Apple today released a MacBook Pro Supplemental Update for 2018-19 T2 15″ MacBook Pros.
Update 05/24/19 9:00AM: I have updated this article to include BuildVersion info and Apple Download Links. I will continue to add more information when I find it.
The MacBook Pro Supplemental Update is specifically targeted at 15″ 2018 & 2019 T2 MacBook Pros with 10.14.5. The update does NOT show up as available for 10.14.4 and lower OS versions. The update weighs in at 946.8mb.
UPDATE: After the update is installed the BuildVersion number will be (18F203). BridgeOS will also be updated and listed as 16.16.5200.0.0,0.

This update is only available for boardID’s Mac-937A206F2EE63C01 MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018) & Mac-1E7E29AD0135F9BC MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018) with a Vega ATI Graphics card. Looks like the 2019 models share the same boardID’s.
MacBook Pro Supplemental Update Download link and information
Apple also released a new 10.14.5 macOS Installer.app, the BuildVersion is (18F203).
UPDATE: The (18F203) Install macOS Mojave .app installer is so far seems to be for 2018 15″ T2’s. I have gone through the boardID’s of 10.14.4 install.app and 10.14.5 18F203 and found no new board id’s that would identify the new 2019 MacBook Pros.
10.14.5 (18F203)
This update weighs in at 6.51gb and has a Product ID number of 041-64745. You will be only able to download this installer if you are using a 2018 or 2019 15″ T2 MacBook Pro.
I ran some more tests trying to download the Install macOS Mojave.app (18F203). It seems you have to be on a 2018 15″ MacBook Pro to get the download. To get it from the App store you have to be on 10.14.5 and on a 2018-19 15″ T2. If you are on any anything else and you are get the (18F132) BuildVersion. For installinstallmacos.py you have to be on a 2018 15″ T2 but can be on an OS lower than 10.14.5. I tested this with a 2018 15″ T2 on 10.14.4 and was able to use installinstallmacos.py to down download the .app (18F203) installer. But the build failed on a 10.13.6 2018 15″ T2. Also the boardID list for (18F203) is exactly the same as (18F132), so it doesn’t seem to be a 2019 MacBook Pro Fork.

Is 10.14.5 (18F203) a hybrid fork?
Is the 10.14.5 (18F203) installer.app a hybrid fork or was it an error on the installer compatibility list ? Meaning I can only download this installer if I am on a 2018-19 15″ T2, but once downloaded I can install this version of the installer on any 10.14 compatible Mac.
MacOS System Status & Version Info
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