The AD “Update Keychain Bug” was fixed in 10.15.0, only to be Broken again in 10.15.1.
UPDATE: 03/26/20 – The bug is fixed after installing the Catalina 10.15.4 Combo Update!
UPDATE: 02/03/20 – This bug is still not fixed in 10.15.3! Please contact Apple about this if you haven’t already.
When the issue was first reported to me, I really didn’t believe the bug could be back right after it was fixed. You have to understand my frustration here, I first reported this bug back in 10.14.4!!!
I was disappointed that Apple didn’t fix this bug before the final release of Mojave. Near the end of Mojave, Apple did confirm the issue was fixed in a Beta Build of 10.15.
For Mojave users the fix for the issue would be
Upgrade to macOS Catalina
The bug is back.
During the 10.15 Beta period, I confirmed the bug was fixed in and figured that would be the end of it.
Yesterday, I confirmed the bug is back in 10.15.1.
The Bug is Exactly the same as the 10.14.4 bug.
The 10.15.1 Update Keychain Password bug is the same exact problem as the 10.14.4 issue.
If you change your Active Directory Password off the Mac, you will see the Update Keychain Password Dialog. If you click the 2nd button to UPDATE your login keychain password, the dialog box disappears and a new keychain is created for you. The old Login Keychain is still there but is renamed!
This is what you SHOULD see happen. Once you click the Update Keychain Password button a password box shows up. From here you need to type in your OLD keychain password. Once you do this, your Login Keychain Password is synced up and you are good to go.
The good news is, you can remove the “New” keychain and rename your previous login keychain so you can access it again. You can follow the same instructions listed in my 10.14.4 article.
10.15.1 Update Keychain Issue Workaround
Please report this issue to Apple.
I will submit an Enterprise Support ticket tomorrow morning. If you use Mobile Accounts, I would ask that you do the same to build an impact statement. Please reach out to your SE or if you are a regular user support.apple.com/
I’d like to give special thanks to Mr. Macintosh reader Cesar who first reported this issue.
Your documenting this is very much appreciated as it has long impacted my organization and I was starting to question my sanity. This is something that should JUST WORK on macOS both in the latest OS and in Mojave which is still under support. With everyone working remotely during the CoVID-19 quarantine, resolving users experiencing this issue remotely is a tedious process. It shouldn’t be necessary.
Performed this for one of our users, seems to fix it as long as they don’t shutdown or restart the machine, but signing in and out are not a problem. Not sure if this is consistent with other people’s experiences but just thought I’d add to the known issue in case others have similar results.
Apple Enterprise Support has informed me that they are aware, and the fix is planned for rollout with 10.15.4
This is great news Brian!
looks like this is still an issue on 10.15.3…
That’s bad news, but thank you for confirming that the issue is still there in 10.15.3.
I still have my Apple Enterprise Support ticket open on this and hope to see it fixed by 10.15.4.