UPDATE: 08/28/19
Apple has released a 2nd 10.14.6 Supplemental update to address additional wake from sleep kernel panic issues. Click on the link below for more information.
MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update was released today.
On the heels of the 2019-004 Security update rereleases, today Apple released one new update (Supplemental Update) and rereleased 10.14.6 updates.
- 1. 10.14.6 Supplemental Update – New
- 2. 10.14.6 Full Installer.app – Rereleased & Fixed
- 3. 10.14.6 Combo Update – Rereleased & Fixed
- 4. 10.14.6 Delta Update – Rereleased & Fixed
I say Rereleased & Fixed because the OS version is still 10.14.6, but the Build Version changed and now has the Supplemental update fixes built-in.
“Fixes an issue that may prevent certain Macs from waking from sleep properly.”
When the 2019-004 Security Update wake from sleep Kernel Panics started to happen, most of the reports were from 10.13 High Sierra. I did see a few from 10.12 Sierra and a few from 10.14 Mojave. The issue was coming mostly from users reports on Apple’s Discussion Forum, Reddit, MacRumors & Emails / Comments to me.
Is this issue the same as the 2019-004 Sleep/Wake issue?
I’m not sure if Mojave had the same issue, but it sure looks like it. I tried many times to reproduce this issue but couldn’t on multiple Mac models. Most likely, this means that a very particular software setup caused the problem.
New and Previous Build Versions of 10.14.6
- July 22nd version of 10.14.6 = (18G84)
- August 1st version of 10.14.6 = (18G87)
Download Links for the new 10.14.6 Updates
- 10.14.6 Delta Update – Still old July 22nd version do not download from apple.com/downloads until the page is updated!!!
- 10.14.6 Combo Update – Still old July 22nd version do not download from apple.com/downloads until the page is updated!!!
- 10.14.6 Supplemental Update – https://support.apple.com/kb/DL2015
Do I need to reinstall the new 10.14.6 update? & Which update do I need if I’m on a previous version of 10.14?
1. Do I need to reinstall the new 10.14.6 update? – The answer is it depends!
- 10.14.6 = New Supplemental Update
- 10.14.5 = New Delta Update
- 10.14.0 – 10.14.4 = New Combo Update
2. Which update do I need if I’m on a previous version? – The above chart now answers this one ^
If I deployed/cached the old 10.14.6 Installer.app for upgrades, do I need to redeploy?
Do I have to replace my deployable 10.14.6 Installer.app? – YES!!!
If you deployed the old version of the 10.14.6 (18G84) Installer, you should update it to the new (18G87). If you don’t your users may be stuck with a sleep-wake issue and have to install the Supplemental Update to fix it!
What if I cached the old 10.14.6 Update to all my systems?
A great question from MacAdmins.slack.com user pcrandom.
What will happen if I already cached the old version of 10.14.6 to my users?
My guess was once the Mac reached out to software update it would find the new version of 10.14.6 and download it. Pcrandom ran this test and found that this is, in fact, true with one catch. The old version was still in /Library/Updates.
“I am seeing some Macs that have both copies when running du -hd1 /Library/Updates:
2.8G /Library/Updates/041-88928
2.8G /Library/Updates/041-94407
202M /Library/Updates/041-86543
5.9G /Library/Updates
I wanted to test installing the new update to see if the old one was removed, but we did not get a chance to test.
Keep in mind that in 10.14 /Library/Updates
is SIP protected, so you will not be able to delete the old update if it remains!
Softwareupdate knows all.
If you are using softwareupdate to deploy updates to your Macs, you will be fine. It will let you know which update you need to install. If you want to check just run a quick softwareupdate -l and you will see what’s available for your particular situation.
I also have a MacBook Pro 15 2016, still with the sleep issue even though I have applied all recommended updates up to version 18G95.
It seems MacBooks Pro 15 from 2016 and 2017 (T1 chip update maybe?) are still affected by the sleep issue caused by the 2019-004 updated.
Hoping too Apple fixes this soon.
This is a tough one for sure. For some users the issue is gone, yet for others they are still having the problem. The only thing I could suggest is backing up and reinstalling. Maybe a piece of software is contributing to the crashing issue.
Yeah, i did it too. Now my macbook in new version 10.14.6 (18G95). But it didn’t fix the error. It’s been a few weeks with apple support trying to figure out what’s going on. I’ve sent three times a collection of data from my notebook to them. Today they called me again. I resubmit another collection data again. I hope they will fix it soon.
This did not fix my macbook problem. MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) 10.14.6 (18G87).
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f863b4ae5): “Failed to complete supporting devices sleep/wake\n”
Try installing the latest 10.14.6 Supplemental Update to see if that fixes your issue.