until THIS specific issue, I´ve loved everything about it, no other problems whatsoever.
I use it mainly for Graphic Design and Video Editing, so I usually run several apps at the same time: at least Google Backup and Sync (always running), Chrome, Firefox, Skype, Whastapp, an Excel/Word/PDF file AND even Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop to say a few, … or instead of all of this I would run Adobe Premiere, Illustrator and some other apps, it runs smoothly.
… unfortunately you bought yours right at the time when there is this update problem
… although I have had no problems with the battery life or overheating like you mentioned :/
Hey Jeff you’re not alone!!! I just got my 16 MBP yesterday and it’s happened twice. God willing the new update will correct the issue. Catalina is the WORST OS in my opinion.
This is the same for me – 5 MacBooks in a row and now I feel like I have bought the most expensive failure going – I paid for all the upgrade options and when I call apple to try and get it fixed they act like they have never seen it before! spent 3 hours on the phone now and losing the will to deal with them now they have no interest in fixing it and its only 1 week old! bought April 2020 When I walk away from the mac and come back and its crashed!
Same. I am on my second now. Returned first for this issue. Got a new one, SAME PROBLEM. I am livid with Apple on a whole new level. They don’t help when you contact support- support seems to be completely unaware of the issue. And why are they selling defective computers????
I am not a hundred percent convinced this is a question of the computers themselves being defective.
Which isn’t saying much, I know. But Catalina has been a clusterfuck since launch, and there is a very fine line between “this computer is defective” and “the software they’re asking us to put on these super expensive laptops is a steaming dumpster fire”.
I say this as a software testing professional, too. ;P I really have to wonder how these issues are getting past their QA. I hope they still HAVE QA.
(Also, I don’t have the option of jumping off of MacOS; the computer I’m having this repro on is a work-assigned computer, and we’re a team building an iPad app, so I HAVE to work in MacOS.)
Bravo Angela! I wonder what testing they do on any of their platforms as quality has gone down hill quite a bit over the last few years.
I did my time in soft/hard/firmware testing and have seen similar and my hope is that it’s being worked on between Intel and Apple. The problem is usually neither side thinks it’s their problem and just getting that figured out takes too long because of egos.
And also, Big Sur drops TODAY, so at this point I’m severely doubtful that this will get fixed in Catalina at all.
And it’ll be anybody’s guess if it gets fixed in Big Sur.
Since this thread originally started I’ve seen enough references to suspect that this may be a combination of problems, some software, some hardware; I’ve heard from enough sources that the current crop of modern MacBooks has thermal issues. In which case their answer to this problem might just be “this architecture is a dead end” and making people upgrade their Macs to the new ones with their M1 chip.
Which, mind you, is also not really an acceptable answer. New computers are frigging expensive AND I’m not going to go to my employer and go “hey so can you get me another Mac computer that doesn’t suck?” At least not until such time as it’s reasonably obvious that Big Sur + new chip is worth the time and money to do that.
Had this KP on an M1 twice:
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffe00298e5ca8): watchdog timeout: no checkins from watchdogd in 304 seconds (60 totalcheckins since monitoring last enabled), shutdown in progress
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x6
OS release type: User
OS version: 20B29
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101
Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 35Axxxxxxxxx
Kernel UUID: D8523129-E878-xxxxxxxxxx
iBoot version: iBoot-6723.50.2
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 13
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001ed20000
KernelCache base: 0xfffffe0025d24000
Kernel slide: 0x000000001f98c000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffe0026990000
Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe0026a58000
mach_absolute_time: 0x16738aac7db
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x5fc64f48 0x000eabeb
Sleep : 0x5fc947ef 0x00000529
Wake : 0x5fc9489e 0x0004539c
Calendar: 0x5fc94c1d 0x000bcc79
i updated and did most of your work arounds listed above. have not had this happen since. thank you!!
There is also a Mojave panic *on* sleep affecting Mini 8,1 and probably the same Powerbook which appears to be caused by the firmware updates.